Super Healer

Chapter 1265

The central lecture hall can accommodate 500 people to listen at the same time.

But today, the central lecture hall, which can only seat 500 people, has welcomed nearly a thousand people here. All around the open-air lecture hall, except the main platform above, has already sat down and is full of people.

Because today, park Qitai, the youngest member of the Ministry of culture of Hanhuang south, will give a speech here to publicize the cultural thoughts of Han Huang Nan.

But for the tourists here, not many people are interested. As the more senior people know, there are nearly a thousand people here, at least half of them are arranged by their own people, so as to ring out warm applause in the cold. It is a common thing whether in the cold South or in other kingdoms.

The so-called Tuo, that's it!

Ruan Yaoyao was also aware of this situation. When she was embarrassed and regretful, Chu Feng leaned into her ear and whispered, "I can see if you dare to run to a busy place in the future. If you are not careful, it will explode in minutes."

The shameful words made Ruan Yaoyao's face seem to be coated with a layer of paint, but suddenly turned around. In the eyes of all the people envied, envied and hated, she held Chu Feng fiercely and held her mouth tightly. With a voice that only two people could hear, she said, "I would like to, but are you willing to do it?"

In order to avoid the people around her, Ruan Yaoyao almost stuck her whole body to him. Only those who were in it could really feel the feeling. She cried out in the dark and looked at PU Qitai, who opened the curtain behind the platform and stepped out under the protection of two bodyguards.

Just a simple glance, Chu Feng on his body saw insidious cunning, hypocrisy and many other colors.

On the podium, park Chi Tai walked to the microphone with a smile and asked some crazy women to call her brother. Chu Feng gave a lot of disdain for this.

Park Chi Tai gently waved to those crazy and roaring girls, showing his handsome demeanor and clearing his throat: "my name is park Qitai, a member of the Ministry of culture. Today, I'm here to talk about the cultural exchange of hanhuangnan, so that we can have a better understanding of hanhuangnan and know our strong cultural heritage."

When the scene was quiet, park Qitai enjoyed the feeling of taking him as the center. Around his finger, he said, "here is the highest school in the south of Hanhuang, and is still on vacation. Naturally, people who come to visit can not see our future Wang Guodong Liang Qianqian students, but they can still feel the details of the University and the precipitation of years."

"Confucius sages are the forerunners of our cold and barren south, and the pioneers who have created a long cultural river for us. The place where the Confucius Institute is located is the place where Confucius sages once lived. Do you feel a breath of sages coming to your face?"

It seems that when it comes to classic places, park Chi Tai's voice has been raised a lot: "but this is just a small miniature of our famous Han Huang Nan. We also have many world-famous figures and inventions. For example, Laozi and so on are our pride, four great inventions that benefit the whole world, and they are also the products of our hanhuangnan."

With a high voice, he continued: "we have outstanding people and profound cultural heritage in the south of Hanhuang. There are many places worth seeing and learning. Here, I also welcome people from all over the world to feel our cultural heritage in the Confucius Institute, which is the place where 80% of the elite of Hanhuang South were born."

"Fart!" Park Chi Tai would like to continue to preach generously. Suddenly, a very discordant voice came out. A man with high myopia glasses said scornfully: "the world knows that Confucius, Laozi, Qu Yuan and even the four great inventions of Confucius and Laozi are all our sacred dynasties. The Dragon Boat Festival first appeared in the holy Dynasty. Do you want to preach it?"

"I don't know where the strength of the cold South comes from. It's a shame to steal other people's culture and pride to whitewash your ignorance."

The discordant voice made some people around him smile. Most of them came from all over the world. Naturally, they knew that these problems were the most common quarrel between Shengchao and hanhuangnan. At this moment, when he saw Park Qitai giving a speech, some of the people in Shengchao began to despise him directly. Naturally, they were in the mood of watching a play.

Park Chi Tai's face changed slightly, passing through the haze and killing, but he didn't show it clearly. Instead, he showed a faint smile: "the pure is from the turbid. Why should we steal our things from others? Why should we do such dirty things when our advanced culture is there? What's more, why are you standing here

"Then you don't need to come to the cold and barren south, and you don't want to appear here, do you?"

When the man of the holy pilgrim couldn't find a word for a while, park Qitai showed a strong smile: "and you are here now, which means that you agree with our cold and desolate South and advocate our culture. Otherwise, why don't you go to the Confucius Institute, the hometown of Confucius, which is pirated in the holy Dynasty, but come here?"

After a series of questions, I have to say that park Chi Tai is very good at speaking, and immediately let the pilgrim man have nothing to say, because his presence here means everything. Unexpectedly, you think that Han Huang Nan is stealing other people's culture. Then, as a pilgrim, you should not come?

