Super Healer

Chapter 2517

Bad luck, hold back, fuck you!

Chu Feng thought of all the cursing words that could be considered more elegant at the moment, and they were used on the woman in white. Of course, he only said it in his heart. If you want Chu Feng to say it, he would not be able to do it now, because the means of the woman in white was too unacceptable. It could be said that it was an insult.

She didn't fight or scold. As long as there was something wrong with Chu Feng, she would slap him at will, or step on Chu Feng's body directly. This was more than the cruel way to beat Chu Feng. However, Chu Feng had no way but to curse the woman in white for her hunger and thirst all her life.

At the same time, it is deeply helpless, feeling that these two days, it is certainly not optimistic about the day, or it is absolutely not so bad.

He began to find diezun to know the whereabouts of Murong Bing and lengrushuang, and even the entrance of the demon emperor's world. He didn't want to get poisoned and make this field.

After she was taken away by Chang'e, she didn't feel so miserable. As long as she tried to solve the toxin on her body, it would be OK. However, the idea was not implemented. She was taken away by the woman in white. Now she is still torturing and humiliating here. Chu Feng feels that his life is the darkest in these days.

The darkness is not to say how cruel and cruel, but too shameful, twice folded in the hands of women.

Chu Feng vowed that as long as this time gets better, the more beautiful the woman will be, the more vigilant she will be. Otherwise, if something happens, it will be very sad.

The woman in white did not get close to Chu Feng any more, but did not know what to do at the upstream of the river. Chu Feng was too lazy to ask her to save herself. Now she can only hope that Chang'e can find herself quickly. Otherwise, who knows what this ancient woman would do to herself?

Chu Feng think about all need a little courage, that kind of mood only put oneself in the position of the talent can understand, other people are difficult to understand.

With the coming of night, Chu Feng was taken away before dawn. Now it has been a day, but Chang'e hasn't come to find her. Is it because of the inconvenience of the day? Chu Feng can only comfort himself in his heart.

Do not want to be close to Chu Feng was seen at the bottom of the white dress woman also came back, dust face has not seen the beginning of that kind of shame and anger color, but as usual general look.

Standing in front of Chu Feng not far away, he didn't come near. He threw something in his hand to chufeng. It was a small bottle. He didn't know what was in it: "drink it!"

Chu Feng vaguely smelled a fragrance, which was very comfortable. After a look at it, the smell should be from the inside of the small bottle. What is this?

"I told you to drink, deaf?" Seeing Chu Feng didn't respond, the woman in white frowned and said, "this is the antidote of Baihua powder. Don't ask me where I came from. If it's good or bad for you, and I won't harm you, or I can kill you directly now."

Chu Feng, who was still puzzled there, heard that this was the antidote of Baihua powder, and his expression moved. He had no doubt about what the woman in White said, because if the latter really wanted to do something to him, he could do it now. There was no need to do so many means.

As for how the woman in white could have the antidote of Baihua powder, Chu Feng didn't think so much about it. The latter came from the practitioners of ancient times. It seems that there is no strange thing to have the antidote of Baihua powder.

However, Chu Feng was covered with black lines and said, "I can't move now. How do you want me to drink it?"

The woman in white didn't want to get close to Chu Feng, because if she was not careful, she would be seen the scenery under her skirt. But when Chu Feng said that, she remembered Chu Feng's situation at the moment. Except that her eyes could rotate a little, other parts of her body could not move.

Hesitated for a moment, the woman in White said, "close your eyes!"

Although the skirt is not very short, but because chufeng is lying on the ground, as long as you walk past, you will be immediately seen under the skirt. Today, she has been seen by Chu Feng twice, and the woman in white doesn't want to be seen by Chu Feng for the third time.

Chu Feng understood the meaning of the woman in white. Although the scenery was infinitely good, it was nothing compared with the antidote of Baihua powder. Chu Feng closed his eyes and looked at it all. It was nothing to see less than once.

The woman in white is sure that Chu Feng really closed her eyes. She doesn't know that even if Chu Feng doesn't close her eyes, she can show her the light. The woman in white walks over and opens the small bottle and pours the medicine into Chu Feng's mouth.

Chu Feng suddenly felt a cool feeling down the throat into the stomach, the beginning of the kind of powerless fatigue less, as if to get instant relief, but want to stand up at once or a little difficult meaning.

After drinking the medicine to Chu Feng, the woman in white quickly got up and walked away a little. She didn't want Chu Feng to see her skirt when she opened her eyes.

