Super Healer

Chapter 2423

Qingdi smell speech suddenly opened her eyes, just now she did not feel the close of Chu wind, thought if Chu wind is the enemy, just now maybe he has already died.

Some fear at the same time, but also look at Chu Feng, some confused eyes.

Chu Feng saw Qingdi's look so, gently coughed and asked, "that, you don't want to tell you that you don't know why they want you to follow me?"

Qingdi blushed and nodded her head gently. Obviously, she didn't know why Zhang Yuner and yaochi wanted her to follow Chu Feng.

When she went to sit down, Qingdi stood up and walked away two steps, which made Chu Feng look black. What and what was this? How did she feel like a lecher and scared people away?

Qingdi also realized that there was something wrong with her behavior, and said in an unnatural tone: "that", "and"

she knew that she wanted to explain her behavior just now, but she didn't know how to explain it. Chu Feng patted the grass beside her and said, "sit down first."

Qingdi frowns and stares at Chu Feng.

Finally gritted his teeth and said, "demon, I'm not that kind of person."

What kind of person?

Chufeng just want to know something about Qingdi, don't want her to say such words, suddenly let Chu Feng a little muddled, what is not that kind of person?

After a pause, Chu Feng understood and said with an embarrassed smile, "well, I just want to talk to you about your affairs. It's not what you think. Don't look at me with the eyes of lecherous stallion, OK?"

So straightforward, let Qingdi a little embarrassed and embarrassed, because she did think Chu Feng was trying to hook up with her, but it seems that the situation is not what they think.

He sat down, but kept a little distance from Chu Feng, as if Chu Feng was really a wild beast. If he was too close, he might be eaten.

Chu Feng didn't care about Qingdi's deliberate distance, and asked solemnly, "I talked with Bai Lu just now. Do you have anything you want to tell me? Or, you don't know what yun'er and your master asked you to do with me, but at least let me know something about you? "

Qing Di looks a Zheng: "you all know?"

Chu Feng nodded. If Bai Lu didn't say it, he would not have found out whether Qingdi was a demon or a phoenix clan who was regarded as the royal blood by the demon kingdom.

"What do you want to know?" Qingdi lowers her head, which is her biggest secret. In the lost war world, only Zhang Yuner knows about it except yaochi. Only when she comes to the hidden world, Dongfang Yunhe and Bai Lu can see her essence. Now Chu Feng also knows it, and Qingdi is a little worried.

The Phoenix clan is regarded as the royal lineage in the wild demon territory, not only because of the innate spiritual power of the Phoenix, but also because of the demon pill of the Phoenix clan. For the warrior, it is no less than a rare pill. After taking it, it is not a problem to break through continuously.

Chu Feng thought about it for a while, and looked at Qingdi's nervous look, just like a lonely and helpless child. He knew that her heart was afraid, afraid of what he would do to her.

Let his tone as gentle as possible, Chu Feng said: "tell me about you, you don't know what to do with me, so listen to your story, maybe you will know?"

Qingdi secretly took a glance at Chu Feng, and saw that he looked as usual, not like the big gray wolf who cheated the little white sheep, and then fell into meditation, thinking about her past.

She didn't know how she was born in this world. She only knew that when she came out of the shell, she was beside yaochi. At that time, she was still very weak and could not be transformed into human form. It was yaochi who took her to protect her, helped her to awaken the blood of Phoenix demon step by step, and finally turned into a human being and practiced martial arts.

She has existed since the new era, but at that time, she was hiding behind yaochi and lived in the war world for a long time. Even the once king of war did not know that her essence was Phoenix. She was only a girl with good talent.

Listening to Qingdi say these past, Chu Feng didn't catch a trace of useful information for herself. It can also be said that Qingdi's life is very monotonous. In addition to following Yao Chi, most of her time is in the lost war world. Her mind is simple and she is not deeply involved in the world. It can be said that it is the true portrayal of Qingdi.

As the most noble Royal Phoenix in the demon Kingdom, she grew up in the human circle. Her surroundings are not her own, and she must be worried every day because she is afraid that someone who is not careful will be found out that she is not a person, but a demon.

It seems that Qingdi is a quiet person, but Chu Feng can still feel that in her heart, what she yearns for is not this kind of quiet, but a kind of warmth, which can be general warmth with others.

