Super Healer

Chapter 1260

"Chu Feng, I'm hungry!"

At nine o'clock in the evening, on the streets of Hancheng, Ziyi, who had not eaten anything since getting off the plane, hummed: "you want to soak me up, but you don't give me enough food. How can you be ignorant at all?"

Chu Feng walked in front of him, ready to see if there were any restaurants in Shengchao. Those Chu Feng who saw paocai and paofan had no appetite. He turned around and twitched fiercely: "when do I want to bubble you?"

"Pretend!" Ziyi raised her head and went to Chu Feng. She looked up and down with a look of disgust: "Bingqingyujie and her two sisters are here, and there is also a secular person in charge, Lin Huahua. But you want me to come out with you and say you don't want to bubble me. Don't explain, I understand you!"

"Behave better. I can think about it. If you don't give me food now, don't talk about it!"

Chu Feng really didn't have that kind of mind. The reason why she called Ziyi out was because Lin Huali was just a little stronger than ordinary people. She didn't want her to expose herself around her so that she could investigate other things.

It is also because they were always with them before. Although Bingqingyujie would not say anything, even if it was their duty, Chu Feng was not a man without conscience. Naturally, he wanted to give them some rest time, so he took Ziyi out tonight.

In addition to what happened to Ziyi, he let the people in the dark relax. After all, he had already pointed out that he was coming for the murder of Jin's mountain villa. Although he didn't say it was aimed at that force, the guilty person would be worried and might do something to mislead his vision.

Therefore, she took Ziyi out and bumped into her luck, hoping that she could get a little bit of harvest. She only came out for half an hour. Apart from Ziyi's nagging that she was hungry, everything was very calm.

See Ziyi now a look that he is guilty, Chu Feng feel wronged, shake his head words do not want to say, continue to move forward.

Seeing Chu Feng ignore her, Ziyi went up to her with a hum and said, "I really don't know what you women like about you. You have no sentiment, and your hands are cruel!" Thinking of Chu Feng's indifference to pit her, Ziyi would like to give him a slap now, but also see naked body by Chu Feng, Ziyi is even more angry.

"Ziyi!" Chu Feng stopped, his look changed very serious: "remember, I am the little Lord, you are a subordinate, I do not ask you to do anything earth shaking things for me, but you should at least be placed in the same position as Bingqingyujie, I want you to go east, you can't go west."

"Even if I want to play with you, you have to take the initiative to open your thighs, understand?"

At first, Chu Feng looked serious. Ziyi thought Chu Feng was going to say something important. She began to listen well. She heard that Ziyi's pretty face was covered with shame and anger: "the dog's mouth can't spit out Ivory!"

Chufeng squints her eyes. Ziyi's arrogant personality is lovely, but sometimes it really can't.

With her eyes turned, Chu Feng hugged Ziyi and directly kissed the red lip who wanted to open her mouth. When Ziyi's eyes were wide and she forgot to respond, her tongue slipped in cleverly and began a deep tongue kiss with Ziyi on the street where people were coming and going.

A minute later, Chu Feng pushed Ziyi aside and went on. He still said, "I'm not interested in you. I'm not interested in women who can start at will."

Ziyi bit her lips, surprisingly not angry, suddenly walked a few steps quickly, directly took Chu Feng's arm, and leaned up against him, bulging her mouth without saying a word.

Chu Feng's body shakes for a moment, and looks at Ziyi, who is like an air bag. What's the rhythm?

Out of a hundred meters away, Ziyi is holding him like a couple. He doesn't say a word. His bulging mouth can hang things on it. Chu Feng says, "beauty, what are you playing with?"

"Why are you kissing me Ziyi still did not let go of Chu Feng's meaning, hum a way.

Chu Feng exhaled a breath, how to answer this question?

Seeing that Chu Feng didn't answer, Ziyi said that she wanted Chu Feng to be speechless: "pay me back in person!"

Chu Feng was stunned and wanted to reach out his hand to see if Ziyi had a fever, but before her hands were lifted up, Ziyi hugged him and kissed him on his mouth. With similar height, Ziyi's feet could be reached without standing on tiptoe.

While Chu Feng was caught off guard by her, Ziyi's tongue stuck in, blinked suddenly, bit Chu Feng's lips, and then let go, holding his hand.

Eat painful Chu wind to pour a breath of cool air: "do you do?"

Ziyi shrugged her shoulders: "you kiss me, that is my first kiss, so you have to pay, so I kiss you back, the reason why I bite you is to let you understand, don't kiss me casually in the future, I will resist. In addition, I'm a beautiful girl, and you kiss in the street, you should be beautiful nose bubble out, instead of asking me why."

Ziyi's words made Chu Feng feel tender inside and outside. He wanted to say something, and finally got rid of the meaning. At this time, he also came to a food street and saw a restaurant with a signboard written in the holy pilgrimage. Chu Feng and Ziyi walked in.Now the meal time has passed, and there are not many people in the shop. They find a place to sit down and take the menu from the waiter and prepare to order.