After a while, Chu Feng slowly opened his eyes and felt that his control of his body began to recover. However, it seemed impossible to stand up, but it was a good thing after all. It seems that the woman in white didn't cheat herself. Just now that thing is really the antidote of Baihua powder."It takes a little time for the liquid to evaporate."

The woman in White said softly, "you lie down quietly and let the medicine volatilize. You can recover completely soon. But you'd better be careful later. If you use baihuasan for the second time, it will have a little bad influence on your own strength and cultivation."

Chu Feng en one, closed his eyes, let just drink the liquid in the body slowly volatilize.

After about an hour, Chu Feng suddenly opened her eyes and moved her body. The first thing Chu Feng did was jump up and run to the river. When the woman in white was surprised what he was going to do, her face turned red in the next moment.

He turned his back and cursed, "shameless!"

Because Chu Feng couldn't move and was taken away by a woman in white for a day, it was not convenient for her to take her away for a day. Just now, when her body moved, she suddenly felt a sense of urination. Therefore, the first thing Chu Feng did was to make it convenient.

When it was convenient, Chu Feng breathed a long sigh. Before, he thought that convenience was not a good thing, but it was not good when he was in a hurry. But now Chu Feng thinks that it is an important and happy thing to be free and convenient.

Although he was seen by the woman in white, Chu Feng didn't care. Anyway, he saw the dense forest of the woman in white today. Although he was blocked a little, he saw it in the end, and it was even.

It's not uncivilized to comfort myself with a set of crooked theories. It's not uncivilized that Chu Feng can feel the strength in his body. At present, he is only capable of fighting with the God of creation, but he is constantly recovering.

And has been able to mobilize their own strength, Chu wind also began to run the original force to remove the baihuasan toxin in the meridians, and was soon completely removed.

Taking a deep breath, Chu Feng clenched his fist. It was really good to feel the strength of his whole body. His eyes also looked at the cold face on one side. He was still angry for the scene she had just seen: "thank you."

"Shameless man!" The woman in white bit her lip and jumped out a few words.

She has always been a high-ranking existence. No matter when and what kind of men dare not speak out in front of her, like Chu Feng, who not only said that she was lonely and intolerable, but also took off her pants directly in front of her. The woman in white did not know what to say except that chufeng was shameless.

But Chu Feng didn't care at all. She walked to the woman in white with a smile: "thank you anyway. If it wasn't for you, I couldn't get rid of the toxin of baihuasan."

The woman in white is more relaxed. Chu Feng knows how to thank him, but he is not a bastard.

"What is that?" And at this time, Chu Feng is stunned, pointing to the distance, a face of shock said.

The woman in white subconsciously looked at the direction that Chu Feng pointed to. At the next moment, she felt a sense of crisis. However, it was too late to react. Chu Feng blocked the whole meridian of the woman in white directly with supreme power, making her unable to move. She fell on the grass with a plop.

The woman in white was at a loss. She also responded and scolded: "Chu Feng, you ungrateful villain, what do you want to do? I'll tell you what you dare to do to me, and I'll kill you!"

Chu Feng was sitting on the grass with a smile. Beside the woman in white, he said playfully, "that you helped me to untie the toxin on my body. I'm sure I won't do anything to you. But you slapped me so much just now. Although it's not very painful, my dignity has been challenged, so I'll give you a tooth for a tooth!"

In the shock of the woman in white, Chu Feng raised his hand and gently patted the woman in white on her face, but the strength was not like slapping the woman in white, it was more like touching her face.

The woman in white looks more and more ugly. At the same time, she regretted that Chu Feng was such a jerk. She should not have detoxified Chu Feng just now. Even if she wanted to detoxify Chu Feng, she would have to beat him hard.

Thinking of his own face that no one has ever profaned was touched by Chu Feng, that humiliating mood permeated the white woman's heart. If the eyes could kill people, then Chu Feng had been killed countless times by the eyes of the woman in white.

But Chu Feng didn't know the general situation. After a good feeling of the smooth and tender face of the woman in white, she stood up and smelled a faint fragrance on her hand. She said with a smile, "it's not bad. Thank you. I'll leave first. Your meridians will soon be relieved by themselves. Don't worry about it!"

Seeing Chu Feng leaving, the woman in white frowned and said, "don't you wonder why I have survived from ancient times?"

Chu Feng narrowed his eyes and looked back at the woman in white: "will you tell me?"

The woman in white snorted: "untie my meridians, then I will tell you."

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