Super Healer

Chapter 2475

After dark for a long time, the door of Zun Temple opened. The first person who came out was Chu Feng. Lin Yulin and others, who had been waiting outside for several hours, blushed.

They don't know how Chu Feng tormented Lu Wan, but it's certainly not a means of seeing people. Thinking of the smell of Lu wanna's voice, Lin Yulin and others feel a little uncomfortable and pinch their legs. After listening for several hours, they will feel a little uncomfortable.

Chu Feng was a little embarrassed about this, but Lu Wan was too stubborn. If not, she would not be able to get rid of her. Now it has been proved that Lu Wan has been conquered, but her character has been broken.

Go over and cough awkwardly: "that, I want to go back to the present world, you wait here!"

Lu Wan's disaster still has a few days to go. Just now, when Lu Wan began to compromise and beg for mercy, Chu Feng asked Chu Feng to accompany her to the modern world. Chu Feng did not choose to go to the modern world at first, which is because of Lu Wan's affairs. Now, as long as she agrees to face it together, she can go anywhere, even in the modern world.

"I'll stay here."

Although Bai He also wants to go to the present world, she knows that it is not a small thing for Chu Feng to go to the world at this time. She has grown up in the hidden world. If she really wants to go to the world, she has to be psychologically prepared. At present, she has not yet made psychological preparation. "Chu Feng nodded:" then wait for me to send you back to the temple world, come back from the present world, I will go directly to the temple world. "

At that time, it's time to fight against the barbarian demon domain.

Bai He nodded without comment. Chu Feng also looked at the Oriental rhyme and Lin Yulin and asked, "what about you?"

Oriental rhyme stands behind Lin Yulin a little bit: "where the Master goes, I will go."

"More than two years." Lin Yulin stood up and showed a faint smile: "even if you want to go, I will go back and walk for a while."

The corners of Chu Feng's mouth twitched violently. Lu Wan wanted to go out and relax before the disaster came. Now Lin Yulin is also going, and Dongfang Yun is going to follow Lin Yulin again. What's the game?

"Can't you?" Seeing Chu Feng's hesitant look, Lin Yulin was slightly annoyed, but her face did not show: "and I just want to go to the imperial city to see the cottage I had prepared, and then go to Jianghai to find Liu YanXu to reminisce about the past. I haven't seen her for more than two years. I especially miss her. Can't I really?"

Asked two consecutive questions, let Chu Feng some embarrassment and helpless, but also did not say what: "unexpectedly such words, then go together!" Partial head said to white lotus: "you also follow, then in my little aunt's side line, what's the matter, she will tell you."

White lotus where dare not say a word, respectfully nodded.

Let Lin Yulin and her family make a little preparation. Chu Feng is back in Zun temple. Lu Wan has gone to the back of Zun temple, a beautiful place like a secret land of peach blossom. She has put on a black dress and sat beside the small bridge. The picture is beautiful.

Chu Feng passed by and gently hugged Lu Wan from behind. The latter did not push Chu Feng away, and there was no struggle or discomfort.

Just a light helpless: "Chu Feng, can't you do this to me in the future? How can I go out to meet people? Do you want me to be teased by Chang'e? "

"Who told you to be disobedient Chu Feng recalled the struggle she had just made on Lu Wan, and gave her a bad smile in her ear: "and Chang'e won't laugh at you. Next time, I'll find a chance to eat her in front of you, so that she can't find any reason to make fun of you. Do you think so?"

Lu Wan was blushed by Chu Feng's words. She knew that Chu Feng was a rogue, but she found that she was even more rogue than she thought. She felt a little hot pain somewhere. Lu Wan clenched her lip, missed it a little, and rejected it.

Chu Feng pulled LV wan to his feet and said, "don't think about it. You know my temper. You can't throw me away. So follow me at ease. If you want to go to the modern world and see your most satisfactory world, I'll accompany you. But you must not think about it. I'm afraid I'll go crazy and try to find you and destroy the present world!"

In the endless years, Lu Wanyan has transformed many worlds, but the most perfect one is the earth. It can evolve all things on its own. Even if it falls into chaos, it will still glow with vitality if it is given enough time to precipitate.

Lu Wan was also most satisfied with human beings in this era, because they were ordinary people without strong strength and ability to destroy the world. Although human beings still fight with each other, the harm caused by the strong is negligible.

