Super Healer

Chapter 2108

Chu Yi made a move and directly blocked the way of Chu Tai Dou. It was just in the middle of the sacrificial Temple of heaven and Chu family cemetery.

The ancestor of the Chu family was furious, but he was restrained by Luo Qian. He could only fight with each other and could not take care of this side at all. Chu Yi was the realm of the upper God. Chu Tai Dou and Chu Shi, who only had the cultivation of the middle God, could not pass through. For a time, everyone stood there and didn't know what to do?

Although Chu Qingqiao was still injured, he also followed up. Seeing Chu Yi blocking their way, Chu Qingqiao said: "get out of the way quickly, or Chu Feng will destroy the border, and Ling yunzong will have a bloody river. Let my father go over and open the killing battle and kill Chu Feng."

Disappointment, cold heart!

Chu Qingqiao's words let Chu Yi's heart pass a light sadness, the breath is more gloomy, a sigh said: "Luo Qian is right, I am stupid, you are too naive. Just because I'm interested in you doesn't mean I can sell my brother. "

"Fengshao is not only the master of the Chu family in the present world, but also my brother. My grandfather and his grandfather are brothers."

His eyes disappointed chuqingqiao. He never thought that this woman's loyalty to the family would reach this level, even if Chu Feng died: "because your grandfather was hurt by your father or Chu Shi for the second time, he missed the treatment time and died. Feng Shao didn't say a word."

Breath out a sulky breath, the tone has revealed the clear sense of disappointment: "and you do not have to be grateful, but he burst out at the critical time, and even at this time I have to get out of the way to your father to start the killing battle in the past. Is this your attitude towards a life-saving benefactor?"

"Chu Qingqiao, I just want to ask, am I wrong about you?"

Chu Qingqiao's body was shocked, and her eyes flashed with apology and struggle. She clenched her lips and felt very uncomfortable. She began to think that Chu Feng could not kill his father or Ling yunzong's people. She never thought that this would make Chu Yi's heart cool.

At the moment, seeing Chu Yi's disappointment to her, Chu Qingqiao's heart is very painful.

She loved Chu Yi, otherwise she would not be lonely. After a thousand years, she was even with him. The modesty and low-key of the latter moved her. But now she hurt her beloved and felt very sad.

Biting his lips and opening his mouth: "Chu Yi, I,,"

"needless to say." Chu Yi gently sighed and interrupted Chu Qingqiao's words, and her momentum soared like a Madman: "it should be a simple joke made by heaven and me, and let me know that there is no pure love in this world. I don't blame you, because that's your father and your people."

"But from this moment on, you and I will be cut off!"

Chu Qingqiao's body swayed and almost didn't fall from the sky. Her tears couldn't help falling from her eyes. She found that she had done a stupid thing.

Chu Yi in order not to let her sad and sad, against the meaning of Chu Feng brought her back, but she used Chu Yi's trust to betray Chu Feng at the most critical time.

Moreover, she could feel that the scar in Chu Yi's heart was irreparable, because Ling yunzong wanted to kill Chu Feng, especially Chu Shi. They hurt and killed Chu Jinglei for the second time. As the person who was chased down, even the poor man whose grandfather was killed, chufeng should revenge Ling yunzong. Her obstruction could not change Chu Feng's revenge, on the contrary, he lost Chu Yi.

Today's Chu Yi is still in a bit of pain, but he has been able to control his inner feelings well. He has thrown his hand around him into an illusion, and his sad words: "today I stand here, no one can think of the past, unless I am dead!"

Chu Yi showed his attitude towards the complete opposition.

Before he came, he had warned Chu Qingqiao not to act impulsively in an attempt to prevent Chu Feng from retaliating. However, Chu Qingqiao not only broke out Chu Feng, but also wanted Chu leader to start a killing battle to kill Chu Feng. Chu Yi knew that if revenge failed today, Chu Feng would never care about any reason and show him a good look.

It's not worth loving a woman who doesn't care about her injury!

Chu Qingqiao in Chu Yi's eyes saw no emotion color, tears have flowed across her face, she knew that she had missed, missed a man who really loved her, and never had a chance to make up for it.

Betrayal is a very easy thing, but only once is enough, no one will give you a second chance.

Chu taidou and Chu Shi look at each other. What Chu Qingqiao is thinking, or whether there is any possibility to contact Chu Yi, they don't care. At the moment, what they really care about is how to break through Chuyi and start a killing battle to wipe out Chu Feng.

But Chu Yi's cultivation of the superior God was not something they could deal with.

Chu Tai's eyes were bleak and swept over Chu Yi. Suddenly, he grabbed Chu Qingqiao and said: "Chu Yi, get out of the way, or I'll kill her. I believe you still have her in your heart. Get out of my way now!"

