Super Healer

Chapter 1222

In the villa hall, two western women of similar beautiful and similar ages stood there.

Seeing Chu Feng sitting down from above, isavia will go up to the front as soon as she likes. She has given up the throne for Chu Feng. She will care about the eyes of others. She loves it completely.

Just two steps out, isavia stopped and looked at the blue TYA, who was coming down behind the Chu wind, and she was beautiful, and the real attraction was lantia's bulging stomach.

Chris sat aside and looked back at the meaningful smile. She liked to see this kind of picture of Mars hitting the earth, especially for isavia. She wanted her to eat flat. Although the reason for Johnson's death was unknown, would Johnson die if isavia could be stronger?

Chu Feng also found the changes of isavia's expression, and smiled bitterly and walked to look natural: "how come, don't you go to the garden of Guanghan?"

"This is queen isavia?" Lantia did not wait for the latter to answer the words on the way to come, generous to extend her hand: "my name is lantia, Chu Feng children's mother."

Isavia looks a little embarrassed. As the queen of Shuidong royal family, the honorable characters, even the marriage is a big event. Although she knows that she can not get everything with Chu Feng, at this time, lantia's self introduction makes isavia embarrassed.

In other words, she queen isavia, is the third party!

Chu Feng twitches at the mouth corner of the side, and does not expect that lantia will give him a palace fight directly. However, it is to tangle up. Chu Feng, as if not heard, will face things after all, especially isavia, and have the chance to regret.

I don't want to think that isavia just started to be embarrassed, and she regained her dignity and ease. She reached out to hold lantia's hand. "Hello, I heard that the wife of George Kennedy family was lantia. It was like your name!"

Chu wind in the side of a beautiful, isavia is not worthy of the queen, only a short time to find a solution to the blue Tieya.

Indeed, when isavia asked such a sentence, lantia was stiff and embarrassed, and reluctantly smiled and released her hand. Compared with isavia's abandoning queen status, he was once a little wife of Kennedy family, who had a relationship with Chu Feng with her husband and Chu Feng. It is clear which is the most important.

Isavia did not have a winner smile, but naturally held Chu Feng's arm: "wind, although I came to the imperial city for a while, I haven't been to many places. I heard that you are going to travel far tomorrow. I hope you can accompany me around today. I don't know if you can?"

Lantia had been embarrassed by isavia's words, and walked over to Chris' side with a dull breath and sat down, giving chufeng a meaningful look, as if to say, you better not promise.

Unfortunately, Chu Feng did not see her eyes at all, looked at isavia's look forward to, and knew that she was under great pressure now, she needed to release her eyes, and thought about nodding: "I will go to the imperial food garden in the evening, and then you and I will go, and Li Ji will go."

"Yes!" isavia smiled softly

"Chu Feng, come out and I have something to say to you." Savachi throws a sentence behind isavia and then turns to go out.

Chu Feng asked isavia to sit first, then went out with her, and sat under a tree behind the villa. She passed through her long legs and smiled: "long legged horse, you won't see isavia following me. Suddenly, I feel very attractive, so you want to follow me too?"

"Can you still narcissism a little?" "She looks unnaturally, and goes to one side:" I want to kill you more than I like you! "

It seems that the words are a little bit open, and afraid that Chu wind hits the snake with the rod. Savachi deflects the front: "I asked you to come out to say to you, just before we came here, the international voice for isavia was very high, and they were all praised, and she felt that she sacrificed all the character for love very high."

"At the same time, various activities and demonstrations are also carried out in Shuidong, and 80% of the people hope that she will return."

Chu Feng was shocked, didn't expect such a thing, and then felt that there were still many enthusiastic people in the world. It was conceivable that the voice of the world was a huge pressure for Shuidong. The world said that isavia was right for love. Would Shuidong dare to say she was wrong?

The peak turns around, the result is developing towards the good side, Chu Feng slightly smiles: "that is good, at least she does not have to bear the curse, can also be the queen."

"It turned out to be good, but she didn't want to go back." "She knew she would not see you after she went back. Although the international voice is very high, if it was in the past, she would certainly be investigated by the royal family for this problem, and was once again dismissed by an excuse," she said with a wry smile

"Of course, if she wants to have a little iron blood, it won't happen, but do you think she can iron the whole?"Chu Feng fell into silence, and isavia was strong externally. This is a well-known thing. At the beginning, it was a manifestation of refusing to let him enter the country even though he was deterred by missiles. However, he had to be much more gentle at home. It can be seen from the fact that Prince Bogor had done so many things and isavia still thought about his old love.

Emotionally, Chu Feng didn't want isavia to go back to be the queen of today and tomorrow, but intellectually, Chu Feng didn't want her to give up the noble throne.

After thinking about it for a while, Chu Feng said faintly: "none of us can make a decision for her, because only her own decision will she not regret it. I know what you mean. I will find a chance to talk to her. If possible, I will persuade her to go back to be the queen."

Shawaqi looked at Chu Feng a little surprised: "I thought you would domineering her to stay with you forever."

Chu Feng has stood up, smell speech and smile: "although I don't mind raising her for a lifetime, but if I can, I hope she has her own life. People can't help themselves in the river and lake. I don't know that I may die one day. As the queen, at least she has a future. With me, I die, then there is no future."

Chu Feng's words made shawaqi look moved. Unconsciously, she stood up and was looking at Chu Feng's side face. She found that she knew more about Chu Feng. Although she was cruel and bloodless, she would always think about it for the people around her.

Can not help but step forward to embrace Chu Feng, head gently against his body: "do not move, I just want to quietly embrace you."

Chu Feng himself was surprised. After hearing the words, she tried to push aside savaki's mind. When the latter released her, she looked at the woman who was able to recover her skills. She blinked: "long legged horse, you won't be attracted to me. You should know that your identity is different from that of isavia. I can never be with you!"

"You're right, but I won't be with you. I'm going to do my business. It's my mission in my life." Shawaqi was not embarrassed because of chufeng's teasing, but was a kind of calm. Her beautiful eyes flashed at Chu Feng: "but if I have a chance, I hope you are my lover, the only one forever."

Chu Feng smiles bitterly. She turns to the front and swings her hand in the air. Savaqi understands the meaning of Chu Feng, smiles and sits down again. Now the villa is full of Chu Feng's women and close people. It's not appropriate for her to go in.

At the same time, a private apartment 15 kilometers away from the east ring villa area.

"It's just a pity that even if you save me, I can't see the light. In order to get rid of me and have nothing to do with them, the family will certainly deny everything about me, and I will have nothing in the future."

Obviously, this handsome man from the western regions is the eldest young master of the Kennedy family. This time he came to the Imperial City as a chip!

The woman lying on George's arm opened her eyes, and the lingering charm was not gone. She put her arms around George's waist and said softly, "honey, don't be so pessimistic. The Kennedy family dare not admit that it's because chufeng is still alive. After I kill Chu Feng, all the pressure will not exist. You are still the eldest son of the Kennedy family."

Blinking at George: "just, do you remember what you promised me at the beginning? But I will always remember the promise you made to me when your father took you to visit my grandfather."

"No, the first day I will marry you is my first promise."

"I believe you!" Maggie threw out a word, slowly attached to his body, and soon George felt a warm package. Ten minutes later, he roared and ran into Maggie again.

The woman under the impact did not see the passing banter in George's eyes!

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