Super Healer

Chapter 193

The morning sun, rippling out a warm sense, the beginning of winter season has passed, such a weather makes people particularly comfortable.

In Yao Xin's cozy nest, Chu Feng has already got up early and is busy in the kitchen. Although Yao Xin was frank in front of him last night, as long as he nodded, he could gallop on the charming woman, but Chu Feng finally restrained his desire.

It's not that Yao Xin is not beautiful, nor that she has no charm, nor that Chu Feng has no interest, but a kind of respect!

Although Chu Feng's heart for Yao Xin said love can not understand, but everyone has the right to choose, everyone has everyone's hobbies, do not need you to support them, but you are not qualified to reprimand and despise what, human freedom.

And Yao Xin can tell these secrets to himself, which shows a lot of things, Chu Feng is not inhuman, take advantage of people in danger.

The noise in the kitchen also wakes Yao Xin, who is sleeping soundly. Although a lot of things happened last night, she just slept for a short time, but now she is full of spirit and raises a seductive smile: "I thought last night, you would enjoy my body, but I didn't think that you chose to spend the night in the living room."

When she said this, Yao Xin had both appreciation and a little disappointment. She was disappointed that Chu Feng didn't move her, and she was disappointed that her body couldn't let Chu Feng get lost.

"Sorry to wake you up."

After last night's event, the relationship between the two seems to be close to a lot, Chu Feng gentle smile: "but get up just right, I cooked a little porridge, you can wash your face and eat."

Yao Xin nodded slightly, like a swallow, and went to the bathroom. After a few minutes, the table had already placed lean meat porridge full of fragrance. Originally, Yao Xin didn't want to eat meat and was afraid of being fat, but when she smelled the smell in the air, she still felt her appetite.

Finally, I couldn't help eating three bowls.

The tongue seductively plundered on the red lips. He added some porridge to his mouth and looked at Chu Feng with charming eyes: "people say that men are merciless, but how can I feel that you are different?"

Chu Feng just looked at Yao Xin's ruddy little lips. He seemed to think of Yao Xin's ambiguous relationship with himself. He shook his head to let him not think about it. Then he took over the topic: "not every man is what you think. You should firmly believe that no matter how ruthless a person is, he also has his tender side."

"There's something that you can't see, but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist, OK?"

Yao Xin nodded his head, but he didn't go to talk to Chu Feng about this topic. We are all rational people, and we won't lose our principles because of a little touching: "in the first world war last night, the wild wolf gang will certainly hurt our muscles and bones. Today, maybe tomorrow, there will be more attacks. What's your opinion?"

Chu Feng glanced at Yao Xin with a playful look in his eyes: "do you still believe me?"

"Believe it!"

Yao Xin was stunned, and then nodded heavily, with firmness in her eyes: "although she said it was you who did it on purpose last night, I still want to believe you, or you will not tell me about the attack of the Wolf Gang. You can see that Shuangzhu will be invaded and swallowed by the Wolf Gang."

"Thank you for your trust." Seeing Yao Xin's serious look, Chu Feng felt a little ashamed, but that was all: "the Wolf Gang may have moved this evening after what happened last night, but it will definitely not be the dark clouds pressing down the city. It seems that thousands of people have been mobilized like last night."

"At least, tonight, they're going to push out the cards of the double pearl Association and wipe them out in one fell swoop!"

"Not like last night. How do they do it?" Yao Xin frowned. Although Shuangzhu association is the weakest among several gangs on average, it doesn't take a few people to force the bottom card, right?

"Don't you know at night?" Chu Feng naturally has his own ideas, but if he doesn't tell Yao Xin, it doesn't have much effect. He will make her confused with the original layout: "OK, you can have a rest and do it according to the previous arrangement. Today, the Wolf Gang knows that Shuangzhu will be on guard and will not be the same as last night."

"Of course, it's possible that they won't make any noise tonight."

"Are you going?" Seeing Chu Feng standing up as if to leave, Yao Xin suddenly felt a sense of loneliness in his heart.

Chu Feng looks back at Yao Xin, who wants to stop talking, and sighs in his heart. How afraid is this woman of loneliness? But Chu Feng would not stay, showing a gentle smile: "I am still a student of Jianghai University, yesterday did not go, if not today, it will not make sense."

"But if there's no problem, I'll call you in the evening."

Chufeng left Yao Xin's home with a little warmth in a soft voice. He took a taxi outside the community and went straight to Shengyuan security company. There was still half an hour for Xia Yan to go to work. At the moment, he always needed to do something.

Xia Yan came to the company ahead of time. He seemed to be waiting for something. When he saw a taxi stop, Chu Feng came down from the top and looked at the surrounding environment, he walked naturally: "Yuanmin will have news!"In the silence of Chu Feng, Xia Yan's organizational language said: "last night, 8000 young gang members launched a fierce attack on the Yuan people's Association. At first, the Yuan people's association could resist with geographical advantages, but after all, it was the gang members who had just been organized, and only when they met with strong attacks, they slowly broke up!"

"In the end, Yuan Xinggang took 800 people back to the poor residential areas in Pujiang district. He used the familiar environment to stop the attack of the Qing Gang, and then slowly gathered the people together."

Speaking of this, Xia Yan sighed: "but in the end, there were only 900 people in the Yuan people's Association. The 3000 people's Association of the Yuan Dynasty removed the dead. Some people all ran away, or temporarily turned to deal with the Yuan people's Association. It is estimated that today or tomorrow, the Yuan people's Association will collapse."

"There are nine hundred people willing to follow him, good." In this regard, Chu Feng did not have many unexpected nods. When he met with real danger, he would only care about himself. Now that 900 people can follow yuan Xinggang, that shows that it is still good.

After all, it's hard to be loyal to 900 people for just a few days together.

"By the way, Yuan Xinggang is seriously injured. Now his brother yuan xingyong is in charge of everything."

Thinking of the key issues, Xia Yan said: "it was yuan xingyong who called me last night. He said that his elder brother asked him to contact me. He said that the crisis of the Yuan people's association may not be able to withstand now. I hope we can help."

"Yuan Xinggang is seriously injured. Let his brother contact you?" Chufeng smell speech eyes light up, but Xia Yan did not notice.

"Yes." Xia Yan didn't think much about it. He whispered, "otherwise, the only people we know about our relationship with the Yuan people's association are you and me, and Yuan Xinggang himself. If he hadn't told yuan xingyong, yuan xingyong would not have known about our existence, so don't worry about conspiracy."

"Moreover, they have no time to abandon the plot, so they don't need to worry about it."

Chu Feng didn't speak, but nodded slightly, pondering for a while and said, "tell yuan xingyong that I'll be there tonight, and let him resist the two rounds of attacks of the Green Gang!" Eyes to the distance, Chu Feng eyes in this moment fell into a slight cold: "it seems that the days of the river and sea, to change in advance?"

"The sky of river and sea, want to change?" Xia Yan listened to Chu Feng's words, felt a burst of inexplicable, silk does not understand asked: "what meaning?"

"It's nothing. It's just a sigh of uncertainty." Chu Feng shook his head and patted Xia Yan's shoulder: "go to work. Before you have no absolute assurance of self-protection, you still go to your class. When you go to Pujiang District in the evening, you can call me again. I have to go to school."

Xia Yan frowned curiously at the back of Chu Feng's leaving. He always felt that Chu Feng didn't tell him something, but he couldn't catch what it was, so he could only shake his head. Anyway, he followed Chu Feng and did what he did. There was no need to know everything.

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