Super Healer

Chapter 229

It is inevitable that the Green Gang can stay in the headquarters. However, the 100 people brought by shangchufeng are weaker. Only in a short time, more than 50 people stationed in the garden were completely killed.

Of course, it is also because of the different weapons. The people of Chu Feng not only have the sharpest swords, but also bulletproof vests to ensure that they will not die. In addition, the modified electric baton is also a great artifact. As long as the people are touched, they will not be able to fight again. They can only face death.

Chu Feng and Xia Yan stood quietly in the garden, did not go to see the cold corpse on the ground, and there was not too much emotional color in their eyes. When they came to this road, either you or I died, it was already doomed.

Looking up, Chu Feng looks at the top floor. He knows Huang Luowen is there.

Huang Shaoguang and Huang Luowen have been together these days. At the moment, with the help of the camera on the gate, he saw Chu Feng standing in the garden, and his eyes were full of murders: "this damned guy, I haven't found him to settle accounts, but he has come to the door and he doesn't know whether to die or not."

"Son of a bitch, can't you see the situation up to now?" Huang Shaoguang wanted to make a few cruel words, but he was slapped on the head by Huang Luowen: "you don't see what the situation is now, but you should be clear that no one will attack the headquarters of the youth gang without 80% assurance."

After decades of hard work in the Jianghu, Huang Luowen naturally knows what it means to attack the headquarters of the youth gang, because even the Wolf Gang and Shuangzhu association may not have the courage.

And now Chu Feng comes, either self-confidence, or a fool, and Chu Feng gives him a feeling, not a fool.

Huang Luowen slapped him fiercely. Although Huang Shaoguang was not convinced, he did not dare to say a word in his father's rage. However, he still sneered at Chu Feng's attack on the Qing Gang. How many people dare to fight here in the past 100 years?

So at the moment, Huang Shaoguang did not worry at all. He believed that his father would soon mobilize support to come back, and then Chu Feng would die and could not die again.

"Motherfucker, whatever the reason, get out of here right now!"

And soon, Huang Luowen's angry voice completely broke Huang Shaoguang's self righteousness: "I tell you, now that the son of a bitch of Chu Feng is attacking the headquarters, we can support 20 minutes at most. If you can't come back in 20 minutes, you can wait for me to collect the corpse!"

As if very angry, Huang Luowen slapped his mobile phone directly on the ground, his eyes spit out a sentence: "ready to evacuate at any time, the 600 people just sent out are completely dragged by Shuangzhu club and can't come back. The hands of Huquan and huluo are also restrained by the people of the wolf Gang, so they can't do anything about it."

"Tonight, I feel like a conspiracy!"

Huang Luowen, who came from the bloody plot, finally smelled an unusual smell at the moment. Chu Feng did not attack the headquarters of the youth gang last night, and there was no movement a few days ago, but he came this evening after he sent 600 people out.

To say this is a coincidence, Huang Luowen will not believe it.

"What now?" The confident look on Huang Shaoguang's face suddenly dissipated: "I don't want to die, Dad. You have to find a way. I'm still so young that I haven't succeeded our Huang family."

Huang Luowen was upset at the moment, and was also annoyed by Huang Shaoguang, and kicked out angrily: "you are a waste. You usually let you learn more, and you will know how to play with women. Now it's OK. At the critical moment, there is no blood in a man. It's just the waste among the wastes."

Although he was angry, he was his son after all. After that, Huang Luowen was also a character. He quickly recovered his calm: "don't worry, it will take at least 20 minutes for Chu Feng to fight. If 15 minutes of support is not available, I will try to make you leave."

Before the last minute, Huang Luowen is willing to insist. He changes the monitoring screen and looks at the fighting in the hall on the first floor. Huang Luowen's fist is unconsciously slowly clenched, and a killing opportunity is looming.

Apart from the fact that the Qing Gang was often harassed by officials in that wandering age, who dares to go wild on the Green Gang's territory in the past 20 years? But at the moment, he is not only killing people, but also killing people. Huang Luowen thinks it is a real slap in the face.

