Super Healer

Chapter 1530

The island pattern of xianchongmen is not large, about one fifth of that of Qinglong Island, but it is enough for xianchongmen with only a few thousand people.

And the so-called gate master Ximen LAN is a demon jade DOD that exists for thousands of years. The size of its location will not affect the overall strength of Xianzhong gate.

After a short time, Chu Feng had a simple understanding of the strength of xianchongmen. It's hard to see the martial artists of Tianyuan period here. Most of them came out of the Tianjing period. It can be said that they have a deep foundation. Compared with the Yanjia family in Yanshan mountain, they are much stronger, but also can be seen that they are very hidden.

The time for lunch is getting closer and closer. Chu Feng asks her to arrange for her to accompany Leng Rushuang beside Dongfang Yun. The reason is that she doesn't want to be contacted by xianchongmen before the matter is settled, at least within the control range.

After that, he went to the original residence where Dongfang Yun was resting. There was a wooden house building with mountains and water on the back. The place was pure and elegant. Let the cold frost take Dongfang Yun to other places first. Chu Feng asked Wan Di to invite Jue Hua here.

Now that Chu Feng is the master's man, everyone thinks it's true. Although Wandi is not comfortable, she still asks Jue Hua to come over. She doesn't stay there because she thinks that if it's not for Dongfang rhyme, she would never look at such an amorous man as Chu Feng.

Outside the elegant wooden house, Jue Hua, like a woman in the painting, stands there. Chu Feng looks at this woman, which gives people an unreal feeling. However, if you look at her carefully, she is again in front of her eyes, which is a kind of nihilistic beauty.

It's fine, but it's frowning when you stop painting. Chu Feng's eyes are really too much.

A light cough: "less wind, what do you want me to do?"

Chu Feng also realized that he was a little bit impolite, and the forehead led to embarrassment: "sit down first, we'll talk about it later."

She was picked up by Dongfang Yun many years ago. She spent most of her time practicing martial arts on the island. She never went out. It can be said that there are not many men she has met. She has already felt uncomfortable when she is alone with two people. When she sits at a table, Jue Hua is a little uncomfortable.

Chu Feng said words to Jue Hua, but no response, showing a smile: "how, afraid I eat you ah?"

"You're a mighty demigod, and I don't seem to be able to do anything to you?"

Jue's face was not naturally red, but he finally chose to sit down. Although it looked very mature, it was just a little pinched, which was quite different from those women in the third branch. The difference was not strength, but the way of life.

Chu Feng can't help but be a little more curious: "how do you seem to be very cramped?"

Jue Hua didn't dare to look at Chu Feng's eyes, and said in an unnatural tone: "three hundred years ago, my parents died in the hands of bandits. I was picked up by the headmaster. I have been on the island rarely. So I seldom see strangers all the year round. I feel a little uncomfortable."

"Because the island is full of women!"

Chu Feng's mouth twitches. In Jue Hua's words, he knows that this woman is over 300 years old, but she looks like a woman in her 278 years old. She has a kind of young woman's taste. After a few more meaningful eyes, he can also understand the embarrassment of Jue Hua.

No matter how powerful a woman is, if she doesn't have more contact with reality, her mind will be immature after all. Just like pure and pure, she can support the IQ of an 18-year-old girl.

Slowly moving away from his eyes, Chu Feng asked softly, "why not go out? As long as the hidden world forces do not violate the bottom line and principles, it seems that the simple heart training in the world of mortals is allowed?" At first, Yan Qiaoling was born under such circumstances, so Chu Feng was a little puzzled about it. Didn't xianchongmen?

Jue Hua didn't feel so nervous at the beginning. She whispered back: "there is a saying that the world of mortals is tempering the heart. It's just that the door master says that all the men outside are bastards, and we will be cheated if we go out. Therefore, she arranges places for us to try. Therefore, there are only a few people who go out on the island!"

Chu Feng shook his head with a bitter smile: "is this still human life?"

Thinking of Dongfang Yun's character, Chu Feng doesn't know whether he should feel that xianchongmen are lucky to have a headmaster who thinks about them, or laments their misfortune. He also knows that Dongfang Yun is influenced by Chang'e and is worried that the people under the gate will be cheated and lost by men after they go out.

But there is no right or wrong in everything. Oriental rhyme is persistent, and empty has strong strength, but it is blank to external affairs. Chu Feng even feels that Jue Hua is a little pathetic.

Jue Hua couldn't understand Chu Feng. He hesitated and said, "the master said that the men outside are the same as Feng Shao. If you have nothing, you like to cheat beautiful women. So it's not safe for us to go out. It will affect our martial spirit. Therefore, there are no special circumstances. We are not allowed to go out, such as things like the meeting in the holy court."

Chu Feng's mouth twitched violently, but he didn't expect Dongfang Yun to use him as a negative teaching material.

