Super Healer

Chapter 242

Late autumn, the night wind is always very cold!

An ordinary car was parked in the parking lot opposite the Shuangzhu building, but no one got off the car. It was the car where Chu Feng and Xia Yan were!

Sitting in the car, Chu Feng looks at the brightly lit Shuangzhu club building tonight, and his eyes are full of doubts. He sees that Jade Scorpion is tied to a chair by Huangfu ruodie. Yao Xin stands beside him like that, and there are four naked men without clothes!

"What is this woman up to?"

Jade Scorpion is the vice-chairman of the double pearl Association. During the day, it seems that they have a lot of business in Pujiang New City. But now seeing this strange scene, Chu Feng is curious. Why Huangfu ruodie tied up Jade Scorpion?

Xia Yan didn't know what chufeng whispered. He thought that chufeng was talking about other things: "yes, the Shuangzhu club building must turn off the lights before six o'clock every day. There is never a thing that lights on at night. Tonight, the lights are bright. It really seems a bit weird."

"Wait a minute."

Chufeng knows that Xia Yan misunderstands his meaning, but he doesn't intend to tell him that his left eye can see through. What he sees at the moment is not disbelief, but this is his biggest secret. If he knows it, he will lose the effect of the card!

Xia Yan did not doubt that he had him. Although he was curious that chufeng didn't go to the old district, he came here, but still quietly watched the Shuangzhu building in the distance with chufeng.

Huang Fu Ruo die, who was in the conference room, took Yao Xin's mobile phone at the moment. A man's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Miss Huangfu, you said that Chu Feng would definitely come to save those 30 people, but the people are coming. But without Chu Feng's shadow, your report will not be wrong?"

"No way. Just a moment. I'll make a call."

Huangfu ruodie's face changed slightly, and then she picked up another mobile phone to dial out. There was only a busy beep at that end. Suddenly, her face became gloomy. Now she is calling the person who is undercover outside the headquarters of the Wolf Gang. She can't get through at the moment, which can only indicate that she may have died.

Huangfu ruodie thought of the cunning Chu Feng, and suddenly a little uneasy appeared in his heart: "even if Chu Feng doesn't go, you can kill those people and kill them slowly. I believe Chu Feng will definitely go if he receives the news."

"I hope that's what you said, or we'll lose the point of helping you."

There was a silence on the other end of the phone, and then came the sinister man's voice, and then cut off the phone. Huangfu ruodie held the phone which had been hung up, and issued a low voice command: "let all the people in the headquarters be on guard. Chu Feng, this son of a bitch, has not gone to the old district. Maybe he will come here."

This is a feeling. It's the experience gained from dealing with Chu Feng many times. That guy always doesn't play cards according to common sense. Huangfu ruodie only thinks of this possibility.

When Yao Xin heard that Chu Feng had not gone to the old district, she felt a little relieved. But when she thought that Chu Feng might come here, she raised her heart again. However, if Huang Fu Ruo die was here, she could not make any disclosure: "I will arrange it now!"

"Less wind, brothers in the old district are ambushed, opponents have guns!"

A few minutes later, after receiving a phone call, Xia Yan's face suddenly changed and looked at Chu Feng anxiously. All the people sent to rescue the 30 brothers were ambushed. The key is that the other side still has a gun: "shall we send someone to support?"

"A gun? Huang Fu Ruo die is playing with fire Chu Feng's eyes slightly coagulate, the fight between the extreme way with a gun, Huangfu if butterfly's bottom gas where to come from? But after thinking about it, he calmly replied, "if the other party really has a gun, it is impossible to give those brothers any chance to call, and they can still call now."

"I guess if it's good, it's going to be around for help!"

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, the other party will lead him to the past, but Huangfu ruodie and they are all here in the headquarters. The people watching the double Pearl Club are also very complete, and the people in other places have not been transferred. So who are the ambush people in the old district?

In Xia Yan's incomprehensible eyes, Chu Feng was sitting quietly like that. After nearly ten minutes, Chu Feng said, "make a phone call and see if all the brothers are dead?"

