Super Healer

Chapter 1390

"Are you really pregnant?"

In a rest room on the first floor of the V5 VIP room, ye Zisheng leads Chu Lingyun into the room and closes the door. He stares at Dan Dan's stomach and throws out his doubts.

If Dan Dan is really pregnant, then things will be complicated. At least, no matter what kind of person Dan was, if ye Enzheng knew, she would sit down for the position of Ye's imperial concubine, because children are indispensable for the inheritance of a family.

But he also had some doubts in his heart. How could she know she was pregnant when he and Dandan were only a few days old?

Subconsciously, hope Dan Dan is nonsense.

Otherwise, if she is really pregnant, Chu Lingyun will definitely choose to break up with him. The latter can ignore her fiancee and can talk about everything as long as she does not become a regular. However, if Dan Dan is pregnant, everything is floating clouds, and it is not empty talk that the mother depends on the son.

Dan Dan was also a little confused, but it did not prevent her from holding her chest up and saying: "yes, according to the normal calculation, I should have taken my period seven days ago, but at the latest it was three days ago, but I still haven't responded. Although I haven't gone to the examination, I have a 100% grip, and I'm pregnant."

Ye Zisheng relaxed a little, the original Dandan is based on this judgment, thought for a while and said: "I will let the most professional doctor to check, if you are really pregnant, I will give you an account."

Dan showed a proud smile, provocative look at Chu Lingyun, seems to say that you look better than me is useless, I pregnant can kill you.

Chu Lingyun shakes off Ye Zisheng's hand. She is not in a good mood at the moment. Ye Zisheng is her first love. She hasn't seen such a thing for many days now. Her look is not very good: "pregnant, is it really his?"

"What do you say?" Perhaps it is the reason for the heart deficiency. As soon as Chu Lingyun's words were exported, Dan Dan burst into a drink and pointed to her: "you should be so provocative and slander my personality. What are you?"

Then his face showed a sneer: "but also, the man who stole me is cheap, what can't be said?"

Chu Lingyun's expression was cold, a fierce killing opportunity burst out, and Dan's body suddenly became stiff: "apologize to me, or I want you to regret it!"

Because ye Zisheng's compromise, Dan Dan felt that if she had children in her stomach, she would kill anyone. So ye Zisheng sneered and said, "isn't it? People all know that I am Ye Zisheng's fiancee and will marry after the Mid Autumn Festival. You are not stealing my man with him. What is it

"You are not cheap, what are you?"

Ye Zisheng had just finished the phone call and asked people to come. When he heard Dan's words without quality, he said angrily on his face: "enough!"

She is a martial artist who can stab Dan to death with one finger. If Dan Dan is really pregnant, it is not a good news for him, but he can't ignore that Dan Dan is killed by Chu Lingyun with a child.

After all, it was the blood of the Ye family.

Being pulled by Ye Zisheng, Chu Lingyun calms down. She believes Ye Zisheng will also give her an explanation. The women of the Chu family in Tianguan are not easy to provoke. She turns around and snorts, "the grass chicken is still a grass chicken after all, and has no quality!"

Dan Dan was originally shocked by Ye Zisheng's expression of stupidity and anger. The most uncomfortable thing about her is that she was mentioned before. She was not born and had no status, but that was the past. Now she is Ye Zisheng's fiancee and the future Ye's emperor's concubine. How can others despise her?

When ye Zisheng and even Chu Lingyun were stunned, a slap sounded on Chu Lingyun's face, and the palm print appeared instantly.

A slap makes the rest room completely quiet. Ye Zisheng is stunned at the same place, and then comes the endless chill. Chu Lingyun also stands there, touching his cheek.

Since she was so old, she has always been the favorite daughter of the Chu family. Even her father would not slap her at ordinary times. She was more caressing and loving. How could she have been slapped so much that she forgot to react, or even didn't think about it just now. Otherwise, how could Dan leave a slap on her face?

And Dan did not know, but stood up his chest cold hum disdain said: "steal my man, who has no quality, who is cheap? You're the scumbag, and the whole family is a pariah. How else can you raise such a person? "

Just finished, ye Zisheng had no time to scold, the door was suddenly kicked open from the outside, Chu Feng looked gloomy and walked in.

He himself is waiting for a person, so he has been waiting outside, and his left eye has been paying attention to the situation inside. Seeing that Dan Dan and Chu Lingyun are fighting, but he has not put it in his heart. Because of the quality of Dan Dan, she will not forgive people if she is reasonable now.

However, she gave Chu Lingyun a slap that she didn't expect. Chu Feng's inexplicable anger may also be due to blood relationship.

The door was kicked open the loud noise, let Dan scared, and then look to see is Chu Feng, micro Leng how this person appeared here, and then angry way: "get out!"