On the screen, the men in black are not the black suits in the movies, but the light black clothes. They have left batons and right knives, especially when they see a elite of the Green Gang falling down. However, a man in black just slows down for a moment and then kills him.

"Damn it, it's a special forces force. Is this still a fight?"

Huang Luowen couldn't stop his rude words, but he had to admire Chu Feng's mind. The Yangtze River's back wave pushed the front wave, and the front wave died on the beach. Huang Luowen had this idea at the moment.

Take a look at his son who is not good at all. When he is in danger, he is shivering and sighing secretly. He has to say that it is a kind of sorrow to have a son!

"Prepare for it. Chu Feng doesn't know where to organize. Twenty minutes. It seems that I am too confident."Huang Luowen looks at the man in black who is indifferent to killing on the screen. He knows that the people in the Green Gang can't resist for too long. Even if the corridor is blocked, he can't support it for 20 minutes. Moreover, Chu Feng and the man standing beside him haven't made a move. Huang Luowen doesn't dare to bet now.

When he came to the window of the office, there was a fire hammer on it. Huang Luowen took it down and smashed the glass directly. Then a rope hung down. Huang Luowen looked back and looked at the picture: "they are all killing in front now. I didn't expect that we would leave from the back. We would be safe when we crossed the wall and came out of a street."

When he said these words, only Huang Luowen understood that, as the leader of the Green Gang, the oppressed Wolf Gang and Shuangzhu club were very difficult, but when they were in high spirits to become the overlord of the river and sea, they encountered mutation.

This is what Huang Luowen didn't expect. A person who never entered his eyes or even didn't pay attention to when he heard it many times, is now in control of his life and death at any time. We can't help but say that this is a kind of sadness.

When Huang Shaoguang saw the vitality, he didn't pay attention to the shame of escaping. His fear seemed to disappear. He walked over to the rope that hung on the first floor and gave a thumbs up: "sure enough, ginger is still hot. I don't know Dad, you still have such a way to live. We can leave at any time if the enemy doesn't surround us completely."

Huang Luowen is eager to give Huang Shaoguang a slap at the moment. If he can, who would like to abandon the base camp and escape in this way? However, seeing Huang Shaoguang not only has no sense of humiliation, but also is the joy of gaining vitality. Huang Luowen's anger can be imagined.

But also understand that this is not the time to teach his son, a kick in Huang Shaoguang's body: "less nonsense, do not want to die quickly, after the original design I reserved, even if surrounded can leave calmly, no one will choose no road to attack, you idiot."

Huang Shaoguang was in pain, but he did not want to stimulate Huang Luowen any more. He jumped up to the window and pulled the rope. He ignored the pain in his hands when he slipped down. He went straight down and worried that Chu Feng might block him if he was slow.

Huang Luowen didn't want to look at the office. He looked fierce and vigorous: "wait, I'll be back soon. It's temporary for the boat to capsize in the gutter."

Just like an oath, Huang Luowen jumped out of the window directly, but he was smarter than Huang Shaoguang to let his sleeve go out and put it on the rope, and his body went straight down. There was no window behind the building, so he didn't worry about being found any problems by Chu Feng and others.

"Dad, let's go. They seem to be in the office soon." Seeing Huang Luowen come down, Huang Shaoguang shakes his hand which is rubbing and bleeding, faintly can hear the voice has gone to the top, said anxiously.

"What are you worried about? Can you leave like this?"

Huang Luowen angrily yelled, and then took out a lighter to light the rope. The top of the rope was infected with gasoline, but now it burns directly: "in this way, we can fight for more time. Let's go!"

"It is worthy of being the leader of the Green Gang, and the way back is so unique. Who could have thought that the leader of the Green Gang could run in such a way?" Huang Shaoguang is happy to turn around and just want to flatter his father. However, in the dark, there is a voice that they don't want to hear at the moment. Chu Feng walks with Xia Yan, and his smile is warm and penetrating!

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