Super Healer

Chapter 1376

I can't cure it!

Chu Feng's quiet words make the operating room more quiet. Luo Dan and Qing, who have absolute confidence in chufeng, are all staring at each other. In their thinking, chufeng is a great person, and all kinds of diseases can be treated. How can things that can be treated like this can not be cured?

Jili and the two nurses looked exactly like this. They both felt that Chu Feng was just looking at Marianne openly. Now that she had seen enough, she said that she could not be cured.

And Marianne was stunned and then said with a cold face, "if you can't cure it, what are you looking at? Are you on purpose?"

Chu Feng breathed out a breath and didn't want to explain more: "intentionally or unintentionally, I can't treat this disease!"

"Wait!" However, Qing suddenly heard something in Chu Feng's mouth and narrowed his eyes: "master, what you said is that you can't cure, and you don't say you can't cure it, do you?"

Chu Feng took a look at Qing and said that the apprentice was really smart. He could cure the disease, but he could not.

However, Qing also said that Marianne was her second sister, and Chu Feng nodded: "yes, I can't treat it, but I can cure it. It's just that the disease has some special features. I don't know if the second miss has any special male friends. He must be present when I'm treating."

All of them were stunned. They had never heard of such a treatment.

Is it impossible to treat without a man watching?

Mariana frowned and thought that Chu Feng would not be cured. Now she just said these things just to save face. Although she was worried about Chu Feng's bloody methods, a woman's pride still made her drink: "bastard, you can't cure now, so you don't stare at it. What's more, I have some special intimate male friends, I'm still a virgin!"

As the second lady of the Rothschild family, Mariana has always been clean and has never had any relationship with a man who is not her future husband, even if there are countless people pursuing her.

Because that would only bring shame to the family, so she has no particularly close male friends.

Chu Feng is not so surprised. Although many news networks say that the young master and young lady of such a powerful family have changed men, for a top family like the Rothschild family, the family style is just like that in the ancient holy days. Women stay at home, and chastity is more important than life.

But also know that Marianne does not have a particularly close boyfriend, the disease can not be cured: "in this case, I have no way, or if you have a fiance, you can also!"

Marianna has ignored the strategic position is still exposed in front of Chu Feng at the moment, because she has been looking at it for so long. If she looks at it more, it will be like that.

But Chu Feng's words made her very helpless and angry: "can't this disease be cured without a man?"

"Yes Don't want to, Mariana is just a matter of casual anger, Chu Feng very seriously nodded back.

Qing seemed to catch something and motioned Marianne not to be angry and asked, "master, what disease has my second sister got?"

"There's no special introduction to this. Maybe one or two of the 100000 women." Chu Feng also knew that she could not explain clearly. Mariana must have held a grudge against her. After thinking about it, she said, "if you want to make a definite explanation, it is the excessive closure of the second Miss over the years, which has made the nerves that should have been released grow to a dense level."

"Just like a reservoir, if you keep filling water in it, you must let it out. Now, like the reservoir, the second lady has been filling water for many years, but never discharging water, which leads to the occurrence of this disease."

Green frown asks again: "can you be more specific?"

Chu Feng was a little embarrassed, but he thought that he was not afraid to be a doctor, so he continued: "the second miss is already a mature woman, but a woman with strong desire and demand. However, over the past few years, even if she wants to resist, even if she has not comforted herself, she still does not know what that feeling is."

"As a result, the nerves in the sometimes congested areas are more than ten times stronger than those in ordinary women, and the slightest movement and movement of urination will give her acupuncture like pain!"

All the people present were people with certain medical knowledge. Chu Feng's explanation was so simple that everyone knew what was going on.

Looking at the red faced Marianna, I admire her very much. She has not comforted herself for so many years. It's like a mature apple that will rot if you don't pick it. This is also the situation of Mariana now. If she doesn't release it for a long time, there will be some problems.

Chu Feng saw that everyone had already understood and admired Mariana's endurance. She was not too young to comfort herself. Who could believe that she was an open and generous woman from the western regions?

Seeing that everyone was staring at herself, Marianne turned her head to one side and said, "does it have anything to do with me not having my own one, not looking for a man?"

