Super Healer

Chapter 1698

Three days, a wave of fingers.

The sacrifice ceremony of Chu family will be officially held tomorrow. At that time, many people of the Chu family will gather in the forbidden area of the Chu family to hold a huge ceremony to worship heaven and ancestors. This is the first time that Chu Feng, the new head of the family, will appear in front of everyone.

But Chu Feng didn't have much interest in it. He knew that the sacrificial ceremony would not be so peaceful tomorrow. At least something would happen, which was an inexplicable feeling.

Especially in the past three days, Chu Feng was more curious about the frost and Murong ice.

As soon as they are late at night, they will sneak into his room to study life and ideals. The benefits brought by the twin chaotic body have not played a very important role with his realm upgrading, only a slight improvement. However, lengrushuang and Murong Bing have improved a lot. According to what they said, they should be able to step into the realm of God within a year.

For such things, Chu Feng of course is willing to, just feel a little powerless, two women are too crazy.

In the morning of this day, the sun fell. Chu Feng opened his eyes and felt his arms numb. He looked around and laughed bitterly.

Leng Rushuang and Murong Bing lean on his shoulder one by one. For many men, it is a pleasant thing to embrace these two unique creatures at the same time. But Chu Feng is also very clear that he is the one. If you change to other men, a woman like this will be enough for them.

A gentle cough, so that the two people who are still in sleep quietly open their eyes.

Murong Bing languidly blinked his eyes and raised his hand to hook Chu Feng: "do you want to do morning exercises?"

See Chu Feng staring at two people, cold as frost face: "have not seen?"

Chufeng pondered a smile: "see not enough!"

"Rogue!" Leng Rushuang is very helpful in his heart, but he still swears at him. When he gets dressed, he goes to wash and gargle. Murong Bing also puts on a kiss on Chu Feng's mouth and follows him in.

Chu Feng got up and looked at the traces left by two crazy women on his body. He put on his clothes with a wry smile. If someone finds out, it will be bad.

When they washed out, Chu Feng also asked his curiosity in the past few days: "what's the matter with you? You feel like you've been hungry and thirsty for years?"

Cold such as frost cast Chu wind a look: "give you dry, you still aggrieved?"

Hum a, cold as frost, shake hair, open the door to leave, leaving only a breath of fragrance.

"My sisters have been starving for many years." Murong Bing, however, walked to Chu Feng with a delicate smile, showing her charm: "you think about it, oh, from the ancient times to the new era, from the new era to the present is tens of thousands of years, we must be hungry ah, but we have buried the longing of countless years!"

"Husband, you have to work hard to feed us!"

Murong Bing giggled and giggled, which did not continue to tease Chu Feng and went out. Then Chu Feng washed and gargled and came to the restaurant. Dongfang Yun had already been sitting there, but it didn't look very good.

When she went to sit down, Chu Feng looked at her and frowned and asked, "this young master hasn't touched you these days. Why do you seem to be in a bad mood?"

Dongfang Yun took a cold look at Chu Feng, then cast Murong Bing sister's two eyes and lowered her head: "every night, ghosts cry and wolf roar, who can sleep?"

Chu Feng coughs and knows what Dongfang Yun means. The rest of the people say that they are all in the outer courtyard, but Dongfang Yun is next door to his room in the inner courtyard. He doesn't care about the environment when he is in love with Murong Bing. The release is really disturbing people's rest.

Murong ice cut a: "said as if you are more noble than us how much the same, also do not know who has a few days voice broke."

Oriental rhyme slapped the chopsticks on the table: "sudaji!"

Cold as frost also cooperate with the bad look in the eyes. Dongfang Yun bit her lips and stiffly the helplessness of being teased by Murong Bing. She lowers her head to eat breakfast, but it looks like eating and drinking some people's flesh and blood.

Murong Bing was very satisfied with the appearance of Oriental rhyme and nodded slightly: "those who know the current affairs are the heroes!"

In the hatred of Oriental rhyme, Murong Bing and Murong Bing had breakfast. Chu Feng kept silent on this because he was the initiator.

"Less wind, up?"

Just after silence, ye Zisheng and Chu Lingyun also came in from the outside. These days ye Zisheng was in Chu Lingyun's home.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "en!"

"Tomorrow is the grand ceremony of the Chu family." Ye Zisheng came and sat down and nodded to Murong Bing. However, as cold as frost, ye Zisheng had disappeared at the moment of Ye Zisheng's appearance. Ye Zisheng was curious about how to add a pair of bowls and chopsticks, but did not think deeply: "Lingyun means that I will join her."

Chu Feng hands a stagnant, look at the Chu Lingyun sitting next to Ye Zisheng, knowing that he is still guilty about the day's events.

