Super Healer

Chapter 227

Chu Feng pointed at it with a single knife. His words were full of self-confidence and his whole ear was about to be deaf, which made the scene of the fight appear temporary stagnation. Yao Xin was also stunned.

As long as anyone who is well-informed knows, besides Huang Shaoguang's son, Huang Luowen, the leader of the Green Gang, has an adopted son secretly. It is even more said that the so-called "adopted son" is only what Huang Luowen said to the outside world, and the actual adopted son is also Huang Luowen's own son.

People do not know who Huang Luowen's son is, only Huang Luowen and the four tigers of the Green Gang know his true face. At the moment, Chu Feng directly shouts out a name, and everyone feels strange!

How did Chu Feng know Huang Luowen's son?

The mask man raised his hand, and Huyuan put a knife in his hand. The former took the knife and brushed it slowly, as if he was stroking a woman. The next moment, he suddenly burst out. The machete in his hand made a horizontal cutting posture, and went directly towards the Chu wind. There was no answer, only killing intention!

Chu Feng gave a sneer and burst out without retreating. Although they were 100 meters away from each other, they quickly collided with each other at their full speed. The two knives collided directly with each other, splashing out a touch of sparks and the sound of gold and iron ringing, which made the eardrum slightly painful.

"I'm curious why I know it's you, right?"

Two people's swords are facing each other. Looking at the masked man with only his eyes exposed, Chu Feng asked, "if I told you that it was found when you attacked and killed me last time, do you believe it?"

The masked man still did not answer Chu Feng's words. His identity is the top secret of the Qingbang and also the bottom card of the future Qingbang. At the moment, Chu Feng says his name, and the masked man only has to kill and fight.

As for why Chu Feng knew, he didn't care at all. It was useless for the dead to know more secrets.

With the sudden increase of strength in his hands, the two men stepped back and raised their heads again. Their eyes collided with each other, invisible, as if there was a collision of Mars.

At the next moment, the two men cheated each other again and went to kill each other. This time, they did not touch each other. Instead, they were waving their machetes to collide. Each impact produced sparks, which made people feel palpable.

The two swords are constantly waving there, and we can only hear the sound of Dangdang, but it is difficult to catch the trace of the two knives, which has exceeded the speed that the naked eye can catch. However, they seem to know where the other side's knife will come from. For a time, it's hard to distinguish.

When a sound, Chu Feng's knife because of the fight all the way, at the moment and the mask man in the hands of the knife collision dozens of times, directly fell to the ground.

Chu Feng then abruptly retreated, looking at the only half of the machete in his hand, sighed: "I should take one more knife as backup, so that it is convenient to stab the knife."

When the masked man just wanted to continue to move forward, the mask suddenly fell into pieces and fell on the ground. Xing Yu's face appeared in front of the crowd. Chu Feng also laughed and said, "it's ok if you don't admit it. Can you show your true face?"

"Xing Yu, I doubt your motivation to enter Shengyuan security company now."

The masked man was really Xing Yu. Although he was exposed to the public at the moment, he was calm and didn't have to go to Chu Feng again: "can you tell me, how do you know it's mine?"

"Feeling!" Chu Feng naturally would not say that it was his left eye to see it, but perfunctorily replied: "when you appeared in the training camp and started with me, I didn't know who you were, but later in the confrontation, I knew it was you, because I was still very impressed with you and I, so to speak, it was breath!"

Xing Yu didn't doubt anything. At that time, he and Jing Rui jointly wanted to kill Chu Feng. Jing Rui didn't know his identity. Only his feeling could explain all this. As for what Chu Feng saw directly, he didn't believe it.

"You are a good opponent. We could have been friends, but it's a pity!"

Xing Yu threw the knife in his hand on the ground, and the whole person showed a strong breath: "because you owe the Qing Gang too much. If I guess correctly, you killed Hu Gu?"

Chu Feng smile standing in place: "good!"