This time Jili and the two nurses did not despise, because Chu Feng's explanation and Mariana's appearance undoubtedly confirmed that what Chu Feng said was right, so they all wanted to know how Chu Feng could explain it.Chu Feng took a look at the strategic place and said, "it's just like the ancient saying of the holy dynasty that yin and yang are in harmony. Men can't lack women, women can't lack men. Everyone is a doctor. It must be clear that if men and women don't do that for a long time, they will be harmful to their health."

"But it seems that the second miss is one of the most special, because her desire is very strong, but she has been suppressed. For a long time, the hyperaemia in sensitive positions leads to the disease."

Everyone nodded clearly, knowing that it was Marianne who didn't look for men, but how strong a desire it needed?

Mariana was already very shy at the moment and wanted to scold the son of Chu Feng. What did you say so clearly?

Qing looked at Chu Feng and said, "master, you know the reason why my second sister-in-law is wrong. What kind of method do you want to cure it? Do you want to find a man or find some tools for her to use?"

Jili and others also look at Chu Feng, and they all think that it is because of repression. Then it is OK to find a man to release Marianne?

"In the early days, it's OK." Chu Feng nodded, but then shook his head: "but now the second miss is in the late stage, looking for a man has not much effect, and the second miss should have had a slight tingling pain two years ago, but did not care too much at that time?"

"How do you know?" Mariana looked at Chu Feng in shock. She did have some slight tingling two years ago. But at that time, she only felt that it was a woman's holiday, so she didn't take it to heart, but it didn't get serious until these months.

At the moment, being told by Chu Feng, I feel unbelievable, because this is her biggest secret. At the same time, she is a bit in a trance. Chu Feng's killing in the palace and his professional appearance at the moment are quite different. What kind of person is he?

Qing did not pay attention to Marianne's look: "what do you do, surgery or drug treatment?"

"There's no need for surgery or medication. Just find a man to vent her." Chu Feng coughed gently. In the green and others were stunned, they did not say that it was useless to look for a man just now. He lowered his head and said weakly: "the difference is, before venting, I will use the needle on her to lift all the nerves to the extreme, breaking and standing up!"

The green eyes lit up slightly: "master, is it blissful needle?"

Chu Feng nodded, Mariana's current situation, surgery and medicine can't play too much role, this is like a reservoir that has been filled with water. Only when we let go of all the water and then put in new water, we will not let people's quality deteriorate.

Simply looking for a man is definitely not good. Only with the blissful needle to stimulate Marianne's desire to the greatest extent, let her nerves to an extremely sensitive point, one-time big break big stand!

Mariana blinks, no surgery, no medicine, just a man?

Stunned, he asked, "what is the blissful needle?"

With a glance at Chu Feng, Qing reveals her understanding of the blissful needle in everyone's curiosity, and tells her that it is the most magical acupuncture technique in the holy pilgrimage. People are filled with grief, but there is no doubt that the acupuncture of the holy Dynasty has long been a world cultural heritage.

Finally, Qing added: "second sister, do you have a boyfriend?"

Marianne turned her head awkwardly to one side: "no, there is no fiance. Is there no way out?"

Chu Feng exhaled his breath and spread his hands: "it's obvious that there is no way out. But wait a moment, I'll give you a medicine, one can keep you normal for two days, but this time will be gradually shortened. You can't find a man who has been entrusted for life within half a year. The medicine I give will not have any effect on you."

"What's more, it may hurt ten times more than it does now, maybe not!"

Half a year?

Mariana thought about it for a moment and felt it was enough. She waved her hand: "Ms. gilly, help me tell my father that I need half a year to recuperate and leave all the things to my elder sister to deal with. I like the culture of the holy pilgrimage, and I'm going to find a man in the pilgrimage!"

Chufeng shrugged his shoulders, turned to change clothes and left the operating room. If it was Qing or even Jennifer who had such a disease, he could do it by himself, but not Marianne, who was one of the few girls left in the Rothschild family.

Chufeng didn't want old karona to kill him from Wenzhou. He said that he took so many daughters at one time. In addition, with the orphaned Jesse and the Rothschild family, all the daughters came to the holy pilgrimage!

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