Super Healer

Chapter 173

On the mountain road!

This is the only place where the river and the sea are not covered by too much modernization. The land within ten miles is covered by lush trees and crossed by paths, which can give busy city people a chance to have a rest.

Today is Saturday. There are still a lot of people coming to Huanshan Road, but most of them are staying in the woods with beautiful scenery and grassland. Occasionally, we can hear some laughter coming out. Some people drive private cars around these paths and enjoy the temporary peace.

Above the mountain road is a lonely Pavilion. Compared with the beautiful scenery and the beautiful air in the woods, few people would like to come here to blow the wind. At this moment, Yan Ruyu's Audi directly stops here. The woman who opens the door and gets off the car goes to the back to open it and carries out a box of things.

Under Chu Feng's curious gaze, Yan Ruyu looked at him with a little anger: "don't you know how to help girls?"

"Oh, I'll do it!" Chu Feng secretly trouble woman, but still went to take Yan Ruyu's things, feeling a little heavy, curious about what.

Following Yan Ruyu to the pavilion, Chu Feng put things down and said with a smile, "how to carry some things to this place and throw rubbish!"

"If you're rubbish, it's really rubbish."

Yan Ruyu takes a look at Chu Feng. She originally wanted to express her melancholy mood today, but when she met Chu Feng at the school gate, she suddenly wanted to find someone to chat with. However, when she heard Chu Feng's words, she threw out a sentence in a bad tone.

"Ah," Yan Yu said in a joke

"Not funny!"

Yan Ruyu hummed and sat down directly. After opening the carton box, he took out a bottle of things. Chu Feng was stunned. This stereotyped woman is going to drink. Is there any trouble?

Yan Ruyu took out eight bottles of Maotai one after another and put them on the stone table. Then he turned the box upside down and poured out a lot of things, all of which were stewed food, chicken feet, chicken legs, chicken wings and so on.

Chu Feng looks at this scene, the corners of his mouth affect, Yan Ruyu is not specially to find him, he knows, then these things Yan Ruyu began to prepare for himself? Think of the eyes to Yan Ruyu that flat abdomen, stomach can hold so many things and wine?

Although Chu Feng did not say a word, but Yan Ruyu how can not know his meaning: "shut up, don't ask what should not be asked."

Chufeng shrugged his shoulders, and he didn't want to say anything. Today, he was a bit depressed. He sat down and opened a bottle of Maotai and took a sip. Although it was not as high as that made by Shancun, it was not bad. He picked up a chicken leg, tore the package and ate it alone.

Yan Ruyu Xiu eyebrow micro Cu: "why don't you ask why I come to you?"

"Just as you don't know why I came to be like you, I won't tell you if you ask, so what do you want to do?"

Chufeng picked up a mouthful of drumsticks, which tasted good. After pouring a mouthful of Maotai, he said softly, "so I ask you, you won't tell me, you ask me, I won't tell you, so why ask?"

"Quite thoughtful." Yan Ruyu said with a slight appreciation, picked up the bottle and gulped it down. Chu Feng didn't pay attention to it. If the wine is not drunk, everyone will be drunk. It's a good thing to drink and complain when you are sad.

Maybe I don't know at the beginning, but at the moment Chu Feng knows how much Yan Ruyu is upset about.

"If you say that you were born rich or ordinary, how would you choose?"

Yan Ruyu may be really annoyed, just a few minutes, 400 ml bottle has already reached the bottom, spit out a mouthful of wine gas, said softly: "if it's me, have a choice, I really want to be born in an ordinary family, at least that can be a little free?"

Chu Feng wine bottle more than half, heard Yan Ruyu's words also have a similar feeling: "I used to have the same idea as you, but I think is why I didn't come from a rich family, why my parents abandoned me, but now I'm looking at it. Although the fate of people is not doomed, but we can't say too much."

"It's better to find a way to change the status quo than to feel sorry for yourself. If you can't change your origin, you can change your destiny!"

Looking into the distance, Chu Feng poured a mouthful of white wine, thinking of his origin and his past, he revealed three points of melancholy: "rich people think of ordinary origin because of all kinds of oppression, and ordinary people think about rich and noble origin when they are traveling for three meals and food and clothing."

Take a look at Yan Ruyu, a thoughtful girl, Chu Feng said: "you are now irritable life, but because you enjoy too much, but some people struggle for a lifetime, maybe less than half of you."

Yan Ruyu opened the second bottle of wine and took a sip. Maybe it was because she finished a bottle very quickly. The second bottle was not so fast: "you said maybe right, but I have my ideas. You don't know what I have encountered, so you don't understand my yearning mind. Similarly, I can't understand why those ordinary people want to go to high places."Speaking of these, Yan Ruyu sighs slightly, and is directly proposed by Wen Aojun at the party. Due to various considerations, she can't refuse. Afterwards, she wants to discuss with Yan Tianming to cancel the proposal. However, Yan Tianming still refuses to agree because of the overall situation.

Therefore, Yan Ruyu can only hope that Wen Ao Jun can not meet his requirements. However, this morning when she knew that Wen Ao Jun was flying to the Imperial City, Yan Ruyu knew that there were seven or eight times in ten. The agreement between him and Wen Ao Jun could not be changed!

This is the reason why she prepared so many things to drink on the mountain road. It was just a coincidence that she met Chu Feng!

This is the reason why she longed for her ordinary background. Because she was born ordinary, she did not need to worry about family affairs. She could do what she wanted to do. However, looking at Chu Feng, who was regarded as an audience by herself, also had boring things, which meant that the world was reduced to human beings.

"Drink, no matter what life is like, unless we die, we will continue to walk on."

Chu Feng raised the wine bottle in his hand and touched Yan Ruyu gently. Then he drank a bottle and tore open a chicken wing to eat it. As he said, no matter how life is, unless you don't want to live, you will go down.

Yan Ruyu did not start so fast, just slowly sipping, but in this way, the second bottle also quickly disappeared in the wine bottle, perhaps because of drinking too much, perhaps because of emotion, Yan Ruyu today said a little more: "if it is an ordinary person, I can do whatever I want to do."

"Sometimes I go shopping crazily, or go to the bar to play, and then walk on the street like ordinary people and laugh wildly. How nice

"You think so now. Maybe when you give it to you, you don't say so." Chufeng gentle smile, naturally understand Yan Ruyu's idea, the world is always full of contradictions, when you want to give up, after giving up, you will want to get, now Yan Ruyu is in this idea.

"No, I don't know." Yan Ruyu wanted to say that it was impossible, but she hesitated a little when she thought that she would run for three meals without sports cars, famous brand clothes and top cosmetics.

Chu Feng just laughed it off. He knew that during the days when his adoptive mother was seriously ill, what Chu Feng thought most about was money. However, when he could get $8.8 million at will, he longed for the calm at the beginning. At least, he didn't need to worry about the shooting of a bullet every day.

As time goes by, Yan Ruyu and Chu Feng have different understandings. Maybe it's because her identity has been suppressed for a long time, or maybe it's because Wen Aojun's affair has hit her a lot. In less than three hours, she has drunk three bottles of white wine, and is still talking and drinking wine there!

Chu Feng didn't drink a lot, but he didn't restrain himself as before. Now he only drank two bottles, which made him feel a little dizzy. But when he thought of Lin Yulin's disappointment and heartache, Chu Feng was still depressed.

Distrust, sometimes is also a kind of harm to people!

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