Super Healer

Chapter 2144

Fire tornado disappeared, but did not disperse, but formed a strange thing.

Dragon head Phoenix body, completely formed by the flame, very huge, quietly suspended in the void, no life, but it makes people feel that it is alive.

All of us didn't pay attention to the flame of the dragon head and Phoenix at the moment. They just looked at the rest of the place in the enclosure. Except for the dragon head and Phoenix body, there was no sign of Chu wind. Was Chu wind burned to ashes in the flame tornado just now?

Everyone's face from the beginning of the dignified, slowly emerged a light joy, but finally more can not hide the excitement and excitement, Chu Feng now disappeared, that seems to be really dead.

Yan was not accurate and serious without Chu Feng. He couldn't help laughing: "Chu Tai Dou, how about you and me fighting for thousands of years? Now Chu Feng, who you can't cope with, has been killed by our danzong, and his body has not been left. You are not as good as me, and you will never be as good as me. Ha ha ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, Yan Bu's laughter shakes the secret place of danzong, and everyone can feel his excitement and excitement.

"He's dead at last!"

Yan Lu stood beside Yan bu. The woman who had recovered her strength saw that Chu Feng was gone. She should have been excited and happy. She couldn't get happy at the moment, and felt that her heart was blocked. It seemed that something had been lost. It was very sad. She didn't know why.

Perhaps, it is Yan Pei who is dead after all. Can't he get excited? Yan Lu thinks so in her heart.

When people were more or less excited, Yan Xishan felt the breath in the air carefully. Indeed, he could not feel the breath belonging to Chu Feng. His whole heart was relaxed. He was really worried that Chu Feng would attack him. In that case, Yan Bu's conspiracy would succeed.

Take a breath out and lift up your hand: "break up!"

The red heart fire array is a special array. It needs the cooperation of hundreds of people and a person who is willing to be the eye of the array when it is started. When it is lifted, it also needs to be careful. Otherwise, it will suffer the repercussion of the fire that has not dissipated, which can lead to serious injury or direct death.

Hundreds of people got Yan Bu's instructions, and they all converged on their momentum and strength at the same time.

Yan didn't let out a long breath and dissipated his own strength, but all of us had lost their strength. Why did the flame of dragon head and Phoenix still exist? Isn't it going to disappear as long as the array is removed?

All of a sudden, at this time, a whirling whirlpool appeared in the center of the dragon head and Phoenix body. The flames all went towards the whirlpool, as if swallowed up. The huge flame was slowly becoming smaller. Slowly, people saw two wings, two wings flowing with dim light.

Yan Xishan's expression changed greatly: "no, Chu Feng is not dead, he just hid in the fire."

It's just that everything is late. Starting the red heart fire array will consume a lot of strength. It takes at least a few days to start it again. However, danzong only trained this group of people, so it is impossible to start it again.

The flame was swept directly into the whirlpool, and I didn't know where it was swallowed.

The clothes on Chu Feng's upper body have disappeared. He stood there with no entity's magic light wings, and slowly opened his eyes, with a kind of weird color and a very strange breath.

Just now, in the fire tornado, Chu Feng felt that he could not resist all this, but at the most critical time, he thought that the magic light wings not only had strong speed, but also had the power of defense.

Therefore, at that time, the wings were closed, and the powerful flame power was completely blocked out, causing no harm to him.

As for where those flames have gone, it's just that Chu Feng has already controlled these flames with the mysterious power of the demon Kingdom just now, and the flames that just disappeared are just swallowed up by the demon Kingdom, because they are the things formed by the power of warriors and can be swallowed up naturally.

With a pleasant breath, Chu Feng looked up at Yan Xishan, then suddenly appeared in front of Yan Xishan, smiling evil.

Yan Xishan finally recovered from the great shock, and raised his hand to drive the divine power to fight, but the speed was too slow.

Almost just as soon as his hand was lifted up, a heavy blow with unparalleled strength directly hit Yan Xishan's head. With one blow of Chu Feng, Yan Xishan was knocked down from the air and hit the ground, raising the dust and smoke that covered the sky and the sun.

But all of this is not over, the demon Kingdom quietly opened and shrouded in this small area. Chu Feng's body was downward, changed a place at once, and quickly disappeared into the dust and smoke.

All the people heard were the terrible voices of the war, but they could not see anything.

Yan Bu's face was very ugly. He thought that the red heart fire array that could kill Chu Feng didn't do him any harm. He drank and scolded in a low voice, and the black fire swirled around him. Yan did not quickly go to the place of fierce battle.

