Super Healer

Chapter 127

Night falls, the city of the river and sea is once again covered by the light and wine, everywhere is filled with a sense of erosion, young men and women in such a night, always like to get drunk, waving the sweat of youth!

Although Jin Deguang is the captain of the criminal investigation team, he is not a lonely person in such a lonely night. With a little dressing up, he enters a familiar bar and sits in a corner sipping red wine, waiting for the prey this evening.

In the eyes of the outside world, Jin Deguang is not close to a woman. When many colleagues are crazy about Liu Yan, Jin Deguang is always doing his own things. Some people even doubt that there is a problem with jindeguang's orientation!

But only he knows that he is not wrong with his orientation. He just doesn't want to leave a bad impression in other people's eyes. It is not easy for him to get to this day, so he is more careful than anyone else.

But as a man, just like a woman, there are always a few days a month that there is no way out. Kim Tak Kwong is like this. When he is under great pressure, he likes to release his excess sweat.

Soon, a figure appeared in Kim Tak Kwong's line of sight. She was eighteen or nine years old. She was invincible. Her white skin was exposed to the air without stinging. She swayed under the flash. There were several men around her crying. This is a charming girl.

At the end of the song, everyone dispersed. The pretty girl refused several men's invitation and walked directly towards Kim Tak Kwong. As a girl who often confuses on these occasions, she can see what kind of man is really there and what kind of real dress.

Although Kim Tak Kwong sat there in a low-key way, he drank 981 bottles of red wine. Although the lighter on the table looked ordinary, the girl was lucky to see it. The price in foreign countries was 700 Chi Yuan, and the other pack of cigarettes was not ordinary. It also needed a pack of 781.

All these show that this is definitely a gold master, and is worthy of her active attack.

Kim Tak Kwong is not surprised that the girl can come by himself. If this is not understood, it will be meaningless. The beautiful girl came and directly picked up the pack of cigarettes, and at the same time picked up the lighter to light a cigarette: "handsome boy, your lighter and cigarettes are good, how about giving them to me?"

As a person who often confuses in such occasions, Jin Deguang naturally knows the information contained in it. Cigarettes are sent by others, and fire machines are also sent by others. He will not be reluctant to think: "beautiful women like it, just take it!"

Beautiful girl's eyes slightly light up, can throw out nearly ten thousand things at will in such an occasion, but absolutely not ordinary people, the body a little bit forward sitting on Kim Tak Kwong's legs: "tonight, alone?"

"What do you say?"

Feel the girl in his arms that kind of youth invincible breath, a hot feeling burning in the abdomen, Kim Tak Kwong eyes slightly narrowed, looking at the girl's neckline wide truffle out of the content, although young, capital rich!

The beautiful girl's two hands were hooked on Kim Tak Kwong's neck, slightly leaning forward, and her teeth gently bit the ears of Kim Tak Kwong: "I am also a person tonight!"

An hour later, in Kim Tak Kwong's private residence, two unarmed bodies were entangled. The young girl gasped: "you are the most powerful man I have ever seen. I'm so tired!"

This is a special era. A man can be with a woman, but it is still that thing in the end. Now the young girl is very alloy de Guang's appetite. He doesn't mind keeping a relationship with this girl for a month.

"We talk about love, not money!"

The pretty girl sighed her own eyes, but still pretended to say, "and, I'm carrying my boyfriend on my back, how can I do it for your money?"

Many girls like Jin Deguang see more of them, and they don't sneer at them. Before, many girls who want to keep a long-term relationship with him, who doesn't say that they have boyfriends and have not had many men, opens his bedside table and throws three stacks of money into the girl's body: "I give you 100000, here is 30000."

"In a month's time, I can take good care of me. In addition, I will give you more than 100000 yuan."

The girl who came out to mix was either for stimulation or for money. This girl was obviously the latter. At the moment when she saw 30000 yuan, all her dignity was gone. She put the money in her bag happily, pulled the quilt over Jin Deguang's body, and then she went in.

No matter how beautiful it is, in front of money, it is not as practical as action!

