Super Healer

Chapter 2524

Chu Feng jumped directly on a mountain. Chang'e's departure had some influence on his mood. He even regretted that he should not have agreed to take Chang'e with him at the beginning.

Because if Chang'e is not taken with her, what happened just now will not happen, and there will be no dispute between them. It is only said that everything is too late. Moreover, as long as Chang'e's mind still exists, even if it doesn't happen today, it will still happen in the future.

It's the main thing to save Leng Rushuang and others in the wild demon region, and then kill the demon emperor. Even if Chang'e can't help him, don't add obstacles to him. This is Chu Feng's idea in his heart.

But Chang'e's heart is too selfish, this selfishness is the selfishness of love. Chu Feng doesn't care about it, but it can't be cruel because of selfishness.

Not to mention cold as frost, Murong Bing followed him from the beginning. He saved his life countless times and helped him grow step by step. Even if he knew that she was su Daji, Jiuwei Tianhu and Chu Feng, he didn't mean to leave her because of this. He only took her as his own woman to love her.

Chang'e is now playing with her mind and wants to put Murong Bing and lengrushuang to death, which is what Chu Feng can't accept in any case.

So he let Chang'e leave, unable to put his heart down, so there is no need to continue together, because some of the damage will only be greater, and Chu Feng can't look at the people around him and die in Chang'e's calculation.

Looking at the gray sky, Chu Feng felt tired.

Nothingness still exists, the demon realm is not broken, and the spirit world is still there. Now there is a black hole that can devour the space of the universe. Everything is very important. Chang'e still comes out with him. Chu Feng feels that his heart is really tired. He wants to lie down and have a good rest, but he knows he can't.

As long as there are still some things to do after all, if we do not do them, then no one will do them again. The universe, even the universe, can only wait for the fate of extinction.

However, Chu Feng spread out his hands and felt the pressure on his shoulder was very big. With Chang'e beside him, he just wanted to help him share the pressure. Now Chang'e not only did not reduce any pressure on him, but also upset him. Chu Feng gradually became a little irritable. When was it that he was still playing tricks and intrigues for children and girls?

Taking a deep breath, Chu Feng wants to calm down and not think about these upset things, but no matter what, he is very difficult to calm down, always think of a lot of things.

"Actually, you don't need it at all."

At this time, situ Ya came to Chu Feng's side and sat down and said softly, "or do you really love Chang'e? If you really love her, why did you drive her away

Chu Feng Leng for a moment, see or the first time to find their own chat situ ya, but for her question, it is not to answer the meaning.

Chu Feng doesn't know whether to love Chang'e, but he loves Lin Yulin and others.

Originally, for the sake of Lin Yulin and others, chufeng has put down his hatred for Chang'e, but today's affairs have touched the bottom line of Chu Feng, so he can't forgive Chang'e's selfishness. He doesn't look at where and when he is now, even if he wants to be willful, it shouldn't be at this time.

And these things, and stuya said she did not understand, and he is not very familiar with stuya, Chu Feng also did not want to talk about his emotional problems with her.

Seeing Chu Feng's ignorance of his existence, situ Ya shook his head slightly: "you don't seem to want to tell me about your affairs?"

"Why tell you?" Chu Feng asked back, and in situ Ya's dismay, he said peacefully, "because there is no need at all. You just need to know what I came to the wild demon kingdom for, then you can understand why I just drove Chang'e away."

"I can tolerate women's willfulness, but I can't tolerate women's willfulness regardless of the scene and time."

Situ Ya was slightly stunned. She seemed to have understood the meaning of Chu Feng, but it didn't matter, because even if she asked, Chu Feng would not tell her.

Standing up, he didn't disturb the Chu Feng who was sitting there. He went back to the distance. He just stood with Bai He and looked at the back of Chu Feng. At the moment, Chu Feng's back gave people a kind of loneliness and loneliness, as if he was the only one in the whole world. The desolate feeling that no one understood or understood could be clearly felt by situ Ya and Bai He.

"Bai He, do you think he loves Chang'e?"

After watching for a while, situ Ya still slightly puzzled and asked, "if he really loves Chang'e, then even if Chang'e was wrong just now, it seems that she should not be like this?"

Bai He shook his head: "how can I know his mind?"

Situ Ya narrowed his eyes and finally shook his head. It seemed that only Chu Feng knew something.

