Super Healer

Chapter 2355

The eighteenth state on the edge of the underworld.

With the death of the God of the underworld, Yin Nu and Qing Piao took control of the underworld. In the past, the bloodthirsty and killing were rarely performed, and the eighteen States began to be lively. Because the territory here was more vast, many people came here to find a quiet place to practice meditation.

The life of avoiding being killed has become the main theme of people's life in the eighteen states.

Floating flocs from their own cave out of the past to see no one in the distance, but now the crowd of people coming and going, the corners of the mouth passing a light bitter.

Originally, when the hell god died, they told her to stay in the temple of the underworld, but the state of piaoxiu was not high. In addition, she was used to this kind of unrestrained life, so she declined the female. They returned to the 18th state to do things according to the previous rhythm of life and to be the original self.

Greeting the occasional passers-by, piaoxiu goes forward and comes to a hillside. Since the days after the death of Hades, piaoxiu is used to this. She will come here tomorrow to sit for a while and look at the sea. She used to think about the outside world, but now she still thinks about a person.

The one who fell down from the underworld sea and was saved by himself originally thought that he was a special person, but in the end, he found that it was a taboo God in the legend. That war killed the God of the underworld, and that war shocked the underworld. The war can not be dispersed in the mind of floating Xu.

That young man's demeanor, arrogant, and uninhibited, whether awake or in sleep, will often appear in the heart of floating.

She is a person who sticks to her heart. She feels that she will not fall in love with any man in her life. She doesn't know whether she is in love with Chu Feng or just some good feelings. But it is undeniable that as long as she calms down, she will think of Chu Feng, the short-term relationship between them and some fun between them.

"Have you forgotten me, such a poor man?"

A faint bitterness flits across the beautiful face, and the soft sound of floating catkins is coming out.

Chu Feng promised to take her out of the underworld as long as she regained her strength, and took her to the outside world to take care of her life and everything, and let himself follow her.

Beginning to drift Xu for Chu wind description of everything are very yearning, but now this yearning has broken.

When Lu Wan took Chu Feng away, piaoxiu still felt that he had fainted, and he would not forget his promise. But now it has been some days, Chu Feng has not come back, and piaoxiu's expectation is also a little less. Maybe chufeng will never come back again.

She is not an excellent person, at most, she is just a little beautiful. In the vast and endless underworld, she is just an ordinary person of cultivation. There is nothing special about her.

Chu Feng is a taboo demon God, a powerful God of nature. She is still so young. There must be many women who admire him. Even Qingpiao has such a relationship with Chu Feng. Chu Feng even Qingpiao doesn't take them away, let alone she who is half divine?

"Floating catkins!"

In the wild imagination there, a man's voice sounded behind him.

Floating Xu micro Cu show eyebrows, know who is coming, scattered some helpless heart, stand up to look back, see a man standing behind, and floating Xu does not want to see him.

His name is Gu ran. At the end of the era of the underworld, like many people, he came from the inner state to the 18th state. He was at the peak of the semi God period. He looked like he was in his 40s, and his talent was OK. Since then, he has been pursuing her, and piaoxiu has definitely refused twice, but Gu ran never gives up.

See Gu ran again, floating Xu some helpless his persistence, but still maintain their own Courtesy: "Gu ran!"

"What are you doing?" Gu ran stepped forward with a smile, but as he went forward, floating flocculus was slowly retreating. Gu Ran's look was a little stiff, and the light haze flashed in his eyes. How could he not know that floating Xu was deliberately avoiding himself.

Although he was a little annoyed, Gu ran still put up with a modest smile and said, "there is nothing wrong today. I'm going to go back to the 16th state to see if I want to go for a walk. You don't do anything here every day. I'm afraid you will be bored."

Piao Xu shook her head: "no, I've been in the eighteenth state, used to the rhythm of life here, you go!"

Gu ran looked unnaturally ugly, narrowed his eyes and asked, "floating Xu, do you already have a lover, otherwise why do you always want to refuse me? Although I'm not a top talent, I'm also a person with good talent. What can't I do for you, or can you look down on me? "

Piaoxiu frowns. She has existed for hundreds of years, but because the problem of talent is still in the middle of the demigod state, Gu Ran has killed her many times in terms of talent, and many women have expressed their feelings to Gu ran, but it doesn't mean that piaoxiu has to be moved.

Even now Gu Ran has already said this step, and piaoxiu doesn't think he is a snake anymore. He replies, "I really have a sweetheart. Although I don't know if he will come back or even remember me, I'm willing to wait. I'll be willing to wait for 10 years, 100 years or even a thousand years or even a lifetime.""Gu ran, you are a good person, but I don't have that feeling for you. We can only be friends."