What's more, some information is also captured from Jue Hua's words, that is, they don't seem to know that the head of Shenyin sect is also their master. However, Chu Feng didn't say it. After all, what he said was too strange. Even if the martial arts had a strong ability to accept, it was hard to digest.Embarrassed cough, Chu Feng looked at Jue Hua: "have you ever been in love?"

Jue Hua's face is slightly red, just like a little girl's head down: "no, the door master doesn't allow it!"

All of a sudden, Chu Feng felt sympathy for the women of xianchongmen. What and what were these things? He took a breath and asked, "if you don't go out and you can't fall in love, how do you get in touch with the information outside? You seem to know me very well. Is it all told you by the headmaster?"

"It's Wandi!" Jue Hua lowered her head, as if to talk about these things with Chu Feng. She would go out for two days every week, and then bring us back the information from the outside world. So even if we didn't go out, we could still know what happened outside. The headmaster also said that we were familiar with your things

"As for love, the headmaster said that it was a wild beast. If you touched it, you would die!"

Chu Feng laughs bitterly. It turns out that all the information is brought back by Wandi, so they can understand that they know who he is, but they are more speechless about the Oriental rhyme. Although feelings sometimes hurt people, it is undeniable that sometimes a good relationship can make people change a lot.

Her method is totally mental mutilation. It seems that Jue Hua, a semi God figure, has not known what love is for more than 300 years. Chu Feng thinks that it is ridiculous. If xianchongmen are all such people, it will have little effect if they are accepted.

Because they are as simple as white paper, but believe in Dongfang Yun alone, which is not a good thing.

Suppressing his mind, Chu Feng seemed to be unintentional, but in fact, he asked intentionally: "your headmaster has been with me. You can also try it. If you use love well, it is the greatest power. In addition, after so many years of development of Xianzhong gate, what is the current strength

Jue Hua frowned and took a look at Chu Feng. Didn't the master of the gate tell him?

Thinking of a saying that all the women in love are fools. Jue Hua thinks that the headmaster may have forgotten to say it. There is no doubt that there is him. He replies: "there are more than 4000 people in xianchongmen. There are 31 people in total who are more than half divine period, and I, heartless, and the headmaster are thirty-one. The next is tiannu and Tianyang

"What! Thirty one? " Hearing the speech, Chu Feng Shua stood up, his eyes showed shock, his heart is also a river.

Thirty one demigods?

Chu Feng wriggled his throat hard, and this power directly killed the peak power of the adjudication office. This is only the power of xianchongmen. If you add the power of shenyinmen, how many demigods are there?

Jue Hua didn't know why Chu Feng was so shocked all of a sudden. He also got up and seriously replied, "yes, the strength of the sect leader is the strongest. In addition, there are still several in the later peak state, several in the later stage, several in the middle stage, and all the rest are semi gods in the early stage."

"This is the peak power of xianchongmen. There may be one or two hundred of tiannu's seven levels below."

Chu Feng has been shocked by the outside Jiao Nen. What did overlord do to deter xianchongmen? Didn't they find the hidden strength of xianchongmen?

There are thirty-one demigods, some of which are the peak of the later period, some of them are the later period, and the second is the existence of the middle stage. Such power swept through the Xuanyuan family easily. Why has no one mentioned it?

I'm glad that I won Dongfang Yun ahead of time, otherwise, I will surely suffer in the future: "what about them? I just came here, why haven't I seen them all the time?"

Jue Hua remained polite and said, "they left the island half a month ago without trace, because the headmaster left us a secret letter when she left last time. If she doesn't come back for two months, she will ask them to go to a place according to the above address. Naturally, someone will receive them."

Chufeng narrowed his eyes and vaguely knew that Dongfang Yun had a backhand: "where?"

Jue Hua shook his head: "we don't know that the secret letter is in the hands of elder martial sister Juexin, and she led the team to leave. In addition to 27 demigods, there are 80 sisters who are infinitely close to the demigods in the seven levels of tiannu. There is little wind. Is there any problem?"

"If you want to know where they are going, maybe you can ask the headmaster!"

Chufeng chufeng passed by with a bitter smile. She thought that she could pick up a cheap one and take down the xianchongmen gate. However, Dongfang Yun had already planned to go. Those people estimated that the place they would go to was the lost country. As for why Jue Hua and Jue Qing stayed, it must be the need to sit in the door.

Otherwise, this time, there will be no demigods, but there will be a period of wrath.

Some regret in the heart, but Chu Feng can barely suppress it. Looking at the Jue painting with a blank look, he said with a smile, "do you want to try the feeling of love?"

Jue painted a red face, turned around: "I suddenly remember that I have something to do, goodbye!"

Chu Feng stood at the same place and looked at Jue Hua, who had already made up his mind. It might be a little difficult for him to surrender, but it should be less difficult to win the Jue painting. In order to prevent the Oriental rhyme from turning over, he can only think of a way!

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