Super Healer

Chapter 189

"Third hall leader, not good!"

At the moment, within the Shuangzhu building, a confidant ran to the golden wolf in a panic and said anxiously, "all the people who were going to hunt down the four security guards just now are dead, all of them are dead in the stairwell on the 18th floor, and they are killing each other!"

"Cannibalism?" It is a great shock to golden wolf to hear that all the people sent out are dead. At the moment, the cause of death is still killing each other. How can we not be surprised.

The confidant didn't know how the specific killing was going on and how it came about. But seeing the scene, he knew that it was a fratricidal situation: "it's really fratricidal, because two people stabbed each other to death!"

"The rest of you, follow me!"

At the moment, the elevator has resumed normal operation, but until now, except for the four security guards, no one else has been found. Golden wolf doesn't believe that Shuangzhu will have four people. He also doesn't believe that a hundred people team actually killed each other.

However, before the elevator fell down, a whoosh sound came from the outside. The golden wolf subconsciously turned back, and his eyes condensed into awns. In his eyes, only a lot of arrows appeared, and they were powerful crossbows.

When the elevator opened, the golden wolf had no time to pay attention to the 200 men in the hall at the moment. They directly entered the elevator and quickly closed the door. Although many crossbows and arrows were shot into the elevator, they did not hurt the golden wolf hiding in the side.

The golden wolf in the elevator had cold eyes, took out his mobile phone and quickly dialed out the phone: "brother, we were cheated. There are few people in Shuangzhu building. The people of Shuangzhu club are outside. When we all come in, we will catch turtles in the urn!"

Just as the phone was talking, there was no response. The elevator shook a few times. After the light flickered, it was completely dark. The golden wolf tensed his body and felt that life and death could not be controlled by his life and death. Randley, the other end of the phone, was also very surprised: "what happened in the end? Why are you ambushed?"

"Big brother, I'm trapped in the elevator. Help quickly, or we're all finished!"

The golden wolf was in the dark elevator at the moment. He was no longer in the mood to talk about the rest of the questions. After saying a word, he hung up the phone directly. He slowly adapted to the darkness and looked at his head: "do you think this can trap me?"

The body leaps up with a powerful blow to the escape passageway on the top of the elevator. The elevators in ordinary buildings have such equipment. After opening, you can go to the next floor where the elevator room is located through the climbing equipment in the elevator passage. Then it will be safe.

This is a way of self-help without staff!

However, the entrance of the passage in the imagination of golden wolf did not open. His face changed. He jumped up again and attacked several times. Even his fist had blood stains, but he still did not shake the escape exit. His face turned white in the dark.

Now there is only one possibility that the opening on the top of the elevator has been sealed.

In the hall at the moment, Yao Xin led the elite of 700 Shuangzhu club to get the position of the hall completely. Two hundred people of the Wolf Gang who were shot by crossbows were quickly cleared into the ready trucks and left the Shuangzhu building directly.

Looking at the elevator on the eighth floor, Yao Xin's eyes were cold: "enjoy yourself in it first, and then take good care of you after I kill all of you!

Then he looked at the people around him: "is my arrangement ready?"

"All ready, seven places including the headquarters have been set up. Even if the rest of the places are invincible, they can definitely be defended." People around him respectfully responded and took out a remote control from his coat pocket: "this is the remote control of Shuangzhu building. As long as you press the switch, you can start it."

"I don't know if I was cheated?"

Yao Xin took over the remote control from her subordinates. She was a little confused. In the afternoon, Chu Feng let her sprinkle some powder in the central air-conditioning of Shuangzhu building. As long as it was started, people who smelled the smell would lose their fighting power.

However, even though she was suspicious, she could only go down according to Chu Feng's method. Yao Xin pressed the switch directly, and the central air conditioning of the whole building was set up from the second floor to the top floor.

