Super Healer

Chapter 1253

It's 1:45 in the sun.

On the top of Qingding mountain, Sun King and others have been waiting here for several hours, but there is still no Chu wind.

Anle looked at the way up the mountain, frowned and said, "master, will Chu Feng not come?"

"He will certainly come." The Sun King sat there quietly, his eyes closed, like an old monk in meditation. His golden robe swayed with the wind, revealing his strong self-confidence: "because he is afraid, he is afraid that Maggie's things happened the other day, so he will come and come on time."

Angel's expression was stagnant. He was puzzled and surprised. He knew how many Fengmen people they had killed in the past days. However, he did not tell the sun king about this matter, but now the latter knows everything.

There was a chill in Anle's heart, and there was a bold guess that this was the tacit consent of Sun King, his master.

However, the idea was just beginning to sprout, and he was put out by Anle. He knew that he could not even have such an idea, because the sun king was his master, the king of tangzhou, and the God's residence of Tianchi.


At this time, majie'er led several people and knelt on one knee outside the pavilion and respectfully opened his mouth: "according to the news that came back, Chu Feng had left his residence before 12 o'clock, but he didn't come to Qingding mountain. He didn't know where to go. He knelt down in three steps and buckle in nine steps, which was obviously ignored by him."

Maggie'er's words made an'erle frown. He just knew that someone was going to post to Chu Feng, but he didn't know the specific reason. At the moment, he finally understood why he went to live people and came back to the dead.

There are also some who can't understand when the sun king so intimidated a person, kneeling three steps, nine steps a button to come here, Chu Feng's temper, it will certainly kill people.

Suddenly, an'erle's body was slightly shocked when he thought of something. The sun king knew that Cherson was not killed by Chu Feng, and the two killed yesterday were also killed by Chu Feng. All these do not occupy the truth. Looking at the two corpses covered with white cloth, Anle instantly understood everything.

This is what the sun king did on purpose to make Chu Feng angry and kill people, and then he could kill Chu Feng with justice, because the two countries did not kill the envoys. Other people who died said that it was impossible for Chu Feng to kill these messengers.

For the first time, Anle was more worried and afraid of this master who had been teaching for many years.

The Sun King waved to Maggie and asked them to get up. He raised his deep eyes and looked at the distant sky: "coming!"

Maggie'er and others were stunned. The people at the foot of the mountain didn't send news. Why did they come?

Following the Sun King's eyes to the distant sky, a black spot is slowly growing larger, and then a helicopter is clearly visible. After Margie slightly changed color, Maggie said angrily: "Shizu, Chu Feng ignored your authority. You asked him to kneel down three steps and one button nine steps to come to worship and die. He actually took a helicopter from the sky."

"This is to tell you that he is always on your head, and he despises you!"

"Maggie!" An'erle cheered. He knew that maggie'er hated Chu Feng, but this switch was that anyone would fight back with such behavior. Is it really a three-step kneeling and a nine step buckle?

Sun King's huge body moved slightly, twisted his neck and looked at the helicopter that could hear the roar: "it's OK, for those who are going to die, we should give tolerance."

Maggie was stunned, and then nodded slightly. She looked at the helicopter with deep hatred. She remembered that George's body was separated, but she completely forgot her killing of the members of the wind door, the cruelty of Yao's fat man's limbs, and all the things that George was responsible for.

The helicopter circled to the sky, slowly lowered to a height of 10 meters. The air flow generated by the rapid rotation of the propeller blew the trees and flowers down. The Sun King's disciples and grandchildren standing everywhere were hunting.

Suddenly, a figure leaped out of the helicopter. Under the sunlight, it fell like a God. Standing seven meters in front of the pavilion, he stood upright and upright, with a broad smile. All around him and even the sunshine were eclipsed, which seemed to be the focus of the world at this moment.

The helicopter in the air when the Chu wind falls, hovers upward, flies toward the distance, its mission is to send the Chu wind here.

Chu Feng, who landed on the ground, ignored the angry or murderous eyes cast by the people around him, and looked at the time with his mouth slightly cocked: "it's three minutes before two o'clock. Obviously, I'm not late. I'm just kneeling three steps and nine steps a button. Ben Shao doesn't kneel down to the ground, and even less kneels down to my enemies."

"Chu Feng!" Seeing Chu Feng appearing, she was so arrogant that she cried out angrily.

Chu Feng ignored the angry Maggie directly, and looked at the old man sitting in the pavilion. Although he had not seen the sun king, some people's spirit and spirit were their name plate: "the semi God state is complete in the early stage. It seems that you are the sun king, but unfortunately, you have no chance to enter the mid body."

The sun king, who had never been moved even when Chu Feng appeared, was stunned. His huge body slowly stood up with deep shock in his eyes.They did not know what the sun king was. At most, they only thought that he was a great master of the seven levels of tiannu and was infinitely close to the transcendental existence of demigod.

However, Chu Feng said that the sun king was in the early stage of the demigod realm, and it was still approaching the middle stage. All of them were shocked and puzzled.