Chu Feng's cold, blade like eyes swept through Dan Dan, who immediately became stiff and did not dare to say anything. Chu Feng then looked at Chu Lingyun, and the red palm print seemed to hit him.Chu Lingyun was wronged at once. Even though she was a powerful warrior, her heart was only an 18-year-old girl. Seeing Chu Feng appear, she burst into tears: "second brother!"

She threw herself into Chu Feng's arms and cried. It had nothing to do with whether she was a warrior or not. It was just a woman's nature of suffering from injustice and the nature of looking for relatives to make decisions.

"It turns out to be the second brother of this bitch!"

Dan Dan shook his head and thought it was an illusion just now. Hearing Chu Lingyun's words, his face showed a strong smile: "is it really that a family doesn't enter a family and is a shameless elder brother playing by coincidence? He wants to be an evil to Lin Yuner, and the younger sister even comes to steal my man. He has the delusion of becoming the imperial concubine of Ye family. It's ridiculous."

Shaking his head there, he hated that iron was not made of steel: "people, how can they all be so cheap?"

Chu Feng patted Chu Lingyun's shoulder, looked at Ye Zisheng, and transmitted a cold frost like chill: "Ye Shao, it's me who helped you and Lingyun together. You also promised to take care of her for the rest of her life. Do you want to give me an account now?"

Ye Zisheng frowned. If it wasn't Chu Feng that night, Chu Lingyun couldn't have agreed to him. Moreover, Chu Lingyun was a miss of Chu family in Tianguan. Even if it wasn't for Chu Feng's reason, he had to give an account, not to mention that Chu Lingyun had become his sister, so he had to give an account.

Can't refuse the tone of the mouth: "Dan Dan, apology, from the two slaps!"

Dan Dan's smiling face solidified color and doubted whether he had heard me wrong. Then he responded to Ye Zisheng's words, and his face became very ugly: "Ye Shao, I am your fiancee. Cold old witness Ye Lao's approval. Now you want me to slap myself for a shameless woman who robbed my man?"

"And for a mean and insidious person, tell him what you think I am!"

"Grass chicken!" Chu Feng took the words to faint voice, ignoring Dan Dan's gradually ugly face, word by word said: "as for the man who robbed you, you should make sure whether ye Shao really has affection for you, otherwise, it's not robbery, it's called mutual affection."

He raised the volume with a heavy pressure: "in addition, Lin Yuner is beautiful enough, but it's not my dish. Every coincidence you have to misinterpret it as intentional, and I don't want to explain it. But now you have to apologize to my sister, otherwise, I will make you regret your life."

"No one can protect you, even your whole family has to pay for it!"

Chu Feng's firm words made the atmosphere in the lounge suddenly dull. Ye Zisheng raised his eyebrows and knew that if Chu Feng didn't do anything, not only his and Chu Lingyun's affairs would be over, but also Dan Dan and her family would have to pay a heavy price.

Today's Chu wind is fearless to anyone in the world!

Without further hesitation, the simple two slaps fell on Dan's body, and the woman with scorn on her face was beaten dizzy and fell to the ground.

Chu Feng's ferocity dissipated a little. If ye Zisheng had just done nothing, he would have attacked Ye family after killing Dan Dan, and then he would have broken up Chu Lingyun and ye Zisheng.

But now ye Zisheng's performance, Chu Feng is very satisfied.

Dan Dan, who was slapped two times, came back to his senses with a cry: "you even beat me for a woman, or a stinky woman who can't see light. Ye Zisheng, I hate you, I'm the mother of your child!"

"Shut up!" Ye Zisheng understood that he had to explain to Chu Feng for the first time. He also took out the dignified side for the first time. He completely changed a person and showed his sharpness without his usual Elegance: "if you say one more word, I don't need to call a doctor to check. I'll let you get out of here with my reputation damaged."

"Don't doubt my determination and the details of the Ye family. Even if I abandon you, no one will say anything. As long as I throw out your previous information, no one dares to say more."

Dan Dan's cry stopped for a moment. She always thought Ye Zisheng was a handsome young man. But now he suddenly showed his edge. She remembered that ye Zisheng was the successor of the Ye family in the future. Those elegant people were just appearances. People in such high positions never lacked iron and blood.

Can only stand up and sit quietly on one side, waiting for ye Zisheng's professional staff to check, as long as she is pregnant, everything is not a problem.

Just do not know why, at the moment her heart has a trace of uneasiness, very bored!

At the same time, manna's mobile phone rang twice in the office. She called for three glasses of wine, put the pills given by Chu Feng into one of the cups, and walked into the V5 VIP room with a waiter!

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