Super Healer

Chapter 2540

Soon, except for Shangguan Jinghong, all the people from the main core of Shangguan family came.

Seeing Chu Feng sitting there, everyone was a little strange. They didn't know what Chu Feng came to do in the middle of the night, but they didn't express their doubts, or stand or sit.

"Shangguan's master!"

Chu Feng from these people's faces one by one, light mouth: "you tell them, willing to follow me, I will protect their safety, do not want to leave can stay, but it is best not to stay in the Shangguan family, where to go, the best is to go to other interfaces."

Shangguan Mingheng nodded and briefly talked about what Chu Feng had just told him and the people of Shangguan family. The focus was on the evil of Ming Yao Zun. If the demon emperor came to the temple world, the demon Zun would surely follow. The Shangguan family is under the temple world and must be taken care of first.

"But you can rest assured."

After Shangguan Mingheng finished, Chu Feng took the words: "the demon emperor has arranged for his own ruling power, plus some things. Don't worry about what he will do to destroy the clan. But the demon emperor can't control the demon king's affairs. Therefore, you can arrange the women of Shangguan family."

How is Shangguan yingyue's mother's home, Chu Feng is also doing something he can do, save time really happened something irreparable, Shangguan yingyue's spirit in heaven will not rest.

"Demon Zun, is it stronger than the demon emperor?"

On one side, saru frowned and said, "we all know that the demon emperor has stepped into the way of heaven. But there seems to be no one named demon Zun among the strongest people in the demon domain. Chu Feng, won't you coax us?"

Thinking of Chu Feng's disrespect for himself, saru's heart is very unhappy now. She just hides her unhappiness in the face of Chu Feng's strength.

Chu Feng didn't want to explain it too much, but just spread out his hands: "it's up to you to decide what kind of decision you should not know. You don't want to ask."

Chu Feng directly left his words here, so that the Shangguan family showed a little dignified. If Chu Feng really wanted to leave the temple world temporarily, the demon emperor would surely come. And the relationship between Shangguan family and Chu Feng was very clear. What would the demon emperor do if he washed the Shangguan family?

Even if, as Chu Feng said, the demon emperor would not wash Shangguan's family with blood, but what demon Zun was really so evil that women's Yin Qi needed to nourish, the consequences must be very serious.

Of course, some people have a little anger in their hearts, that is, they feel that Chu Feng has implicated them. Of course, they just dare to slander themselves in their hearts and ask them to speak out. Few people have such courage.

"I'll go with you!"

We talked in a low voice for a while, Shangguan Jiayan first said: "I believe that fengshao is true. Although we are not familiar with that demon Zun, it is certainly not generally powerful to make fengshao so dignified, so I choose to leave with fengshao."

Shangguan Jiayan has already made a statement, and some people have become loose.

Shangguan also opened his mouth at this time: "well, if that demon Zun can't even control the demon emperor, our Shangguan family will be under the temple. Isn't it better for us to withdraw all tonight?"

It is indeed a way to go all the way, but it will make the demon emperor angry. When the time comes, it will inevitably spread the anger to the whole temple world. If the Shangguan family stays, Chu Feng knows that the demon emperor will feel that he does not care about anyone in the temple world. In this way, destroying the temple world has no meaning for him.

It's far better than holding them firmly, so anyone can leave the temple world, not the Shangguan family.

Of course, the idea of being a superior official of the Chu family was not offensive to him.

Just spread out his hands: "I have other plans. Of course, these are your decisions. If you want to go or stay, you are free. I just want to express my meaning."

"Don't listen to him." At this time, Shangguan Jinghong suddenly broke in and was robbed of the potential God army in the secret place of morning light. At the moment, he was only angry: "it's good to say that it's for the sake of Shangguan's family, but now it's saying that only part of the women can be taken away. I think Chu Feng has ulterior motives. It's nonsense that what demon emperor comes to demon respect evil."

"The temple world is the world most valued by the God. How could she let the demon emperor mess around?"

Chu Feng narrowed his eyes. Seeing Shangguan Jinghong, he had an uncontrollable killing chance. He would think of the dead feiyuxin. Moreover, LV Wan in the temple world valued it. But since the fall of the four elders and he took over the hermit world, Lu Wan had not paid attention to it. Moreover, what Lu Wan really valued was the original place, the earth!

Shangguan Jinghong was not informed, but suddenly came, and said such words. Shangguan Mingheng narrowed his eyes and felt the murderous opportunity of chufeng jumping. His heart thumped and gave Shangguan a look of chasing the sun.

