Super Healer

Chapter 1539

Near five in the afternoon, Chu Feng returned to Huang garden, and also brought a nun Jueyin.

The next two rudder integration forces Chu Feng will let Ziyi to manage, after all, she is familiar with the two branches, better than other people, and also from the third steering to mobilize three people from the seven levels of wrath to help her.

No matter how the strength of Ziyi is not enough, there will be no angry seven people to fight, even if she sat in that position will not have too much safety words.

Just walked in, Ziyi met up, followed by the snow.

Seeing Chu Feng coming back with a woman, he said that the little owner of the stallion went out and received people.

No one recognized that she had changed clothes, abbess jueying, after a glance, said to Chu Feng, "little Lord, there are only 10000 left on Qinglong island. The rest of them have left, or they are killed on the island. As you mean, we have absorbed nearly 8000 people this time!"

8000 people, obviously are the cultivation of Tianyang period or above.

Hearing this number, Chu wind has to feel the foundation of the first and second rudders, but it is not strange to think that Xuanyuan family Tianyang period is everywhere, and the ruling can be compared with Xuanyuan family to see that there are more than 8000 days of existence of the two branches.

And there must be some more on the island.

But Chu Feng is not too persistent in cultivating these basic forces. He knows that even 8000 people stand in front of him. If there is no one with seven levels of natural anger and even six kingdoms, he can destroy 8000 people.

This is the gap between the realm, a realm, which symbolizes the difference between heaven and earth.

"It's a good job. All the things that should go are gone. Give them another chance for the rest!"

Chu Feng was very satisfied with Ziyi's attitude to work. No pity was felt by Qinglong as her master was her master. Of course, it was also the reason for disappointment: "to send a message to Qinglong Island, before 12:00 tomorrow, all the people who stayed on Qinglong Island were enemies of the ruling, and there was no amnesty for killing!"

Ziyi looks complex nodding, turning around to go to work.

Chu Feng also thought of a thing to open: "right, take abbess Jueyin with her. Later, she will cooperate with you to manage the strength of xianchongmen, and the mosquito is small and meat!"

"Abbess Jueyin?" Ziyi turned to surprise her birth. She looked at the abbess jueying who stood there with her face. She realized that she had a slight twitch at the corner of her mouth. The little Lord, the bastard, could not let go of the abbess. She combined the immortal and heavy door, and even the women of others took it down?

Chu Feng looked at Ziyi's surprised little eyes, and immediately knew that he questioned his character there. He coughed and said, "abbess jueying is now blocked by me. In addition, you send a person to look at her a little bit. She will be in trouble. In at least three months, she can't make trouble, you know?"

Ziyi blushed. Chu Feng seemed to explain how she would do it, but it was also explained that abbess jueying was the enemy and the person he used to transition from xianchongmen to her, not the way she thought.

"Good!" said the chat up

Ziyi left with abbess jueying. The rest of the disciples of xianchongmen were arranged by Zhuque in other places. After taking the green dragon and white tiger, they would sit here with the first and second steering officers who returned to the town. Of course, Chu wind will leave the strong help to stabilize it.

Otherwise, there will be any chaos, then it will be the same as a white busy life.

Let cold frost take Oriental rhyme to rest first, Chu wind into the house, just into a fragrant body rushed into the arms, do not go to see also know that Murong ice that evil.

Murong Bing muttered red lips and chufeng to sit down, ignoring Huang Jingyin and aunt Qing's embarrassed eyes: "there is not much big thing, the green dragon and white tiger are very honest, except to find someone to escape and kill!"

Chu Feng sipped his tongue, Murong ice did not let him relax.

When people face the critical moment of life and death, they will burst out 100% or even 200% potential to fight. The time he gives is that before 12:00 tomorrow, when the Qinglong white tiger is not a body, he will kill the whole Qinglong island. In the face of such a ferocious situation, how can the Qinglong white tiger just kill the escaped person in anger?

Squint eyes, although Chu wind is not very familiar with the blue dragon white tiger, but they can live today is not without the brain, but where the problem?

"By the way!"

While thinking about it, Murong ice recalled one thing: "people who left the island yesterday said that they had been walking together by more than 200 people, but when they left, they were blocked by people in the tiger rock belt, and dozens of people died and injured by dozens of people. In addition, tiger rock was seriously injured by them. Qinglong Baihu was very angry with this. It should be so that he didn't respond. We should wait for tiger Yan to recover "Go back!"