Just did not go out how far distance, suddenly hit something on the rebound back, look surprised.It suddenly reminds me that Chu Feng seemed to be a master of array Taoism and can be read into a formation when he was in the ice blade snow field. Obviously, this place is completely separated at the moment. Then he thinks that the red heart fire array can't hurt Chu Feng, and Yan can almost spit blood.

He mistakenly thought that chufeng was a powerful master of array Taoism, so he felt very stupid to arrange to use the fire array with the heart of loyalty to deal with Chu Feng.

In front of a master of array Road, or a master who can read it into a battle, all the battle ways are jokes. Yan can't look pale.

The black fire converged into a Shinto and blew out. Now, there is only one person in the space that is blocked by the East and the West. Even the peak power of lingyunzong can be destroyed by Chu wind. A single Yanxi mountain in a state can't cope with it.

Although Yan did not want Yan Xishan to have a bad time because of Yan Lu, he never wanted to let him die, which was a loss for the peak power of danzong.

"Finish macro!"

He called Yan Wanhong to come over and said with a cold face: "let's join hands with me to break the idea of Chu Feng. The speed must be fast, otherwise Xishan elder will become a corpse."

Yan Wanhong nodded and began to gather his own divine power. The reason why Yan Bu asked Yan Wanhong not to call Yan Lu was because Yan Lu began to be drugged by Yan Xi mountain. Now his power has not been fully recovered, and even if he comes here, he can't play any role.

So it can only be he and Yan Wanhong cooperate. When both of them blast out their powerful power and are blocked by the demon Kingdom, Yan Bu's heart is also surprised. Why did such a thing happen? Yan's ancestors did not appear?

All the four forces have their own ancestors. They are the second generation ancestors of their respective families. Ling yunzong has them and his Dan clan has them. However, the Yan Family's ancestors who are relying on the town have not appeared. Yan forbid is worried and wants to contact them in secret, but there is no secret sound contact information of Yan's ancestors.

At the same time, he hoped that the ancestors of Yan family would quickly know the situation here, and at the same time, he and Yan Wanhong were constantly driving forces to bombard the demon kingdom.

However, no matter how strong their power is, they can't cause any damage to the demon kingdom. It seems that their power has no power at all.

However, in the shadow of the demon Kingdom, the dust smoke is rolling because of the battle between Chu Feng and Yan Xishan, which completely makes people can't see clearly. The only thing they can feel is that Yan Xishan may still be alive. Otherwise, Chu Feng has come out to fight them.

"I'll help too!"

Yan Lu feels her own strength and sees Yan Bu and Yan Wanhong bombarding the so-called border. Although she wants Yan Xishan to die in her heart, now everyone is worried about the arrival of Chu Feng. She can't be too selfish. In the past, she has launched an attack without waiting for Yan not to speak.

If Chu Feng only killed Yan Xishan, she would never do it, but there was no guarantee that Chu Feng would attack the rest of the people after killing Yan Xishan. For the sake of the safety of all the danzong people, Yan Lu temporarily forgot about the matter that Yan Xishan gave her medicine.

When the three men attacked the demon kingdom together, there was a scream in the thick dust. Yan did not allow the three people to look slightly changed. They all stopped because they could hear that the scream just now came from Yan Xishan. What's the matter?

Thinking about it, a gust of wind rose from the ground in the demon Kingdom, blowing away the dust and smoke that blocked the sight.

Chu Feng stood in the void with the wings of magic light. His eyes were gloomy and he looked at the mess on the ground. The battle with Yan Xishan just now destroyed a mess below. None of them was intact, just like after the end of the world.

There was a man lying on the ground, all bloodstained, who could not be Yan Xishan?

Yan can't see the people lying on the ground, and his look changed greatly: "Xishan!"

As soon as he left, the demon Kingdom did not know when it was collected by Chu Feng. Yan Bu went directly to Yan Xishan and felt his vitality with his hand on his hand. Slowly, Yan did not release Yan Xishan's hand pale.

There is no pulse, no heartbeat, and even the hidden vitality can not be felt under the investigation of strength. Yan Xishan, Yan Xishan and Yan Xishan are dead!

Slowly raised his head to see the Chu wind moving toward the magic power. Then he looked at the distance, and his lips trembled and said, "elder Xishan, dead, killed by Chu Feng!"

A word is very low voice appearance, but it is heard by all people, all pale face, Yan Xishan is dead? Did danzong lose a middle God?

With Yan Pei, who began to die, danzong lost two powerful deities. What should we do in the future?

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