Xia Yan clenched his fist and wanted to give Chu Feng a fist. But he didn't know why Chu Feng was still quiet at the moment. He still chose to be calm for a while. His hand trembled and dialed out the phone call just now. He was connected: "brother Yan, is the support coming? There are almost two hundred people in the other party. Each has a gun in his hand. We can't resist it!"

"I see. You can wait a little longer, and the support will arrive." Xia Yan looked stunned and said that he hung up the phone and looked at Chu Feng in disbelief: "they are not dead yet."

"Two hundred guns, that's how long it's going to take to deal with a hundred people who don't have thermal weapons?"

Chu Feng's mouth raised a touch of light ridicule. He heard the contents of the phone, and looked at the Shuangzhu club building coldly: "mobilize all the people, attack the Shuangzhu club building within five minutes, and want to encircle and help, but I just don't give you this opportunity!"

Xia Yan also knew Chu Feng's intention at the moment. Ten minutes later, 200 guns were enough to kill thousands of people. But now more than 100 people have not died yet. There is no doubt that the enemy is in the encirclement to fight for help. Only by attacking the Shuangzhu association can we relieve some pressure. Nodding and quickly dialing the phone, everyone moves."Officer Yan, a gun battle broke out in a warehouse in Jianghai old district, and 200 guns were sent out!"

When Xia Yan wanted to ask the people in the old district of chufeng what to do, chufeng called another phone: "I suspect that the people of Shuangzhu Club violated the law and used firearms without authorization. I hope that Yan can preside over the matter fairly!"

"What? Two hundred guns? " Yan Tianming, who hasn't had a rest at the end of the phone, jumps up from the chair of the study when he hears Chu Feng's call. His face is full of unbelievable looks: "what do these bastards play with? 200 guns? That's to drag me to death together!"

"I know about this. You keep on doing your business and leave the rest to me!"

Yan Tianming quickly finished saying this and hung up his mobile phone. Then he picked up the landline on the desk and dialed it out: "send me 2000 Jianghai troops to Pujiang old district, and kill all those who have guns in their hands!"

Yan Tianming sat down and sat for a while. Yan Tianming dialed a phone call. His words were beyond doubt: "Mr. Huangfu, the struggle between the two pearls' Association, I hope not to see the figure of Huangfu family. Otherwise, I am not comfortable, and others are not comfortable."

With a slight threat, Yan Tianming hung up the phone directly. He couldn't look too bad. Next year, his term of office will be full and he can be stationed in the imperial city. He has a lot of pressure and there is a battle between two hundred guns. That's his life.

At this time, the shuangzhuhui building, unconsciously surrounded by more than 2000 people in black, Chu Feng also came out of the car, raised one hand and fell down!

Suddenly, more than a dozen burning bottles were thrown out. After the explosion, Shuangzhu club's still solid gate was directly broken. It was not long after the wild wolf Gang attacked Shuangzhu club. Shuangzhu club once again ushered in the second attack, which was even more fierce and fierce than that of the wild wolf gang.


Huang Fu Ruo die knew when he was surrounded by the man in black. At the moment, he saw Chu Feng's figure on the scene through the camera. He looked ugly: "more than 100 brothers don't care about the life and death of them. What a cold-blooded and merciless guy. Yao Xin, call for support immediately. I want Chu Feng to come back or not!"

Yao Xin looked at the figure of Chu Feng on the screen, her eyes were a little painful and struggling, but she still mobilized support according to Huangfu Ruo die's words!

"No chicken or dog left!"

Chu Feng has been looking at what happened in the conference room, and confirms the floor where Huangfu ruodie is. He confides in the sound of killing. Suddenly, more than 2000 people in black are fighting in an orderly way. According to the news, there are only 800 people in the headquarters. They are confident that they can take it!

"Gather around for help? Let me show you what the real encirclement is to help Chu Feng took a deep breath and said a word. Xia Yan seemed to know what to do. He lifted his hand and left here with 500 people!

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