Super Healer

Chapter 1275

At a quarter past ten, a fierce battle was barely over.

Chu Feng didn't mean to be tired. He saw Cui Zhenxiu's lingering charm. He knew that this woman had been conquered by her psychologically. The corners of her mouth were slightly cocked up. The most successful feeling of a man was not how many people had killed, but whether he could conquer women in actual combat. That feeling was more comfortable than conquering a city.

After relaxing for a moment, Cui Zhenxiu opened her eyes. Thirty women's beautiful eyes blinked for a moment. Her expression was a little dim: "do you think I'm cheap?"

"Why do you say that?" Chu Feng is slightly Leng and asks with a chuckle.

Cui Zhenxiu flashed a wry smile, and his body was close to Chu Feng. He said softly, "we should have been antagonistic. That night, I was also dedicated to the purpose, but the result was that you wreaked havoc on me. Later, I was very angry, but I forgot what I was going to do. What I wanted to do was to ask you for an explanation."

"But when I see you again, when you hold me and kiss my mouth, what I want is your conquest again, isn't it cheap?"

"Well, cheap!" Chufeng nodded his head earnestly after hearing the speech, and Cui Zhenxiu showed anger. Chufeng also said with a smile: "but it can be understood that you divorced early, women are thirty as wolves, and you have status, money and power are not lacking. In fact, what you do not know is that what you desire is to be conquered by a powerful force."

"A good tongue!" Chu Feng's explanation eased Cui Zhenxiu's expression a little, and she leaned on Chu Feng's arm to have a smile: "according to your opinion, since becoming the chief executive, Pu Zhuo, who has been separated from her husband for many years, is not it more cheap?"

Chu Feng gave a meaningful smile and thought of Park Jae Ying standing outside the window for ten minutes just now and nodded: "it's necessary."

Cui Zhenxiu gave Chu Feng a look. He just thought he was talking nonsense. He stretched out and sat up. He didn't look like a 30-year-old woman who began to relax. There was also a little red after the fierce battle: "tonight, I'm here to find a job. In addition, I'll tell you a message. You should be more careful recently."

"Don't go out if you don't have to. Old man Park killed you."

Chu Feng is also about to ask Cui Zhenxiu what Jianmen is. She hears her words and laughs bitterly. She can say anything and ask, "how do you know?"

"You are suspected of spying on intelligence, but I can't tell you." From the beginning of disdain for Chu Feng to holding the purpose, until now, the woman who is completely conquered psychologically said: "there are Cui family members in the park family. This news is not difficult to know."

"Master Park asked someone to take his hand to the sword gate, which is equivalent to three gates and four families of the holy court. Please kill you!"

Cui Zhenxiu saw that Chu Feng did not have too many fluctuations, nor did he ask her how she knew three families and four families. Nununuzui didn't want to ask why. She got up and put on all her clothes and got out of bed. She just went out and frowned slightly and looked back: "can you be gentle next time? Although you don't have to be responsible, you can't help but pity."

"Otherwise, when you leave the cold desert south, I forget you because of your rudeness. How bad?"

Chu Feng smile, quickly put on his clothes, get out of bed and put his arm around Cui Zhenxiu. She drew close to herself: "generally, the women I've had sex with will lose interest in other men, so I'm not afraid that you don't want me, but Miss Cui. If you do this, what will you do if your father knows about it?"

Hearing Chu Feng's smell, Cui Zhenxiu almost had a desire again. He bit his lips and put his hands around his neck: "I'm 30 years old. I'm an adult. Since the day of my divorce, my father won't care too much about me, so no matter whether I'm on you or following you, he won't say anything!"

"Do you worry that my father knows you have played with me and forced you to marry me?"

"Come on, it's late. I'll take you out!" Chu Feng didn't pick up the words. He was very clear that he and Cui Zhenxiu would only have such a relationship, and there would not necessarily be an intersection in the future. So when talking about these topics that affect friendship, Chu Feng did not answer: "welcome to find a job at any time."

Cui Zhenxiu white Chu Feng, the latter know things, she is also very clear, the two sides will only be such a relationship, the position is doomed to a lot of things.