Jin Deguang's eyes flashed a trace of ridicule, but still took a breath of cool air. But at this time, Jin Deguang suddenly saw something and pressed the girl's head: "don't move!"

Then she quickly jumped up from the bed, took a pair of pants and quickly put them on, and immediately left the room. The young girl came out of the quilt with saliva on her mouth. She looked dazed. She just thought of 30000 yuan, and she was too lazy to pay attention to what happened.

She has nothing but her body, so she doesn't worry about any danger!Jin Deguang left the room, but he was surprised to see the man sitting in the hall of his house. Then he subconsciously wanted to touch the gun, but found that he was only wearing a pair of trousers and had nothing else: "what do you want?"

Chu Feng calmly sat on the sofa, looked at the room behind Jin Deguang, and said, "if you know that Captain Jin, who has always been strict, has such a hobby in the evening, looking for a girl who is almost ten years old, I don't know what they will think and how to say?"

"Are you threatening me?" Kim said

Chu Feng stood up with a smile and walked slowly to Jin Deguang: "you are the captain of the criminal police. How dare I threaten you? I'm just curious about what you said to me in the interrogation room today. What does it mean that I have offended people who shouldn't have offended me. I want to know who made you come to convict me and make a confession by torture? "

Although Chu Feng looks young, he is standing in front of him at the moment. Jin Deguang feels a kind of light pressure. However, after many years of career, he still has a lot of confidence: "did I say it? Why don't I remember anything? "

"Is it?"

Chu Feng nodded and turned around. When a fierce light flashed in Jin Deguang's eyes, Chu Feng suddenly turned around and jumped out. Before Jin Deguang was ready to move, his body of more than 100 Jin flew directly to the back and knocked open the door of the room.

The beautiful girl who is lighting a cigarette on the bed of the room, waiting for jindeguang to be stormy again is stunned for a moment, and then screams. Just for a short time, a golden light passes by, and the beautiful girl faints directly.

"I'm a good person, but it's based on the fact that others don't hurt me."

Chu Feng put down the hand that shot out the gold needle, went to Jin Deguang, a foot on his body, eyes slightly cold: "and you have hurt me, also know what I am interested in, if you don't tell me, I will be very unhappy, but you can rest assured, I will not kill you!"

In Jin Deguang's surprised look, Chu Feng leaned down and said in a low voice: "but I can make you can't get up all your life. You have to believe that I have such ability, but when the time comes, the little girl with water spirit will not have much to do with you!"

Kim Tak Kwong played a thrill, thought of the beautiful girl who fainted inexplicably. It seemed that Chu Feng just raised his hand a little and said in fear: "I said it!"

Chu Feng's mouth slightly a Qiao, took back the foot that stepped on Jin Deguang's body: "say it!"

"It's randley!" Jin Deguang struggled to stand up. Chu Feng's foot was very heavy just now, which made his whole body feel special pain: "because you once helped Liu Yan destroy the gambling house of the Wolf Gang, he will revenge you!"

"Wolf Gang?"

Chu Feng turned to look at Jin Deguang, his left eye narrowed slightly, but he couldn't see whether Jin Deguang was lying or telling the truth. The latter nodded: "yes, I'm an official of the Wolf Gang. I occasionally help them do things. This time, the thing is what they asked me to do, and let me put the blame on the Green Gang, because you and the Green Gang have a grudge."

Chu Feng doesn't speak, just looks at Jin Deguang's eyes, and finally suddenly laughs. In Jin Deguang's curious look, Chu Feng suddenly kicks out, and Jin Deguang faints directly. Chu Feng goes over and stimulates Jin Deguang's brain with a gold needle to prevent him from remembering his past.

The same beautiful girl is the same, then Chu Feng quietly left the residence of Jin De Guang, although Jin Deguang said it was the Wolf Gang, but Chu Feng always felt something wrong.

But looking back, he helped Liu Yan, it seems that the Wolf Gang really lost a lot of money, so the 10 million seems to be justified.

Looking at the distance, Chu Feng felt that he had to find a person!

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