The people of the wild wolf Gang knew that they had been cheated just now. They were making dumplings by Shuangzhu Hui, but they were all waiting for the order of the golden Wolf for fear of any unknown risk. They did not know that the golden wolf had been trapped in the elevator. At the moment, they did not know that the crisis was slowly coming.

"Damn it, is Shuangzhu going to freeze us to death? It's so damn childish!"

At the moment, a member of the Wolf Gang standing at the air conditioner felt chilly and scolded. All the words were contemptuous. Then he moved to leave the air conditioner, but he felt that it was really a little cold!

The members of the Wolf Gang on each floor also smelled the unusual smell. After a few minutes, suddenly there was a cry of killing from the downstairs, and the elite of Shuangzhu club began to attack.All the members of the wild wolf Gang have retreated to the second floor and the elite on the third floor are waiting with vigilance. When the members of the wild wolf Gang on the second floor stand at the foot of the stairs, they see the people of the double Pearl Club rush up, and they are fierce to rush to kill. They just take two steps, but they are not steady and ahead.

That's how it happened. The twin beads caught the chance and pierced the man's heart with a knife, and then he howled excitedly: "brothers, kill me. The elder sister is right. The scum of the Wolf Gang has no strength!"

I believe no one doesn't like the enemies who have no resistance ability. At the moment, Yao Xin, who is downstairs, also hears the howl of the people who charge under him, and draws a charming smile from the corners of his mouth. It seems that it is good to sacrifice one's mouth to fight with the wild wolf gang.

As for the elite of Shuangzhu club, before coming in, Yao Xin asked them to smear sour vinegar on their noses according to Chu Feng's instructions, so the powder had no effect on them.

The people of the Wolf Gang also found something wrong. They seemed to have lost all their strength. Looking at the constant death of their companions in the hands of those in the association of twin pearls, they were helpless. However, some people aroused their ferocity. Even though they were unable to do so, they bumped into them with difficulty. Although it was also the result of death in the end.

The people of Shuangzhu club and the wild wolf Gang have had a long history of resentment. At this moment, they are very excited to see that their opponent is unable to resist. They originally wanted to take the second floor and then impact the third floor, so as to save the time to attack the third floor, which is easy to be dumplings.

But at the moment, they felt that they were particularly powerful. Hundreds of people started to attack the third floor, shouting to kill all the people of the Wolf Gang.

"If we go on like this, the wild wolf gang will certainly suffer a lot. More than 1000 people will be injured. In addition to the loss of attacking Shuangzhu club in other places, the Wolf Gang will suffer a heavy loss this time."

At the moment, on the opposite high-rise building, after Yao Xin left, Chu Feng has been quietly standing here. Xia Yan doesn't know when he came behind him. He looks at the picture on the tablet computer left by Yao Xin: "if it goes on like this, it will drive away the jackal, and indirectly create the tiger Shuangzhu Hui."

Chu Feng always had a faint smile on his face. When he looked at the scene of the massacre, he said: "people, when they are closest to success, that is, when they are closest to failure, there is no winner tonight!"

"No winner?"

Xia Yan was stunned. He didn't know what Chu Feng meant. He shook his head and said, "I can't see how long the Wolf Gang can persist!"

Chufeng took out his mobile phone with a smile. Yao Xin bought it for him. Chu Feng, who just needed a mobile phone, naturally accepted it. However, Xia Yan saw it. There was no monitoring possible. He dialed the only number. When he connected the voice over there, he said with a smile: "I forgot to tell you that my powder can only last for 10 minutes. I want to make a quick decision!"

Yao Xin, who had been asked to take a chair in the hall at the moment, was ready to wait for the final victory. Hearing Chu Feng's words, Yao Xin stood up and said, "ten minutes, why didn't you say it earlier?"

"You are so warm that I forget it!" Chufeng's smile on his face was very strong, but his words did not fluctuate: "but it's still too late. Eight minutes have just passed since you started. It's not difficult to finish the battle?"

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