Super Healer

Chapter 179

Next to a nurse smell speech, quickly give the alcohol to Chu Feng. At the moment, in the entire operating room, except Chu Feng is still calm and quiet, the rest of the people can be said to be afraid of the atmosphere, because the operation Chu Feng is doing now is completely subverting their cognition.

Chu Feng took the alcohol and fell directly and evenly on Yao Shuren's back. On the exposed spine, not only did the blood stop flowing back, but even the pain disappeared.

All the alcohol fell, with a little red blood left on the operating table, shocking!

Chufeng unconsciously used the scalpel to scrape the old wounds on the spine slowly, just like scraping bones and healing wounds. Everyone could see that the black color like cinder was completely blown down by the Chu wind.

People who saw this scene, no matter Shen Xueyan or other doctors showed an unbelievable look. Generally, it looked like this kind of old injury, and it was on the bone. At most, they would carry out bone marrow transplantation to save the patient. However, as Chu Feng directly scraped the affected area with a scalpel, they still could not accept it.

But now Chu Feng is still doing surgery there. Even if there are thousands of questions in his heart, everyone can only hold back in his heart and prepare to have a look afterwards. At this moment, we are more willing to see the facts.

As time went by, Chu Feng seriously scraped out the old wounds on his spine. Although he could be transplanted, he was not as good as himself, so Chu Feng was willing to fight for it.

Nearly three hours later, Chu Feng removed the gray and black color on Yao Shuren's spine, and restored a trace of vitality to his pelvis. Then he breathed a sigh of relief: "blood transfusion!"

Chu Feng, a dull nurse who had been watching, called twice before he regained consciousness. He quickly connected the blood transfusion vessel to Yao Shuren. The blood slowly entered Yao Shuren's body. Chu Feng also removed all seven needles at this time, and then dropped four needles on the rest of Yao Shuren's acupoints, guiding the circulation of blood and constantly stimulating his nerves.

Two thousand milliliters of blood was infused in more than an hour. Yao Shuren's face was pale, and everyone could see that he had recovered a lot of ruddy. Although many people still had a negative attitude in their hearts, they had to admit that Chu Feng's bold practice even broke the common sense in the medical field.

"Sew up!"

Once again, he put a few knives on Yao Shuren's body. Chu Feng took out a kind of powder and sprinkled it on Yao Shuren's old wounds. We didn't know what it was. But when he saw the powder fall, it melted into the wound immediately.

After taking the needle and thread from the nurse, Chu Feng stitched the wound as quickly as he sewed clothes, which made everyone scared. The speed of stitching was really terrible. The most important thing was that the gap between each stitch was so much, which seemed to have been calculated for a long time.

It took Chu Feng a few minutes to sew, but in everyone's mind, it seemed that several years passed. Until Chu Feng put down the needle, everyone breathed heavily.

Chu Feng looked at Yao Shuren, and his eyes flashed a light smile. Although it was an old injury for several years, Yao Shuren's illness was a few months ago, not a terminally ill one. He removed the poison residue of the old injury and replaced the blood in his lower body. At the moment, all Yao Shuren had left was to have a good rest.

Finally sprinkled on those wounds are the muscle regeneration powder prepared by Chu Feng, which is not very adverse to the weather, but only 10 days and a half months can stimulate bone marrow regeneration, and the places that have been scraped and contain toxins will grow healthy bone marrow again.

"President Shen, let someone check his whole body indexes!"

After pulling out the last four needles on Yao Shuren, Chu Feng also gave a heavy breath: "in addition, during this half month, try to let him rest, but when there is sunshine, arrange him to go out and bask in the sun. Some things in the sun are also very important for patients."

Once again, he witnessed the magic of Chu Feng. Shen Xueyan was so obsessed that he nodded with almost no thought and quickly arranged various examinations. Ten doctors were there to observe and observe. There was no need to call anyone.

Ten doctors entered the operating room after five minutes in the disinfection room. Each of them had a nervous heart and was checking Yao Shuren's blood, heart rate, pulse and so on. Each of them checked the same thing. In addition, they were all highly skilled doctors. Naturally, it was very fast.

After saying hello to Shen Xueyan, Chu Feng went out and changed his clothes. Then he took the elevator to the floor where the dean's office is located. It took almost five hours of surgery and consumed too much money. How could they all need a good rest.