Chu Feng eyes a little congealed, sneer: "yesterday came to me please come, I want to see them!"

Murong Bingxin is intelligent, and he thinks of a little bit: "OK!"Half an hour later, more than 40 people left over from the sunny period yesterday came to Huang's garden. Lengrushuang and Murong Bing stood at the two ends to watch them. As long as there was any problem, they would take the first step.

Accompanied by Huang Jingyin, Chu Feng comes out and looks at more than 40 people nervous. He seems to be worried that he, the young master, will settle old accounts.

Squinting his eyes, Chu Feng showed a faint smile: "I'm very happy that you can betray the secret. Yesterday I heard that tiger rock was seriously injured. I don't know if it's true. Green dragon and white tiger also didn't do other things because tiger rock was seriously injured and inconvenient to move. Is that right?"

More than 40 people invited didn't know how Chu Feng suddenly asked this question, but they all nodded at the same time: "yes!"

Chu Feng's face suddenly cooled down, and the breath of being close to a demigod swarmed out, directly shrouded in more than 40 people, with absolute strong pressure.

The faces of more than 40 people suddenly appeared to be difficult to resist. Among them, the highest one was the cultivation of the six levels of tiannu. Faced with the overwhelming power of Chu Feng's approaching to the demigod, they were finally unable to resist. They looked at Chu Feng with a touch of fear.

From their bodies one by one, Chu Feng sneered and said, "are you really obedient?"

More than 40 people did not immediately answer this time, but after easing the momentum caused by the Chu wind, they answered in unison: "pledge allegiance to the little Lord to the death!"

Chu Feng sighed softly. These people didn't know that he had a left eye that could see the dark side of the world. When they answered two questions just now, his body was full of colorful colors.

Hand gently raised: "kill!"

Huang Jingyin is also surprised that more than 40 people have changed color. Although Leng Rushuang and Murong Bing are curious about why Chu fenggan wants to kill people, they are unconditional in their implementation of Chu Feng's conditions.

Thousands of frost sprang up between heaven and earth. In the surprised eyes of those members of tianwangmen, more than 40 warriors were immediately covered with a layer of cold frost. At the next moment, all of them fell to the ground. Huang Jingyin, pale and small, went to look at it, and was surprised to find that all of them were dead.

Moreover, the bodies of the dead are like ice, and their eyes toward Leng Rushuang and Murong Bing are full of awe and complexity. It is found that compared with those women of Chu Feng, the difference is not a little bit.

Murong Bing clapped his hands and went to Chu Feng: "husband, why do you want to kill them?"

"Feign surrender!" There were too many people. Chu Feng didn't explain it deliberately. He just found a reasonable reason to say: "they said that more than 200 people were blocked by Tiger rock yesterday, and dozens of people died after the fight. But do you think that with the strength of green dragon and white tiger, they can't make it to the scene?"

"How could they have left? A fight of that scale, with similar strength, is impossible without more than ten or twenty minutes, and many things can be done in ten or twenty minutes. "

Murong Bing suddenly nodded, cold as frost is also clear, see Chu Feng's eyes more praise and admiration, such details were found by him, in the heart secretly is worthy of my man.

Chu Feng originally wanted to leave a few alive people to ask why Qinglong Baihu sent them to sneak in. However, it was also a white question to know why Qinglong Baihu sent them to sneak in. He probably knew that Qinglong and Baihu were trying to cut corners and blossom secretly.

Slant head: "Jingyin, people from tianwangmen block the sea area of Qinglong island for ten kilometers. Tomorrow, Qinglong and Baihu are still alive, and I will make them regret for life!"

Huang Jingyin did not readily agree, but showed a wry smile: "that is, the area of 20 nautical miles in diameter. There are enough people in tianwangmen, but the ships can not be completely blocked. After all, it is impossible for tens of thousands of people to be there. A ship passes through the middle position. We have no way to detect it!"

"And it seems a little difficult to install radar now!"

Chu Feng is also aware of the blockade of the sea area with a diameter of 20 kilometers. Tianwangmen is a polar Road, and it is impossible for the army to do so.

Thinking of the army, chufeng's eyes brightened slightly: "I know how to do it. I will make sure that the sun rises tomorrow. There will be no people or ships approaching the sea area of Qinglong island for ten or even fifteen kilometers."

When Chu Feng thought of a way, on Qinglong Island, a speedboat left from the back and disappeared on the vast sea without attracting attention!

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