Super Healer

Chapter 2110

demons and monsters danced like mad.

Outside the inner boundary of the cemetery, those empty shadows suddenly seemed to have consciousness. Hundreds of them rushed at Luo qianchuyi and Xuanyuan Huining with a clear goal, bringing out evil killing opportunities.

This strange phenomenon also calmed down the nervous Chu family. The evil shadows in the air seemed to have no harm to them.

The ancestor of Chu family also burst into a drink: "all don't panic, this is our Chu family past generations of dead people left behind the idea of the murderous gas, will not hurt you."

Chu taidou and others completely relaxed after hearing the words. They also saw that the three Chu Yi people had to fight with those evil virtual shadows. For a time, the air outside the cemetery was filled with horrible murderous spirit. It was easy that these evil virtual shadows would not hurt them, and then there was bitterness and helplessness.

Some people want to be disadvantageous to Ling yunzong. They can't rely on their own strength to stop them. On the contrary, they have to use the ideas left by the deceased ancestors to gather into a murderous spirit to fight against the incoming people. This is the blessing of the ancestors, but it is also the incompetence of their descendants.

In particular, Chu taidou was very clear about what the original Chu family cemetery was like. Although he did not know what kind of killing was to start the killing array, he could be sure that it was not what it is now. Obviously, the ancestors of the Chu family, who also had the waist token of the patriarch, changed the structure of the middle boundary when they did not know.

Otherwise, it really can't be explained why such evil things happen. After all, jiezhongjie was made by the first generation ancestor. He could not set up such an evil defense array.

But now I know that these Chu taidou will not say it. After all, everything the ancestors of the Chu family did was for lingyunzong.

Coming to the side of Chu Shi, he said in a low voice: "they are busy preventing and eliminating those virtual shadows now. They have no way to attack us. When you and I find a chance, we will give them a fatal blow and kill them. Our danger will be much less."

He spoke, but Chu Shi didn't answer. Curiously, he saw Chu Shi staring at the graveyard.

Just preparing to speak, Chu Shi opened his mouth with a dignified look: "patriarch, how can I enter the graveyard boundary?"

Chu Tai fight a Leng, suddenly thought of Chu Feng now inside things, body a shock, eyes surprised to see: "yes, how did he get in?"

At the moment, Chu Feng is looking at the bones that are crawling out of the cemetery, and Chu taidou are more concerned about how chufeng got in?

At the beginning, in order to ensure the dignity of the Lingyun patriarch, the first generation who built the middle boundary set a rule that could not be changed. That is, only each generation of patriarchs can open and close the Chu family cemetery, and when each generation of patriarchs alternated, they would pass on the opening method to the next patriarch.

Waist token is the only way to enter the inner boundary cemetery and the only way to control the border. How did Chu Feng get in? He is not the leader of Lingyun sect. He has never passed on the skill of opening by anyone. How did Chu Feng get in?

Chu Feng how to enter the doubt filled in the mind of Chu Tai Dou, emerged some bad premonition.


The ancestor of the Chu family seems to have ignored this problem. Seeing the bones in the cemetery all climbed out, he cried, and his eyes swept across the calm Chu Feng: "the lowest burial places here are the existence of the late demigods, and most of them are the strong ones at the peak of the latter period of the demigods. You can wait and cry."

That endless corpse flew out from the ground and gathered in the air. It seemed that they would merge together.

Chu Feng looks absolutely calm, not frightened by these strange things, just take a look at the fusion seems to appear in the bones of terror, as well as the dark whirlpool in the sky, what is that?

"It's a space black hole."

The ancestor of the Chu family gathered his strength to start the killing array, and said: "wait, as long as you are weak or weak, it will suck you into the boundless darkness and never come back. Even if you are the God of creation, you can't break the black hole."

Chu Feng nodded his head suddenly, but he didn't have the slightest worry. He even had a funny smile on his mouth and raised his finger gently: "Er Shizu, do you think this can kill me? Do you know you're two wrong? "

The ancestor of the Chu family gave a cold smile, when Chu Feng was bluffing there: "tell me about it."

With a faint smile, Chu Feng pointed to himself and said, "I am a taboo demon, the master of all evil types. Even if the evil things you gather now are just dregs for me, have you ever heard that demons are afraid of people and demons?"

The ancestor of Chu family frowned and hummed: "don't be arrogant. Although you are a taboo demon, you are a waste if you don't grow up. How about killing you?"

