Super Healer

Chapter 1680

The moon is bright and the sky is starry, and the night is quiet.

Chu family cemetery, where the stele tower is, is quiet and strange.

Two figures suddenly fall from the sky, the Chu wind without rest at night, pulling the Oriental rhyme down.

Dongfang Yun frowned: "what are you doing here?"

"Worship is just a form. When you want it, it doesn't matter." Chu Feng loosed his hand of Oriental rhyme, and a faint smile appeared in the corner of his mouth: "Chu Jingtian, the old man, doesn't want to go in for me. If I have to, I won't do anything to Chu's family. I'll just pay homage to my parents and come in the evening, OK?"

Oriental rhyme suddenly, no wonder Chu wind in the daytime although angry, but did not burst out, the original choice is to come quietly at night.

Secretly looked at Chu Feng, this guy is still a little human existence, know that the dead parents do not want to see him and Chu family fratricidal, he chose to come at night.

But that is to say, Dongfang Yun moved her eyes, in her heart Chu Feng is still a son of a bitch, or a god kill.

"Come on, Lingyun says my parents' graves are in the East!"

Chu Feng naturally didn't know what Dongfang Yun was thinking. He walked to the front, because he was in the Tianguan oasis. No one was guarding the cemetery at night, so he went in easily.

Chu's cemetery and Yan's graveyard are different from each other, covering an even larger area.

The tombstones stand in the dark, with a kind of gloomy feeling. It can be seen that people often come here to take care of them. There are no weeds, no sundries. They are clean and tidy, and they are solemn and gloomy.

There are also rows of willows planted in the cemetery in the past. If there were no tombs here, it would definitely be a beautiful place with small rivers and flowing water. There are several mountains in the distance.

In terms of geomantic omen, this is a treasure land of geomantic omen. If buried here, the descendants will be smooth and smooth.

Of course, this is just a statement, but many people are willing to believe it.

After walking for more than ten minutes, he has been heading to the East. Thousands of tombs have passed in rows, neat and tidy. Chu Feng walked quietly in front of him, as if he was looking for something.

Look around Oriental rhyme and feel goose bumps.

In my heart, Chu Feng is an asshole. He came to these places in the middle of the night and said that he was romantic and romantic. Even if my mother let you do it, you could not get up.

In the heart infinite complaint, the Oriental rhyme bites the lip to follow behind.

After a while, Chu Feng stopped in front of him, and Oriental rhyme was slightly stunned. He stepped forward and looked at it with a stunned look.

Chu Feng's peaceful face showed anger, and a killing opportunity loomed, as if to destroy everything here at any time.

In front of them, there were two solitary graves, which were completely different from those they had begun to see. Although there were no weeds and the repairs were good, they were just two earth mounds and two simple tombstones.

And it's not just above the main line of the tomb, it's off the track, like a garage versus a temporary parking space.

The most important thing is, write on two tombstones!

The tomb of Chu Buji!

Shangguan yingyue's tomb!

The two are Chu Feng's parents. Dongfang Yun can understand Chu Feng's feelings. His parents are indeed buried in the Chu family cemetery, but they are buried in a unimportant place like cats and dogs. It seems like a foil. It's impossible for children to be angry.

Slowly walked by, Chu Feng knelt on his knees, no grief, anger also dissipated, invisible: "I come!"

Three words gently spit out from Chu Feng's mouth, with a deep sadness. Oriental rhyme stands behind. No matter how much she hates Chu Feng in her heart, she can't help but feel pity. At this time, Chu Feng is like a child who has lost her parents, and many people are common.

He will be sad, he will be sad, very real!

No burning paper, no incense, no crying, no tears.

Chu Feng gently kowtowed three heads to the two tombs, kneeling there quietly opened his mouth: "I have not seen you, I am very strange to you, but thank you for giving me life, also arranged for me the future road, master is very good to me, but he has never mentioned you to me, perhaps does not want me to be sad."

"Thank you for letting ice come to me. I've been dead many times without her. You're not here, but I still feel your protection."

Again kowtow to, this moment Chu Feng's eyes fell a tear, the whole person crawls on the ground, don't want Oriental rhyme to see his tears: "thank you, Dad, mom!"

Oriental rhyme covers the mouth, nose a bit sour feeling, looking at the two lonely graves, there is a kind of penetrating feeling.

As a demon, they are all people with weak family ties. Dongfang Yun doesn't know how many brothers and sisters she has and who her parents are. But at this moment, she thinks of her parents inexplicably and gives her life, but she doesn't know where she is now. Maybe she turns into dust parents.She didn't know why human beings attach so much importance to feelings, but now she seems to understand the general.

