Super Healer

Chapter 2141

Chu Feng didn't stay in Yanlu's bamboo grove for too long, although it covered up the breath, it would not be found.

But a person's place of residence is very familiar with his own living environment. Everything is clear in his heart. Yan Lu is a strong God state strong person. It is inevitable that he will feel something at that time. Then everything he started to do will be in vain.

Chu Feng left also did not continue to wander in Dan zongnei men, but went back to the uninhabited place to rest.

Because Chu Feng already knew where Yan Xishan lived when she went out just now, and Yan Lu was also facing the problem of deriving blood for Yan Wanhong. Chu Feng believed that as long as the danzong changed, Yan would not have the mood and time to force Yan Lu to do anything.

Although we still don't know who the one who practiced the art of infinite reincarnation is, Yan Lu's affairs are imminent, and Chu Feng doesn't want to waste any more time.

He is going to fight Yan Xishan or Yan not to do anything tonight. However, compared with Yan Xishan, Chu Feng is more inclined to ban Yan Xishan, because then there will be no one forcing Yan Lu to do anything.

It's just that Yan can't be the patriarch. There are a lot of protective forces around him, and it's hard to guarantee that he has any cards. Chu Feng still decides to attack Yan Xishan first, and it's tonight.

Time is also slowly passing by, night is coming.

After a day's rest in the room, Chu Feng opened his eyes and calculated the time. It should be about two hours after dark.

When he got up, Chu Feng quietly left the hiding place. The magic light wings spread out in an instant and went towards the residence of Yanxi mountain. Before long, he got to the sky where Yanxi mountain was. His fingers gently raised and gathered a strong destructive force. As long as he destroyed this place, Yan Xi mountain would run out by himself.

Maybe Yanlu will doubt something, but now there is not much time. Otherwise, if it is delayed, Yan will force Yan Lu to give birth to Yan Wanhong as a plaything.

Ready to send out destructive power, chufeng frowned and scattered the power of his fingertips. He looked at the biggest building on the ground, and a man screamed and flew out and hit the ground.

Immediately Yan Xishan also came out from inside, looking gloomy and cold: "get out of here!"

The one who was blasted out by Yan Xishan was a middle-aged man, one of his sons. He came to discuss some things with him just now. But what Yan Xishan thinks now is how to block Yan's decision, so that Yan Lu doesn't need to be Yan Wanhong's woman. How can he manage his son's leisure affairs?

The middle-aged man who fell down on the ground quickly got up. He didn't dare to say a word and left quickly. Today, Yan Xishan started without any sign. He could feel his anger, and naturally he didn't dare to stay.

Yan Xishan didn't go to take care of his son who left. He didn't know that Chu Feng was staring at him in the night sky. He said after two people came, "follow me to Yanlu elder."

With two people left the house, Chu Feng put down his hand and disappeared into the night sky. First of all, he had to see what Yan Xishan was going to do. He didn't rest in the middle of the night and went to Yan Lu.

Or that bamboo grove small house, to the evening also appears particularly quiet, walk into it is to be able to smell that faint smell of bamboo.

Yan Xishan came to the bamboo grove with two followers. He turned back to the two followers and said, "you wait for me here. If anything happens, don't go in. Even anyone who comes near here will be blocked by me. Otherwise, I will kill you."

The two followers nodded nervously, probably knowing what Yan Xishan was supposed to do to Yan Lu.

Because Yan Xishan has a mind for Yan Lu, it is not a secret in danzong. Now Yan is not allowed to speak in person and ask Yan Lu to develop a strong blood for Yan Wanhong according to the rules of the first generation. Yan Xishan must be reluctant, and it can be understood when we come here tonight.

After entering the bamboo grove, Yan Xishan, as an elder of danzong, certainly does not need to be informed, because his rank is higher than Yan Lu. Why should he be informed?

All of this was watched by the dark Chu Feng, and his eyes were slightly cold. The demon kingdom was quietly unfolding, and the forces that could enter and exit, but were not recognized would be absorbed.

Yanxi mountain path straight to the small house before, Yan Lu seems to have known, generally walked out, indifferent to say: "Xishan elder, come to my bamboo grove in the middle of the night, what's the matter?"

Yan Lu frowned and saw Yan Xishan. There was a kind of tension in his eyes: "elder Xishan, if you have any words, please say it."

