Super Healer

Chapter 1180

Crape myrtle, the first young generation of this generation of Xuanyuan family.

Ten years ago, she was only a teenage girl, and she was already a martial artist in tiannu's six levels. Ten years later, she must have gone to a terrible height. Leng Shatian knelt outside the Kirin City for a year in order to ask the Xuanyuan family to marry him Xuanyuan crape myrtle.

In this regard, the most responsible person of the Xuanyuan family kept silent, and the emperor Xuanyuan also said that as long as Xuanyuan Lagerstroemia was willing, he could marry her.

Therefore, Leng Po Tian came here a year ago and knelt outside the Qilin city to move the crape myrtle and marry him!

Wuxi has known about this for a long time, but Leng Rushuang is not clear about it. So when she saw her brother kneeling in Qilin City, she was shocked as well as shocked.

In the inner palace of Qilin City, Chu Feng and others are brought here by the Xuanyuan mirror. Compared with the magnificent appearance outside, the interior of Qilin city is a little more desolate. Except for some guards and people who come and go to take care of Qilin City, it is difficult to see the rest of the people.

Xuanyuanjing invited everyone to sit down first, and then he said: "this is just a symbolic place. Most of the Xuanyuan family seldom come back here. Most of the time they are wandering in the testing places and other places to practice martial arts. Only when the ancestors teach each year will they gather together."

"So you don't need to worry about troubles and harassment when you live here. The rest will be discussed tomorrow. Let's have a rest first."

"Three elders!" Xuanyuan mirror finish to want to leave, cold as frost stood up to call a way after asked: "Xuanyuan crape myrtle?"

Although Leng Rushuang is one of the inheritors of Qisha Shengjun, her thinking and memory are still dominated by Leng Rushuang. At the moment, when she sees her brother kneeling outside, she still looks like she doesn't marry him. As a younger sister, Leng Rushuang always wants to think about her brother.

Xuanyuan mirror stopped, which can not know cold frost's mind, light back: "crape myrtle has rarely come to Qilin City, even if it is to come in and out quietly, she does not want to see cold broken day."

"So you don't expect anything, it's not realistic at all. Lagerstroemia indica is one of the pride of our Xuanyuan family, cold broken day, persistent!"

Leng Rushuang smiles bitterly. She hasn't seen Lagerstroemia indica, but the person who can be called the pride of the family by Xuanyuan mirror must not be ordinary people. Leng Shatian asks to marry her. It's face saving for the Xuanyuan family not to drive him out. It's a bit too much to think about others.

Just as a sister, Leng Rushuang can't do it. Looking at Leng Po Tian kneeling under the front door steps: "three elders, I know that my brother's request has embarrassed the Xuanyuan family, but my brother's kneeling is not the way. Why don't you ask Ziwei princess to come out and explain clearly, isn't it better?"

Xuanyuan mirror pondered with a smile: "miss Rushuang, on the day he knelt down, Lagerstroemia indica has already conveyed her meaning. In this life, it is impossible to marry him. So even if you invite Lagerstroemia out again, the result will still be the same. Otherwise, your brother will not be outside the Kirin City, kneeling for a year."

"As for wanting him to stand up, there is another possibility. Leng Po Tian says that unless crape myrtle betroths him, he will always be on his knees."

So far, Xuanyuan mirror doesn't want to go on. He leaves with his sleeve. Lagerstroemia indica is one of the pride of Xuanyuan family. He may not marry in this life. How can he find someone to marry because of the cold weather?

The reason why I can say these things with Leng Rushuang is just to let her, the younger sister, think of a way to take Leng Po Tian away.

Leng Rushuang frowned, but Leng Po Tian was so persistent that he sat down and thought about how to talk to Leng Po Tian. He didn't want to cling to him. Xuanyuan family didn't want to marry him.

Chufeng Chupi mouth, came to Xuanyuan family on such a wonderful thing, is also speechless: "Xuanyuan crape myrtle very cattle force?"

"Much better than you." Ye Zixuan gave Chu Feng a white look, with a little star in her eyes. It was obvious that she was worshipping: "when I first saw her, I was about the same age as me, and I was already a warrior in the six levels of tiannu. Now, ten years have passed, do you think she is powerful?"

As a girl, I'm still a little embarrassed when I say "cow force".

Chu Feng's mouth opened up at once. If ye Zixuan said it was true, it was more than just a bull's force. What did he think of and asked, "by the way, she is beautiful?"

"I don't know!" Ye Zixuan was embarrassed and stammered, "when I saw her, she covered her veil, so I didn't know what she looked like. But when you look at her eyes, you can see that it should be very beautiful. Maybe the cold sky accidentally saw her real face, so you moved your mind."