"The nerves are back to life?"

"Normal heartbeat!"

"The pulse frequency is normal!"

"There are no adverse reactions in the bone marrow, normal!"

After that, the doctor of each test item told all the results of his examination. Zhao Guiyuan finally said: "if there is no adverse reaction within 24 hours, the doctor can get the patient out of bed and walk in half a month."

Zhao Guiyuan's words shocked everyone. Those who could not be cured by them had to stand up now. No one could understand the impact.At the moment, everyone's eyes are on Shen Xueyan. The meaning is self-evident. Shen Xueyan did not say anything: "if the patient is normal, then follow the normal procedure. This patient is a special patient, and the medical expenses are free!" Then turn to leave, although the face is calm, but the heart than many people are excited.

"The dean is not interesting enough, so stingy!"

Shen Xueyan just walked out of the operating room, a middle-aged female doctor was dissatisfied with a murmur, but think of what to look at Zhao Guiyuan: "director Zhao, usually you and the dean is the best relationship, do you know who that person is?"

"My master!" When the nurse pushed the bed out of the operating room, Zhao Guiyuan took off the mask on his face and said, "a genius!"

When everyone was successfully attracted to his attention, Zhao Guiyuan said with a smile, but with a little chubby face, he looked a bit obscene: "you don't know, I didn't have a patient who issued a death notice two months ago? She's my master who brought her back from hell. "

"It's him. I knew I didn't talk like that."

At first, director Liao, who was very arrogant, felt very moved and regretted. Zhao Guiyuan once had a patient who was pulled back from the ghost gate and was discharged from hospital for half a month to recover. That was a legend of Jianghai hospital. I didn't expect that he was talking like that just now when the legendary figure was in front of him.

But then he looked at Zhao Guiyuan and said, "you bastard, I thought you were called master Dean at first, which is not enough meaning." But he immediately took Zhao Guiyuan's hand and said, "well, we've worked together for so many years. When you go to see your master, how about taking me with you? Where to eat? Just say it. It's mine."

The rest of the doctors did not speak, but the meaning was the same as director Liao. They were not willing to give up the idea of meeting Chu Feng.

Zhao Guiyuan ridiculed the reality of these colleagues in his heart, but he was not like this at the beginning. Thinking of his relationship with Chu Feng, he felt his head awkwardly: "I called him master, but I was wishful thinking, ha ha!"

Just then, director Liao and others immediately gave him a few white eyes and left the operating room one after another. All they thought about was whether to go and have a good talk with the dean. If it wasn't Zhao Guiyuan's master, he must have a good relationship with the dean.

"You let me see a miracle of life again. It's a pity that you don't come forward to benefit the people."

At the moment, in the dean's office, Shen Xueyan, who had changed his clothes and followed him, said with emotion: "your medical skills and your means, not to mention in the river and sea, even in the whole country, no one can compare with you. It's a pity!"

Chu Feng just smiles at this, and learning medicine is just an accident. Chu Feng does not intend to rely on this rise. He takes the prescription written by him just now and hands it to Shen Xueyan: "this is Yao Shuren's medicine for the next half a month. If you make it according to this, he will soon be able to recover his health. At most, he will be a normal person for another month."

"What, a month?" Shen Xueyan was so surprised that he opened his mouth with no image. His eyes were full of wonder. He was injured for a hundred days. Yao Shuren was still operated. Could he be like a normal person in a month?

Looking at the prescription in his hand, Shen Xueyan's expression was strange, because more than 20 kinds of medicinal materials were common herbs, but seeing their weight, Shen Xueyan frowned and then stretched out: "I will make this medicine myself. Don't worry about it"!

"Thank you, and I hope you will keep this secret for me as you did last time."

Chu Feng admires Shen Xueyan's persistence in the medical cause, but there are some things Chu Feng agreed to. Otherwise, he could give Shen Xueyan something: "so I'll go first. If Yao Shuren and his family really ask about it, you can say that I've left, and you don't know my name."

The reason why Chu Feng did it was just a matter of conscience. He liked Yao Qianxue because it was his favorite type, which was also a contribution to a family. As for Yao Qianxue's gratitude, Chu Feng never thought about it!

Shen Xueyan nodded to send Chu Feng away, and then took out his private phone. After connecting over there, he said, "anyway, you can come back, otherwise, you will regret it!"

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