Similar time, hidden world, the land of peach land!

Chang'e did not go back to the lost country, nor to other places, but directly came here, because the people of Guanghan palace in the lost country were basically taken away by Chu Feng. Even if she went back, there was no one there. It was better to be quiet in this beautiful place.There is no difference between Chang'e and Chang'e in the distance.

Chang'e, with her back to the Oriental rhyme, tears silently fall down. She scolds Chu Feng's son-in-law in her heart. She does take advantage of Chu Feng and even wants to die. But after integrating six lives, she falls in love with Chu Feng unconsciously because of their mood.

As the daughter of the former Lord of heaven, even if she can't compare with Lu Wan, the immortal God, and Zhang yun'er, she also has her own pride.

Although Dayi once used her, there is no denying that Dayi only loved her. Even if Leng Po Tian inherited the inheritance of Dayi later, there was no change in that love. It belonged to her Chang'e, and no one could live in Dayi's heart except her.

Dayi can fight all over the world for her, and even become strong. It doesn't matter if she is spoiled alone.

However, she fell in love with Chu Feng, and still couldn't extricate herself from love. However, she didn't want to share Chu Feng with too many people, especially Murong Bing sisters, who once had a grudge. She tried to kill them all the time, but Chu Feng couldn't allow it.

"Chu Feng, can't you give me more love?"

Gently sighed and wiped away all tears: "I love you so much. For you, I gave up my pride and dignity. Now I just properly protect my pride, don't you allow it? Or have you not loved me all the time, just in my body, the other six students? "

Hearing Chang'e's soliloquy, Dongfang Yun stepped forward: "master, Chu Feng may not mean this, just angry at that time. I believe he still loves you, not Liusheng!"

Chang'e asked, "really?"

Dongfang Yun was stunned for a moment. In fact, she was not sure. She just didn't want Chang'e to break up with Chu Feng. She thought about it and nodded her head: "it must be like this. Otherwise, with his state of being a saint of heaven and Zhang yun'er's words, you can separate the six students in minutes, but he didn't do it at all."

"Secondly, if Chu Feng is not an idiot, he will surely feel your sincerity towards him. He is a bastard, but not a muddle headed one. Now he is too angry to drive you away. I believe he knows what to do when he calms down!"

Chang'e stood up and slowly turned to look at the Oriental rhyme. She couldn't see any emotion in her eyes, just like staring at the Oriental rhyme.

Being watched by Chang'e like this, Dongfang Yun slowly lowered her head, and even her heart beat faster than the beginning of it. Dongfang Yun didn't dare to say a word because she didn't know what Chang'e was thinking.

"Are you in love with Chu Feng?"

After Chang'e was silent for a while, she said softly: "you don't deny that you have followed me for endless years. I know you very well. When I didn't wake up before, you hated Chu Feng. Even when I knew he took my body, I still wanted to go and not die with him."

Walking to the back of Dongfang rhyme, he continued: "even after I wake up, you still firmly want to kill the heart of Chu Feng, in order to prevent me from being influenced by him and continue to grow up. For this reason, Chu Feng took down and ravaged countless times. At that time, you were thinking of Chu Feng's death all day long."

"But what's wrong with you now? Even learned to speak for Chu Feng, is it lingering too much, you fell in love with him? In love with your master, man? "

Dongfang Yun's expression coagulated, plopped a kneeling behind Chang'e: "master, jade rabbit will distinguish their own status, I absolutely did not share the man's mind with the host you, just said those with you, I just want you to calm down and think about it, not for the sake of Chu Feng."

Chang'e turned around and looked at Dongfang Yun. She could feel something even if she didn't say it. That is, she had fallen in love with Chu Feng without knowing it. Otherwise, how could a person's aversion to a person be changed so easily?

Chang'e didn't mean to blame Dongfang Yun, because she had violated her original idea, not to mention the Oriental rhyme that Chu Feng had won many times?

After seeing Dongfang Yun for a few eyes, Chang'e walked to one side, and her voice was still clear and cold: "you just need to remember that you can play with Chu Feng, but you can't be with him."

Oriental rhyme bowed his head, a little pain in his heart, and said, "master, don't worry, I'll never be with Chu Feng."

"At most, it's just his plaything, his humble plaything!"

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