Super Healer

Chapter 2160

The land of the west city.

Chufeng, who had arrived in Nancheng a few days ago and found Xuanyuan Huining, arrived in Xicheng with her again. Now danzong has been revenged by him, and all the channels have been opened. Chufeng is ready to take the way of danzong to Zhongzhou.

By the way, I also went to see Yan Lu, which was also an apology. If she didn't do that, Chu Feng believed that Yan Lu would leave some psychological shadow that could not be dissipated in her whole life.

He also went to the city Lord's house to visit the West City Lord. He learned that xibuluo and xicheni both went to Xuanyuan in Zhongzhou by the way of danzong after the opening of danzong channel. They wanted to find him and fight with him side by side. Chu Feng was a bit surprised by the behavior of xibuluo's brothers and sisters, but it was reasonable.

After a simple lunch with the West City Lord, Chu Feng and Xuanyuan Huining left the city Lord's mansion in a low-key way. No one knew they had been there, and no one knew they had left.

On the way to danzong, Xuanyuan Huining took Chu Feng's arm and walked on the road like a lover. He asked, "brother-in-law, lingyunzong and danzong have been avenged by you. The initial alert is very normal, but don't they worry about being attacked by Juesha sect and refining weapon sect?"

At present, the two most seriously damaged forces can't resist the refiner sect and the Juesha sect.

Therefore, Xuanyuan Hui was puzzled that the channels between the two forces were completely opened.

"Sister in law and wife!"

Chu Feng knocked Xuanyuan Huining's head and said, "first, I am the leader of Lingyun clan. If Huangfu Ma Yu and Wu Han are not fools, they dare not attack Lingyun Zong. As for Dan clan, do they dare?"

"If they really dare to do that, they just let me into their secret territory without any difficulty. Before I can't guarantee that I won't retaliate or be safe, even if they want to swallow up danzong, they dare not to do so. So there is no problem when the channel between danzong and lingyunzong is opened."

Xuanyuan Huining thought it seemed reasonable, but when he heard Chu Feng call himself sister-in-law and wife, he gave Chu Feng a cold look: "the dog can't spit out ivory, my sister-in-law is my sister-in-law, and my wife is my wife. How do you call that?"

Xuanyuan Huining felt the contact without distance, and her heart beat inexplicably. She scolded Chu Feng and wanted to take advantage of her when she found a chance. However, she also knew that she could not go with other men unless she could be open-minded.

Eyes a little more resentment, staring at Chu Feng, said good sister-in-law and brother-in-law relationship, but the brother-in-law is the sister-in-law as a wife stabbed.

Pursed his lips and wished to kill Chu Feng. Xuanyuan Hui hummed: "anyway, no matter what, you just can't scream, otherwise you are abnormal."

Chu Feng smiles and hugs Xuanyuan Huining. He goes on walking and says: "sister in law and wife, it shows that I like you. It shows that I have you in my heart. Otherwise, how can I not address others like this?"

Xuanyuan Huining looks at some people walking around. Although they can't hear them, Xuanyuan Huining still feels very shy.

But since the two people like that, Chu Feng is more unscrupulous, knowing that no matter how much he said, Chu Feng would not listen to himself. He puffed his mouth and said in a sulky heart: "that, you can call, but only when we are two people, it seems that this is absolutely not right."

Staring at Chu Feng, he said, "otherwise, even if you apply, I won't let you touch it. If you want to be hard, I'll cry for you, and I'll cry for you."

Looking at Xuanyuan Huining's lovely little face, Chu Feng amused herself with a smile, and the dragonfly bit the water to kiss her red lips, loosened her waist and walked forward: "good!"

Xuanyuan Huining stood in the same place as if she had been shocked. She blinked her eyes until Chu Feng had gone out for more than ten meters. Her face was covered with a layer of blush. Chufeng even kisses her in the street, which makes Xuanyuan Huining ashamed to find a hole in the ground.

Staring at Chu Feng's back, Xuanyuan Huining feels that he must keep away from chufeng, otherwise, how to be eaten is still unknown.

Before going to the transmission array of danzong, because the passageways of Juesha sect and refining ware sect can only be entered but not out, people from North City and east city have no way to go to Zhongzhou. All of them have come to duxicheng or Nancheng to take lingyunzong and danzong to Zhongzhou.

