Super Healer

Chapter 1593

The next morning, the sun was warm and pleasant.

Huang's garden, after experiencing the conspiracy of the green dragon and white tiger, is more defensive than it was at the beginning. Although the people of the Huang family also live here, they try their best to avoid Chu Feng and dare not mention that Chu Feng did not care about their lives at all.

Because they are still alive, it means that all the accusations are unreasonable, and the people who rescued them are now incorporated into the people of chufeng in Qinglong island. In other words, if they are not chufeng, they will not be saved.

Chu Feng is also happy about this, and he doesn't want to get in touch with those people who are fawning on Huang Jingyin's sense of existence. It's a great gift not to kill them and clean them up.

A car drove into Huang's garden in the morning. The members of tianwangmen didn't mean to stop them.

Because they know who's coming.

Chu Feng just came out of the house, the car stopped, fan Qing came down from above, the mature woman saw Chu Feng look a little embarrassed, and then strode over.

Chu Feng motioned for Huang Jingyin to go down first, and then some Xu showed a smile: "how did you come here early in the morning?"

"Something's wrong!" Fan Qing stopped, but without a breath of relief, she said, "Liang Qi went to fengteng hotel an hour ago, and claimed that all this was her plot. It was because she was angry with your personal behavior that she deliberately wronged you, saying that the kidnapper was the Huangfu literary circle of Huangfu family."

Chu Feng frowned, last night was not already explained Liang Qi quiet can, how can suddenly run to clarify?

But now things have happened, Chu Feng has no way to stop: "the result?"

"As a result, Liang Qi was locked up!" Fan Qing flashed a wry smile and told her what she knew: "forty four dignitaries are very angry about this. They all say that Liang Qi is afraid of lying under pressure, and that the thing is what you do. The reason why Liang Qi clarifies the misunderstanding is that he is worried about being cleared by you afterwards."

"They all said that she had ulterior motives. Forty four families jointly threw her into the Guangzhou Women's prison without trial or appeal."

"Impulsive!" Chufeng sighed softly.

At present, the most sad situation is the 44 powerful people, which is dispensable to him. Now what they want most is not to be ostracized by countless dignitaries, because their stupid behavior has brought a huge crisis to the circle of powerful people.

What Liang Qi needs to do at this time is silence. Instead, she clarifies the misunderstanding, which is equivalent to saying that he is innocent.

At the beginning, all the so-called accusations were the conspiracy and frame up of the forty-four. How could the forty-four admit such self beating things at this time? Otherwise, yesterday would not let Yang Danqi and Peng ruohuan become lobbyists, let him take the initiative to admit all this.

Because only if he admits it, can we shift some pressure, avoid offending those powerful people, and the 44 families will have a way out.

And Liang Qi's behavior and words are forcing them to die. It's light for the 44 families to throw her into prison. It's good not to kill her directly and let her shut up.

Liang Qi's impulsive behavior, Chu Feng know is to repay his commitment last night, but really unnecessary.

Seeing Chu Feng's silence and no fluctuation, fan Qing's expression was tight and thought that he didn't care: "I know what Liang Qi did mislead the 44 families' attack on you, but she can't do these things. I know you may be very angry, but I hope you can give her a chance, otherwise she won't come out."

Chu Feng laughs with astonishment. It seems that fan Qing doesn't know his conversation with Liang Qi last night.

Seeing Chu Feng just laughed and didn't speak, fan Qing was more anxious: "and she has already realized her mistakes, go and take the initiative to clarify for you. It can be said that you can correct the mistakes. You can save her, or the 44 powerful people will be angry if they can't resist the pressure."

"Originally I went to look for Mr. Yang. How come Liang Qi is his daughter, but he doesn't see me!"

Looking at fan Qing's anxious appearance, Chu Feng secretly said that she was deeply in love with her best friend. She also knew to make it clear: "Liang Qi has come to see me last night. I hope I can forgive her behavior. I have agreed to this, and I don't need her to clarify anything. I have my own arrangement."

Blinking: "so, you ask me not the slightest meaning, I did not hate her."

Fan Qing's face turned red. At first, she thought that it was because of the pressure of Chu Feng that Liang Qi went to make these clarifications. She didn't want to see them last night. It seemed a bit redundant to come by herself.

Just came to all, fan Qing blushed and calmed down: "what do you do now? I don't want Liang Qi to have an accident!"

