Super Healer

Chapter 1191

Three companions?

Chu Feng thought that he could go in directly when he came here. He didn't want to have such a rule. He wondered why Xuanyuan crape myrtle didn't say it and looked at Yuanhu beside him. He didn't want her to go in. Now it seems that, instead of Yuanhu, she coughed and stroked her hair. She was serious: "I don't want to go because it's so dangerous in the enchanting forest! ”

"so I think you're going to enchant the forest with me?"

Yuan Hu blinked her eyes without impurities: "if you die of danger because of this, do you have the heart?"

Chu Feng didn't think about this problem at first. At the moment, Yuanhu thought about the limitation of the enchanting forest. He could not go in without the demigod realm. Although Chu Feng was only the cultivation of the five levels of heaven and yuan, his real combat power was absolutely in the demigod state. So even if he went in, Chu Feng did not worry at all.

But Yuanhu is only the cultivation of tiannu triple state. If there is an unknown danger in it, death will not be just a joke.

Releasing Yuan Hu's hand, Chu Feng did not answer Yuan Hu's words, but looked at the four elders: "elder, don't you want a companion?"

The four elders were expressionless: "I don't know, but it's the guardian's account. I don't know what will happen if you go in alone."

Chu Feng fell into silence. It doesn't matter if you just need a few people to go in. But if you encounter danger, it's a little bit more than the loss. Although you haven't known Yuanhu for a long time, it's not what Chu Feng thinks.

And even if Yuanhu to go, but also two people!

The four elders once again said, "if the little master of Chu doesn't go, then please go back."

Chu Feng raised his head and looked at the enchanting forest three kilometers away, which was no different from the ordinary primitive forest. Only when he looked at it for a long time, he would find that the blood in his body was boiling, as if there was something calling him.

Chu Feng clenched his fist: "I die better than she died, I go myself!"

Four elder's eyes slightly narrowed up, and then nodded gently, with silk comfort: "go!"

"Wait!" When Chu Feng was about to cross the boundary pillar, her hand was pulled by Yuanhu, and her pretty face was firm: "I'll be with you!"

Chu Feng stopped and shook his head slightly: "I can't let you and I face danger together."

Yuanhu burst out a touching smile. Her hand was moved by Chu Feng's hand. Her voice was firm: "it's enough to have you, and I believe I can protect myself. Of course, if you don't want me to go, then I won't go!"

"Miss Yuanhu!" Chu Feng has not yet answered, Lu Jin Chao on one side of her mouth instead opened his mouth and looked at the enchanting forest land with fear: "that place requires the demigod state to enter. There are less than ten people who have entered in the past thousand years. I don't deny Miss Yuanhu's strength, but I don't think you need to take risks."

From the words of the four elders, I have probably known who chufeng is. Things outside are not secrets to people in the secret place.

Shocked by Chu Feng, he didn't want Yuanhu to take risks with him: "and it's someone else's business, and we don't have much to do with it."

Yuan Hu didn't even look at Lu Jin Chao, holding Chu Feng's hand as firm as ever: "Young Master Lu, Chu Feng is only the cultivation realm of the five levels of heaven and yuan, and is not afraid to enter the enchanting forest. I Yuanhu's tiannu triple state is not afraid to go, so don't say some useless words."

"It just makes me look down on your courage and your courage!"

Yuan Hu's words made Lu Jinchao pale and red for a while, which was also a little embarrassing. In the bottom of his heart, he really did not dare to enchant the forest. After all, the legend in Xuanyuan secret land was deeply rooted for so many years. How hard it was to break it.

Chu Feng takes a curious look at Yuanhu. What did she think?

Sure enough, Yuan Hu said that Lu Jin Chao, who was trained in tiannu five fold realm, could not stand it, not to mention Yuanhu was still his favorite woman. Now he could not bear to say that he was a man. Biting his teeth, he seemed to have made a big decision: "I will go. A man in Tianyuan five fold state and an abandoned son of Chu family are not afraid. What am I afraid of?"

Lu Pei saw that Lu Jinchao had been inspired and took his hand anxiously: "brother, don't be impulsive!"

"Let's go!" Although Chu Feng didn't know why Yuanhu wanted to help him like this, she had already made up her mind and stopped persuading him. Instead, he took her hand and crossed the boundary pillar and walked towards the enchanting forest. At the moment when they crossed the boundary pillar, the voice of ghost crying and wolf roaring came out from the enchanting forest. It was just a moment!