Shangguan chased the sun in his heart, but he also knew what his father meant. He raised his hand and slapped him on the face of Shangguan Jinghong: "get out of here. There is nothing you can do.""Father Shangguan startled Hong was slapped, and immediately more angry. Without the so-called hypocrisy in the past, he was no different from a Madman: "Chu Feng is a wolf calf, a man without conscience, a bastard who has no relatives. We can't believe his words, and the demon emperor certainly won't come."

This time, Shangguan was angry at the pursuit of the sun. He slapped Shangguan Jinghong in the face again and threw him out directly. Chu Feng didn't speak, but it didn't mean he didn't exist. If Shangguan Jinghong said these words foolishly, it was no different from looking for death.

The house is quiet for a while, but you can still hear Shangguan Jinghong's crazy cry outside. Shangguan looks embarrassed: "demon, don't argue with Jinghong. In addition, please take my wife away. I believe what you said."

"No way!" Chu Feng did not speak, saran suddenly took Shangguan's hand and shook his head: "we agreed to share weal and woe, now the demon emperor is likely to come, how can I let you stay alone to face the danger."

This time Shangguan was very firm in chasing the sun. He held saran's hand and said without any doubt: "this is not the time to be capricious. If what the devil said is true, the demon Zun will definitely choose the women of Shangguan family. When you stay, don't you make me more embarrassed?"

Saran looks stiff and has a slight pain in her heart. She has been treated by situ Twilight cloud once. If she is honored by any demon, she will have no face to be a man.

She didn't want to go. She wanted to face the danger together with Shangguan chasing the sun. But if there was an accident, Shangguan would surely be worse than dead, biting his lips and nodding heavily: "I promise you to go, but you must be good. If something happens to you, I will not live."

Shangguan forced to smile: "don't worry, I don't want to die, no one can let me die."

Chu Feng didn't disturb them. Some people decided to follow him or stay to find a place to hide. Chu Feng had nothing to say about it. He would protect those who believed in him, but he didn't care if he didn't believe him.

After that, more than a dozen women from the core of Shangguan family were willing to follow Chu Feng to leave temporarily, but most of them chose to stay and find their own place to hide. Obviously, they did not trust what Chu Feng said.

Chu Feng understood this, and there was nothing to say. He stood up and said, "those who are willing to follow me will stay. Others who want to rely on themselves, please leave!"

This is the Shangguan family, but no one can easily refute what Chu Feng said. All of them withdrew. Only Shangguan Mingheng and Shangguan sun chasing father and son, as well as more than a dozen Shangguan family women willing to follow Chu Feng away.

Chu Feng did not waste time. He opened the channel of the demon world and said faintly, "this is my world. Many people are in it. I have already said hello to the people inside. You can live there peacefully in the future. Of course, don't have any transgressive actions."

We all don't know where Chu Feng wants them to go, but those who are hesitant begin to go in. Shangguan Jiayan wants to say something, but think about it or forget it.

Saran stayed at the end, turned around and hugged Shangguan to pursue the sun: "promise me, it must be good."

Shangguan took a deep breath and patted afraid of saran: "go ahead, saru will follow you. You can think of it as going out to play for a period of time. When you come back, everything will be all right. We will be all right."

Saran nodded, and reluctantly let go of Shangguan chasing the sun. He thought whether he could leave with Shangguan Jinghong. However, after thinking about it, saran knew that it was impossible. It would only aggravate Chu Feng. Moreover, Chu Feng said that only women were in danger, and men were not very dangerous.

Slowly walked into the demon world, Chu wind also closed the channel completely, as if never appeared.

"The Lord of Shangguan's family, Shangguan is more or less!"

Chu Feng put more than ten Shangguan family women into the demon world. When he was about to leave, he reminded him again: "I know that most people in Shangguan family still don't trust me, and I don't expect everyone to believe me. You'd better persuade me after I leave. I've seen the evil of demon Zun!"

Shangguan Mingheng naturally believed in Chu Feng. He nodded back and said, "don't worry. I'll remind them again. If you still don't listen, please ask for more happiness."

If you want to die, who can stop it?

Chu Feng nodded slightly and left the Shangguan family without wasting time. He took Yihong in the temple to make sure there was no problem and left directly.

But when he left, he sighed a little, knowing that there were only one or two people out of ten who believed his words. The others still didn't believe it. How dare the demon emperor come from the temple world under the control of the God?

However, Chu Feng will not feel guilty. He has already reminded them that they don't believe it. Who is to blame?

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