Super Healer

Chapter 139

Jianghai Hotel, 6 am!

Today's nine o'clock flight back to the Imperial City, Su Xinyu's three people have already got up early. Zhang yun'er sits quietly watching the no nutrition replay after washing. Su Xinyu takes an early morning bath in the bathroom. Ma Qiduo takes her mobile phone on the balcony and then calls.

"Heart language, a dream for thousands of years!"

After su Xinyu had just returned to the hall and sat down, Ma Qiduo hung up the phone and came in from the balcony outside. His face was full of disbelief: "I'm afraid you don't believe me. Last night, there was a fierce battle between the Green Gang and the wild wolf Gang, and tiger Gu, one of the four tigers of the Green Gang, was killed."

"Oh, group attack and kill?" Su Xinyu raised her eyebrows, and tens of thousands of people were fighting for each other. Now, the Chinese dynasty has rarely appeared. Generally, they are small and noisy, but they are very curious about the death of Hu Gu, one of the four tigers.

Although Su Xinyu has never met Hu Gu, he knows from the data collected that he is a good hand at practicing kung fu. In his eyes, dozens of ordinary people are not rivals, but come from the bottom of the muddle step by step.

Obviously, Ma Qiduo knew what happened last night. He sat down and said, "it was during the fight between the two sides that a masked man suddenly appeared. In less than a minute, he overturned more than ten members of the Green Gang, and killed Hu Gu by the knife. Finally, he left calmly.

However, the Green Gang has already counted this matter on the wild wolf gang. Of course, the most important news is that the young leader of the Green Gang, Huang Shaoguang, was taken away in the hospital last night. The place where he died was a private small warehouse owned by the northwest wolf, the leader of the wild wolf gang. This matter is now in the Jianghai extremely white road and has been spread. "

"Is Huang Shaoguang dead?"

Originally, I was still thinking about who the masked man who killed Hu Gu would be. However, Su Xinyu's spirit was shocked when he heard Ma Qiduo's words. The death of Hu Gu can be said to be a small matter, but the death of Huang Shaoguang is definitely not a simple thing.

Huang Luowen can die a brother, but it doesn't mean he can also die a son!

"Yes, when he found it, he was out of breath and had no wounds all over his body. Now Huang Luowen is very angry. If it was not suppressed by the government, the war would have burned to the headquarters of the Wolf Gang. But as we all know, such suppression is only temporary, and soon Huang Luowen will launch the most violent attack."

Ma Qiduo nodded, but he was scornful of the Wolf Gang's killing Huang Shaoguang. In this era, he was mixed up for interests. It was nothing to kill one or two people. It's OK to kill a general like HuGu. As long as someone has money, someone will work hard. But now it's Huang Luowen's son who died. That's different.

Su Xinyu was silent, thinking about this matter in his mind. After a long time, he asked, "what other news is there besides these? Why is Huang Shaoguang killed?"

Ma Qiduo sat up straight, lifted his legs on the table, and told Su Xinyu all the things he had learned. For example, Lang de used money to buy people from Pujiang district as cannon fodder. Huang Luowen's aggressive march into Pujiang District clearly told Su Xinyu.

Not curious to ask a: "heart language, this is Jianghai things, Jianghai official care about it is normal, but why do you want me to pay attention to this ah?"

Su Xinyu didn't answer Ma Qiduo's words. She just closed her eyes and didn't know what she was thinking. Zhang Yuner just sat beside her and ignored their conversation. When Ma Qiduo was almost impatient, Su Xinyu opened her eyes: "pack up, have some breakfast and go back to the imperial city."

Stand up, Su Xinyu directly into the room to change clothes, but no one found her mouth with a faint smile.

At this time, Zhang yun'er glanced at Su Xinyu lightly, and then continued to watch her TV. She knew something, but she didn't have much interest. Only monk Ma Qiduo couldn't figure out what to do. Finally, she shrugged her shoulders and didn't want to pay attention to these things. She'd better go back to the imperial city to have a drag racing and bubble!

At seven o'clock, the headquarters of the youth gang is now in a depressing atmosphere. Huang Luowen sits at the top of the table and looks at Huang Shaoguang, who is carried in and placed on a piece of cloth. He has been looking at Huang Shaoguang for more than an hour. He has not spoken or spoken. He is just silent and terrible.

