Super Healer

Chapter 2425

Night comes, the demon world began to quiet down, tired birds home, all things quiet.

Chu Feng, who had been staying in the demon hall, came out to feel the more and more perfect evolution of all things in the demon world, the God of creation, and everything. Chu Feng seemed to understand something. He didn't seem to be so worried about the failure of the formula to break through to the Ninth level.

With a sigh, Chu Feng disappeared in the same place in an instant. When it came to the courtyard in the day, the courtyard where Qingdi lived.

Standing outside the house and looking at no light inside, Chu Feng knew that Qingdi was waiting for herself. Originally, Chu Feng was repelled at first, but after the supreme throne did not know how to take him to see the pictures, Chu Feng chose to compromise once, because he was sure that Qingdi was really one of the sword spirits.

He didn't know whether he would really kill Qingdi and take out the sword spirit in the first battle with the four families, but some things were not certain, and Chu Feng was not sure what kind of choice he would make at that time.

However, no matter how good, in order to prevent himself from really starting to attack Qingdi under uncontrollable circumstances, Chu Feng is ready to fulfill Qingdi's wish, unable to take her to the present world, and no way to take her to the wild demon region to see the scenery of her hometown. It can only let her realize her dream and leave blood for the Phoenix family.

After standing for a long time, Chu Feng went to push open the door and went in. He didn't light the lights in the room. Under his left eye, he could see a lot of things.

Close the door, chufeng see Qingdi has been lying on the bed, two hands tightly grip, face is full of nervous color, obviously know Chu Feng is coming.

Walking to the bedside, looking at Qingdi who is only wearing a thin layer tonight, you can see that in addition to the thin layer, Qingdi's lower part has nothing to wear. The woman who has been ready makes Chu Feng feel helpless.

"If you regret it, there's still time."

Qingdi blinked in the dark, took the clothes beside her and covered her head. She didn't seem to want Chu Feng to see her look, even in the dark.

Just tone uneasy return way: "come on, I won't regret, thank you."

Thank you?

Chufeng hears the words and sneers at herself. If Qingdi knows that she is one of the sword spirits, maybe the person who will kill her in the future will be herself. Will she still say the word "thank you"?

But Qingdi is ready, and Chu Feng doesn't drag and hesitate any more. She takes off her clothes and looks at the nervous Qingdi. She takes her hand and makes her sit up. She takes off the clothes on her head and kisses her red lips.

Qingdi body a shock, very not adapt to this feeling.

However, after hesitation, Qingdi slowly opened her hands and hugged Chu Feng. The last piece of clothing fell on the ground quietly, and the mosquito net was put down, and Qingdi's oppressive humming,,,,

two hours later, chufeng opened the door and left Qingdi's residence. They were just a simple transaction. You need my help in general.

In the room, Qingdi still did not light the light, just lying there, covered with a thin blanket, the face in the dark still has a trace of flush color has not subsided, touched his abdomen without a bit of flesh: "so even if I die, the Phoenix family can not destroy the family."

The room then slowly appeared a light golden light, sometimes flashing, but destined no one to see.

After Chu Feng left, he returned to the demon hall. After struggling with Qingdi, he did not conquer the excitement of the royal blood of the demon Kingdom, but had a sense of guilt.

During the day, he also firmly refused Qingdi's request, but turned around and agreed to Qingdi's request. If it wasn't for the pictures that the supreme throne let him see, Chu Feng felt that he would not do anything to Qingdi.

Sitting on the supreme throne, looking at the Ming Hong magic sword suspended beside him, Chu Feng's smile seemed a little bitter.

He understood that the reason why he later agreed to Qingdi's request was that the Minghong magic sword in front of him would not have done so if there was no Minghong magic sword. After all, Chu Feng knew clearly in his heart that he was eager to let Minghong magic sword reappear brilliantly.

The reason why she agreed to Qingdi is just a kind of compensation in advance and apology.

Clenching his fist and loosening it, Chu Feng's heart was stuffy, and he seemed to be a little irritable, shaking his head: "is it true that there is a merciless person in my heart?"

Otherwise, Chu Feng couldn't understand why he would agree to Qingdi's request after knowing that she was one of Minghong's sword spirits. Even when she galloped on her, it was a kind of mentality of compensation?