Even if people like Chu Feng, who are awed by blood and iron, will show sadness in front of their parents' graves, and they will become vulnerable. What's the emotion of other ordinary people? What kind of feeling?

For the first time, Dongfang Yun had a little interest in her so-called feelings, which she had always hated, and did not want Chang'e to be trapped. She wanted to know whether it was beautiful or tragic, or whether it was beautiful and miserable?

Looking at Chu wind prostrate kneeling on the ground, Oriental rhyme eyes this time there is no hate, just a calm.

Step forward and stand beside Chu Feng, squat down and whisper: "your parents will be very happy to see you have grown up and your achievements today. I believe they don't want to see you who are sad."

Chu Feng resisted the feeling of neck infarction, put aside his sadness and stood up and looked at the two graves peacefully: "Bingbing told me that the death of my parents and Chu Bufan brothers can not be separated from each other, including even the shadow of Huangfu Juntao. This time I come to the Chu family, I must check it out."

"If the son wants to raise him but his relatives are not there, let me avenge them and vent my anger for my master!"

Chu Feng, who was still peaceful and sad just now, has the breath of iron and blood. He stands up slowly, and his eyes regain the original firmness. There is also a killing opportunity that can not be concealed. Even if it is the Oriental rhyme beside him, you can feel the towering fireworks and killing machines that are overstocked in chufeng's body.

She believed that once it was confirmed that her parents had been framed and killed, and she knew the killer, it would be a cruel, merciless and bloody killing.

Squinting his eyes, Dongfang Yun asked, "if it's Lingyun's father, do you want to kill him? You should know, that aura will be very sad, you will also lose the heart of this touch of warmth

Chu Feng's expression was slightly stunned, and her eyes passed by helplessly: "emotion is something that can wear away a person's water chestnut. This is always right."

"But I am a son of man in vain for the Revenge of my parents, and if I don't get revenge, I'll be a son of man, won't I?"

When Xiaoyi takes the lead, any reluctance and emotion should be put down. Dongfang Yun understands the entanglement of Chu Feng, but if it proves everything, he will definitely let the Chu family bleed.

With a sigh, she didn't know what to say with Chu Feng, because she thought that if she was her own, she would make the same choice as Chu Feng.

Looking at two lonely slightly desolate tombs, Oriental rhyme light opening: "let them rest here?"

Chu Feng's eyes fell on his parents' tombs and took a deep breath: "it's a big taboo to move graves. Let them rest here. Although the Chu family did not give them similar burial status, at least they were given a place to bury their bones. All this is enough. However, I don't even have a place to worship."

"It's just the future. I don't know if I can still come to worship them?"

Oriental rhyme at the moment is just a pity for Chu Feng, smell speech to turn back: "why not?"

Chu Feng turned his head, and his eyes flashed and joked: "your master blinded the way of heaven and let six students gather around me. It is the night of blood moon that makes me sad. You can't understand that kind of deception. In the future, when I step into the realm of God, Chang'e will fall down from the altar. Of course, it may also be the time when I fall into this way."

"So I really don't know if I can worship them again. After all, there are so many enemies that I have a life. It's enough to die once."

Feeling Chu Feng's undisguised murderous opportunity and firmness, Dongfang Yun's relaxed mood just now returned to the beginning: "son of a bitch!"

Chu Feng shrugged his shoulders and took a step to embrace Dongfang Yun's waist: "I admit that I am a bastard, or a human scum, but that is only limited to you and your master. Wait, when I open the last taboo force, I will take you to your master. Do you miss her very much?"

Dongfang Yun's body was shocked, and her eyes were cold. She knew that if Chu Feng awakened her last taboo power, she would definitely go to the lost country and fight with Chang'e.

Biting his lips and swearing: "you are her first man. Do you have the heart to kill her who has been in love for endless years? You all want to revenge for your parents. She is the princess of heaven, and the whole heaven is destroyed. She shoulders the responsibility of revenge and restructuring the heaven. What do you want her to do? "

"Besides, did the rest hurt you once, except for six students gathered around you?"

Chu Feng's expression slightly a congealed, want to say something, eventually turned into a sigh: "God makes people."

Holding the Oriental rhyme, Chu Feng didn't want to say these things. After paying homage to his parents, he could also go back to sleep at ease.

Just holding her for a distance, a voice sounded in their ears: "are you Chu Feng?"

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