"Then we will not die." Xing Yu sighed. He was going to send Chu Feng a ride in the form of a warrior, with a hook on his finger: "come on, today you and I are going to fall down one by one."

"That man, certainly not me!" Chu Feng burst out laughing, quite young and frivolous. Although they had already met each other, it was in an unequal environment. At the moment, the two talents were a real confrontation.

Hu Yuan, who wants to fight, has no chance to intervene. He can only stand there and watch the fight between them. One punch and one foot can make the wind roar. Huyuan says secretly that he is the son of the leader. Compared with the few leaders, he is much stronger.

With two bangs, Chu Feng and Xing Yu each stepped back two steps. Both of them punched each other. Xing Yu rubbed his numb chest and frowned slightly. He felt that his strength could not support him, but he did not think about other things: "come again!"Chu Feng returned to the road with a kick on his right leg. His body appeared directly in front of Xing Yu, and his power was terrible. At this moment, Chu Feng used 70% of his strength.

Xing Yu didn't despise Chu Feng. He knew Chu Feng was not an ordinary person when he saw him in Shengyuan.

In the face of Chu Feng's fist, Xing Yu cheered and welcomed him. He was confident that his strength was enough to fight against Chu Feng. However, when the two fists collided, Xing Yu's face changed and he quickly stepped back. His eyes were cold and cold, and he looked at Chu Feng: "mean!"

He raised his hand and looked at a blood hole the size of a pinhole between his palms. It didn't look very serious, but Xing Yu understood that it was impossible for this hand to think about fighting again, and could not exert the rest of its strength.

Chu Feng didn't chase him up, just spread out his palm, and a gold needle appeared in the palm of his hand. When he was fighting with Xing Yu just now, Chu Feng hid the gold needle between his fists and stabbed it out directly during the collision, causing Xing Yu to be injured.

However, Chu Feng did not feel much about Xing Yu's meanness. As soon as he waved his hand, the gold needle disappeared directly in his hand. Chu Feng calmly met Xing Yu's eyes: "there is no so-called despicable. After we embark on this road, all we do is to survive."

"Mean? Why didn't you say it was mean when you and Jingrui joined hands to kill me

Chu Feng firmly believed that Xing Yu would not have fought his so-called fair fight if the youth gang did not have the advantage in the number of people this evening. Therefore, he did not feel guilty about his actions: "so, don't say these meaningless things. Now I'll give you a chance and let's go together."

"How are you, Xing Yu?" Huyuan anxiously stepped forward and saw Xing Yu's palm full of blood. He looked at Chu Feng fiercely in his eyes: "despicable guy, you should have been killed by the sea of people tactics."

"You still don't see the situation clearly."

Chu Feng felt sad and shook his head, turned to look at the scene of the fight: "don't you find that the people of the Green Gang are constantly falling down, starting one-on-one, but now it takes two or even three to suppress a person from the Shuangzhu club?"

Chu Feng reminds Xing Yu and Hu Yuan's eyes to the front involuntarily, and their eyes are startled. How could the situation turn over just now? Thinking of the things of the Wolf Gang a few days ago, Xing Yu's eyes showed anger: "do you poison?"

"Tut Tut, it's meaningless to poison. If you did, you would have died already!"

Chufeng shook his head in a Tut, and walked toward the two men. The opportunity of killing was obvious: "and you have the absolute number advantage. If I don't do something, how can I guarantee the fruits of victory? Now you don't need to think so much about it. You should think more about how to escape from my hand

Xingyu and Huyuan's faces were ugly. The latter pushed Xing Yu back: "you go, I'll stop him. As long as you're here, our Green Gang won't be defeated!" Xing Yu was stunned and confused, but he still obeyed Hu Yuan's words and quickly turned around and left.

Looking at Xing Yu's back, Chu Feng thought of Xing Yu's vacillation. He sighed and shook his head: "can you escape from the first day of junior high school, or can you hide beyond fifteen?"

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