Super Healer

Chapter 217

The night is like ink, flowing with a palpitating cold, it is not natural cold, but a cold from the heart.

When he found that there was no one, the golden wolf should take people with him according to landley's instructions. However, the fierce fighting in the past few days left the golden wolf with violence in his heart. At the moment, he especially wanted to kill some double Pearl Club people who stabbed the knife secretly. Therefore, he stayed in the courtyard with his own opinions.

He didn't go to see who was in the room upstairs because he was not interested in it. However, after waiting for more than ten minutes, he looked a little bored. He walked upstairs and came to the room mentioned by his subordinates.

"What a beautiful woman!"

When the golden wolf saw Huangfu Ruolan, who was bound with his hands and feet there, he was immediately surprised. He swallowed his mouth and tried to make himself appear gentle. However, his ruthlessness still failed to show his gentle color: "Miss, I don't know how you were kidnapped here by the people of the double pearl association?"

"Shuangzhu club, it seems that you have also been cheated!" Huangfulan said that she didn't mind her body, but she didn't care about her body.

When the golden wolf was curious to ask what he had been cheated by, there was a sound of the car stopping quickly outside. His face suddenly changed and ran to the window. Only a few dozen people got off the car. Seeing the clothes of those people, the golden Wolf shot a killing opportunity in his eyes. He also forgot Huangfu Ruolan's words: "finally, the scum of Shuangzhu club!"

Immediately also no longer pay attention to Huangfu Ruolan, directly turned to leave the room, eyes flowing with bloodthirsty color and madness.

Huangfu Ruolan's body was stiff in an instant. He scolded Chu Feng's son of a bitch more than ten times in his heart. But he was more angry with his guess. Huangfu ruobi wanted to fish in troubled waters and kill himself.

As soon as people get off the car, they break into the door directly and rush into it. But after they get inside, they are stunned. What about people?

Isn't it said that there are guards here? Why is it that there is no one here?

While the people of Shuangzhu association were wondering whether the intelligence was wrong, suddenly there were shouts of killing in the dark. Some members of Shuangzhu Club standing beside the trees were shocked, and then they slowly fell to the ground. They didn't know what had happened to them until they died.

However, even though they were short-lived, the people of Shuangzhu society started to riot, ignoring who was hiding in the dark. They all broke out ferocity and fought with them.

Although the members of the wild wolf gang were taken by surprise, when they entered the courtyard and found no one, the members of the double pearl association were on high alert. Although seven or eight people fell face to face, they also prevented effective resistance in a short period of time. The difference in the number of the two sides was not big, but it was an even battle.

"Damn it, you scumbags are finally here. I won't kill you

The golden wolf also came down from the second floor, holding a knife in his hand, and directly broke into the camp. The two members of the double pearl Association fell into a pool of blood. No one could resist the golden wolf's edge, let alone many members of the wild wolf gang.

Originally, the two opposing forces were even, but because of the golden wolf's participation, the situation of one-sided immediately appeared. The people of the double pearl association were in constant defeat and retreat.

At the moment, Huang Fu Ruo die's car also came outside. Seeing the situation inside, his face changed: "I was cheated!"

As an opponent, Huangfu ruodie knows the people of the wild wolf gang. At the moment, when he sees the golden wolf, he immediately realizes that he has been cheated. However, all of a sudden, he puts on his mask and shoots out. Although he is a little sorry, it seems to be a good thing to be able to kill the golden wolf.

Although Huangfu ruodie is only a woman, she has been taught by famous teachers since she was a child, and her children are good at their skills. As the eldest daughter, Huangfu ruodie's skills are in the forefront.

At the moment, as if she were a female leopard, she ran into the crowd. A thin blade in her hand twinkled with cold light. We didn't even see where she came from. It was just a face-to-face. Three members of the Wolf Gang fell into the pool of blood, and the fresh blood dyed the grass red.

"Black widow, ha ha, good coming, good coming!"

Suddenly, he saw such a person in the other party's camp. After killing a member of the double pearl Association, the golden wolf saw Huangfu ruodie. The appearance of Jade Scorpion was known by most people. However, the black widow was rarely seen. Without Yao Xin, there was no doubt that the tough woman was the black widow.

"Golden wolf, hum!" Huangfu ruodie snorted coldly. The thin blade in his hand directly leaped over the members of the wild wolf gang and stabbed at the golden wolf. However, the golden wolf did not hurry to raise his machete block in his hand. Under the collision, he felt pain in the mouth of the tiger. He was surprised that a woman had such strength. It seems that she underestimated it!

Similar Huangfu ruodie is also surprised, but for a short time, although the performance of golden wolf makes her find herself underestimated, it is not impossible to kill the golden wolf.

"President, I'll help you!"

