Super Healer

Chapter 1611

"The Chinese New Year is half a month away. How are you going to spend it?"

When it was nearly ten o'clock, everyone drank a lot. Li Ji puffed out his wine and asked, "last year, you seem to be quarreling with plum blossom club and didn't come back. Do you want to have a good time this year?"

Spring Festival!

Chu Feng heard the two words, slightly shaking the body, as if the mind appeared in the scene of the mid autumn festival night, a trace of pain in his eyes.

An unnatural smile: "I still need to deal with the affairs of Mei Yuan Luo's family. If I can't make it, I may spend the Spring Festival in the imperial city. Then we'll get together. If we can't make it in time, we can do it next time."

Li Ji understood that Chu Feng was now suppressing the hermit world with iron and blood. He also knew that he was very busy. However, the most important reason was that things happened on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival. They were willing to share a little for Chu Feng, but they could not do anything about it. That was the level where they were unable to fight.

Holding up his glass, Li Ji took the lead: "we can't help you with these tortoise sons of the Luo family in Meiyuan. We can only wish you every success. However, you can rest assured of all worldly affairs. If you don't dare to say anything abroad, I will make your people sad if they want to make them sad."

"Without you, this gap can't be torn. You are a historical meritorious official!"

Chu Feng understood Li Ji's meaning and raised his glass to touch the four people one by one. After a look at the time, Chu Feng stood up and said, "I will go to the southeast tomorrow and get together again when I have time."

Southeast, where the Luo family of Meiyuan is located.

Li Ji and they were not hypocritical people, and they would not say that they were not drunk. They all stood up.

Chu Feng didn't pay much attention to this kind of brotherhood, and knew that it was not the time to remember these things. He took fan Qing and left VIP state.

"He bears no less than anyone else in the world!" Li Ji looked at the back of Chu Feng's leaving. He was natural and lonely, and sighed softly. At this time, Li Ji was no longer unruly and casual in the past, but he was helpless to help Chu Feng.

Ye Zisheng nodded: "it's just that he doesn't have to bear it, and no one can bear it. We can only wish him a strong way to go."

"That's right. Spiritual support for him forever." Li Ji said with a smile and raised his glass: "come, to our brother to become king, cheers!"

Sishao and Lin Wei raised their glasses and drank them bravely. They attracted the eyes of countless women present. When they saw Chu Feng take fan Qing away, only Li Ji was left. Many women had little stars in their eyes.

VIP state, either rich or expensive, they all know, and Li Ji they look handsome or masculine, very attractive to women's eyes.

Of course, the Chu Feng who left did not know, and when he got out of the fengteng Entertainment City, he breathed out a breath of wine and looked back at the woman beside him: "you go back first, I will go back too!"

"Are you going?" Fan Qing is suddenly a little reluctant at the moment, and feels that the separation from Chu Feng this time may be the last meeting in his life.

Chu Feng drank a lot just now, enjoying the feeling of dizziness. He looked at fan Qing with a smile and said, "if you don't leave, why don't you stay and roll the sheets with you

Chu Feng coughed gently, shaking a little dizzy head: "tonight, my kidney deficiency!"

Fan Qing tooted his mouth and took Chu Feng's hand and went to the car: "I know you are going on a long journey tomorrow. I don't know what you are going to do, but I'm really bored recently. Will you accompany me?"

Being held by her, Chu Feng felt the loneliness of fan Qing's words. She didn't know about fan Qing's affairs that day, but now she can smell the taste of love sadness.

Originally wanted to go back to Huang's garden, Chu Feng also temporarily dissipated the idea, he did not mind to give a little warmth.

When he got on the bus, Chu Feng said, "what's the matter? It feels like you're a lady complaining about you? "

Fan Qingbai glanced at Chu Feng: "do you have such a metaphor?"

Starting the car, fan Qing also whispered back: "nothing, just for men, I find that I don't know at all, even my husband, I don't know. Before, I thought he loved me, but only these days did I know that he loved power more than I did!"

"I don't dislike ambitious men, but I also need a simple warmth, even if the night's company is satisfied, but he can't give me!"

Thinking that her husband has been going to the imperial city for a period of time, she has not only failed to follow fan Qing's promise of coming back even once a month. Even if she didn't make a phone call, fan Qing felt sad, but she couldn't find a way to vent her anger.