Chu Feng felt that fan Qing's words seemed to have a little problem, and asked, "do you want her to have a dime to do with me? She came last night just to tell me not to kill the Liang family. Now that she has an accident, it seems that I have no obligation? "

Fan Qingbai glanced at Chu Feng: "eight centimeters!"

Eight centimeters?

Chu Feng aftertaste, face a trace of embarrassment, know that fan Qing said is a beautiful misunderstanding that morning, but it is a man's instinct, and you don't stay in my bed at night, how can I go in?It's just that such words are doomed to have no effect on fan Qing, because they did go in at that time.

A light cough: "in Guangzhou so many days have not eaten here flavor breakfast, accompany me to eat it!"

Fan Qing blushed and bowed her head: "do you want to change it with your body?"

Chu Feng went out two steps, smell speech curiously looking at fan Qing: "for what?"

Fan Qingyang began, his face was full of Shyness: "I want you to save Liang Qi out, you want me to accompany you now, do you want me to trade with my body?"

Chu Feng finally knew that fan Qing had misunderstood him. He stepped back and stood in front of the woman and said, "I don't mind if Miss Fan wants to, but you seem to have misunderstood my meaning. I asked you to accompany me to have breakfast. I didn't mean to let you accompany me with my body. My mind is not pure!"

Fan Qinggang is really listening to a fork in the wind, Chu said that the face is more ruddy, mercilessly stepped on Chu Feng's foot: "explain so much to do what?"

Hate to go to their own car.

Chu Feng is stunned. Fan Qing's foot doesn't hurt, but she feels a little bit wronged. If I don't explain, it's worse for you to misunderstand. What's the matter with the world? It's hard to explain, not to explain, to be a man and to be a man!

Shaking his head, the woman was unreasonable. Chu Feng went to fan Qing's car and left Huang's garden.

Thirty minutes later, she went to Shangri La Hotel for breakfast. Fan Qing seemed to come here often. She only appeared in the lobby on the fourth floor, and someone came up to guide her and Chu Feng to a separate room.

"I don't have any money with me, please!"

Chu Feng took the list and didn't raise his head to throw out a sentence, as if he didn't care about the attendant's disdainful eyes: "give me two dishes of vermicelli, a bowl of beef brisket powder, a cup of milk, and a plate of steamed spareribs, thank you!"

Then she handed the list to the waiter. Fan Qing sat on the opposite side and sighed, "I really don't know what your women think of you. Don't you know if you want to go out to eat with the lady. Do you want the lady first?"

You can't give me even a little priority, ma'am

But she shook her head and didn't know whether Chu Feng was intentional. Fan Qing said to the waiter, "let's have an egg yolk pie and a glass of milk!"

The waiter nodded down and again gave Chu Feng a look of disdain. Chu Feng felt that he didn't care about it. He turned around and was about to speak. He saw something through the seat gap: "what a coincidence!"

Fan Qing looks back curiously. The compartments are all of that kind of carving type, with gaps. In a small elegant room opposite, two women with similar temperament and strong temperament are sitting there. At the moment, one of them looks at this side, which should be said to be the hatred in the eyes of Chu Feng.

Fan Qing knew who was facing her. She stood up, and the height of the elegant room was only up to fan Qing's neck, smiling: "Miss Peng, Miss He, you are here too!"

Peng ruohuan, he Runxin!

Peng ruohuan nodded slightly: "I heard that the breakfast here is good, so come here and try it."

He Runxin, sitting on the opposite side, took his eyes back from the gap and said, "me too!"

Fan Qing felt their indifferent attitude and looked embarrassed, but both of them did have the capital to despise her. Out of some consideration, she said with a smile: "it's better to meet by chance than to meet. Come and eat together?"

Chu Feng is sitting there, and the first ten thousand grass mud horses are running wildly there. Peng ruohuan and he Runxin think about luring him to do the great things of life ideal, and the other is to cut meat here and get a gambling house management right in Jianghai free trade state.

Two are not simple women, how to choose this place, Guangzhou 10 million people, pure bullshit, this can be met?

In the heart is still slandering, Peng ruohuan is showing a smile: "not good?"

He Runxin also meaningfully swept over Chu Feng: "yes, there is another person who does not agree?"

Chu Feng's mouth twitches, where do I disagree? Even if I don't agree, don't you still want to come here?

Cough gently: "I finish eating to leave, do not disturb you!"

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