Super Healer

Chapter 161

Cui Xin, dressed in a blue low cut dress, stepped onto the stage. Her long snow-white legs loomed under the long skirt. The lace and silk hems outlined the flowing skirt. Under the light, the vague feeling between her legs made many people feel thirsty.

The height of 1.7 meters, wearing high-heeled shoes of 7 cm, is even more graceful and graceful, a pair of eyes are charming, the hair of big wave curls is scattered behind, that half of the snow-white, give a person an extremely strong visual conflict!

Yan Qingshan sits in the front row and frowns slightly. As an old man with inner tradition, although he knows that the times are progressing and people's minds have been greatly liberated compared with decades ago, it does not mean that he can accept a woman wearing such a dress to appear in front of him.

But with Cui Xin on the stage, many people chanted her name. It seemed that the whole square was about to be overturned. Yan Qingshan could only shake his head in the end.

Compared with Yan Qingshan, an old man who just likes those simple women, many adults or young people are staring at Cui Xin, especially Shao Tianyi, on the stage. Seeing that most of the snow is white, his throat wriggles unnoticed.

In the dark, what a charming woman!

With the sound of the music, Cui Xin Zhang Qi red lips sang the song of her debut, green campus!

With her singing in the sky above the square, the crowd's noise stopped a lot, but it was still difficult to control the upsurge. Chu Feng sat a little closer to the front, and now he could not help shaking his head in secret. No wonder those brain handicapped people in Weihan desert had to come to China for development, and they were more brave and mentally disabled.

However, although Chu Feng slanders in his heart, he can't deny that Cui Xin's singing is really beautiful. The whole person doesn't look sexy, but a look and an action are like what four eyes start to say to themselves, which is enough to confuse many people.

"Why, is it beautiful? Don't even turn your eyes. "

Huang Jingyin is more concerned about Chu Feng than those who are mentally handicapped. Chu Feng looks at Cui Xin on the stage without blinking, and says with sour tone: "it must have been duplicity just now. I just said that Cui Xin is such a demon, how can no one like it."

Chu Feng coughed awkwardly. The reason why he looked so ordinary was because he knew that there were thousands of beautiful women in the world, but they didn't mean they were all his own. He said with a bitter smile, "I just wonder what happened to her. She was so rich that she was still sick!"

Think of this, take a look at Yao Qianxue sitting on one side. Although Cui Xin is beautiful and moving on the stage now, Chu Feng can see that she is not a normal woman, just like Yao Qianxue.

"Well, even if you want to please me, you don't have to say that someone else is sick?"

Hearing Chu Feng's words, Huang Jingyin was still very happy. She said angrily that she was completely nestled in Chu Feng's body: "although Cui Xin seems to be a goblin, no one has seen who she is really with for such a long time. It's more just rumors, but whether it is really unknown.

However, Cui Xin's singing can't be denied. It's really good to hear. It's estimated that Jin Xiaoqi, the sweet woman with plastic surgery, can compare with her

"Plastic surgery?" Chufeng laughs with astonishment, but he doesn't say anything. Han Huang Nan's cosmetic surgery is very popular. People say that nine out of ten in the entertainment industry are cosmetic surgeons, and the other one is a cosmetic failure. So he didn't explain anything. At least he knew that Jin Xiaoqi was absolutely original.

At the end of the song, Cui Xin gracefully bowed on the stage. Because of leaning forward, the deep gully attracted many people's eyes. Some people even crowded to the bottom of the stage, holding their mobile phones to shoot constantly. Chu Feng looked in his eyes and sighed in his heart!

"It's a great honor to be able to attend this anniversary of Jianghai University. Thank you for your support

Cui Xin didn't step off the stage after singing. She said with a smile: "originally my schedule was full, but I was moved by the sincerity of a young man. She said that his fiancee liked me very much and hoped that I could come once, so I came here!"