"Otherwise, Leng Po Tian is only the young master of Leng family. If he wants to marry the little princess of Xuanyuan family, he is just a toad who wants to eat swan meat!"

"Ye Zixuan!" Just finish saying cold as frost, cold drink, the latter in front of her face so low cold broken day, how can she feel cool?

Ye Zixuan, who didn't know his identity as cold as frost, stood up directly and hummed: "how do you want to fight? Come onChu Feng's mouth twitched, and he quickly pulled Ye Zixuan down. We didn't know the identity of Leng Rushuang, but he did know that ye Zixuan, a savage woman, was not cold enough to fight.

I don't want Ye Zixuan to mumble: "in my husband's face, please forgive you once. Next time, I'll beat you to death!" Obviously, I still feel very sorry for the incident of Jicheng villa!

Lengrushuang not only did not have anger, but sneered and said: "come, if you have the ability, you will beat me to death. If you have no ability, you will be stepmother."

At the same time, Chu Feng held Ye Zixuan in his arms and said to Leng Rushuang: "get out of here!"

Lengrushuang snorted, shook his head and went out. He gave Ye Zixuan a look of disdain.

Ye Zixuan had long wanted to teach Leng Rushuang a lesson, but now she still despised her. She hit Chu Feng with an angry blow: "asshole, didn't you see that she despised me? I didn't beat her to death. Am I still Ye Zixuan?"

Chu Feng had no choice but to smile bitterly and motioned for ye Zixuan to be quiet. Then he said, "of course, I believe you can shoot her, but can you bear the consequences of killing her? And now things are not bad, let her go to headache, cold broken day things on the line, we quickly get things done, go back to the Imperial City, the holy pilgrimage meeting is coming. "

Ye Zixuan was still angry and calmed down when she heard the speech. She did not know that Chu Feng said that on purpose. She asked, "when meeting with the holy court, there will be people from three families and four families. It is likely that Xuanyuan family will send someone out. Is it going on according to the list made by your master, or do you have other plans?"

Chu Feng also thought about this problem, and his eyes showed a light: "the black, red and yellow three lists were originally just a kind of sanction decision of the underground world. This time, only one list, tianbang, and talents above the Tianyang period can participate. I want to see how much information is hidden in the three sects and four schools, but look at their full strength."

Ye Zixuan blinked: "it's not possible. The meeting between the two Koreas is a kind of strength test between the hidden forces. Who can pull out the hidden power to you?"

"No Chu Feng confidently smiles, which he felt at first, but now he doesn't worry at all: "if it was in the past, they would not, but now the turbulent times are coming. Who doesn't want to stand at the top of the tianbang and enjoy the honor?"

"So this time, the three schools and four families will not hide too much. They will go all out to strive for glory and compare with each other. After all, in the past 20 years, everyone wants to prove that he is better than others, isn't he?"

Ye Zixuan was not a fool. Chu Feng just explained it and thought it out. He nodded slightly: "if so, it's really possible. Where do you choose to meet in the holy pilgrimage? It seems that you haven't decided yet."

Chu Feng nodded. The reason why he was not sure was that he didn't want anyone to take advantage of his spare time to do some tricks in advance. He was prepared to wait until the time was almost right. In that way, the possibility of the enemy's conspiracy would be greatly reduced. Of course, all these are being prepared now, and the location is not announced, just to prevent chaos.

Ye Zixuan white Chu Feng, see she did not say the meaning, did not continue to ask, just look at the spirit of color is not very good Murong ice: "Murong goblin, sometimes the spirit is good, sometimes it is listless, and this time to Xuanyuan family, do you want to do?"

Chu Feng scratched his head. Murong Bing is a matter of Nine Tailed Tianhu. At present, it is only limited to the person in charge of Xuanyuan family and Tiandao old man. Ye Zixuan and other people certainly can't know.

Her eyes turned and said, "in order to rush into Yan's house, Bingbing suffered from the damage of their array road boundary. Her breath was disordered and her meridians were damaged. She needed to find a demigod to dredge and repair it, so I came."

Ye Zixuan doesn't doubt that there is him. Otherwise, how to explain Murong Bing's appearance at that time is Yan Qiaoling's blinking eyes. Murong Bing murmurs in her heart. Yan's array only has the effect of bewilderment. How can it hurt people? There must be a secret between Chu Feng and this goblin woman!

"Rushuang, I love you!"

Just to help Murong Bing find an excuse, suddenly outside came a drink cry, chufeng and others smell words, mouth twitch, Xuanyuan family how to appear so wonderful things.

I saw a cold face coming in from the outside, his face still with uncontrollable anger, followed by a handsome and elegant youth, looking at the cold back full of love and passion.

Ye Zixuan murmured: "the seven emperor Shao of Xuanyuan family actually likes to be as cold as frost. What's good about this woman?"

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