Once again rejected, let Gu ran heart emerge angry.

He is not the kind of person who covets the beauty of piaoxiu. The reason why he pursues piaoxiu so warmly is that people in the 18th state region know that piaoxiu has good friendship with Yinnv and Qingpiao. They once declared that piaoxiu is their sister. If anyone is not polite to piaoxiu, they will be unkind to the whole family.

The reason why he came from the 16th state to the 18th state was that piaoxiu wanted to get close to Qingpiao and Yinnv, go to the core of the underworld, enter the hell palace, and even see if he can get the favor of Yin Nu and Qing Piao.

Fantasy is beautiful, but the reality is cruel, floating Xu has no idea about him at all.

Anger in his heart, but still dare not have the slightest expression on his face, because he does not want his family to be asked by the Yin and Qing Piao: "Piao Xu, my heart to you is true, maybe you can not accept me now, but I believe that one day you will understand how much I love you, and you will understand my heart."

Floating wadding turned to face Gu ran and opened her lips: "never!"

I wanted to say one more word and leave, but I didn't want to reply with such a firm attitude. Gu Ran's face was hot and she looked around. At the moment, everyone was busy, and there were not many people living nearby. Now there is no one to see.

The corner of the mouth cocked up, outlined a crazy arc, eyes instantly fixed in the floating Xu graceful back, gently raised his hand, in the heart had a bold decision.

It can be seen that floating flocculus is a kind of woman with a special tradition in her heart. If the raw rice is cooked and cooked, it may not be a problem. With a cold smile, the outstretched hand directly grabs at the floating flocculus, but there is no way to get the floating flocculus in the normal way, so use a special method.

But Gu Ran's hand didn't have a chance to meet with the floating catkins, because suddenly a young man appeared in front of him. He firmly grasped his hand and asked with a light joking smile: "what do you want to do?"

Floating Xu back to, do not know Gu ran just to do it by himself, just heard the voice of the young man, a shock turned around, did not see the face, but the back is so familiar, the face slowly showed a smile: "Chu wind!"

Obviously, the young man who suddenly appeared was Chu Feng.

Gu ran, who was still in the rage, heard the name of floating catkins. The anger in his eyes dispersed and became frightened: "are you Chu Feng?"

Yin Nu and Qing Piao are in the underworld to publicize Chu Feng. Gu ran certainly knows that, but Chu Feng has already left the underworld? How can you still be here? In addition,,,

GU Ran's face changed greatly and looked at the floating flocs: "your sweetheart, is Chu Feng?"

Floating flocculus is still surprised that Chu Feng has come back. His face changed a little when he heard Gu Ran's words, and hung down his head: "I don't know what you're talking about!"

Undoubtedly, floating Xu's attitude has been regarded as a disguised answer. Gu Ran's face collapsed at once. In an instant, any man's dignity was gone. He knelt down in front of Chu Feng: "demon God, I didn't do anything just now. I just want to ask floating Xu to accept me."

"I definitely don't want to rob your woman. I didn't know at first that I was wrong. Please forgive me."

Chu Feng looked down at Gu ran on the ground, and said with a cool smile: "I only ask you one word. If you answer me satisfied, there is nothing wrong today. If you answer wrong, there will be more wronged souls in the sea of hell."

Can kill the ghost God Gu ran where dare to say a word, do not fall to nod: "you ask, you ask!"

Chu Feng looked back at the shy floating catkins, then asked: "did you just want to take advantage of no one around, want to take off the floating flocs, the intention is not on track, do not do as rogue as the thing?"

Such a thing, Gu ran, would not admit it even if it was killed. He shook his head without hesitation: "no, I have always admired Piaosu. How can I do something worse than a scoundrel?"

In the left eye, Chu Feng saw the color of deception and sighed softly. Gu ran felt severe pain all over his body before he knew what was going on. He couldn't help crying out, but Chu Feng didn't have any pity and let Gu ran go.

It seems that he just did a trivial thing. Chu Feng turned around and took up his hand. He said with a smile: "I found that even if the hell god died and the underworld has changed, you idiot is still not safe. Come with me and I will take care of you, OK?"

Floating Xu's face was hot, and the deer in his heart was fluttering there. He plucked up his courage and looked up at Chu Feng. He also bit his lips: "how do you take care of it?"

Chufeng gentle smile around the flocculent waist, nodded: "take care of you as a woman in my bed!"

Piao Xu originally enjoyed the feeling of the present very much, smell speech face suddenly black come down, push Chu Feng, shame fury ceaselessly: "rascal!"

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