Chu Feng seemed to understand something. He said with a smile: "sometimes I find that women are contradictory. If it's useless to find a man, they will complain about his incompetence. But when the man becomes famous, they will complain that the man has spent less time with them, which reminds me of a song!"

"What song?" fan Qing asked with a smile

Chu Feng coughed and sang: "men are tired, men are tired. People all over the world know that I live in a mess."

with a magnetic voice, the song floated out of the unclosed window, which also made fan Qing giggle. She found that although Chu Feng is sometimes cruel and heartless, sometimes it appears very cute, just like one There are no grown up boys.When Chu Feng finished singing a song, fan Qingcai restrained his smile: "what you said is right, what you sing is right, but I didn't ask to accompany every day, once a month, isn't it too much?"

Chu Feng just joked about it, and naturally understood that fan Qing was a sensible woman. She nodded: "it's not too much to spend one day with you in a month. It seems that your man is very passionate about power. Moreover, it is in the Imperial City, surrounded by the aura of the Emperor. Even ordinary people go there, they will be exaggerated."

Fan Qing got the approval of Chu Feng. She felt a little more comfortable. She turned a few corners and stopped at a night stand: "can I still drink? I haven't drunk tonight. If I drink too much, can you drive?"

Just now in the entertainment city, fan Qing was not good at drinking in front of so many people. At the moment, her discomfort broke out. Naturally, she wanted to have a drink.

Chu Feng breathed out a breath: "originally I wanted to go back to sleep, but look at your appearance, I don't accompany you and want to drink it myself. I think if you drink wine and are picked up by beggars, I have to be more careful about it!"

Chu Feng laughs bitterly and follows fan Qing out of the car. When no one has a snack in his life, what he lacks is a person who can speak when he needs to. Fan Qing and Yang Danqi have something that they can't say and are not suitable for them. Undoubtedly, Chu Feng is her most suitable audience.

They didn't know how much they had drunk that night. Chu Feng drove her back in the early morning. Fortunately, there were not many cars in the evening and Chu Feng was very alert. Although the car was rickety on the road, there was no accident.

There was no talk for one night, and there was no sunshine the next day.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Liang Qi slowly wakes up in his room, shaking his head without the pain after drinking. He sits up and finds that he is naked, his face is slightly red and his head is bowed, but he can't see any clue.

And what happened last night, she forgot, because she drank a lot.

Liang Qi went downstairs and saw two aunts busy there. She went over and asked, "how did I get back last night?"

Aunt blue looked back and saw fan Qing recover as usual. Her eyes were ambiguous: "Miss, last night you were only wearing close fitting clothes, which was carried back by the little guy last time. Then he sent you upstairs. You still scolded him for not being a man. Then he left when it was nearly seven o'clock this morning!"

Fan Qing's face turned red: "won't it?"

Seeing the two aunts nodding, fan Qing patted her head and recalled that she left after drinking with Chu Feng. Then, fan Qing's face was even more red. She remembered that she had taken the initiative to strip off her clothes and take off from the car on the way back, and then she didn't know anything.

But Chu Feng left at seven o'clock this morning. Fan Qing didn't care whether the two aunts were opening their lapels and looking in. She put down: "how come there is no sign of being kissed?"

"Didn't we do anything last night?"

Aunt blue shook her head: "it should be done, miss. Your voice is very loud. It seems that the door is not closed well. We both heard it!"

Fan Qing's body shook and touched her face: "really, what happened to me last night?" She stamped her feet and ran outside. Now she is not angry. Chufeng may have put on her pants and ran away. What's more, she has done with chufeng, but she doesn't know.

At this time, at Guangzhou International Airport, Chu Feng boarded the flight and looked out of the window with a serene look.

Murong Bing sat aside and touched his arm: "husband, how many times did you gallop on that young woman last night?"

"Not once!" Chu Feng passed by helplessly, Murong Bing estimated that she secretly followed in the dark last night: "I just saw her performing an art with her fingers, and then she vomited and took a bath for her, and nothing else was done."

Murong Bing naturally knew that nothing had been done last night, and nestled in Chu Feng's body: "look at that little girl who is so pathetic and injured. You should comfort others, such as comfort with your body, right?"

Don't want Murong ice ah of a Scream: "easy, pinch burst!"

Chu Feng's mouth twitched violently, and he buried his head directly. You can see from the eyes of those people in the cabin that he is broken all over the ground!

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