Super Healer

Chapter 2530

The endless evil spirit is stronger than just now. The tornado whirlpool on the falling fairy Valley is like a bottomless hole that devours everything around, and no one can stop it.

The emperor of the demon looks at the endless creatures drawn from the land in a thousand miles. He looks at their anger and unwillingness when they die. He has no idea how many people died. Because this is an era of weak and strong meat, especially in the demon area.

If you can make yourself stronger, why care about the life and death of others? At least this is the demon emperor thought in his heart, he will not care about any existence of life and death.

But under the valley, I don't know how many people have been swallowed up. Only know that there is endless blood under the valley, and the whole Canyon is spread out by blood. The crazy in the eyes of the demon emperor is more intense than it began, and even full of endless expectations.

Demon respect, which is a terrible demon domain strong, can also be said to be the master of the demon, but also the existence of three taboos to kill.

At this moment, it will wake up and become the driving force under his own hands. The demon emperor's heart is excited and excited. Let Buddha have seen himself become a world of the only existence, Chang'e or lvwan, or the goddess in the lost war world, it seems that all have become his own playthings.

Even encroached on the body of Chu wind, the demon emperor thought of these, and laughed wildly. With it, the powerful people in the demon area died, became the demon worshiper who recovered and worshipped him!

Slowly, the people who were attracted are less and less, and the dead howls also slowly disappear. Until the end of the tornado is still spinning there, everything seems to end, but the demon emperor knows that it is just beginning.

Looking at the valley filled with endless demon blood, it was also rolled up by tornado into the sky, and there was blood rain all around. The demon emperor cold eyes set: "come out, demon respect!"

A roar sounded, the surrounding land vibrated. Under the raging of the tornado, the demon emperor saw a huge figure coming out slowly under the blood sea, and standing safely in the tornado did not suffer any influence, even enjoying the baptism of endless demon blood.

The emperor also saw that it was a huge corpse, without blood and flesh, and was much bigger than his body.

His eyes were a little bright. He found that his expectation was underestimated. The horrible demon statue was much stronger than he thought. It can be seen from the immortal corpse. Even though it has fallen for endless years, it still has a breath of awe and awe.

The white light in the eyes of the demon emperor is more powerful than it began. A strong force has not entered the corpse of the tornado. He wants to control the use of the demon to be respected. Otherwise, all efforts will be wasted.

"What's the matter?"

And similar time, hidden world respect temple, Lu Wan from the temple flash out, eyes flashing cold color, a set of eyes suddenly changed ugly: "demon king, you damn, how can you revive the demon lord!"

At first, Lu Wan didn't pay attention to other places because of the wormhole, but she didn't think of it. The emperor of the demon raised the Demon Lord.

As only to know that the demon respected the bully Lu Wan look to be more ugly, but although she was angry, still beautiful moving.

Slowly clenched his fist, and Lu Wan finally dismissed his thoughts. All of this was the destiny of heaven. Even the recovery of demon respect must be under the control of nihility. What is ridiculous is that the demon emperor, the idiot, doesn't know, all of which are the situation of nihility, a situation that can not grow up by strangling Chu wind.

As for the demon respect, Lu Wan has a rather dignified look. It is very clear how terrible it is. Lu Wan knows how terrible it is. If it was not for her to join hands with the gods and women before several ages ago, the world of heaven and earth will not exist again.

The demon respect is called demon respect, but it is not a real demon. It should be said that it is a supernatural one. Because demon respect is not derived from anything, it is the terror power of the infinite ugly birth of heaven and Taoism. It can also be said that the demon world today will only appear because of the demon respect.

He let go of his fist, Lu Wan looked cold and looked forward to it with a little expectation: "Chu Feng, will you come to me?"

Chu wind at this time is in the valley of flowers, naturally do not know Lu Wan's mind, but looking at the picture, that huge corpse, although not seen, but from the demon king's news, this is the legend, demon statue corpse!

Just don't know, how to control the once powerful demon corpse?

Butterfly Zun and others are angry and silent. The demon emperor can let the powerful people in the demon region die for his own selfish heart and the ambition of the world. This is something they can't accept, but they can't accept it any more. There is no way to face the tyranny and power of the demon emperor.

The emperor knew that all he did now must have attracted some people's attention, but he didn't care at all, because even if several heavenly sages came together, he could not rush to him.