Xuanyuan Huining tried to stay away from Chu Feng, but he still held his hand and couldn't throw it away. Xuanyuan Huining could only disperse her thoughts.

In order not to cause some unnecessary panic, Chu Feng chose to put on a mask and led Xuanyuan Huining's hand into the secret place of danzong. When the latter waited for no one around, he asked, "brother-in-law, I heard that Yan Lu knew that the west wind was you at that time. Is that right?"

Chu Feng nodded and simply said something about Yan Xishan's use of infinite reincarnation to pry into the secret.

Xuanyuan Hui Ning frown: "that such words, Yan Lu is not very sad, even hate you?"

Chu Feng was stunned for a moment and then replied: "maybe she would like to kill me, but no matter what, I am a liar after all. It's normal for him to hate me, but once again, I will still choose such a way to do it, but I will certainly restrain myself and do not happen things that can't be recalled."Xuanyuan Huining nodded deeply and looked at the strategic place of Chu Feng with a serious look: "it's really necessary to restrain yourself. It's too brutish." Add in the heart, even sister-in-law meat to eat, as rascal!

This is a very boring topic, but when Xuanyuan Huining said that, Chu Feng suddenly felt that the atmosphere was destroyed. However, he seemed to be quite brutish and shook his head with a wry smile, and did not say anything about it.

On the way to danzong holy land, Xuanyuan Huining asked again, "brother-in-law, I heard that Chang'e appeared at that time and saved Yan Lu. Later, she took you away. You also said that you had been healing for ten days since you left. Are you and Chang'e reconciled?"

Chu wind passing a trace of helpless color, today's Xuanyuan Huining performance is too much like a curious baby, what things want to know.

When he was about to speak, Xuanyuan Huining asked, "do you have that one?"

Chufeng coughed and asked, "what do you say?"

"I said," do you have that one? " Xuanyuan Huining, blushing slightly, lowered her head and raised her head to see Chu Feng. She lifted her hands and made a circle. Then a finger went through it: "this is it!"

Chu Feng sees Xuanyuan Huining's gesture, the corners of his mouth twitch fiercely. Is this still Xuanyuan Huining? Is it really my cool sister-in-law? Why is it like a curious baby today? The gesture Chu Feng naturally knows what it means, but I can't imagine it was made by Xuanyuan Huining.

I didn't really respond for a while.

However, Xuanyuan Huining misunderstood the appearance of Chu Feng, who pushed aside chufeng and scolded: "you son of a bitch, I still want to accompany you tonight. If you don't talk for a long time, you must be with Chang'e. tell you, don't touch me. I don't want to enter the East and west of that woman's body!"

Chu Feng has a sense of integrity and broken ground. She keeps up with Xuanyuan Huining with a bitter smile. It seems that after the development of this sister-in-law, her personality has changed. Although it will be shy to say those words to her now, it is much better than before.

It can even be said that they are a lot bolder.

Not long after that, Chu Feng and Chu Feng arrived at the secret place of danzong and headed for the inner gate. Because of the changes of Yan Bu and others, today's danzong can be said to be completely open to the outside world, so that some people can go to Zhongzhou through the transmission array of danzong.

Of course, people are still cautious. Even if the danzong is down, they can not challenge them at will. When the new patriarch confirms, danzong is still the former danzong. Ordinary people can't touch it at will. This is a rule that can't be changed.

Along the way, no one found that the man wearing the mask was Chu Feng. He only occasionally looked at Xuanyuan Huining, his cold little face, and a woman's taste after development. All of them are attractive.

It's just that there's Chu Feng around who can't see the depth. Ordinary martial artists dare not come up to do anything.

"Brother in law, is that where Yan Lu lives?"

Outside the bamboo grove, Xuanyuan Huining looked at the bamboo grove and asked softly, "it seems that this is a woman who likes to be quiet, but it's a pity that you've been cheated. Perfect love finally finds out that it's a scam. You've been cheated and you've been cheated. I really think you're despicable."

Now Xuanyuan Huining teaches him to be more and more impolite.

Xuanyuan Huining stood in the same place with narrow eyes and a look of disdain: "I can't see that you can't come out at night. Comfort people and apologize? I think it's true to stab people one more time. "

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