Super Healer

Chapter 2173

Ask the mountain, also known as the holy peak!

It is said that those who can walk half way have already possessed the qualification of becoming gods. As long as they don't die, they will certainly be able to achieve divinity at that time point and become a powerful God.

Therefore, Zhongzhou Wenshan has attracted countless people all the year round. Everyone wants to see if he has the potential to become a God. Even if he fails this time, he will still come next time, because he won't deny your efforts. Maybe today you don't have the talent to become a God, but will there be tomorrow?

FEIBA, the former leader of feimen gate, came to ask mountain more than ten times. At the beginning, he came here every time before he was halfway there. Until the last time, it was a hundred years ago. FEIBA came here again and went to the halfway position in one breath.

At first, many people doubted the legend of asking for a mountain, but it wasn't long before FEIBA became the next God. He could become a God in the middle of the way. If he went up, he would be qualified as a middle God. The higher he went up, the higher his future success would be.

In recent days, the number of people in the mountain has reached its peak. Because the channel connecting the four forces to Zhongzhou has been opened, countless strong people who can participate in the hidden world contest, or those who come to watch the excitement and see the charm of Zhongzhou have all come to Zhongzhou. They are all attracted by the magic of asking mountain.

Of course, I want to prove that I have the qualification of becoming a God on this mountain, or to test how far it is to be a God, that is, how far away from the middle position.

When Chu Feng and Fei Yuxin came here with feiyuxin, they could see a sea of people at a glance. Some people were trying to climb the mountain of asking questions. Some people were still watching and doing everything. But everyone's idea was almost the same, that is to climb the mountain and surpass the halfway position.

In the middle of the journey, you will be qualified to become a God. If you go up again, you will be qualified to become a middle God. If you go to a higher place, you will be proved to have the blood of God of creation.

It's just that this kind of thing has never happened in endless years, because the most common thing is to go halfway, and the only one who can become a God's state is FEIBA. The rest of the people who haven't reached the midway are either dead or stuck in a state and can't move forward at all.

There is no one God in the world, which is not an empty word, but it still does not affect the people who come in an endless stream.

Feiyuxin stood beside the Chu wind, and didn't care. There was a Xuanyuan Huining, who whispered, "I once challenged this mountain when I was in the middle of the demigod period, but it was only half of the time. Then I couldn't go up at all. I felt that there was no road ahead."

"It's like, being blocked by something, if you want to go up, the body and soul will be in severe pain. It's amazing."

Chu Feng nodded slightly, but his eyes were always staring at the mountain. His left eye flickered slightly and looked directly at the highest place. However, he couldn't penetrate the clouds. He didn't know what was going on.

What's more, if Chu Feng finds that he can't get close to the mountain, he can't go up there. What's the matter with the mountain? Why is there such a magical side?

"This has existed since ancient times."

At this time, a man standing beside them whispered: "I have heard that. It is said that in order to verify what kind of people are worth cultivating, countless great powers in ancient times joined hands to build this mountain of asking questions. However, no one knows whether it is, but it is certain that as long as we go halfway, we will become gods in the future."

Chu Feng took a look at the people beside him, and then looked at the asking mountain: "in ancient times, it seems that the hidden world hasn't appeared. How could there be a mountain asking for help?"

"Who knows?" The man spread out his hands and said with a smile: "after all, it was a matter of millions of years ago, and no one can explain it. But someone once found ancient Chinese characters on the mountain of asking questions. Of course, I still don't know how to be specific."

Said is equal to did not say!

Chu Feng slandered a word in his heart, and went to the front a little. He could see that this man was a kind of invincible person. His exaggeration was actually some nonsense.

Feiyuxin followed up and was about to speak when Chu Feng first opened his mouth: "then you wait here, I'll come."

Feiyuxin thought Chu Feng was going to be convenient, so she nodded: "we'll wait for you here."

Chu Feng turns around alone and leaves the crowd. When no one is sure to see it, his body skims over and appears in a forest. Luo Qian and Chu Yi are here at the moment. When you look up from here, you can still see the mountain in the distance.

It was Chu Yimi Yin who contacted him just now, so Chu Feng sat on a stone and asked, "what's the matter?"

