Super Healer

Chapter 14

After leaving the Jianghai Hotel, Chu Feng rushed back to Shengyuan security company. When he entered the original hall, he saw several people here. Fortunately, he caught up with him and helped the woman. Chu Feng was worried that he had missed the time!

"Yes, the sixth is back!"

Luohu had already received a call just now, knowing that Chu Feng's things had been delivered. When he saw Chu Feng, who was not red and breathless, he nodded his head with slight appreciation. When he met such a thing, he could still be calm. At this age and in such a state of mind, it was very good.

"Xiaofeng, not bad!" Lin Yulin didn't hold much hope at first, but she was very happy to see Chu Feng come back the sixth time. At least others would not say that it was her. Lin Yulin arranged her nephew to work here for personal gain. Although she didn't care what others said, she didn't want to hear it.

"Just so. I'm not the fastest."

Chufeng gently smile, but the heart is a little regret, not the first, if not to help the woman waste those minutes of time, chufeng confident that he can be faster, even if not the first, can also be the top three, because looking at the other several faces are still sweat, Chu Feng knows that they did not come back too fast than himself.

Lin Yulin just a smile, but in the heart to see Chu Feng Gao, it seems not a lazy guy, and there is a big difference between childhood, because Chu Feng was a child who did not like to move.

However, Chu Feng is now looking at Xia Yan and Xing Yu, who are the two people he pays most attention to today. In Xia Yan's body, he sees evil spirit, that kind of killing evil spirit, and in Xing Yu, he sees the green gray color. Under the condition of this color, it shows that this person is between good and bad.

It can also be said that such a person is easy to be shaken. If anyone persuades such a person, he or she is either a traitor or a good person. Like Xia Yan, he is a special person.

With the passage of time, the people who went out also came back slowly. A total of 13 people came back, including Chu Feng, and 19 people went out. Luohu looked at the time, and it was possible that the traffic jam should have come back. He said to the assistant standing beside him: "call the police!"

When the assistant went to one side to make a phone call, Luo Hu turned to look at Chu Feng and other 13 people: "congratulations on becoming a staff member of Shengyuan security company. On behalf of the company, I welcome you to join us!"

We are all stunned. We are not only recruiting ten people, but how come it is thirteen people now?

"Our company has a wide range of business, and naturally we have our own way of employing people."

Luohu saw everyone's questions, and a smile appeared on his slightly fat face: "and the two most important businesses of our company are transporting money and escorting valuables. These two things not only need speed and strength, but also, most importantly, we should not steal from others. This is very important for our security company."

When you seem to understand something, Luohu continued with a chuckle: "maybe you don't know, but I can tell you now that all the things you just sent out are worth more than one million. These things can't go through ordinary logistics, so we need our company."

"And the six people who didn't come back just now, needless to say, we all know where they went."

Hearing that the last round of assessment was not only about delivering things, but 13 people were a little scared. I believe that Sheng Yuan could be such an assessor, it must be to take preventive measures. When we think of the six people who did not come back, we all felt sympathy, but we were glad that they did not have greed.

Otherwise, I will be curious to open bags and suitcases and other things to see what they are escorting.

Chu Feng looks at Lin Yulin standing beside her, and her face is also blank. It seems that only one person in Luohu knows the content of this assessment. However, the person who has been assessed in this way may not have the ability and speed of transporting things, but it is absolutely difficult for her to commit self-theft.

"Minister, the boss called. We just got a bodyguard job. We need five people!"

After Luohu said some of the company's basic principles, the assistant came over: "the boss also specially explained that he must be strong and have the consciousness of sacrificing one's life. He also asked you to tell me that if the next one in the bodyguard business is successful, he will get a reward of 50000 yuan per person, and if he is surprised, he will pay a million yuan."

"Bodyguard work, there is no precedent for our company to carry out this business?" Luo Hu, who was happy to recruit 13 people, frowned: "what's more, the bonus is so high, and there's a sense of death. What's going on with the boss?"

Thinking of asking everyone to wait, Luohu went to one side directly, apparently to call the boss. But when he came back a few minutes later, Luohu said to Lin Yulin, "secretary Lin, the boss has already received a half million yuan in advance from others. Go and arrange a notice to let the security personnel of the whole company gather at 2:30 p.m."