When Chu Feng sent Cui Zhenxiu to the door, he didn't see the guard's humble opening: "the chief cabinet came down just now. Maybe he didn't want to disturb you and Miss Cui's conversation. When I leave, let me tell Feng Shao that you can go to her residence and talk to you about something!"

Chufeng is nothing, Cui Zhenxiu is the corner of the eye mercilessly twitch: "chief cabinet down?"

The guard didn't want to skew other things, or felt that Cui Zhenxiu couldn't look down on Chu Feng. He nodded back and said, "yes, I've been here for about ten minutes, and then I left!"

Cui Zhenxiu's mouth still twitched violently for ten minutes, which meant that he knew everything. He pinched Chu Feng's waist with shyness and indifference. He seemed to be saying that it was you, the son of a bitch. Now you've done me a favor. Park in Ying knows.

But shyness at the same time did not worry, park is not the kind of gossip, this Cui Zhenxiu still believe.Chu Feng smile: "Miss Cui, you go back first, say hello to your father for me, and visit again when you are free." Then he said to the guard, "lead the way, please."

Cui Zhenxiu watched Chu Feng leave with the guard. She felt a little lost, but then recovered her tenacious heart and turned to leave the chief office. She and Chu Feng would not have a future. She was very clear that this could not be changed. She also had a slight smile in her heart. As long as she had it, it seemed that it would be OK?

Five minutes later, Chu Feng came to park Zaiying's residence, a more spacious and larger courtyard, or garden, than where he lived.

The guard sent Chu Feng to the door and did not follow in. Chu Feng guessed that no one could enter without park's approval.

After striding in, an Yixin appeared in front of him without any words. He just invited him to lead the way in front of him. He entered the building with luxurious decoration. However, Chu Feng found that there was no one else except an Yixin.

However, it can also be understood that if an Yixin can't stop those who come, then no matter how many people are useless. Moreover, park Jae Ying's identity is there, few people dare to kill her.

Following an aisle behind an Yixin, she comes to the door of a room. An Yixin opens the screen door. Chu Feng sees Park Zaiying, who has been dressed in a white dress, sitting there. The whole person is less cold and graceful, but more gentle and approachable. With a pretty face that is not in line with her age, Chu Feng goes in and says how beautiful she is.

For the reason of being in the chief office, an Yixin did not follow in, but closed the door and stood outside to guard.

Chu Feng came in and did not sit down. Park Jae Ying took a meaningful look at him. He could not help but ring out the scene that he saw in the window. The detached size and the corner of his eyes passed by carelessly. Then he recovered to nature: "this is my room. Fengshao is the first man to come in."

Chu Feng's body has already sat in the middle of his body. He hears his mouth twitch for a moment. What does Park Jae Ying mean by saying this?

Sitting quietly, Chu Feng looked around the room of more than 50 square meters. Although it was not very large, it was very warm and simple. In the distance, there was a low bed 30 centimeters wide, which was two meters wide. But the most important thing was that Chu Feng saw a set of black dresses on the bed.

The shy face withdrew his eyes and saw Park Jae Ying's playful eyes. Chu Feng quickly lowered his head. How could he feel that park Jae Ying was so frivolous tonight? Did he just see what he shouldn't have seen, so now he ignited his inner desire?

Park Zaiying pointed to several dishes on the table, with a natural look: "fengshao didn't eat anything tonight. This is a few kinds of holy pilgrim snacks I asked people to prepare. In addition, there are several bottles of good wine from the holy pilgrimage. Fengshao can accompany me and have a drink. It's night, not day. You shouldn't refuse it?"

"Less wind!" Chu Feng looked very obscure, and soon moved away from his eyes, but he was still watched by park Jae Ying: "do you think I am black or red?"

Chu Feng was slightly embarrassed. Knowing that he was caught by park Zaiying, he coughed and answered truthfully, and said, "such as a girl!"

This sentence is not bragging. Park is really like a girl. Maybe it is because there is no one. She smiles and pulls her skirt to block her head. "Because I secretly use Fengyuan Yangyin pills from fengteng hospital. A private doctor once checked that my body has reached the function of 25 years old."

"There is less wind. What do you think of me compared with Cui Zhenxiu?"

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