Super Healer

Chapter 2415

Can't stand Chu enchanting's constant fighting and Chu's threat. If you don't help her improve her accomplishments, tell Yihong that they studied musical instruments. Chu Feng can only help Chu enchan improve her realm, but because of time, Chu Feng only helped Chu enchanting to ascend to the middle God.

Because he has to do something tonight. If he succeeds, the Oriental family will vomit blood this evening.

Out of the demon world, Chu Feng did not take anyone with him. He went straight to the temple. With the cooperation of the magic light wings, he soon arrived at the sky above the eastern family territory of the temple state. Tonight, he wanted to find Baihe.

Let his breath be suppressed at a stage that will not be discovered. Chu Feng's left eye twinkles and looks through all the buildings below. According to what Huyan said before his death, Baihe is likely to be captured by Bai Shaobai and Dongfang Qiushui. The latter, as a strong man in the middle God realm, and with Bai Shaobai, stealthily takes Baihe is not a difficult task.

After searching for buildings one after another, Bai He was finally seen in a courtyard behind the Oriental family territory. He put on a mask and put on a smile. Chu Feng fell down directly.

He has not shown his true self in front of Bai He, and now he can't, because there is no guarantee that Bai He knows that he will work for him wholeheartedly in the future.

After falling into the courtyard, Chu Feng finds that there is no one to guard around. According to the truth, Dongfang Qiushui should pay more attention to Baihe. Now there is no one to guard. Don't you worry about Bai He running away?

It's strange, but Chu Feng didn't go into it. He went to push the door and went in.

Baihe was tied by a rope and sat there, his mouth was blocked by a cloth, and even his meridians were blocked.

Bai He, who has already closed his eyes, hears the movement and opens his eyes. When he sees the people coming in, he looks a little unnatural. Because he knows something from Bai Shaobai, the person in front of him is probably Chu Feng. Bai He can't calm down when he thinks about this.

Chu Feng closed the door, went to pull a chair to sit down, see white lotus staring at himself, smiling took off the piece of cloth on her mouth: "how, very surprised I came to save you?"

"Yes White lotus looks unnatural nodded.

Chu Feng did not have any superfluous idea, but when Bai He answered, he saw the color of deception on on her body. Chu Feng looked convulsed. What did Bai he cheat himself?

Narrowing his eyes, Chu Feng's left eye looked around 360 degrees. His first instinct was that Bai He was rebellious by the Oriental family, but seeing nothing around him could be regarded as reassuring.

Narrow eyes, eyes sharp staring at white lotus, the latter can start and Chu Feng look at each other, slowly lowered his head, a heart fluttering very nervous, she does not know whether the person in front of her is Chu Feng, but now facing Chu Feng, she has a kind of pressure that did not exist before, and a little afraid.

Such a performance made Chu Feng feel that Bai He had a problem. He didn't hurry to untie the rope and meridian blockade on her body and asked, "are you hiding something from me that I don't know?"

Bai He felt a lump in her heart. She knew that she was unnatural and must have been seen by Chu Feng.

But Chu Feng is wearing a mask in front of her. Obviously, she doesn't want to be known about her real identity. For a moment, Bai He has a decision and shakes his head: "I have nothing to hide from the master."

She didn't know that Chu Feng had a left eye that could see through the darkness of the world and whether she was lying.

And when she said these words, Chu Feng's left eye saw full of deception, the corners of his mouth lifted a touch of cold, the eyes were a bit cold: "white lotus, I want to save you tonight, and will give you a fate, but you have something to hide from me, really good?"

Bai He shook his head in a panic: "no, master!"

Slapped a slap on Bai He's face. Chu Feng stood up and said, "you don't want to tell the truth. Then you should stay here honestly. I don't know how you were locked up in the Oriental family. I don't have any interest in knowing. But if you want to hide my words now, you can continue!"

Seeing that Chu Feng was about to leave, Bai He was finally flustered. She was deceived by Bai Shaobai and fell into the hands of Dongfang Qiushui. She didn't want to be here. If Chu Feng left, she knew that she would not have a chance to leave again, because even if her father Bai did not come often, it was useless.

Anxious voice: "master, I was cheated by my brother. I was caught in the East autumn water's plan. Please take me away!"

Chu Feng stopped and looked back, indifferently said: "I believe you are a trap, but in addition to this, are you sure you have nothing to hide from me?"

White lotus frowns, she wants to say no, but Chu Feng's eyes are too sharp, sharp to let her have a kind of naked snow meaning.