Although Lin Yulin is the boss's secretary, she seldom meets. If the boss has something to do, unless he has to do it himself, most of the time he calls the people below directly. Therefore, although he is curious about why the security company should take the list of bodyguards, she still nods to make arrangements."Let's go and have a rest. The training will start tomorrow." Luohu also dispersed the idea of entanglement with this matter and said to everyone. But just after finishing, Xing Yu stood up: "minister, I want to take the list of bodyguards. When I was in the army, I used to guard the army leaders."

Xia Yan also took a step forward: "I also hope to be able to do this single, my sister needs money for treatment."

"You." Luohu wants to say that you are just the people who have just recruited and need training. Chu Feng also jumped out of Lin Yulin's angry look: "for 50000 yuan, I also want to take this list!"

Compared with what Xing Yu and Xia Yan said, Chu Feng's words directly let the people present have a black line. We all know that 50000 yuan is a lot, and everyone is very excited. But you don't need to say it. How can life be so realistic?

Lin Yulin is also embarrassed by Chu Feng's words. How could his nephew be so wonderful? He started to be in Minister Luo's office. Minister Luo is an honest man and likes to make jokes. But now you speak in front of so many people, isn't that to piss me off?

"Oh, the new recruits seem to be full of energy this time."

When Luohu was a little embarrassed and didn't know how to say it, a tall and thin man came over. Lin Yulin saw that the people who came by didn't look very natural, but she nodded politely: "Vice Minister Ye!"

"I haven't seen you for a few days. Yulin is becoming more and more beautiful." Ye quanguang is the deputy director of the personnel department of the company. He is treacherous and lecherous. Several new female college students in the company have been harmed by him. However, no one dares to say anything because his brother-in-law is not simple. Even the boss of the company should give two faces.

"Vice Minister Ye is joking. I'm still the same." Ye quanguang once hinted at some things from Lin Yulin, but she refused with severe words. It was also because Lin Yulin was the person around the boss. Ye quanguang did not dare to go too far. It was also very difficult to ask Lin Yulin to smile at him.

"Beauty is beauty, ugliness is ugliness, but I don't speak politely."

Ye quanguang took a deep look at Lin Yulin, and then he looked at Luohu, who was regarded as a transparent person for a while. "Minister, I just called the boss and said that the newcomers who just came in have good professional quality. The boss also agreed to use the new employees, and those who did not have 15 days' training can do it."

Luohu was stunned when he heard the speech, but when he saw a man standing behind Luohu, he immediately understood that it was the brother of Luohu's wife. He had a free meal in the criminal investigation team for three days, but later, because something was not suitable for staying in the criminal investigation team, he ran here.

At the moment, Luohu doesn't know what ye quanguang is going to do. It's just that when he first arrived, he wanted to find a team leader for his brother-in-law, Ma Liuzi, and he didn't agree. This time, the list was five million yuan. If he succeeded, it would be impossible to become a team leader depending on ye quanguang's relationship.

Although he knows ye quanguang's intention, Luohu can't do anything about it. This is a villain, or a villain with background. If you don't offend him, it's best to inform all the security personnel to come in the afternoon

"Xiao Feng, you are not allowed to take part in the competition for the number of bodyguards in the afternoon. My aunt has money for you!"

In a single room next to the general manager's office, Lin Yulin hated the iron and steel, and looked at Chu Feng as hard as she could. She tried her best to be cruel, but her beautiful face and some baby voice made people unable to feel cruel.

What Chu Feng is afraid of is that Lin Yulin said to herself. But when she thought that she would finish the task, she would spend 50000 yuan to get rid of the tuition fees. Chu Feng was still very excited: "well, let's talk about it then."

"No, you must promise me now!" Lin Yulin seems that Chu Feng doesn't give up if she doesn't give up. She directly goes forward and grabs Chu Feng's ear: "are you listening or not?"

"Me Chu Feng just wanted to say that I want to exercise myself, but may not be able to succeed, but the company is more than 700 people, but this sentence has not been said, the eyes are staring round, the position of the laryngeal knot unconsciously wriggles for a while, my aunt is really overbearing, the buttons of clothes can be propped up.

Originally, he grabbed Chu Feng's ear and asked him to promise, but he found that Chu Feng did not move his eyes. Lin Yulin frowned and bowed his head, and immediately blushed. He saw a button in the middle of his clothes collapsed. Chufeng picked up the button on the ground and ran to one side to look for stitches and threads. What kind of clothes does the company come from? It's so tight!

Chu Feng felt his nose hot, so he pinched it quickly to avoid embarrassment. But the shock just now was still unforgettable for a long time. His clothes could be opened, and my aunt was too evil!

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