Just now, the host of the newspaper said that Cui Xin was invited by Wen Aojun. At the moment, everyone's eyes are looking for Wen Aojun's figure. Some people who know it are envious. Some people who don't know are curious about who Wen Aojun's fiancee is. Isn't he pursuing Yan Ruyu?

Wen Aojun stood up at the moment, his position was in the front position, so he just stood up and was immediately seen by everyone. Then the light hanging on the square also fell on Wen Aojun's body, one of which fell on Yan Ruyu, who was still sitting in the position.

You seem to understand something now.

At this time, Cui Xin opened her mouth again, with a smile, and said in a melodious voice, "yes, the person who invited me is Wen Aojun. He hopes to propose to his fiancee in my song!"

Then it seemed as if there had been an arrangement for a long time. The music on the square sounded. It was the song that you were going to marry me today, and the whole audience was boiling up. After a long time of screaming and so on, we were shocked to see such a proposal in front of thousands of people. There was also a pity that Yan Ruyu was Wen Aojun's fiancee.Although Yan Ruyu does not smile, but the pursuers are also many in the dark, how much heartache at the moment!

Cui Xin has been singing on the stage. Now it is a society pursuing progress. Although some antiques can't accept it, she is not easy to make public anger. However, Yan Ruyu stands up with a slightly ugly face and looks at Wen Aojun coldly: "are you forcing me?"

Although the two have an engagement, it is set by Yan Tianming and wenaojun's elders. Yan Ruyu has always disagreed with her. But now, in front of thousands of people, how can Yan Ruyu not know wenaojun's dangerous and disgusting thought!

Wen Ao Jun seems not to have heard Yan Ruyu's words at all. He takes a box out of his pocket and opens it half kneeling. At the moment, Cui Xin's singing is also in the part of * and a ring is shining: "jade son, marry me!"

Yan Ruyu's eyes narrowed slightly. Wen Aojun was forcing her to make the engagement between the two men complete. She looked at Yan Tianming in the front row for help, but the latter was also frowning. It seemed that Wen Aojun would come to this place. This is to confirm the engagement!

The song is still flying, the voice of the masses is also high ring, even over Cui Xin's singing: "promise him, promise him!"

The voice is unceasing, but Yan Ruyu's look is also more ugly, but because of the light relationship is not seen in the eyes, Yan Ruyu is doing all kinds of thinking in her heart, she is disgusted with wenaojun together, so the so-called engagement of two people has always been denied, but at this moment, Yan Ruyu knows that Wen Aojun is forcing himself.

And it is still incomprehensible. If Wen Aojun is an ordinary person, Yan Ruyu will naturally refuse without hesitation. However, he is not. Maybe in the eyes of others, it is just a simple refusal, but the meaning is different.

The people behind Wen Ao Jun are bound to be very unhappy because they refuse something they agreed to many years ago, and it's hard for their father to do it.

Although I know Wen Aojun's dangerous and disgusting thought, but I can't find the right reason to refuse. Looking at the bright ring and the voice of tens of thousands of people, Yan Ruyu felt powerless about this uncontrollable thing for the first time.

Looking at Yan Yu's gentle face, she didn't look charming

"How romantic

When Huang Jingyin saw this scene, her eyes were full of envy. Looking at the calm Chu Feng around her, she said, "but as long as I'm with you, even if you give me a can and live in a rented room, it doesn't matter!"

Chu Feng was still watching the farce, but he was stunned when he heard Huang Jingyin's words. Then he pretended not to hear the farce between Wen Aojun and Yan Ruyu. He had already seen Yan Ruyu's final choice. He was just curious that Yan Ruyu didn't like Wen Aojun. How could he agree?

In everyone's voice, the song is also close to the end, Yan Ruyu trembled and stretched out his hand, it is because of anger, but in everyone's eyes, it is moved: "I promise you!" These words are all said with teeth.

She is very oppressive, because she can't refuse willfully at all. Yan Tianming, who is watching from afar, is also relieved to see this scene. He knows what a blow Wen Aojun will be to himself if he is rejected!

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