Last night, he felt that he was the biggest winner, but seeing Huang Shaoguang's body, he knew that the worst loser was him. He lost a son, the only son!

"Lord, let me take two hundred men and kill you that bastard daughter of Langley."

Hu Yuan couldn't bear the oppressive atmosphere. He stood up from his position. Huang Luowen had been like this since he came back from more than six o'clock. He didn't cry, but also had anger. He was so calm.

"If you go to kill him, do you think randley will have a chance to kill his daughter if he knows that the young leader is dead?" Tiger spring cheered and looked at Huang Luowen: "sect leader, we are also very sad about the death of the little leader, but at this time we can't be silent in sadness, only revenge is what we need to do."

Huang Luowen's eyes are full of blood, slowly raised his head to look at them: "what's the matter with Pujiang district?"Last night, Huang Luowen personally led people to attack Pujiang district. Originally, he thought it was a matter of easy control, but he suffered great resistance. The scattered gang members of Pujiang district were all gathered together by a local people's Association of Yuan Dynasty to jointly resist the invasion of the Qing Gang. It was difficult for him to accomplish the task for a while.

Looking at Huang Luowen's appearance, Huquan also relaxed a little, knowing that he was not completely lost in his emotion: "the latest news, the Yuan people's Association gathered seven gang members who died, and organized nearly 2000 people to resist our attack. We took six of the other eight unorganized gangs."

Last night, Lang de used his money to invite the members of these gangs to fight against the green gangs. He went to 2000 people at once, and there were few left in their headquarters. When a large number of young gang members were killed, he broke into a rout, and the autumn wind swept away six gangs like leaves.

"Yuan people's Association, it seems that I underestimated yuan Xinggang before."

Huang Luowen stood up and tried not to look at Huang Shaoguang lying on the ground. He said in a low voice: "it's just a mob of less than 2000 people. How to stop our Qingbang's iron cavalry and send another 1000 people to Pujiang district has come to this stage. If we can't take the Pujiang District, we will lose face."

Then a huge killing opportunity spread on Huang Luowen's body like substance: "in addition, gather all the people who can fight in the Green Gang. For the sake of Hu Gu and for the sake of less light, we should never die with the wild wolf gang. This time, I see who will stop me from fighting against the Wolf Gang."

The three men in Huquan were shocked. They felt Huang Luowen's terrible killing opportunity. They knew that they were really angry. At first, Huang Shaoguang was only injured. He didn't dare to go too far. He only dared to play several games to weaken the Wolf Gang in an angry situation, and slowly eroded them to achieve their final goal.

But now that Hu Gu and Huang Shaoguang are dead, it is estimated that even the officials dare not do anything to Huang Luowen, who is suffering from the loss of his son.

Huang Luowen just said what he meant. Then he squatted down and looked at Huang Shaoguang. His hand brushed over his face: "son, I will surely avenge you. I will sacrifice your young life with Langley's blood. Rest in peace!"

"How to frame up, Shao Ming, that's what you're up to

When Huang Luowen was killed, langdeli, who was far away from the headquarters of the wild wolf Gang, smashed things angrily. He was very happy to weaken the strength of the Green Gang when he received the news of Hu Gu's death. However, when he heard the news of Huang Shaoguang's death, he found the corpse in the private warehouse of Northwest wolf, and he smelled the smell of conspiracy.

Northwest wolf slightly narrowed his eyes: "guild leader, it seems that the only people who want us and the Green Gang will never die. Hu Gu's death is suppressed by the official, and Huang Luowen does not dare to go out on a large scale. But now Huang Shaoguang is dead. In order not to let Huang Luowen make any crazy things, the official may acquiesce in his attack on us."

"And Huang Luowen will never miss this opportunity."

"Damn it!" At the moment, langdeli is really very angry. Originally, he wanted to stab the Green Gang in the back after falling into the quagmire of Pujiang District, but now he is facing a great possibility of outbreak: "if the order goes on, all the Wolf Gang will be ready for war, so as to prevent the Green Gang from attacking at any time!"

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