Chu Yi squints and doesn't move.

But Chu Qingqiao felt that she was bound by a huge force, and her eyes were surprised: "father!"

"Don't talk." Chu Tai Dou cheered, thinking that Chu Feng is now in the Chu family cemetery. He doesn't know if he has found the eye of array. Where else does he still care about these things: "I believe that Chu Yi still loves you in his heart. Lingyunzong has trained you for thousands of years. It's nothing to sacrifice for the family and the clan."Chu Qingqiao's eyes struggle and pain. Although she knows that she is a daughter in the eyes of Chu Tai Dou, and is also a tool to extract benefits, when Chu Tai Dou really threatens Chu Yi, her heart is still very sad.

She betrayed Chu Yi for Ling yunzong's sake. Now she has to be pinched to threaten Chu Yi. How can she be like this?

And Chu taidou doesn't care about it. He only knows that if the boundary is broken, Lingyun sect today will be very dangerous: "Chu Yi, you can think about it clearly."

Chu Yi closed her eyes and didn't seem to care at all: "she's your daughter, what do you do with me?"

Indifferent words, let Chu Qingqiao's heart hurt hard for a while.

"Is it?" Chu taidou sneers. As he has experienced countless years of existence, he can feel that although Chu Yi is disappointed with Chu Qingqiao, he just buries that love. How can he say that there is no such thing? His strength in his hand has increased a little. He wants to turn over Chu Yi's heart and let him get out of the way.

The bones seemed to be crushed. Chu Qing couldn't help but make a scream. She looked at Chu Yi with pain in her eyes: "do you really don't love me?"

Chu Yi closed his eyes and seemed to have no fluctuation, but he felt a little pain in his heart. Chu taidou guessed right. In his heart, he couldn't let go of Chu Qingqiao for a while, but he couldn't forgive what Chu Qingqiao had done.

Chu Tai Dou sneered: "I see, how long can you persist."

The strength of his hands increased again, and Chu Qingqiao even sprayed blood this time. Except for some people such as Chu Shi and Chu Jie, the rest of them frowned slightly and felt shameless about the means of Chu Tai's fighting.

It's normal that he can't take hostages, but now he even pinches his own daughter to coerce the enemy, but he still has a hard hand. Chu Tai's heart is too poisonous.

Chu Dan on one side, frowning and opening: "father, this is the elder sister."

"Go away!" Chu Tai Dou was anxious about the affairs of the Chu family cemetery. He could not hear other people's advice and scolded Chu Dan.

All of a sudden, Chu Yi also opened his eyes at this time, and suddenly appeared in front of Chu taidou. He kicked Chu Qingqiao's hand with one hand, but Chu Yi's figure disappeared slowly in the original place. Just now, he avoided everyone's eyes with his illusory skill.

Caught off guard or didn't expect to be disturbed by Chu Dan, Chu Yi found the opportunity to attack himself.

Unable to resist the huge force, Chu Yi kicked out and flew out. The distance of thousands of meters severely hit the ground, bringing out a little vibration. Chu Dan's face was tight and rushed to that direction, and Chu Shi was more vigilant.

Chu Yi pulls Chu Qingqiao and suddenly retreats, completely enveloping the sky. No one in front of him can pass by.

Hands gently released Chu Qingqiao, a force pushed her to a distance, from the beginning to the end did not look at him, just a kind of Indifference: "although you betrayed me, but I still can't see you die in front of me, but that's all. If you don't die in front of me, you can die any way."

Originally, Chu Qing Qiao was very happy to save himself, but when he heard Chu Yi's non emotional words, his whole heart was chilly and uncomfortable, even a little regretful.

Yes, she regrets it now.

Because just now, she suddenly realized that no matter what she did to help Ling yunzong, unless she was a person with strong talent, even if she did more, it was just a chess piece, which could be used and abandoned at any time. Even her father could not attach importance to her life.

But, what's the use of regret now?

In front of him, Chu Yi didn't kill him. He just didn't let these people, especially Chu Tai, fight in the past, so he didn't pay attention to the rest.

"Chu Yi, stop him."

All of a sudden, a burst of drinking came from the distance. It was Luo Qian's voice. Chu Yi frowned and raised her head. She felt a strong breath coming from the distance, which was very uncomfortable and evil.

Pupil shrinks fiercely, see what, deep voice cries: "sorcery, damned!"

The figure passed by, but all of a sudden, the man ran into him. Chu Yi couldn't stop him. Looking back, the figure had gone far away, and his face changed greatly: "Damn it!"

People in the past were the ancestors of the Chu family who suddenly burst out evil breath, and the ancestor of the Chu family was the second generation patriarch.

Chu taidou can start and close the border, so can the ancestors of Chu family.

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