Super Healer

Chapter 2294

Yin Nu took Chu Feng to many places, and every place seems to have her story there.

Finally, they stopped at a black river. The river was black. The black was a little strange. Chu Feng couldn't see why there was such a black river, and there was a faint fishy smell.

"To get out of the underworld."

Standing in front of the Heihe River, the Yin woman said, "my elder brother had a blood sacrifice of ten thousand people in order to let him explode the potential of ten times more than his own strength in an instant, with the intention of opening the channel of the underworld sea, but that time it failed."

Pointing to the black river in front of her eyes, the Yin girl's eyes were cold: "before this river was clear, but after that time, thousands of people's blood had turned into this kind of situation. Influenced by blood and resentment, it became a black flowing river. Some people said that sometimes people struggling to climb out of the river could be seen."

Chu Feng frowned, thousands of blood sacrifice, but to turn a river into a black color, then more than 10000 people?

"Do you know who the dead are?"

"Half of them are our clansmen, because my elder brother used our lineal people in order to stimulate the power of blood sacrifice to the greatest extent. If I was not a God's Kingdom, I also became a sacrifice of blood sacrifice. Because at that time, we almost exterminated the clan, leaving only my elder brother and me."

Chu Feng was really shocked this time. Only two people died?

When Chu Feng arrived at the hermit world, he knew that every family was very large. Even though there were not many people at the beginning of the new era, there were still quite a few of them. He killed all his people by himself, and almost all of them were direct blood relatives. What a cruel and cruel heart was needed?

At least Chu Feng is not so cruel now, seems to have been able to understand, why Yin female vows to death to become strong, killed the God of the dead.

Because a person who can even kill his blood relatives, who else does he have feelings for? As long as he is not happy, he does not hesitate to ambush a million corpses, such a person does not die, that is a disaster to others.

Looking at today and himself said a lot of Yin female, Chu Feng asked: "you and I said so much, why?"

"I'll let you go." With a smile, she withdrew her eyes and said, "but not now, because I still need you to achieve more powerful strength. Although I have stepped into the God of nature, it is still a little less meaningful than my elder brother who has been the God of nature since the new era."

"Just now Qingpiao has sent me news and she has stepped into the God of creation. We all thank you very much, but we also forgive that we can't let you go now."

He went to Chu Feng and held Chu Feng's face: "it doesn't matter if we can't leave the underworld. We just want to kill people who may have destroyed the Yin clan at any time. I hope you can help us. We know that this is a shame to you, but we also give compensation. Qingpiao and I, you need, are your playthings."

Chu Feng narrowed his eyes and began to wonder how the strong man in the God state like Qing Piao was dissatisfied with his desire. According to the truth, the strong man who went to the upper God could restrain his desire.

At the moment, it seems that Yin Nu and Qing Piao had already agreed to take away his strength and exchange it with his own body.

Chu Feng began to hate Yin Nu and Qing Piao Piao, and there was that indifference. At the moment, I don't know why it has disappeared. Maybe it's because Yin Nu told a lot of stories today. Maybe it's knowing that what they do is just to let more Yin people live, and Chu Feng dispels his killing heart.

The method of Yin Nu and Qing Piao is hateful to him, but it is noble for the hundreds of millions of Yin people, because no matter how many people they devour and kill, they just want to kill the hell god, for the sake of more Yin people's stability.

After a slight step back, Chu Feng doesn't know what to say. Everyone's behavior has their own purpose. The purpose of the hell god is to open the channel of the underworld and return to the hidden world. The means of Yin Nu and Qing Piao is to kill the Ming God. Although they are killing people, they are selfish and selfless.

As Li Zong once said in the modern world, killing one person can make ten people survive, so it doesn't matter. It is worth killing ten thousand people to make the holy pilgrimage stable for ten years.

As long as the harvest is greater than the pay, as long as the starting point is in the degree of great love, then there is no so-called right or wrong.

Chu Feng took a deep breath: "I'm tired and want to go back to rest."

The Yin girl nodded and took Chu Feng's hand, just like a meteor beam. Soon after, she returned to the residence arranged by the Yin lady. In addition to the floating flocs, there was also a person in the yard, Qingpiao.

The woman who had been entangled with Chu Feng twice came forward and took Chu Feng's arm: "I told you, do you still hate me now?"

"When I left a few days ago, your eyes looked terrible to me."

Chu Feng didn't have any smile and no words. She just walked in front of them. When she got to the door, she turned back and said softly, "I can help you, but I hope that in the next few hours, or the next day or two, I hope you don't want anyone to get close to me."After listening to the story told by Yin Nu, Chu Feng knew that she was not deceiving herself. Chu Feng had figured it out on the way back just now. Yin Nu and Qing Piao were hateful, but they were also forced to do nothing. How about killing the ghost God before leaving the underworld?