When Chu Feng was depressed, Bai Lu came in from outside, took a look at Minghong magic sword, went to the side of Chu Feng, and then continued: "you have a sword spirit in your body, and now Qingdi is a sword spirit. If the four elders really have a plot tomorrow, if you are not defeated, will you kill Qingdi?"

"Maybe, no!" Chu Feng didn't go to see Bai Lu. His eyes were on the body of Minghong magic sword all the time: "the Tibetan master told me that there is no one between Minghong's magic sword and the sword spirit. Otherwise, if they were forced to merge, they would have to wait another thousand years. Now there are only two sword spirits, and there is no third one!"Bai Lu then asked, "uncle, if there is news of the third sword spirit, will you kill Qingdi?"

Chu Feng was silent, but Bai Lu understood that silence was the best answer.

If there were only two sword spirits, Chu Feng would not do it, but if the third sword spirit also appeared, Chu Feng would definitely make the sword spirit and the sword body perfectly integrated.

Looking at Chu Feng's low mood, Bai Lu pursed her lower lip and did not speak again. She turned away from the demon hall. She knew Chu Feng needed to be quiet now.

Not long after Bai Lu left, Chu Feng stood up and left the demon hall. No matter what happened tomorrow, he had to be prepared first. Both Wulie and Yanluo were always in the state of preparing for war. Now, they also need to find Yinnu and Qingpiao.

For Jianqing, even if it is a cruel force to fight against her fate, even if it's a cruel fate, it can't happen in front of her.

Across the void, Chu Feng enters the underworld like a hermit in the demon world. Everyone has already rested, or in quiet practice, Chu Feng quietly arrives at the hell god palace and falls outside the residence of the female.

Less, the big Yin ran out in the middle of the night

Blinking means a lot: "it's a good time to steal in the middle of the night."

"Do you want me to call Piao Piao and serve you together?"

"Shout Chu Feng nodded and went to one side to sit down. No matter if there is any danger tomorrow, he should be prepared first. He just called Qingpiao to discuss with him.

"There's less wind. You really have a strong taste." Yin female turn a white eye, amorous feelings, also dense sound let green float over.

Yin female also came up to sit on the other leg of Chu Feng with a similar Charm: "that is, just say well, you should play with me first!"

Chu Feng passed a helpless smile, facing two clear goals is to hook up with his rolling sheets of women, chufeng is also quite helpless.

Qingpiao and Yinnu see Chu Feng's mood is not very high, as if there are some worries, although they did not stand up from his legs, the latter still asked: "what's the matter?"

Chu Feng didn't waste extra time and simply told them what might happen tomorrow.

Qing Piao Piao and Yin female eyebrows are emerged light dignified, at the same time left Chu Feng's thigh, sitting on one side are thinking about some things.

It is inevitable that Chu Feng will fight against the four families, but it is still unknown who will win or lose in this war.

The four big families have existed since the new era. Yin Nu and Qing Piao, who did not grow up at the beginning, have seen the strength of the four great ancestors. Although not the most powerful one at the beginning, they are also people in the second class. Now they are directly on the same level with those in the first class.

After countless years of development, how strong are the strength of the four great ancestors and their families? Few people know how confident they can be under the first World War?

It's like a big gamble. Chu Feng knows that they are thinking about it. It's not that they don't help him, but they want to know how likely they are to win.

"Baby, do you think about it?"

After a while, Qing Piao solemnly said: "if you have already made a decision, I and the female will support you. Although it is not very long for us to step into the God of creation, it is a little bit worse than the four ancestors who have been precipitated for a long time, but they can definitely help you share one person now."

Chu Feng exhaled a breath: "it has been decided, then you hold down the Yuwen ancestor."

Among the four great ancestors, the most powerful one is the eastern ancestor, the most gifted one is situ Laozu, and the rest of Huyan Laozu is the third elder. Only Yuwen is a little weaker, but it is not much different from the other three ancestors. However, Yinnu and Qingpiao have stepped into the God of creation for a period of time, and because of the slow time in the demon world, they have settled down and fully adapted to it The realm of God.

They join hands, not to say kill Yuwen, but can definitely restrain him. Of course, if Yuwen uses his artifact, the result may be uncertain.

Qingpiao and Yinnv looked at each other without any hesitation and nodded together: "we all listen to you. If there is a conspiracy tomorrow, we will try our best to hold down Yuwen ancestor for you!"

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