"Second!" Chu Feng didn't care about the anger and disdain of the ancestors of the Chu family. With a slight sigh, he pointed to the waist token of the second generation patriarch, which has grown to the size of the door panel: "you seem to control everything in the world by this waist token, and even stimulate the changes of the bones buried here. Is it just a question you are not curious about?"

"Why am I here in the middle of the world that only the Lingyun patriarch can control?"The old ancestor of Chu's family suddenly remembered a problem that he had ignored just now, that is, how did chufeng get in? He thought that it was Chu Feng who came in directly with his strength.

But it's not very possible to think about it, because he can't get in without his waist tag. What about Chu Feng?

But Chu Feng can come in this thing is a bit strange, cold face asked: "how did you come in?"

With a smile, Chu Feng seems to converge into a more powerful evil, and his eyes become deeper. The waist token of yishizu in his pocket slowly floats out.

His face became solemn, and the waist token was suspended in front of him and turned. His voice was low and powerful. He said, "because I am the fourth patriarch of the Chu family appointed by the first generation of ancestors, and because I control the waist token of the first generation of patriarchs, can I come in?"

What? The patriarch appointed by the first ancestor, and the waist token?

Chu Feng's words clearly spread into everyone's ears. The first reaction of all people was how possible. The first ancestor had fallen for endless years. How could he appoint Chu Feng as the Lord?

The first feeling was that Chu Feng was lying, but when Chu's ancestors burst into a drink, how could it be? Everyone was surprised.

Is it true?

Even in the fierce struggle, Luo Qian and their power to isolate the attack of those evil virtual shadows also curiously looked into the cemetery, only Xuanyuan Huining knew what was going on.

"What's impossible?"

But Chu Feng didn't seem to be surprised about this, and said with a smile, "don't you know if this waist token belongs to your father's first generation? What's more, if I look at the waist token that has been recognized by me, is there any mistake? "

The ancestor of the Chu family is the second generation ancestor. Naturally, he recognized his father's waist badge of Chu juding. But his father's wish to become a saint of heaven has fallen down? Where did this waist token come from?

"I know you don't believe it, but that's the truth." Chu Feng said in a relaxed manner: "the thing is that a few days ago, I dreamt that the first ancestor of Chu was the top one. He told me that I was the most gifted young generation of Chu family. According to the established rules, I was the youngest leader of Lingyun sect."

"At first I thought I was dreaming, but the next morning I woke up and found a waist token beside me. I remember seeing it in my dream. It was the waist token of the first generation."

The corner of his mouth raised a touch of fun, and continued: "so I thought it might really be the dream of the first generation ancestor, so I went to a remote grassland according to his dream and I said, and actually opened up an independent space. The incomplete world created by the first generation ancestor when he was the upper God."

Exhaled a breath, Chu Feng said sincerely: "then I went in, and found a man. It turned out that when the first ancestor fell, he protected his own soul with great power, and went to the independent world closely related to him. Let me go is to let me inherit his inheritance."

"Every sentence of Chu Feng is true. If I didn't receive the inheritance, the sky would hit five thunders, and the green hat would be on my head."

I added in my heart, I only said inheritance, inheritance is accepted, but other is to cheat you, I did not swear!

Naturally, people don't know what Chu Feng thinks. They don't know whether he lied in the first half of his life, and it's true to accept the inheritance later. They just think about whether what Chu Feng said is true or not.

If you want to say it's fake, but what Chu Feng said is very formal. Indeed, there is a waist token of one generation ancestor. Chu taidou and the ancestor of Chu family can judge whether it is true or not, because he is the patriarch. He knows the independent world, but he just doesn't know that the inheritance is hidden there, and Chu Feng takes the lead.

Some people want to say it's true, but they think it's a bit absurd. How can Chu Feng become the leader of Lingyun sect after being chased by lingyunzong so many times?

And some Chu family members have also caught a point, that is, how does chufeng know the rules set by the first ancestor of the Chu family? For so many years, even if some Chu family members did not know, it is impossible for Chu Feng to know. Did the first generation really tell him when he gave it to him?

Chu Feng once again said, "if I am not the inheritor or or designated person of the first ancestor, how can I enter the holy land of Lingyun sect, and how can I enter the graveyard? Is it really good for you to besiege and kill the next patriarch like this

Those who began to be hostile to chufeng were hesitant, not to mention that chufeng seemed to have been handed down as the patriarch designated by the first generation. Many people didn't want to fight against chufeng just because he was the grandson of Chu Jinglei.

Chu's ancestor looked a little ugly, and burst out to drink: "nonsense, corpse demon, kill him for me."

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