Opposite son Yi frowns: "Chu wind, bubble I want to understand the rules, do not know to order dishes to me first?" He grabbed the menu and shook his head unsatisfied: "even I have to teach you this. It seems that your women are threatened by you with power. There is no sentiment at all."

The second time Ziyi said that she had no sentiment, and she stressed that she was coming out tonight to soak her. Chu Feng's first ten thousand grass mud horses were running wildly there. It was said that Chu Feng didn't matter, but he didn't like Ziyi himself. How could he say that he wanted to soak her?

The waiter next to her is a girl. Seeing Chu Feng's speechless appearance, she refrains from laughing. Chu Feng points to Ziyi and finally sighs. Ziyi is too confident and says nothing.

Ziyi ordered three dishes and a soup, and handed it to Chu Feng: "now you can order. Chasing girls needs a gentleman. Like you, I promise you that you have ghosts. You want to go to base. Dream!"

Chu Feng is completely speechless. He waves his hand and asks the waiter to place an order. Otherwise, Ziyi doesn't have to eat this meal. She is full of gas. She doesn't know how Ziyi is so confident. What's more, she says it's reasonable. Chu Feng feels that she really wants to soak her up.

Because there were not many guests, soon three dishes and one soup were put on the table. Chu Feng picked up his chopsticks, picked up a mouthful of vegetables and threw them into his mouth. When he was ready to take up the meal, he saw Ziyi in front of him, shaking his head and looking at him.

Chu Feng exhaled a breath and put down his job: "what's wrong with you?"

"I'm disappointed in you!" Ziyi slightly shook her head and sighed. She said in a very dissatisfied manner: "if you don't let me start eating first, if you don't give me the rice or even the chopsticks, you will eat it yourself. I will tell you that I won't soak it for you. You can give up this idea."

"I also tell you that if you don't cherish the opportunity, you and I will not be saved next time."

Before he had finished speaking, chufeng buried himself in eating there, completely ignoring Ziyi, who could not be taught to shake his head and picked up the rice bowl in front of him. Chu Feng felt that the world was a little cleaner.

In less than half an hour after a meal, the two people had already eaten and walked out. There were a lot fewer people on the street than when they started to go in. No matter where they were, as the night went on, there would be fewer people, even in an international city like Hancheng!

Walking on the street back to the hotel, Ziyi didn't say any more words. It seemed that she was really disappointed with Chu Feng and had no hope.

But Chu Feng stopped at this time. Ziyi didn't notice to bump into Chu Feng's back. She murmured: "I'm not ready to accept you. What else do you want to do? Go back and have a rest."

Chu Feng did not reply, just looked at different streets, left eye 360 degrees around, five minutes of the picture clearly presented in his mind, mouth slowly emerged a smile.

Suddenly she turned around and took Ziyi's hand. When she blushed inexplicably, she said softly, "if you encounter danger, you will protect me, won't you?"

Ziyi also thought that Chu Feng wanted to confess to her. She didn't want to say such a thing. She threw off Chu Feng's hand and looked at him contemptuously: "are you a man? Even if your strength is not as strong as I am, at least you should stand in front of me and pretend to be. You are good now. If there is no danger, I will protect you and tell you that I despise you

"You are a man without sentiment and responsibility. I am very disappointed with you."

All of a sudden, two cars came to Chu Feng's front and back. Chufeng's cunning smile flashed past the door of the shop next to the street. Ziyi was puzzled and smelled a dangerous smell. Seeing that there were four cars in front of her, she scolded Chu Feng's son of a bitch. She jumped up and crossed the two cars.

The four cars stopped at the same time. Twenty men holding weapons were about to rush to Chu Feng. Chu Feng shook his head and pointed to Ziyi, who was hit by the car: "I don't run. If you beat her, I'll follow you. She's yours tonight."

The twenty attackers stopped and looked back at Ziyi, who was proud. They looked at each other's eyes for a moment. They felt that Chu Feng could not run away. They separated four people to guard the two ends of the street, and sixteen people rushed to Ziyi. Ziyi, who was just a talented person, jumped up to avoid being hit by a car, which was obviously skillful.

Ziyi didn't want Chu Feng to say such a thing, pointing at Chu Feng angrily: "you bastard!" But also met the attackers, but control the strength, after all, this is downtown, killing is not good.

When passers-by saw the sudden appearance of such a situation, they were scared away from here, and even yelled to kill people. Just like many other kingdoms, no one was calm when they met things.

Chufeng walked to the back shop without any hurry. The staff inside were scared and didn't know where to hide. He opened the refrigerator at the door with a smile and put an ice cream in his mouth. He still didn't forget to shout: "Ziyi, come on, kill them. I'll give you a chance to go to my bed tonight!"Ziyi hit a man, smell speech anger way: "asshole, you beg me, I also don't go up!"

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