Open mouth, white lotus hesitated for a while, see Chu wind to leave again, hastily make a voice: "master, I say!"

Chu Feng didn't look back, and Bai He didn't dare to hide it. He asked, "are you Chu Feng?"

Chu Feng nodded slightly, turned to look at Bai He, saw her eyes only uneasy and curious, excluding some of the initial ideas, Chu Feng did not admit, also did not deny: "who told you?""My brother!" Bai He didn't dare to hide it at this time. He said, "when I saw you last time, you said that my brother almost let you die in the hell sea, so I remember it in my heart. Later I went to see him, I asked him. He talked about this matter, and said Xuanyuan Huining was with the people who forced him into the hell sea at that time, and suspected that you were Chu Feng."

So a Chu Feng also remembered that he did say such a sentence last time, but at that time, he just said it casually. He never thought that Bai He would be remembered in his heart.

However, Lin Feng's identity is no secret in the temple world. Chu Feng has no need to hide it. In front of Bai He, he takes off the mask and reveals his true colors: "you guessed right. Your brother-in-law is also very smart. I know that the man was me at the beginning."

"No matter who I am, it seems that I can save your life. You will not deny my help to you just because I am Chu Feng?"

The person in front of her is really Chu Feng. Although she has already guessed in her heart, when Chu Feng really takes off the mask and stands in front of her, Bai He still has a little meaning that she can't accept. I don't know why, but I can't accept it.

This is not to deny all the help Chu Feng has given her, but to accept that Chu Feng, who has never been cold to her, is actually his own master. When he thought of his oath of slavery at the beginning, Bai he blushed slightly.

Chu Feng has been looking at her, see her bow head no language, exhaled a breath said: "talk about it, you will be loyal to me?"

Chu Feng is not a murderous person, but now for the sake of absolute security and confidentiality, if Baihe can't trust him completely, chufeng doesn't mind letting her die. Anyway, he saved her, so killing her now is just sending Bai He who should have died.

Feeling Chu Feng's subtle killing opportunity, Bai He's eyes flashed over the complicated color. After a while, he said, "it wasn't you who took me away from Yimen and restored my whole meridians. Now I'm either dead, or I've become a cheap plaything. You've given me new life and dignity."

"So no matter whether you are Chu Feng or not, even if you are a heinous person, I will be a slave all my life. I am a woman, but I will keep my promise!"

Chu Feng's left eye has been staring at white lotus, did not see the slightest color, can be sure that the words of white lotus are true, it seems to be really a grateful woman.

So Chu Feng nodded: "I believe you."

"You believe me?" But Chu Feng's words are to let Bai He very shocked: "by what I said, you believe me?"

Chu Feng has a left eye that can judge whether a person's words are true or false, so it's not strange that she chooses to believe Bai He, but Bai He doesn't know. So now Chu Feng believes what she said because of her words. Bai He feels incredible!

But Chu Feng did not explain this, just nodded: "yes, I believe you. Although many people told me that beautiful women are liars when I was a child, I believe you are not only beautiful, but also have their own persistence. A person who can surpass feiyuxin with a strong will on the mountain of asking questions, why should I not believe it?"

Bai He's eyes flashed a touch of moving, can be because of their own words on the trust of people, that kind of feeling let white lotus don't know how to say.

No tears, no tears, no excitement, just a confidant like feeling: "master, as long as white lotus does not die, are your most loyal servant."

Chu Feng just a smile, raised his hand to break those ropes that bound the white lotus, also helped her to untie the meridians, pointed to one side of the big bed: "go to bed!"

Bai He took off the rope and got up. He looked at the big bed and Chu Feng. His face was red: "master, now it's in the territory of the Oriental family. When they come, they will come. If you want, leave here. Bai He will give it to you!"

Chu Feng smelled the words, the corners of his mouth violently twitched, knowing that Bai he misunderstood his meaning, and shook his head with a bitter smile: "that you don't think nonsense, you are my slave girl, I can play with you whenever I can, but now I have no interest in that."

"It's just that you were captured by Dongfang Qiushui, and you must have been asked too much. Even your brother betrayed you. Don't you want to do something?"

Bai He embarrassedly lowered his head and thought that Chu Feng was going to go up to himself. He didn't want to be misunderstood by himself. However, when he heard Chu Feng's words, Bai He still had more opportunities to kill: "want to!"

Chufeng pondered a smile: "very good, then you go to bed, and so on you will discover, gentleman revenge does not need ten years!"

White lotus weak said: "master, the other people are women!"

Chu Feng suddenly covered his face with black lines:,,,


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