However, Lu Jin Chao and others clearly caught him. Lu Jin Chao raised his feet and changed his look. But seeing Chu Feng holding Yuan Hu's hand to go inside, he took Lu Pei with a bite of his teeth and walked across the boundary pillar: "who said that only a demigod can enter, this time I will go in and out to show you."

Lu Pei's face was pale. She didn't want to go to enchant the forest, but Lu Jinchao pulled her into it. She had no way!Outside the boundary pillar, the four elders and three people of the Lu family stood there. The last three were stunned and their mouths were wide open. One of them spoke weakly: "four elders, Lu Jin Dynasty and Lu Pei, they?"

The four elders took a dim look at the back of the four people who had gone away: "this is destiny. We can't do anything about it. Otherwise, why do we just need four people to go in together? You and Chu Feng met together?"

After a strange and inexplicable sentence, the four elders disappeared in the same place, leaving only three Lu family members. Look at me and I look at you. They have no courage to cross the boundary pillar. At the moment, they can't call Lu Jin Chao back. They can only turn around and leave, ready to send the news back.

At the moment when Chu Feng and his wife crossed the boundary stone, the ancient bell which had not been rung for many years in Xuanyuan ancient city played three times in Qilin City, reverberating in the whole Xuanyuan ancient city.

"The enchanting bell rings!"

"Is there anyone who has reached the demigod state and stepped into the enchanting forest for the first time, but there is no thunder disaster?"

People who heard the bell stopped their pace, and everyone was talking about it. Once the ancient bell rang once. It was thousands of years ago that the ancient Xuanyuan ancestor stepped into the state of demigod and entered the enchanting forest for the first time. The enchanting ancient bell did not ring when someone entered, but wanted that person to enter for the first time.

If you go in later, the bell will not ring. At the moment, the ancient bell of enchantment rings, which means that someone has stepped into the enchanting forest.

It was just a brief shock. Some warriors in Xuanyuan ancient city, as well as those in swamp waters, barren mountains and ancient veins, as well as Xuanyuan family warriors in the frozen land, all went to the enchanting forest one after another, ready to go to the edge to see who entered the enchanting forest and whether a demigod was born again?

They did not know that Chu Feng, who had already crossed the boundary tablet, just continued to move towards the enchanting forest. Soon, he came to the edge of the forest. Looking at the old trees and the deep dense forest, Chu Feng's left eye flashed through, but strangely, it was blocked by an ethereal force.

Zhang Yuner once told us that the dark eyes can see through all the vanity of the world, but there is no way for Chu Feng to reach a certain level. At this time, it is impossible to penetrate the enchanting forest, that is, the strength level has not reached the possibility of being superior to this dense forest.

Yuan Hu blinked her eyes: "it's about to go in. Do you want to say something?"

Chu Feng took back his left eye and turned to face Yuanhu: "I haven't got in yet, everything is still in time. If you want to go out, I absolutely agree, but once you step into the enchanting forest, many things can't be controlled."

Yuan fox small mouth micro Qiao: "you don't want me to have an accident, are you concerned?"

Chu Feng opened his mouth and wanted to say it was just advice. But seeing Yuanhu's lovely and charming appearance, he nodded: "it's right."

"Yes, no, no, what is it?" Yuanhu shook off Chu Feng's hand, blinked her eyes and looked at the deep forest: "and all have come here, how can I give up halfway, you are not afraid of Tianyuan period, I will be afraid of anger period?"

"Don't worry, I will protect you."

Lu Jin Chao's brother and sister followed. At the moment, both of them regretted following in, but they had already arrived here. In addition, Lu Jin Chao was not worried about Yuan Hu's safety, so he had to pull Lu Pei together and comfort himself. Chu Feng, a mole ant, was fearless. Why should I be afraid? I'm a strong man in the fury!

We can't hear these inner words, and Chu Feng can't hear them either. Just looking at some strange Yuanhu, I can't see what she's thinking for a while.

Chufeng looked back at the brothers and sisters of the Xialu family: "enchanting forest, we don't know. I know you are in a gamble. Now there is still a chance. Do you go back or continue to follow in?"

"Who is angry?" Lu Pei himself was afraid, but after hearing Chu Feng say that, he remembered the incident last night and hummed: "don't look too high on yourself. You are not qualified to make us angry. Don't think we want face, and you are not worth our face. The reason why I came in is because I want to go in and have a look."

"So don't think you know us here. Get out of here!"

Chu Feng frowned slightly and took a deep look at the Lu sisters who were unable to save face. She was too lazy to persuade her. She took Yuanhu's hand and stepped into the enchanting forest: "follow me, as long as I don't die, nothing can hurt you!"

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