Super Healer

Chapter 12

Chu Feng took the city tourism newspaper of Jianghai city from the public security personnel, and came to Jianghai hotel in the shortest time. He didn't take a taxi all the way, but the speed was not necessarily slower than the taxi!

Looking at his own clothes, and then looking at the sign hanging at the door of the hotel, people with untidy clothes and dogs are not allowed to enter. Chu Feng secretly said that his clothes should not be untidy, but at most a little old?

"Don't you see it?"

Chu Feng wants to say that his clothes are very neat, but when he sees the people who pass by with a humble smile on the security guard, he suddenly feels that he is really far behind these people. Other people are well-dressed and seem to be successful people, either rich or expensive, but he himself is very frail!

"Go away, don't affect our hotel business here, or we will be impolite!"

The security guard laughingly watched a fat man with a 17-year-old girl walk in, envious to see Chu Feng still standing in place, face changed in a second, let Chu Feng heart secretly surprised, this and others said face change and turn over a book as fast?

However, Chu Feng didn't argue with the security guard. Instead, he stepped back and walked back. Seeing Chu Feng leaving, the security guard sneered and said, "Stinky beggars, don't look at this place, and dare to come here to beg for food."

What the security guard said was not deliberately covered up. Chu Feng heard it very clearly. Although he was a little uncomfortable, he also understood that this was the social reality. Before he came to Jianghai, he had heard people who had been to big cities say that city people have a natural contempt for rural people.

The security guard, Chu Feng can see that his family background is not good, otherwise he would not be a security guard here. He can't help thinking of an old saying, the dog of the prime minister's house!

After counting the time, Chu Feng doesn't know how the rest of the people are now. But if he doesn't go in, he will really fail to pass the examination. After taking a look at the surrounding environment, there seems to be no other exit except for the main gate. Chu Feng, who doesn't know there is still a back door, looks back.

It seems that there is only the old way. I hope no one can see it!

Chu Feng casually walked to the left, about 10 meters away from the hotel gate, suddenly burst away. The security guard standing at the door only felt a gust of wind blowing, subconsciously shrunk his neck and looked at the front. He wondered, where is the wind coming from today's weather?

At the moment, Chu Feng has entered the hotel. No one knows how he came in. Chu Feng also pretends to be very natural and walks towards the stairs on one side. Although many people look at him with strange eyes, he doesn't know.

Everyone saw Chu Feng walking towards the stairwell naturally. All they thought was the garbage collector in the hotel, so no one paid attention to it.

Chu Feng breathed out his breath. Fortunately, he had some ability in his hand. Otherwise, the door of the hotel could not get in today. When he was about to take the stairs to the eighth floor, a figure on his right side suddenly ran over quickly. Chu Feng wanted to dodge, but he was afraid that he would be too shocking. So he went on walking without seeing him.

The person who ran to just looked back at the back, did not notice that there was a person in front of him. He ran into Chu Feng directly and called out: "it's so painful!"

Chu Feng looks strange. It turns out that she is a woman. When she ran here just now, she only wore a hat and sunglasses, so she didn't go to see it specially. At this time, she heard a woman's voice. Chu Feng quickly squatted down: "are you ok?"

"It's OK."

The sunglasses girl seemed to be in a hurry. When she got up quickly, she looked back. She seemed worried that someone would catch up with her. She avoided Chu Feng's hand and was about to walk to the stairwell. She looked a little worried!

Although it's a bit impossible to feel kidnapping in a place like Jianghai Hotel, Chu Feng believes that his left eye can see what happened in the past and in the future within five minutes. At the moment, it sees, which means that within five minutes, the girl will be kidnapped when she enters the stairs.

The girl with sunglasses looked back curiously. Her mouth and nose looked very delicate, which not only made Chu Feng stunned: "what's the matter?" When she finished speaking, the sunglasses girl also looked back at the door of the hotel, and her expression relaxed a little. In the dark way, this is a hotel. Should they not catch up?

"Take the elevator, then."

Chu Feng didn't know how to talk to the girl with sunglasses, because in that case, others would think that he was a liar. He hesitated and said, "because the stairwell is full of garbage now, I need to clean it up. It's not convenient for you to leave!"

"I don't mind." The sunglasses girl said a word and went directly into the stairwell. Chu Feng looked stunned. She said this for her own good. How could she not listen?

Look around the people did not pay attention to here, chufeng wanted to change the elevator to go up, but after thinking about it, he walked into the stairwell, I don't know, even if I don't know, now I know something is going to happen. Naturally, I can help you if you can!

"It doesn't look like a good thing. How clean the stairwell is!"Sunglasses girl has now walked to the third floor. With the help of emergency lights, she can see that the dark stairwell is very clean. Du duzui regards Chu Feng as someone who wants to chat up with him, and hums a ditty to go up directly.

From the third floor to the corner of the fourth floor, there was a clang from below. The girl in sunglasses looked startled and looked back. She saw three men in black coming in. Her scalp became numb and ran towards the top. But the door on the fourth floor also opened suddenly, and four similar black men came out.

Back and forth!

At the moment, the girl with sunglasses is really a little nervous, but she is more regretful. Did the person just know that someone was hiding here waiting for me, so it was not convenient to tell me that there was garbage. I was really unlucky. Why did I not listen to him?

"Miss Jin, Huang Shao invites you to have dinner and tea. Please come with us." At this time, a man in black stepped forward and said coldly: "if Miss Kim wants to make unnecessary resistance, then we can only ask you to go by extraordinary means. Don't blame Miss Jin at that time."

"I said there was no time. What did he want?"

The sunglasses girl was really angry. She came to Jianghai two days ago, but just when she arrived, she attended a reception and got to know a man. The man wanted to invite her to dinner. At that time, she refused to say that she was not free, and the man did not say anything. She only said that if there was time, everyone could have a meal.

At that time, she didn't pay attention to it, but she knew it was not so simple when she received the phone call from the man yesterday. Sure enough, after she refused again, she met several men in black to invite her when she went out this morning. She realized that she was wrong and ran quickly, because she knew that her whereabouts might be under the control of others.

I thought that when I went back to the hotel, the man would be a little more restrained. I didn't want to chase her door and kidnap her. She was angry and regretted that she didn't take her bodyguard out.

"No time? It seems that Miss King wants us to invite you in person! "

At first, the black man who spoke at first gave a cold smile, and the three men in black below walked towards the top. A cloth appeared in one of the hands. The girl in sunglasses seemed to know what it was. She looked nervous: "tell you, if you dare to do anything to me, you will regret it."

But these black men obviously often do such things, ignoring the threat of sunglasses girl, indifferently toward her.

Chu Feng stood at a corner on the third floor and saw that there was nothing around him. There was a lot of things in the dark. Chu Feng touched his pocket and had only one coin. Suddenly, he took out and threw it out. The emergency light between the third and fourth floors was broken. Chu Feng burst out at the moment when these people's eyes could not adapt to the complete darkness.

The nervous Sunglasses girl could only hear the crackling sound and the angry roar coming from the dark. It only took more than ten seconds for her to recover her calm. Then the door on the fourth floor suddenly opened with a little more light. Looking at it, she saw only a familiar figure walking out.

"Is that the man just now?" Looking at the figure, the girl in dark glasses whispered a word just like the one who reminded her just now. However, when she saw seven men who had fainted in the stairwell, she was shocked and wanted to call the police, but what she thought of was still ignored.

Quickly left here, but thinking about the beginning of the person in the end is who, why to remind themselves and rescue themselves, is it a legendary hero?

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