It's just the pill effect of Vajra pill. Chu Feng doesn't know how long it will take to digest it. If there are Yin women to guard it, it will be much better. As for why, Chu Feng is not ready to tell them that everyone has his own card, and now all this is the card of Chu Feng.

"What's wrong with him?"

Chu Feng walked in and closed the door. Qingpiao took the Yin girl's hand and raised her red lips: "didn't you tell him? How do you feel that his mood is not very good, is it because I am not a virgin, and I am not happy? "

When she heard the words of Qing Piao Piao, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly. She knew that Chu Feng was not unhappy, but Chu Feng needed time to digest the efficacy of Vajra pill. She just knew that these floating flocs did not dare to speak because she was not Chu Feng. She did not have a left eye to see through the darkness.

Yin girl frowned and looked at the floating catkins: "how is he these days?"

"How are you?" Floating Xu in the heart a congealed, let oneself calm a bit said: "since the God lady left four days ago, he did not go out of the room, today or the long princess, he came out, as if in a bad mood."

Say these just in order not to let Yin Nu and Qing Piao doubt what, do not want Yin Nu and Qing Piao to look at each other, all slightly nod, even toward the door.

Floating Xu Leng a mouth: "long princess, ghost God lady, you?"

"Look, don't get close to anyone." Yin Nu turns back to Lengyan and sweeps the floating catkins. For Chu Feng, she is polite and apologetic. However, for the person who comes from the underworld, Yinnu is not so good at talking.

Piao Xu nodded uneasily, but her heart was not the same anxious. She did not know when Chu Feng could digest the Vajra pill if she went on like this. Moreover, Yin Nu and Qing Piao were already gods of nature. Could Chu Feng devour Vajra pill, what effect could it have?

Looking at the two people open the door and go in, even the door is closed. Piaoxiu struggles for a while and walks back to one side and sits down. She doesn't know what the Yin women want to do when they go in, but it's certainly not a good thing for Chu Feng.

Chu Feng, who entered the room and was ready to digest Vajra, just sat down to bed and saw two people coming in, frowning: "what are you doing in here?"

Yin Nu and Qing Piao looked at each other. The latter went to sit beside Chu Feng and took his hand: "little baby, are you still angry? We know that this kind of behavior is a blow to your man's dignity, but we really need you. If you are uncomfortable, you can say it and don't hold it back. Because if you don't say it, you may feel uncomfortable, and we will not let you go for the time being. "

Chu Feng hears the speech in the heart to be unable to laugh and cry, this green floats to speak really is direct, the Shuang is not good will not let oneself go, so say these do what?

At the moment, it's not easy to say that he wants to recover his strength, because Chu Feng is worried that Yin Nu and Qing Piao mistakenly think that he is going to run to recover his strength, which inevitably has unknown consequences, so Chu Feng completely conceals the situation at the moment.

Chu Feng understood this, and even felt that two women, both of whom were already gods of nature, were so pitiful that he gently shook his head: "you think too much, I'm not angry, I just want to be quiet for two days."

She frowned and asked, "you are really not angry."

Chu Feng definitely nodded: "really!"

The Yin girl looked at Qing Piao and nodded to her. The latter turned red, raised her head and took a breath at Chu Feng: "then you prove that you are not really angry. Let us serve you for a while?"

Chu Feng didn't get excited and blood boiling, but felt a kind of sadness when Qing Piao Piao said these words. If there are people on their heads, then their existence is for their own strength. At the moment, Yin women and Qing Piao are just like this.

Because he can make them strong, so they will not hesitate to sacrifice their own bodies to achieve the goal in their hearts, some hateful, but some sad.

Look at the meaning of the two people, that is, they are still angry, Chu Feng doesn't want to, but he can't digest the Vajra pill like this, look at the Yin girl and Qing Piao. Chu Feng hugs Qing Piao and presses on the bed: "you go out!"

Yin girl saw Chu Feng to do something, gave Qing Piao a look of encouragement and went out. After a while, there was a ring of Qingpiao in the room, accompanied by the sound of Pa Pa Pa Pa. Yin Nu heard that her face was slightly red, and Piaoyu was also standing beside her with a red face.

Waiting for others to shoot a gun is always a painful thing. The female gets up and prepares to leave first and then comes back. Just as soon as she gets up, she suddenly forgets her reaction and slowly raises her head to look at the sky.

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