Exhaled a breath, Chu Feng shook his head: "today you do not look for me, I also want to find you, Chu family sacrifice ceremony, you do not need to participate, today leave Chu home, I let Chu Yi take you out."

"Second brother!" Before ye Zisheng spoke, Chu Lingyun exclaimed, "Ye Zisheng is my fiance, the son-in-law of the Chu family. Why can't he attend the ceremony?"Knowing that Chu Lingyun had misunderstood her meaning, Chu Feng whispered back, "I have my reason. Not only does he want to leave, but you also follow him today."

Although tomorrow is a ceremony of sacrifice, and the strong members of the Chu family gather together, Chu Feng feels that something will happen tomorrow. Even if nothing happens, he will question Chu Bufan and Chu Jingtian in front of all the Chu family members tomorrow. Naturally, they have their own background in the Chu family for many years, and it is inevitable that there will be a river of blood.

Ye Zisheng, as an ordinary person, should not be here, so Chu Feng wants him to leave for safety.

Chu Lingyun stood up and shook her head decisively: "second brother, I know that you are still angry about the second uncle. I can't ask you to forgive these things, but ye Zisheng is my husband, and he has already got my father's permission. So it is necessary for him to participate in the ceremony of sacrifice of Chu family tomorrow."

"This is an affirmation to himself and to me, Chu Lingyun, and a Chu family member."

Holding Ye Zisheng, Chu Lingyun continued: "I don't know why you want Ye Zisheng to leave, but if you don't attend the ceremony tomorrow, I won't leave and he won't leave."

Chu Feng narrowed his eyes: "Lingyun, this is not a time for children's play. Why do you want to participate in the sacrificial ceremony?"

"Second brother!" Chu Lingyun bit her lips and looked aggrieved: "this time, I will marry into Ye's family when I leave with Ye Zisheng. According to the regulations of Xuanyuan family and adjudication office, women married to the secular world can't return to their homes within ten years. Maybe it will be a lot longer. This time, perhaps, is the last time for me to participate in the sacrificial ceremony."

"You should know how important the ceremony is for every Chu family. I don't want to miss it. Maybe it's a lifetime."

The original intention of Chu Feng is to worry about the damage to Ye Zisheng, and the pregnant Chu Lingyun will be hurt. But at the moment, he also understands Chu Lingyun's helplessness.

She is already a martial artist in the period of natural anger. She has been around Ye Zisheng for 20 years at most. After 20 years, she will leave because she wants to avoid worldly knowledge. However, she is doomed to be unable to return to the Chu family at will, because Xuanyuan family will not allow such things to happen.

Who knows what you do when you go back to the Chu family, and will it hurt the interests of the holy pilgrimage?

Looking at Chu Lingyun's eyes, Chu Feng exhaled a breath and shook his head.

Just about to force her to refuse again, Murong binglala his hand: "husband, Lingyun left with ye Xiaozi this time, maybe ten or even twenty years. If she wants to participate in the sacrificial ceremony as the family of Chu for the last time, please promise her."

"Or she won't be happy."

Chu Feng frowns, he knows Chu Lingyun will not be happy, but this time is not a time for children.

See Chu Lingyun aggrieved almost all want to shed tears, Chu Feng looked at Ye Zisheng: "Ye Shao, what do you mean?"

Ye Zisheng felt that there was something wrong with him. Otherwise, Chu Feng, who is now the head of the Chu family, would not ask him to leave first. He just understood Chu Lingyun's mood. He clenched her hand and said, "if there is less wind, let Lingyun participate in tomorrow's sacrificial ceremony."

Chu Feng frowned and knew that it was useless to say anything now. Chu Lingyun wanted to leave without regret.

Take a breath: "that's OK, but if something happens tomorrow, you must leave Chu's house as soon as possible, you know?"

"What will happen?" Chu Lingyun asked.

"Master of the house!" A servant of Chu came in at this time, and said respectfully: "I want to meet you outside!"

Uncle, Chu Bufan!

Chu Feng narrowed his eyes, Chu Bufan suddenly came to look for him, a little strange, nodded: "arrange to the living room, I wait for the past!"

He said to Ye Zisheng, "remember what I said just now. If I don't feel right tomorrow, I will leave Chu's home at the first time."

Explain a sentence, Chu Feng left the restaurant, Chu Lingyun eyebrow micro Cu: "sister-in-law, what will happen?"

Murong Bing showed a smile: "then, maybe you will know? But remember your second brother's account, what happened, and leave at the first time. "

Ye Zisheng and Chu Lingyun both felt the unusual breath and had a kind of bad premonition.

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