"Everybody out here." Yan Xishan didn't answer Yan Lu's words. He just yelled at the small house. After a while, more than ten women who lived here and served Yan Lu all came out. Yan Xishan said, "I have something to talk with elder Yanlu. You can go out for me."

Yan Lu looks ugly, Yan Xishan is too arrogant, came to her place and even let her people leave.

It's just that it's not good to talk. It's not good to annoy Yan Xishan.

More than ten women didn't know what Yan Xishan wanted to do, but they didn't dare to disobey Yan Xishan's orders. They all walked out of the bamboo forest. When they saw the two people brought by Yan Xishan, they were all slightly curious.Before the small residence, there were only two people left. Yan Xishan had a meaningful smile: "Yan Lu, don't you invite me in for a walk?"

Yan Lu held back the unhappiness in her heart and said, "it's inconvenient for the big night."

"Is it? I think it's very convenient. " Yan Xishan sneered, regardless of whether Yan Lu agreed or not, he walked toward the small house.

Yan Lu's Pink fist clenched in an instant, and then slowly relaxed. Yan Xishan was too arrogant, but she could not have any opinions, because this is an era of respect for the strong.

Turn over and walk in, Yan Lu heart want to be what happened, yell, believe Yan Xishan also dare not do anything.

The layout of the small house is very simple. Even the buildings are built with large bamboo, and the smell of bamboo is also burning on one side. The smell in the air is very comfortable.

Yan Xishan stood there, Yan Lu came in and said unnaturally, "elder Xishan, sit down first, I'll make you a cup of tea."

Yan Xishan nodded gently. When Yan Lu went back to pour tea, she took out two pills. The colors were different, but the sizes were very similar.

Eat one directly, crush the other in the burning bamboo incense, and then quietly walk to one side and sit down, eyes flashing with meaningful smile.

After a while, Yan Lu came out with a cup of tea and put it in front of Yan Xishan. A touch of snow white appeared in front of her body, which attracted Yan Xishan's eyes very well. She made a hand gesture inadvertently, which was just caught by Yan Lu. With a slight anger in her heart, she turned to the other side and sat down.

"Xishan elder, if you have anything, just say it," he asked

"In order to get some interest for the hatred in your heart, I ventured to enter the holy land of Lingyun sect and killed Chu Jinglei." Yan Xishan took a cup of tea and took a sip. He said faintly: "killing Chu Jinglei made me hate lingyunzong, even Chu Feng, but I didn't care."

"It's just that now you have to follow Yan Wanhong's advice, my efforts will be in vain, and my heart will be blocked!"

Yan Lu frowned and said, "elder Xishan, I didn't let you kill Chu Jinglei at that time. It was you who wanted to go. Should this be counted on my head?"

"Stop talking nonsense." Yan Xishan waved his hand and said calmly, "I know you will do it according to the instructions of the Lord. I don't expect you to follow me. But I believe you can guess what I came here tonight, that is, give me your body and let me leave my blood."

"And I've refined a top-notch pill. If you take it, even Yan Wanhong can't detect whether you are a virgin."

Yan Lu's heart cold smile, for Yan Xishan this old man always have a kind of unspeakable disgust: "do you think it is possible?"

Yan Xishan laughed. Instead of the modest color in the crowd, he was just ferocious: "do you think I came here at random tonight?"

Yan Lu frowned and was just about to ask Yan Xishan what he wanted to do. Inexplicably, she felt like a heavy hammer beating her heart. Her eyebrows wrinkled gently. How could she have such a shy feeling?

"By the way, I added the powder of blissful pill to your burning incense."

Yan Xishan saw Yan Lu and knew what was going on. He said with a smile: "and it's still the blissful pill that I've processed. Even if you're a strong person in the divine realm, you can't escape it. As long as you haven't taken the restrained pill before, you'll be instantly attacked by the medicine. I think you've started slowly now."

Smiling exuberantly, he stood up and continued, "and you don't want to shout. Now you think it's hard to talk?"

"So I'll be honest. Let me love you and leave a little blood. Then I won't care about you any more."

Yan Lu found that she could not use any strength in her body. She held up her strength and said, "you are mean, you are a rascal."

Yan Xishan did not hear what Yan Lu said at all. He twisted his neck and walked to Yan Lu. He sneered: "don't worry, I will love you well."

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