"It is worthy of the name of the one who has been ruled."

The sun king did not answer these things, but simply threw out a sentence. One moved to the four meter position of Chu Feng, and the wrinkles slowly bloomed: "only you know my realm, but also dare to appear here, not afraid of death, or do you know that you will die?"

The Sun King's understatement makes Maggie's face show surprise and worship. The demigod state is the realm that only exists in the legend. Unexpectedly, the Sun King has gone to this realm. How can she not be surprised?

Chu Feng smile, eyes swept over the white cloth covered body, meaningful: "many people want me to die, but they all died in the end, just like you personally sent me to kill as an excuse for the two grandchildren, they were arrogant there last night and talk to Ben Shao, but in the end, they died humbly."

Sun King's eyes congealed, and then he laughed: "less wind, wonderful man!" Then his eyes burst out with a terrible color: "only you know all this, why do you dare to appear in front of me, the death of Cherson has nothing to do with you, I can't use it to attack you, but do you have any reason to explain the death of the messenger?"

He thought that his judgment was wrong, but now the Sun King himself admitted that Anle knew that it was pure self deception.

However, looking at the look of the people around him, an'erle crossed a faint bitter smile and knew that no one would care what kind of means Sun King used to kill people except him. Chu Feng was the judge of the least one, so he had to have an excuse to kill him. It was just the sun King's practice that Anle could not agree with.

Chu Feng had made a lot of judgments before he came. He just said it just for a trial. He didn't want the sun king to admit directly that he was trying to make an excuse to kill him. There was praise for the Sun King's cruelty. There was also an invisible killing opportunity: "it seems that you really want me to die, but it's not because of your disciples."

"Sun King, you will regret that you came to the pilgrimage."

The sun king did not care about the ridicule in Chu Feng's words, but also a little bit of provocation. His position was doomed to be wrong, and no one dared to say a word more, with a smile: "when you are dead, talk about it again!"

"Margie, don't you always want to kill Chu Feng? Now I've got all the excuses ready for you to do

"Thank you, Shizu." Maggie looked excited and couldn't understand at first, but now she also understood that Chu Feng's identity could not be killed at will. She needed an excuse, and now is the best time to kill chufeng.

"Ah Chu Feng sighed heavily, and there was a lot of cold killing opportunities in his happy smile: "Sun King, I have to admire your cruelty. In order to kill me, I can sacrifice the life of my disciples, but what you never know is that the death of nearly a thousand brothers of Fengmen is what I should do to destroy the holy land of the sun king."

"Your excuse is meaningless in front of nearly a thousand lives, because I am very angry with Chu Feng."

The sun king felt a bad premonition and raised his hand to stop Maggie's hands: "what do you mean?"

As soon as he asked, Anle's phone vibrated. He took it out to answer the question. His face changed greatly. He said in surprise: "master, fifteen minutes ago, the adjudication office sent out 20 Tianyang Seven Realms, five tiannu six realms. Under the leadership of a seven level great circle strong man, the holy land was pounded, and the blood flowed into a river."

"This time, master, you only left a younger martial brother from the five levels of tiannu. You can't stop it."

The Sun King's eyes condensed and burst into a terrible color. The top of the mountain was covered by the semi divine power. Pointing to the Chu wind, you can see the anger in the Sun King's heart: "Chu wind, you are despicable!"

"Go away!" Chu Feng ignored the sun's anger, and his left eye twinkled with a strange cold sharp: "I Chu Feng has already said to the world that whoever kills my brother, I will send someone a great slaughter. Regardless of status, even if you are Sun King, I want you to know that if you offend me, you will become the sunset."

"After today, the king of tangzhou, the king of the sun, is a white bone at the foot of Chu Feng. I firmly believe it!"

Seeing Chu Feng's contempt for the sun king, and hearing that the holy land had been bloody washed by the verdict, Maggie said angrily, "Chu Feng, I'll cut you to pieces!"

"No.78, 19th Avenue, Baifu!" Chu Feng smiles, ignoring the killing opportunities of the people around him and the oppression of the sun king. He says lightly: "there are 23 people living in total, and they will become 23 corpses in five minutes."

Angry Maggie Er body a shock, that is her home address, Leng Ran after angry way: "Chu wind, disaster is not as good as family!"

"Say a ball!" Although Chu Feng still had a smile, the whole person revealed the evil spirit: "because of a George who offended me and hurt me, you killed nearly a thousand of my brothers unreasonably. Aren't they innocent people? Should their families bear the pain of losing them? ""So don't tell me it's useless. Your family's death is just the beginning. I'm going to destroy your whole family's paternity and matrilineage. I will not let go of any of the three hundred and seventeen people."

Maggie's body was so shocked and angry that she held back and bent. She roared hysterically, "you butcher, I'll kill you, I'll tear you to pieces. You stop all this for me!" The power of Tianyang's four realms burst out, and majie'er blasted away towards the Chu wind. It was amazing!

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