Super Healer

Chapter 1380

At one o'clock in the afternoon.

Chu Feng appeared alone in huanxinghai.

After leaving the No.81 station last night, Chu Feng asked Ye Zixuan to inquire about the information there. However, she didn't get the news until two hours ago. Ye Zixuan told her that all the information about the No.81 was kept confidential, that is, she could not access any information or even inquire about it.

And there's only one person in the pilgrimage who can see it. That's number one!

So Chu Feng contacted Li Ji and told him what he meant. The latter didn't let Chu Feng down. In less than 20 minutes, he called Chu Feng and told him to go to huanxinghai to find Li Zong.

Therefore, Chu Feng appeared here, and there was no one to stop him. The reason is that the above has already been explained. What is Chu Feng really going to do? In the absence of Xuanyuan family's intervention, there are too few people who can block him in the present holy Dynasty.

Chu Feng had just appeared for a moment, but Qian, who had not been seen for a long time, could not help appearing in front of him. As the master of the hidden dragon, Qian could not help being more introverted now, and his cultivation had already reached the level of Tianjing.

Chu Feng showed a warm smile, and Qian couldn't help but embrace a man, patting the latter on the shoulder: "so long time no see, have been a natural shock heavy state, good!"

Money can't help but be slightly Leng, he didn't show the breath of martial arts, Chu Feng could even see it?

But it was a sudden surprise that returned to normal. Chu Feng was the one who ruled less, so naturally there were some means, so there was no searching for the bottom. This is also the spirit that people who follow the big man must have. Don't ask what you shouldn't know, and don't know what you don't say.

Indifferent face reluctantly showed a smile: "compared with less wind, there is still a big gap, go, No. 1 is waiting for you!"

Chu Feng nodded and followed Qian. After several heavily guarded checkpoints, he came to the place where the buildings of the 1960s and 1970s were built. The world knows that the buildings in huanxinghai keep the ancient style, but if we underestimate this place because of this, it is definitely a fighter plane among fools.

In a building between money can not help but verify the authority, side hand invited Chu Feng to go in.

Chu Feng can't help but follow Qian's left eye. He can see office 5, even 234. He wants to be the center of power concentration.

After walking through the office of 2345, through a door that couldn't be blown off by missiles, he came to the innermost part. Qian couldn't help but go forward and said, "number one is in it. You can go in."

Chu Feng nodded and strode toward the room with No. 1 office. When he got near, he didn't knock on the door and opened it directly. He should have retired long ago. However, Li Zong, who was delayed in the change of office, was sitting there as if he were an ordinary old man.

Chu Feng slightly trance, think of that time in the sea base, Li Zong seems to be like this.

Everything appeared in front of him. Chu Feng closed the door and sat down. He said softly, "Mr. Li, excuse me!"

Li Zongwei nodded slightly, and continued to soak in tea there. Chu Feng did not disturb him. He believed that Li Zong could promise Li Ji to let him come here. Then he would definitely give him the answer he wanted.

Although the two sides had some differences and even had conflicts because of his ruling on the identity of the little Lord, they were also gradually resolved in the subsequent events. It is impossible for us to return to the previous feeling, but at least the two sides will not be enemies, more can be said, equal ground!

It can be seen that Li Zong is an absolutely top-notch tea ceremony master. His technique is fluent and flowing. The temperature of the water is controlled to the right degree whether it is to wash tea or to make tea. Although Chu Feng is not so interested in these things, it can also be seen that Li Zong's precipitation time is no less than 40 years!

That is, when he was young, Chu Feng sincerely sighed.

As we all know, the mood of young people is a little bit impetuous. If you can walk on the tea ceremony for 40 years, that kind of peace of mind is absolutely not comparable to ordinary people. We also know that the success of people like Li Zong is not accidental, it is an inevitable thing.

Soon, Li Zong made a cup of tea and pushed it in front of Chu Feng, indicating that he should drink tea first.

Chu Feng is not in a hurry, so a little time, a little thanks, and then took a sip of tea, eyebrows slightly wrinkled.

"Is it hard?"

Chu Feng's expression fell in Li Zong's eyes, and the old man said with a gentle smile: "because I've been drinking tea for decades, I've been used to putting three times more tea than others, so I'm so bitter. Do you know why?"

Chu Feng put down the cup, and did not show a displeased look because Li Zong gave him bitter tea: "Li laoming made it clear!"

"Because, this is my life." Li Zongwei micro smile, also to his front of the tea cup poured a cup: "I was born in the Li family Huang Shao, the future must be higher than others, but I also know that although this identity is glorious, but also like walking on thin ice, do you believe that I have something wrong, Lao Su, they will be the first time to kill me?"