"That one!" Chu Yi pointed to the direction of the mountain and said, "maybe you can try it. It's called ask mountain, also known as Shengfeng. It can detect the blood vessels of the divine realm and saints, but now few people know it."Chu Feng a Leng, subconsciously looked at the mountain, did not expect to be able to detect the blood of the sage, this is too magical?

Calm down and listen to Chu Yi.

It is true that mount Wen had existed in ancient times, but it was not in the hidden world at all. When the ancient times were destroyed, the God Lu Wan moved the mountain to the hidden world which was still in chaos at that time. He felt that such a mountain should not be annihilated in the ancient times.

In ancient times, this mountain was not called "ask mountain", but Shengdao mountain was its real name. In the past, its main function was to detect the blood of saints. However, few people could climb the mountain, and even if they could not grow up, they would be killed by people. Therefore, it was called "ask mountain" at the end of its development. It was just a mountain peak for testing the blood of God.

It is a fact that as long as you go to the middle of the way, you will have the blood of the divine realm. However, people all think that it is wrong to have the qualification of God of creation when you go to the top of the mountain. If you can really step on the top of the mountain, you will have not the qualification of God of creation, but the qualification of becoming a saint in the future.

As for the God of nature, as long as you go to the last step of the mountain, you already have it. You don't need to go to the top of the mountain.

The spirit of Chu Feng suddenly came and stood up. His eyes were shining. It was a mountain peak that could detect the holy way. If you tried it, you didn't want to control who made it. Just make sure it has such a magical effect.

Looking back, he asked, "where are you two?"

Chu Yi and Luo Qian looked at each other with a similar look of depression. The former said, "we haven't tried, but if it's normal, we can only go to the last step.

Because both of them have inherited the power and everything of the ancient Qisha emperor. As long as they are not dead and unobstructed, they can go to the God of creation, because the ancient Qisha emperor was at the peak of the God of creation which was close to the saint.

Chu Feng nodded and knew that Chu Yi and Chu Yi didn't need to try to find out the result. Asking about their current situation, they were all in the Yimen gate. Chu Feng thought of Bai Shaobai, the young leader of the Yimen sect, but there was still a bit of gratitude and resentment. However, it was not good to talk to Chu Yi and them for the time being.

When he was about to have a try, Luo Qian said, "it is said that there is a throne on Shengdao mountain. It is said that the people who sit on it can surpass the saints in the way of heaven. At the beginning, they couldn't even sit on the throne, because they heard that the throne was created on the holy road mountain. I don't know where it came from on that day. I tried to respect God, but I couldn't sit on it!"

Chu Feng has gone out a step, smell speech stopped.

Ask a mountain is the holy road mountain. When you arrive at the highest place, it shows the blood of a saint. How can a throne appear that even Lu Wan can't sit on it? Why is it like this?

Looking at the appearance of Luo Qian and Chu Yi, Chu Feng knows that they don't know either. If they leave for a long time, Fei Yuxin's suspicion will be aroused. If Chu Feng leaves quickly, it turns out that this is the holy road mountain in ancient times. If we really want to take a walk, it should be a kind of trial.

"Do you think fengshao can take the throne of Shengdao mountain?"

After Chu Feng left, Chu Yi began to ask, "when Zun God saw the throne falling from the sky, he came down to mount Shengdao, intending to sit on it, but he couldn't sit down at all. What's the matter with you?"

Luo Qian shook his head: "I don't know, but I can be sure that there seems to be a strong will on that throne. People who are not recognized by it can not even sit on it. However, it has nothing to do with us. If we want to become saints, we can only follow the wind of Chu."

Chu Yi nodded and knew that some things could not be explained even by ancient inheritors like them.

Although it's good for them to sit on the sacred mountain of Chu, it will be very difficult for them to go to the top of the mountain!

At this time, Chu Feng has also returned to feiyuxin's side, but her eyes are attracted by a group of people, because this group of people Chu Feng knew, it was the young master Piaoyu and others, who ran fast at the beginning, but now it seems that they are going to challenge the mountain.

Also temporarily dissipated the idea of going out, because young master Piaoyu and that Nan Huai'an know his mask.

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