It's just that in the lost war world, everyone is born out of war. As a demon, she always needs to be more careful than others. This process will be clear when you think about this process. It is like a normal person falling into a group of monsters' nest and worried about being eaten at any time.

Scattered from Qingdi here to understand the reason why she followed her side, Chu Feng asked: "do you have any wish?"How can a person who has been self closed for so many years have no wish?

Qingdi looked at Chu Feng in surprise. She didn't think he would ask her such a question. However, when she thought of her wish, she opened her red lips and said, "if I wish, it's that I want to go back to the wild demon kingdom. Master said that's my hometown, but I also know that once I go back, I will be killed, and the demon temple will not allow the royal family to reappear."

"So, my biggest wish now is to go to the modern world and listen to master. All the famous people in the five forbidden areas have been to the modern world, which is the most perfect and full of aura."

A person who grew up in the world of the strong would like to go to the ordinary modern world, right?

However, it is not easy to go to the world now. Tomorrow is the last round of selection of the hidden world Dabi, which is about to usher in a terrible war. Even if Qingdi wants to go, Chu Feng will not rest assured that she will leave.

Taking a breath, he asked, "is there anything else you want to see besides going back to the wild demon domain and the modern world? Or is there something you want to do

Qingdi's expression glanced over the dim, gently shaking her head: "I just want to go to these two places, but if the master and goddess want me to follow you, I won't go anywhere. As for the wish, I think before I die, I can leave blood for the Phoenix clan!"


This word stimulated Chu Feng's heart and recalled what Zhang yun'er had said and killed Qingdi when necessary. Does she know something about it?

Holding these questions, Chu Feng asked: "Qingdi, how can you say these words? You are well here, and you are a strong God. As long as no one kills you, it is a simple thing to exist for thousands of years?"

Qingdi raised her head and looked at the sky. After a while, she said, "I don't know. It's just an intuition. I feel that my deadline is coming. I started to feel that my feeling is wrong, but then I think it's impossible. The demon's perception of danger and death is very strong."

Chu Feng is silent. Murong Bing once said that demons are always the first ones to sense the danger they are about to face. Just like Murong Bing, when they feel that their calamities are approaching, they will find a place to hide.

Qingdi even said that she felt her deadline was coming, so it would not be nonsense. It is very likely that she really spied on something, but she did not know it.

Thinking of what Bai Lu asked herself just now, would she kill Qingdi because she was powerful? I think Bai Lu must know something, and she knows more than Qingdi herself. But what is it?

"Demon, can I have a request?"

At this time, Qingdi looked back to Chu Feng, with a look of expectation in her eyes.

Chu Feng took back his thoughts and nodded: "you said that you can do it, I will do it."

"I believe my time may come." Qingdi looked very calm, pursed her lips and whispered, "the Phoenix clan collapsed under the union of the dragon clan. Now I am the only one left. If I die, I will completely destroy the clan. So I want to leave blood before possible accidents."

"I don't want the Phoenix clan to disappear in the universe. It's also for the sake of protecting my people and giving an account."

Speaking of this, her face turned red. Qingdi took a look at Chu Feng. She didn't start to go to the other side. Her voice was very small: "so, can you give me some blood? Don't worry, I won't let you in charge! "

Hear here Chu wind is to understand, Qingdi this is for the continuation of the Phoenix clan, want to make children with him.

Some helpless, and some can not laugh and cry: "that there are other people, why do you want to look for me, do I look like a person who can borrow seeds? And it's just that your premonition doesn't necessarily happen. When it comes to time,,, "

" because you are the most powerful man I know. " Chu Feng's words were not finished, and then was interrupted by Qingdi. The seemingly weak woman said word by word: "so when I saw you in the lost war world, I thought about deriving blood with you for the Phoenix family. As for the premonition,,," "

" I firmly believe that it will happen. Maybe my time is running out. Can you promise me? "

Chu Feng can understand Qing Di's mood, but can't agree with her!

Both of them have no feelings for each other. Chu Feng can feel that Qingdi is still a little disgusted with herself. Now she is willing to sacrifice her body, just for the continuation of the Phoenix clan. She is worried that one day she will be killed by the Phoenix clan.

Take a breath: "say it again!"

"The devil!" Chu Feng's original intention is to understand what Qingdi is doing with her side. She doesn't want her to make such a request. When she is about to leave, Qingdi also stands up and cries.

When Chu Feng looked back, Qingdi bent her knees and knelt on the ground: "please, my feeling is not wrong."

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