Lu Wan didn't know whether she could resist the disaster, so she wanted to go to the modern world and have a look at the perfect world created by herself.

Lu Wan had no choice but to deal with the threat of Chu Feng. She knew that even if Chu Feng could not find her, she would not die out of the world. However, she still had some difficulties in adapting to the tyranny of Chu Feng.

He broke away Chu Feng's hand and said, "I can promise you, but you must promise me one thing."Chu Feng nodded.

Lu Wan turned away red faced and whispered, "I can't touch me in the future. If, if I want to, I'll find you by myself. In addition, you can send your little aunt first. I still have something to deal with. I'll find you later!"

After that, Lu Wan disappeared without a trace. Even Chu Feng did not know where Lu Wan had gone. However, he believed that Lu Wan would not be stubborn this time.

Turning over and out of the temple of reverence, Lin Yulin and they are already waiting. Chu Feng passes by, and a dazzling door appears in the sky in front of him. As long as he enters, he will directly appear in the modern world. Only the saints of heaven can do this. Other people have to go through the passage.

Holding Lin Yulin's hand, Chu Feng looks back at the temple of reverence. He originally wanted to ask Lu Wan what kind of holy Dharma could make her so dignified, but now it's unnecessary. Let's wait until the present world!

Directly into the glare of the door, the Oriental rhyme and white lotus also follow, the dazzling door slowly disappeared.

When everything calmed down, Lu Wan appeared out of thin air and looked at the place where the dazzling door had disappeared. With a slight sigh, she raised her hand and closed the door of the temple of reverence. She was ready to go to the battlefield to discuss something with Zhang yun'er. Suddenly, a heavy breath came down from the sky, which made Lu Wan look pale.

Lu Wanmei's eyes narrowed to the sky and narrowed her eyes: "what else do you want?"

There was no response from the sky, but all of a sudden Lu Wan's whole body was unable to move. Her hands were open, as if bound by an invisible chain.

All of a sudden, the sky flashed and a strange light flashed on Lu Wan with a purple color similar to thunder and lightning. There was no earth shaking, but Lu Wan let out a mouthful of blood, and his breath became unsteady, as if he would lose all his strength at any time.

As the purple thunder and lightning just disappeared, three purple thunder and lightning fell from the sky again, all of which fell on Lu Wan. Every time, Lu Wan let out a mouthful of blood and pour out the face of the world. There was only pale color in her body. Her body was very weak.

Raising her head with difficulty, Lu Wan looked at nothingness in the dark: "do you need to be angry? In a few days, the holy law will come to me and I will die. Even if you torture me, you can't kill me. Why do you have to? "

All of a sudden, Lu Wan's hand was released, and the whole person fell to the ground. His body was shaking, but his eyes were always staring at the sky.

At this time, Lu Wan's face was dark and fuzzy, with ripples shaking. A dark shadow appeared in front of her not far away, as if it were composed of complete darkness. When Lu Wan saw the sudden appearance of the dark shadow, she subconsciously stepped back a few steps, and a trace of fear flashed in her eyes.

The shadow in front of her can't kill her, but it will make her worse than death.

"I remember telling you that you can't be emotional."

The shadow sighed. It was a man's voice, but it soon turned into a woman's voice: "but it doesn't matter. It's still the words I said to you last time. As long as you kill Chu Feng, I can let you restore the demeanor of the immortal God, and let you continue the eternal glory, the world is the only one!"

Lu Wan shook her head calmly: "you have no flesh and blood, no soul, but only a single thought. You never know what love is and what is the beauty of the world, even if it is because of you, or... But how about that? It's cruel to create everything and then destroy everything. "

"I love Chu Feng. I don't want to admit it, but that's the truth. So don't persuade me. I'll never belong to you, so I won't be manipulated by you."

In Lu Wan's quiet narration, the dark shadow standing in front of her slowly dissipates and diffuses in the air. The uncomfortable feeling of people disappears completely. It seems that nothing has appeared just now.

Lu Wan coughed gently and dispelled the idea of looking for Zhang yun'er. She just told her something because she needed to find a place to repair her injury. Facing the attack of the black shadow, she had suffered a little internal injury.

But even so, Lu Wan would not choose the way that the black shadow just said. She believed in herself and Chu Feng, and that she would be able to avoid the tragedy of saints. As long as she survived the disaster, the shadow who had just brought pressure on her would not be threatened.

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