Super Healer

Chapter 181

"Knife, it's not used like this!"

Chu Feng coldly looked at more than a dozen people who had been provoked by himself. He looked at the knife that was flying high towards him. He said a word indifferently. The next moment, he suddenly appeared in front of the leading gunner. It was not that Chu Feng would move in an instant, but the speed was too fast to be captured by others.

The right hand reached out and held the leading gunner's hand holding the knife. With a slight twist, the voice of bone dislocation sounded. For a time, he was unable to let the knife fall from his hand. Chu Feng's perfect foot kicked in the leader's abdomen. The latter's eyes were slightly protruding and slowly squatted down, feeling that his intestines seemed to be broken.

And the fallen knife did not know when it arrived in Chu Feng's hand. It was cold and merciless. It swept the others with blood red eyes, and then a cold light passed by. The right hand of the leading gunner directly fell to the ground, accompanied by Chu Feng's extremely indifferent words: "this is just a little interest."

No longer to see the leader of the gunner one eye, Chu Feng ran into the group of people who were stunned because of the failure of the leader shooter. The ordinary knife was like a magic weapon blade in Chu Feng's hand at the moment. A knife swung open the knife which was split by three people. One leg kicked it out, and one person fell out like a broken line kite.

Suddenly, a man caught a gap, his eyes twinkled ferociously, and his face stabbed at the back of Chu Feng, but he had not touched Chu Feng's body. He saw that his hand holding the knife slowly separated from his body and finally fell to the ground.

There was a full silence for two seconds, and then a shrill cry broke out, just like a duck whose throat was cut off, and the blood gushed from the throat.

Chu Feng only appeared in a short time. He killed several people and cut off their leader. His hand lay on the ground. Although there was incomparable fear in his heart, it aroused more blood in his heart.

Where is the lake?

That is a place where either you die or I die. At the moment, both Chu Feng and these killers are very clear. At this moment, this night, whether they die or Chu Feng dies, there will be no third result.

Therefore, in order to be the last to survive, both sides have no reservation, in order to kill each other!

Chu Feng's left eye turned red from blood red at the beginning, which was ferocious and terrifying. Anyone who touched Chu Feng's left eye would find that his body stayed for a short time, a kind of shaking from the heart, which made them forget the reaction.

But that is that second, at most two seconds of stay, they either lost the final combat effectiveness, or completely lost their lives, Chu Feng tonight, merciless!

"I can't stand it!"

At last, when Chu Feng broke down the twelfth man, the defense line in the bottom of his heart collapsed completely. With a roar, the knife in his hand was thrown directly towards Chu Feng, and he quickly turned around and ran outside the warehouse.

Chu Feng Mou son is calm, just the blood splashed on the body makes people feel a cold.

A knife was cut out, bright and cruel. The knife thrown at Chu Feng was directly hacked out by Chu Feng and flew toward the person who wanted to escape. The latter looked at the door close at hand, and his face was eager for life. But before he stepped out, his body suddenly stagnated and looked down at his stomach. A sharp knife pierced through his body directly.


Turning around and looking at Chu Feng, he pointed to him and said a word. There was a mouthful of blood in his mouth, and he slowly fell to the ground. But his open eyes showed that he was not in peace. Why did more than ten people fail? This may be the only thing he could think of before he died.

Chu Feng was covered with blood, but he didn't know. His eyes were cold and swept over the warehouse of nearly 1000 square meters, but he didn't find the person he was looking for. He walked to the leader of the team who didn't die. He stood down and said, "where is the woman you arrested? Tell me, I'll give you a whole corpse!"

The leader gunner was chufeng a foot to remove all his strength, at the moment looking at the companion is not dead or injured, also know can not resist, difficult raised his hand to point to a far away room, which is a warehouse duty personnel rest place: "that woman is there, we did not do anything to her."

"Don't tell me the truth until now. It seems that you really don't want to leave the whole body."

Chu Feng has just seen the entire warehouse area, where there is Lin Yulin's figure, said coldly: "say, where is she? Who are you?"

The leader gunner looked stiff and looked at the duty room in the distance. What I said was the truth. How could I cheat? Subconsciously, Chu Feng thought that he wanted to find an excuse to kill him, and sneered: "if you want to kill me, you can start directly. There is no need to find such an excuse without nutrition here. The woman is there.