At this time, Yao Xin in the car also got out of the car, quickly broke through the obstruction of the wild wolf Gang, appeared in the middle of the battlefield, cheered and went to the golden wolf, ready to join hands with Huangfu ruodie to kill the golden wolf.Originally, when she was fighting Huangfu ruodie, jinlang was confident that she could not kill her, but she could also protect herself. She only saw Yao Xin, who had been shot by explosion, suddenly changed her face: "withdraw!"

Now Yao Xin and Huang Fu Ruo die fight together, and the number of people on their side is even less advantageous. They shout and force Huangfu ruodie back. The golden wolf shoots directly in the direction of the wall. If he doesn't go now, he will definitely be left by Huangfu ruodie and Yao Xin.

"How can you leave like this?"

On a tree opposite the courtyard, Chu Feng has been observing here all the time. At this moment, he sees the golden wolf leaving. He shakes his head and shows a bow and arrow in his hand. An arrow with a twinkling smell of death is directly put on it, and a killing cut is swept across the corner of his mouth.

Let go!

With a whoosh, the bowstring jumps, and the arrow flies towards the courtyard at the speed of sound speed. The golden wolf, who had already jumped to the top of the wall, was sluggish. He looked down at the arrow passing through. His eyes were full of disbelief. His mobile phone was put in his ear: "brother, I'll take a step first. I must kill the twin beads and revenge for me!"

Then, with a bang, the body fell backward and fell heavily on the ground, which also stopped the fighting at the scene. Everyone looked at the golden wolf with an arrow on his body!

The golden wolf, one of the three wolves of the wild wolf Gang, died like this?

Huangfu ruodie and Yao Xin's faces changed, especially when they recalled the phone call that the golden wolf had just run away from and what they had said before they died. They could almost predict how fierce The Revenge of the wild wolf gang would be in the future!

But just when they realized that they might be planted by Chu Feng again, there were bursts of gunfire, crackling and non-stop. Everyone's mind had a brief stagnation. Who dares to use a gun?

Shuangzhu Association and the wild wolf Gang all went to see each other, but they did not have guns. Subconsciously, they thought that it was the Green Gang that picked up the cheap goods, but it was too late. Everything came too quickly. The indiscriminate gun shooting made Shuangzhu club and the wild wolf Gang all fell into a pool of blood, and the dead could not die again.

Huang Fu Ruo die and Yao Xin take a look at each other. They dodge to the door and jump to the car. The gunfire around them is more intense at the moment. However, Yao Xin is too lazy to take care of these things at the moment. After making sure that he and Huangfu ruodie are safe, he starts the car, steps on the accelerator and flies out quickly.

The gunfire gradually stopped. At the moment, both the Wolf Gang and the Shuangzhu club were all in the pool of blood. The blood was red, and the grass was covered with thick blood. A black Mercedes Benz quietly drove to the door. Huangfu Wenyi looked at the faraway Ferrari, and his eyes appeared to kill the opportunity: "calculate your speed!"

Then he opened the car door and got out of the car. Looking at Huangfu elite who was repairing guns for those who didn't die, he took out his mobile phone and said faintly: "Captain Shao, you can let people clean up the scene in half an hour. Don't worry, the traces of the gun will never be left. One million will be on your card in an hour!"

"Thank you, Huang Fu Er Shao!" There came a man's voice, and then both sides had tacit understanding to cut off the phone.

"Clean up the battlefield in 15 minutes and take these bodies to the crematorium and burn them for me!"

Huangfu Wenyi didn't even look at the corpse on the ground. He directly took several people to the house and went straight to the second floor. Huangfu Ruolan was relieved to see the comer: "thanks for your coming in time, or I will be killed by that smelly woman Huangfu Ruo die!"

When Huangfu Ruolan was untied, Huangfu Wenyi asked, "what's going on? You went out to deal with Chu Feng and Lin Yulin. How come you were kidnapped after not hearing from Chu Feng all night?"

"That Chu Feng, I must kill him!" Huangfu Ruolan threw his hand which had been tied up for a long time. He saw a killing opportunity in his eyes and told the story after finishing the book. Then he added: "however, before killing Chu Feng, I want Huangfu Ruo die to pay the price, so we will die soon. It's really looking for death!"

"It seems to be the time, but how can Hercules account for this, rockefellas?" Huangfu Wenyi didn't expect such a thing to happen. Although he was a little annoyed that Huangfu Ruolan had lost two hundred million yuan, he was still more concerned about his own affairs: "if we don't have their support, we can't basically play!"

"Don't worry. I'll have other ways. I'll pay him back in his own way." Huangfu Ruolan is a smile, full of confidence on his face!

At the moment, walking in the street two kilometers away, Chu Feng's mobile phone came a text message: Huang Luowen, released on bail!

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