Chu Feng nodded slightly, which he did not doubt. Although Li Zong and Su dingzheng were both friends for decades, they represented their own families.If there is a chance to step down on each other, no one will be willing to give up this opportunity to make the family to a higher level. Of course, this expedition is under the condition of ensuring the foundation of the kingdom. If the emperor li Zong moves back the economy of the holy Dynasty, I believe Su dingzheng will not do anything.

Because the people who can get to this position today are all in the heart of the state before the family. Only when the interests of the kingdom are guaranteed can they consider their own family.

This is why the literati will be crushed to pieces, because to get rid of the literati will not affect the fundamental, so they ruthlessly started.

However, Chu Feng didn't care about these things. He just listened to Li Zong continue to say: "so when I was 16 years old, I drank bitter tea with my father. He told me that only when I tasted more bitter and astringent, would I cherish the sweetness and understand the fundamental essence of being a man. It was not bitter before sweet, but to awaken myself with bitterness."

"Only a good person, always remember the taste of bitterness, will not go wrong, lost sweet!"

Chu wind heard the words, awe!

Li Zong seemed to be complaining, and then he went to one side of the desk and pressed the phone call of the landline: "take it in!"

After a while, a tall and beautiful woman came in. It was Li Zong's confidential secretary, and put a document with an absolutely confidential seal on the table top. The latter left, and did not take a look at Chu Feng from the beginning to the end.

It seems that this woman is very beautiful, but from her walking posture and manner, as well as the flowing breath on her body, Chu Feng knows that she is a warrior, and obviously is responsible for protecting Li Zong.

Li Zong came back with the document and handed it to Chu Feng: "this is the 81 information you want!"

Chu Feng stood up and took over the information handed by Li Zong. There was still sealed paint on it. It was obvious that no one had opened it. He expressed his gratitude to Li Zong. Chu Feng opened the file bag and took out a piece of document from which some things were written.

Along to see, Chu Feng's eyebrows slightly wrinkled.

Although there is no clear introduction on the materials, Chu Feng can see from it that the former owner of No. 81 was the family of a founding general, but it did not mention which general it was.

A little puzzled, but when I saw the bottom, Chu Feng was relieved.

According to the information above, the family where No.81 was located found a site in the imperial city several decades ago, and gained countless wealth. The head of the family originally meant to hand it over to the kingdom.

However, on the eve of his decision, he was killed overnight. According to the subsequent investigation, he died in his brother's hands. His younger brother did not want to hand over these things to the Kingdom, because as long as they were digested, the power of the whole family could be upgraded by two grades.

He thought that no one would know about it.

But later, he did not know why the news got out. Wen Xi, who was in charge of some affairs of the imperial city at that time, knew that the latter directly found the number one at that time and informed him of the matter, and was given the greatest authorization. When he determined that the family wanted to swallow this valuable wealth, he directly carried out blood washing.

Because according to the information submitted by Wen Xi, they wanted to sell these treasures abroad, which was tantamount to betraying the kingdom. Because those things were cultural relics, the family was killed by Wen Xi and the blood flowed into a river. At last, the rest of the people emigrated to foreign countries and never returned to the holy court.

And that precious cultural relic was also secretly sent to the Treasury by Wenxi, and became his superior capital, and that family became his stepping stone.

Because it was the family of the founding general, the matter was directly suppressed by the person in charge, so as not to chill the hearts of meritorious officials and discredit the founding general by their embezzlement of precious cultural relics. Therefore, there was a big fire that destroyed the place, and people were completely burned to death.

Chu Feng breathed out a breath, but did not expect that there was such a history on the No.81, which was the capital of Wenxi.

Just about to open his mouth, he felt that there was something in the file bag. Chu Feng reached in and took it out. Those were two photos. But when Chu Feng saw the things on the photo, his heart beat violently.

Li Zong sipped the tea and said with a smile: "on that photo, what was photographed was a sculpture that was also excavated at that time. However, compared with those precious cultural relics, that sculpture had no slightest value. Therefore, Wenxi left it on the No. 81, didn't take it away, but put it in the courtyard, just took photos for record!"

"Is it shocking to see this picture? To tell you the truth, I was shocked when I saw it two years ago! "

Chu Feng breathed out a breath, put the two photos into the file bag, and then put those documents back on the desk. Then he bowed slightly: "thank you, Mr. Li, for solving my doubts. If you want to have other questions, you can't answer them. I'll leave first. If you need anything later, you can let Li Shao tell me!"

Another breath out, Chu Feng left office No. 1 absentmindedly. The initial documents did not have much influence on him. It was just a story of being cleaned and up, but what shocked Chu Feng was that the photo.The photo above is as like as two peas in the sculpture of last night. The difference is that the sculpture on the photo has a face, and that face is exactly the same as a person.


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