Super Healer

Chapter 191

The Shuangzhu Association stopped at the moment to fight with the members of the wild wolf Gang, but it was very fast to escape. Although the members of the wild wolf Gang all improved their combat effectiveness because of the stimulant powder, it was very difficult to catch up with the members of the Shuangzhu Association who were tired of running for their lives.

The golden wolf was also rescued by the Wolf Gang. At the moment, he walked to the Shuangzhu building with an ugly look. His voice was cold: "arrange someone to clean the battlefield. The people from Shuangzhu club will be directly pulled to the crematorium and burned. If they are not dead, we will send them all to their families. The money will be delivered tomorrow!"

"The other 300 people will catch up with me. Tonight, Shuangzhu will not stay. I will catch Yao Xin back!"

He had already known that Yao Xin was in charge of all this tonight. He thought that he came here with 1500 people with a winning mentality. But now there are only 500 people left. No one can understand the coldness in golden wolf's heart. At this moment, he only wanted to kill people.

Received the order of the Wolf Gang elite echo, telephone contact has been chased out of the person in charge, and then in accordance with the order of the golden wolf began to work.

But in less than a few minutes, all the people of the wild wolf Gang fell down on the ground like a sheep's madness and convulsed all over. The golden wolf who was ready to leave stopped and said, "what's going on?"

At the same time, all the elite members of the wild wolf gang who were chasing the members of Shuangzhu club all had a similar situation. They fell on the ground, twitching and foaming, as if they were sick. Those members of the Shuangzhu Association wanted to come back to check, but thinking of the abnormality of the wild wolf Gang tonight, they all chose to slip away quickly.

"Being strong always comes at a price."

When these people completely fainted, Chu Feng and Xia Yan also appeared on the street, watching hundreds of people fall to the ground, and their lips raised a smile: "within a month, the Wolf Gang does not want to use this kind of fighting power any more. All of a sudden, the fighting capacity of 1500 people is reduced, and the number of people who can use it is also less?"

Xia Yan had already known everything from Chu Feng's mouth when he came here just now. Chu Feng not only overcame the Wolf Gang, but also overcame the double pearl Association. If you really want to say who is the winner tonight, he is only chufeng.

"Let's go, wait, we can't catch Yao Xin." With a soft voice, Chu Feng's body burst out and ran in a direction. His left eye could see the next five minutes. Now Yao Xin has got on the bus and left. If you don't hurry up, then you really don't know where to find it.

Xia Yan followed up curiously, and the news came from the people who followed him. He didn't know how Chu Feng went to find Yao Xin.

But Chu Feng did not say, he followed behind, these days and Chu wind get along, he has an indescribable worship of Chu wind, it seems that what kind of things to his hands, are so insignificant in general.

Yao Xin was very subdued tonight. After arranging the evacuation of all the people, she also got on the car arranged in the dark to leave the Shuangzhu building. As for the matter there, she was no longer in the mood to pay attention to it. She believed that the Wolf Gang did not dare to let such scenes appear in front of the public, and would certainly clean up.

Just thinking of knowing in advance the attack of the Wolf Gang, and finally paying such a heavy price, Yao Xin is really in a bad mood, so she needs to do something.

Although she was in a bad mood at the moment, Yao Xin was still alert. She drove her car around several streets before driving to a road in Pu park. Shuangzhu Association rose slowly, and its details were not as good as those of the Wolf Gang and the Green Gang. This evening, nearly 1000 people were killed and injured in seven places, which can be said to have hurt his muscles and bones.

But what makes her more depressed is why she will lose under such circumstances. If she does not confirm the details again and again, she will doubt whether there is an undercover.

Just what kind of conjecture, facing failure, that is failure, she always needs to do something at the moment, driving the car to 80 yards, completely into Puyuan district.

More than ten minutes later, the car stopped at the door of a luxury villa area. Yao Xin took out a card and brushed it there. As the gate slowly opened, she drove her car into it. She headed for the last villa with a clear goal. She knew that someone was waiting for her.

After Yao Xin stopped the car and entered the lamp house, she slightly bowed her head to a cool and gorgeous woman sitting on the sofa. She felt a sense of shame: "originally, we had the absolute advantage, but the powder provided by Chu Feng had only 10 minutes' effect. We spent too long, we didn't achieve extraordinary effect and failed!"

, the cool woman, was smearing nail polish on the floor. She looked at Yao Xin after smearing the last two fingernails. "I thought you were Chun Feng pit, but I heard from you on the way. All of the wolves who helped chase it down collapsed on the ground, and now they are all sent to a hospital where wolves help."

"According to the news, it's impossible for these people to want a world war in a month."

Yao Xin smell speech on the face show the color of astonishment: "how possible?"

Chu Feng and she said that those people will recover in ten minutes, how can those people finally have such a situation?

"Do you think I'll cheat you?" The cold woman came to Yao Xin, and the fingers of the nail polish were used to stir up Yao Xin's chin to kiss him. But what he thought of passing a little disgusting was just kissing on the forehead. "That's the fact, or do you go to check it yourself?""No, I don't mean that. How can I not believe you?" Yao Xin hurriedly shook her head in a panic. All she had today was given by the woman in front of her. She did not dare to disobey her any meaning.

"According to my guess, Chu Feng didn't tell you the truth?" Lengyan woman took back the finger, Lengyan's face appeared to kill: "I think he not only wants to kill the Wolf Gang for his own safety, but also wants to take it off with us!"

"Otherwise, as long as I tell you to wait three or five more minutes, those members of the Wolf Gang will be ashes tonight, and our more than 300 people will not die in vain."

Yao Xin's face changed slightly and shook his head: "it's not that Chu Feng didn't tell me. At that time, he called me and said that he would recover in ten minutes, but I hung up the phone in a hurry, which had nothing to do with him." Yao Xin at the moment, do not know why, although the heart also feel so, but can not help but speak to Chu Feng.

"Are you in love with him?"

Lengyan woman suddenly turned around, with a smile on her face. When Yao Xin shook her head, she suddenly kicked her foot out of Yao Xin's abdomen: "otherwise, how can you explain the failure of this evening? The news is what he told you and what he told you to do. But now what is the result? Do you still speak for him?"

Cold hum a, looking at the expression of pain lying on the ground Yao Xin: "only you are so stupid, a man's words can also believe, then there is no lie in this world, if he Chu Feng is really sincere and you cooperate, it will tell you the effect of the powder once, not so."

"Even if he really forgot, why did you retreat, and Shuangzhu building was attacked and humiliated?"

Yao Xin was kicked in the abdomen, his eyes showed a trace of pain, but in the face of Lengyan woman's question or lower his head: "sorry!"

"I'm sorry, can you make up for the loss tonight?" Lengyan woman asked without feeling, and then walked back and sat down, with a murderous voice: "remember to me, this is the last time. What I want is that you take Chu Feng as a chess piece, not as an ally. Don't stick it cheap, otherwise, you know my means."

Yao Xin nodded and stood up with a trace of tears in her eyes. Maybe she was bright in the eyes of outsiders, but in the eyes of this woman, she could die at any time.

Lengyan woman's face that kind of Xiao Sha color has faded, but the tone is still not many feelings: "go back, although I am not satisfied tonight, but also damaged the Wolf Gang 1500 people, our pressure is also a little less, but next, you see to do, similar mistakes, I will not forgive the second time."

Yao Xin slightly nodded, and then walked toward the outside, feeling this moment heart, good pain!

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