As for who we are, you don't want to know, life is here

Chu Feng's left eye can be seen through. If he's not there, he can penetrate. Seeing the look of the leader's looking for death, Chu Feng's eyes are stunned, and a knife's light cuts across, and his head directly rolls to one side.

The three people who had not died saw the leader gunner cut off his head with a knife from Chu Feng, and his eyes were full of panic. At this time, Chu Feng also went to a man again: "tell me, where are the people? Who are you?"The man's eyes twinkled a few times, and he didn't know whether to say it or not. According to what Chu Feng said just now, he said that he was going to die. However, Chu Feng was impatient. The knife fell down again, and the second head rolled on the ground.

"Where are the people? Who are you?" Walking to the second person, looking at the latter lying on the ground, Chu Feng had no extra emotion: "don't think it's clean after death. There's something that calls death restless!"

"I said you let me go, I said!"

The man was completely afraid at the moment, especially after witnessing the terrible killing of Chu Feng. It was very difficult to mention the determination of resistance: "otherwise, even if you killed me, I would not say it."

"Why don't you cherish the opportunity to die?" Chu Feng sighed, just like the God of compassion, but in the eyes of the last living person, the falling machete is the most cruel picture in life: "unexpectedly you are so tough, then I will fulfill your backbone!"

The third head rolled out and fell right in front of the last living person. Chu Feng's steps also appeared in front of him at the moment: "only you. As the last person, you will not just lose your head. I just learned a craft called cutting staff!"

The man who was still hesitating was very excited. He seemed to know how Chu Feng wanted to say to him: "I say, I say!"

Five minutes later, Chu Feng walked out of the warehouse. His eyes were cold and without any emotion. Looking at the cruelty of a corpse, he already knew what he wanted to know, but Lin Yulin's whereabouts were unknown. Chu Feng didn't know whether the later man had cheated himself. If not, Lin Yulin should be in the hands of the people behind the scenes now?

He kicked out an oil barrel full of gasoline and went into the warehouse and overturned it. He lifted up the lighter he had just found on those corpses. With a bang, the warehouse full of blood was directly ignited. The fire spread instantaneously because of the gasoline, and soon covered the whole warehouse.

Chu wind slowly left behind the sea of fire, until finally disappeared in the vast night, only the residual in the air of a sharp killing machine, has not dissipated for a long time.

A few minutes after the fire broke out, the staff in the three compartment warehouse area also found the fire here. They quickly dropped the card in their hands to call the police and rescue. The originally quiet Sanxiang warehouse area was busy in a short time. Everyone was curious about how the warehouse, which does not use twice a year, caught fire.

"Why is it on fire? Is the wind OK?"

Because of the traffic jam, Liu Yan and Liu Yan, who had just arrived, stopped outside the warehouse area at the moment. Seeing the fire on the inside half of the sky, Jin Xiaoqi covered his mouth in surprise: "sister Yan, if you don't call the police again, the wind may be dangerous."

At this time, Liu Yan was completely shocked by the fire. No matter what could be detected by the undercover, she dialed the in-line telephone. She was the vice captain of the team on Monday. Naturally, she had her own privileges. Soon the criminal investigation team and the fire department received the news, and the whole River and sea were moved.

"He's a little more terrifying than we thought he was!"

Five hundred meters away from the three compartment warehouse area, in an unnoticed black car, Yao Xin put down her glasses and nestled in the arms of Lengyan woman: "honey, do you think we can do something with this fire?"

"Don't worry. Now the finches haven't appeared. How can the hunter jump out?" Lengyan woman touched Yao Xin's body with one hand, and her eyes twinkled with cold light: "the river and sea have been calm for too long. Chu Feng is a chess piece moving up in the river and sea. We should hide it before the critical time."

"Of course, he needs help now. Maybe you can do something about it."

"You are so bad!" Yao Xin seemed to know the meaning of Lengyan woman. She giggled and pointed her forehead angrily. Then she opened the door and got out of the car. She said with a smile, "I hope I'll be your only woman after success."

"That's natural." Lengyan woman showed a gentle color and opened her mouth with a smile, but when Yao Xin turned to leave, Lengyan woman looked at the flaming three compartment warehouse and raised a sneer: "one day, I will surpass you and become the only one!"

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