And when they rushed to their own, demon Zun has completely recovered, become his puppet.Frantic smile, mysterious and evil power also constantly into the tornado.

With the passage of time, the blood of those powerful people in the demon domain was rolled up by the tornado, and the corpse of the demon Zun actually devoured the blood there. As the demon blood entered into its bones, the traces of meat began to appear slowly.

Seeing this scene, Chu Feng was shocked. At first, he thought that the demon Emperor just wanted to revive the demon Zun's bones. At the moment, it seems that this is not the case. The demon emperor not only wants to revive the demon Zun's bones, but also helps him reshape his body. Isn't it possible to recover to the peak state?

He scolded an asshole, and Chu Feng looked at him coldly. He saw that there were two lights on the bones of the demon Zun's corpse. Chu Feng knew that it was the eyes of the demon Zun's bones. It seems that the evil skill of the demon emperor has revived its bones, and the next step is to remodel the body.

Clenching his fist, Chu Feng found that the trip to the demon domain was not as simple as he had begun to think.

Originally, I thought that I and Chang'e could make the demon emperor fall and conquer the demon domain smoothly. But from the current situation, it is not as simple as imagined to conquer the demon domain. At least, if we don't kill the demon Zun, we can't hurt a hair of the demon emperor.

Just how can we destroy the demon Zun?

Although Lu Wan and the twin taboo successfully killed the demon Zun, after so many years, who knows whether the power has changed? It may not be possible to kill the power of demon Zun?

After all, today's demon Zun is revived with the blood and resentment of the powerful in the endless demon realm. It is likely that he will be stronger than he was before. However, Chu Feng doesn't think that he is stronger than the once demon God.

Looking at the demon Zun whose body is recovering rapidly in the tornado, Chu Feng looked dignified: "diezun, arrange it, I think you yudies are not suitable to continue to survive in the demon domain. Now the demon Zun needs endless blood and resentment recovery. Who knows what will be done in the future?"

Diezun's heart at the moment is anger and fear, smell speech a Leng: "then what do I want to do, do you want to take the rain butterfly clan to leave the demon domain? Let's not say where we're going or not. Even if we do go, what will the demon emperor think? "

"Su Da Da Zun doesn't want to follow me, but he and I don't want to go out with you, but he and I don't want to do anything, but he and I don't want to go out with you, but he and I don't want to go out with you?"

Chu Feng also knows these things, but it's one thing to understand them, and it's one thing to face them. Now Chang'e has been driven away by him, and has fallen out with Lu Wan. Even if Zhang yun'er is added, he may not have a great chance of winning. Chu Feng doesn't know what to do next.

Originally felt that their strength is strong enough, now it seems like a joke.

Chu Feng knew that diezun couldn't risk evacuating all the people of the yudie clan, because if he couldn't carry the demon emperor and died, diezun would still live. Although this idea is a bit of a hindrance, as the head of the yudie clan, he should consider for her people.

Chu Feng didn't persuade diezun to leave because he didn't give him absolute confidence. Why did he want to take a risk? We haven't known him for a long time.

But what should we do next?

The blood of those demons has become less and less on the top of the fallen immortal valley. All of them are swallowed up by the horrible demon Zun bones. The body has recovered to half. The demon emperor who began to be full of expectation can not help but show a look of astonishment.

He knew that the demon Zun was a terrible existence, and he had also guessed what the body of the demon Zun was. But now he saw the half recovered body, the demon emperor had never heard of it, or even seen it.

Its head is like a cow's, while its hands are like a leopard's, its legs are similar to that of a lion, and its body is similar to that of a bear, and a tail is like a fox's.

Releasing Buddha is half of the combination of many creatures. It is impossible to see what kind of noumenon it belongs to. However, the demon emperor did not think too much about it. Now, as long as he can help him, he will not care what it looks like.

The corner of his mouth cocked up, passing through the cold smile, endless demon holy power surging, the speed of the tornado is faster and faster, the demon blood is also absorbed faster and faster, when everything is completely calmed down, there is a hundred meters of terror in front of the demon emperor.

It's like a four different Warcraft, but it's not the most important thing. The important thing is that in its body, the demon emperor feels much more powerful than himself. The difference is that it is also mixed with evil spirit, evil spirit and evil spirit!

Demon Zun, revive!

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