"I came here to wake us up!"At this time, a faint voice rings, Chu Feng hugs Ruan Yaoyao and comes out with a warm smile: "because we haven't seen it, how can we know how many things hanhuangnan has shamelessly stolen from us? Only by seeing it with our own eyes can more people know that piracy is piracy. Even if the imitations are similar, they are piracy."

Park Qitai narrowed his eyes and saw Ruan Yaoyao. He was naturally acquainted. But Chu Feng had a trace of familiarity, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it. In his heart, he was only indignant: "what's the evidence of piracy?"

Chu Feng twisted his neck and said faintly in everyone's eyes: "everyone knows that Confucius was a character more than 2000 years ago. At that time, geologists once confirmed that the original cold and barren South was only a desert island. Although some people lived here, they still lived a life of downy hair and drinking blood.

How did a group of savages at the beginning of the day create the Confucianism that so many people still learn? Don't deny everything I said. All these are the arguments given by Thomas, a geologist in Tianchi. Therefore, we can see that the history of the existence of Han Huang Nan and the time of Confucius' existence do not match at all!

Secondly, when the four great inventions came into being, at that time, the Han Huang Nan was not established and lived in scattered places. Most of the food and drink expenses were transported from the holy Dynasty. Until a group of pilgrims came to this land, the cold and barren South was slightly improved. At that time, how did the Han Huang Nan with limited civilization develop the four great inventions? "

The reasonable and well founded argument makes Park Qitai look a little ugly. If we go deep into these things, we all know that when Confucius was still the four great inventions, the cold and barren South was still a wilderness, but there were not so many absolutes in the world. But now he was told by Chu Feng, he felt his old face burning.

Chu Feng didn't want to stand up, but he didn't want Park Qitai to be so arrogant: "Qu Yuan is well-known for what period of people, what are the allusions of the birth of the Dragon Boat Festival, where the hometown of zongzi is not necessary for me to say. Internationally, the hometown of zongzi has been recognized internationally. How can it be the first Kingdom of the Dragon Boat Festival

Park Chi Tai looks ugly and embarrassed. People who have some historical knowledge know these things, but no one dares to say so and affect harmony. His face is beaten up because his eyes are full of murders.

Beside Chu Feng, Ruan Yaoyao is obsessed with her face. She says in her heart that she is not only strong but also knowledgeable!

But Chu Feng even decided to slap him in the face, so he would not find any words to refute him. He said with a smile: "the most important thing is that Han Huangnan often said that the Confucius Institute of the holy Dynasty was pirated from hanhuangnan, but do you know the truth of the facts?"

The voice was raised a little bit, which was even higher than that of Park Chi Tai's microphone: "the truth is that the Confucius Institute built in Han Huang Nan's former residence of Confucius was built 150 years ago. It's an antique building, but it's boastful to say that it was built more than a thousand years ago. Do you want me to find someone to monitor the age?"

"I believe that even if you don't need to monitor, you will know that the Confucius Institute in Shangqiu of Shengchao has been completed for more than 1800 years. It can stand the test. Who pirated the others? Pu Bu members are unconvinced. We can ask professionals to monitor carefully and release the data to the world?"

Park Qitai was almost angry to vomit blood. In addition to the arrangement, tourists from all over the world made a sound of sighing, and someone even yelled: "I said that if there is nothing of its own in Hanhuang south, it will only steal the culture of the holy dynasty!"

"My wife, we'd better go to the holy pilgrimage. It's the ancient country of thousands of years and the hometown of culture!"

"That's right. I won't come to the south of the cold desert in the future. A member of the Ministry of culture should boast and lose face!"

In the sound of sighing from the tourists, park Chi Tai looks ugly and turns to leave. Knowing that staying there will only be a disgrace to him. Meanwhile, he secretly orders to hide in the crowd and watch out for the people who have taken the video. Today's incident must not be released.

It's just that park Qitai's arrangement is good, but these are all foreign tourists, including some Tianchi people. This is destined to be known to the outside world all the time. It also makes a public apology for the cold and barren south a few years later. They have laid the groundwork for stealing the sacred culture.

Taking advantage of the chaos around, Chu Feng pulls Ruan Yaoyao away secretly. Just at the moment when Pu Qitai turned around, Chu Feng saw the opportunity to kill him and knew that he had already killed him. Although Chu Feng was not afraid, it was cold and barren south. He didn't want Ruan Yaoyao to be hurt for the second time.

At this time, park Qitai, who had left the back door of the Confucius academy, sat in the car with a gloomy face and issued a command: "investigate who the holy pilgrim was just now, seize the clue of Ruan Yaoyao and find Ruan Yaoyao. I'm not afraid that we can't find that damned saint Korean boy. I want him to kneel down in front of me."

"I want him to tell the world in the media that Confucius, Laozi, Qu Yuan, or the four great inventions are all cold and barren in the south, and Shengchao is a thief!"

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