Super Healer

Chapter 2543

In the temple world, there are black shining doors on the sky, and there is a terrible evil spirit, which makes the whole temple area and the holy city fall into panic.

They do not know what happened, why the good temple world will appear so uncomfortable evil spirit?

What's more, it's not a simple evil spirit. What's going on?

Except for some of the Shangguan family members who knew about it, all of them had put questions in their minds, but none of them affected their inner fear. It was just not long before they all stayed.

Because from the black glare channel, a revered demon domain existence flew out and landed in various places in the temple world. If you look closely, you will find that they mainly surrounded the temple area, and the demon domain army composed of tens of millions of demon domain strongmen came together, bringing extraordinary shock to the temple world.

What's more, the strongmen in the demon realm organized according to the emperor's will not only exist in the demigod period, but also are selected from the peak of the late demigod period. Up to the back, the existence of the mid demigods is rare. Such a powerful force is enough to fight any interface. But at the moment, they are only aimed at the temple world.

Then there were a few breath of the existence of the divine realm. The lower demon God, the middle demon God and the upper demon God came together, which made the temple world in fear shake a lot, because there was no sign of all this.

Isn't Chu Feng going to fight against the wild demon domain? Isn't the temple army already in the wild demon domain? Why didn't you hear the news of the war between Chu Feng and the wild demon domain, but the people from the wild demon domain came to the temple world?

They can't think of it, but it doesn't mean they are stupid. It's not a good thing for the demon Kingdom army to come to the temple world.

After being in a trance, the crowd panicked, but when the rat Zun led several lower demon gods in the demon domain to hold the passage of the temple world, all of them were in despair. The arrival of the demon Kingdom army did not give them a chance to leave the temple world.

In fear at the same time, they also began to scold Chu Feng.

Yes, they all scold Chu Feng, because in their heart, Chu Feng is now the Lord of the hidden world, so they have the responsibility to protect their safety. But now that the demon domain army has come, the temple has done nothing, even no news. They all say that Chu Feng is incompetent, asshole.

When their drinking and swearing converged into a long dragon, the breath of the two demon saints poured down from the sky, and the drinking and swearing of the whole temple world stopped completely at this moment, even silent.

The demon emperor appeared from the sky with the demon Zun, and slowly landed in front of the temple. Facing the whole temple area, you can also view the holy city from a distance.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and the demon emperor heard the endless voices of the powerful in the temple world drinking and scolding there. All of them were accusing Chu Feng of being incompetent. His expression was a little ugly. He turned to look at the temple behind him: "go and have a look!"

The body shape of demon Zun disappeared in a flash, and butterfly Zun and snake Zun also came to the demon emperor.

The former said: "demon emperor, the demon domain army has completely controlled the temple world without any resistance and obstruction. In addition, we have just checked it and found that there is no trace of the temple army, no trace of Chu Feng, or even the traces of those powerful gods under his banner."

"It's like, Chu Feng gave up the temple world and left!"

The demon emperor's lips trembled, and gently waved his hand to let diezun continue to check. He could accept the fact that Chu Feng had ambushed heavy troops and fought against him, but he could not accept the fact that Chu Feng had run away, because in that case, it was not a simple thing to find out Chu Feng in the universe.

But he does not have much time to look for it now, because the demon Zun is more and more unstable, and the demon emperor is worried that he will not be able to control him in the end.

When the butterfly Zun and the snake Zun left, the demon Zun also went back and forth, indifferently said: "there is no one!"

"Chu Feng!" The demon emperor clenched his fist, his pupils turned white, flashing a cold white light: "it seems that you already know the existence of demon Zun, but are you really so cruel to give up all the people in the temple world? Or do you think the emperor's means are too kind to destroy this place? "

In the understanding of the demon emperor, Chu Feng is a man of iron and blood, but sometimes he is indecisive, but as now he has abandoned the whole temple world. The demon emperor does not believe it, which is totally different from Chu Feng's way of doing things.

The demon emperor believed that Chu Feng would give up millions of people, but the temple world was more than millions of people. After so many years of change, hundreds of millions of creatures were few. Chu Feng was so indifferent to see them killed by himself?

The demon emperor doesn't believe it. It's hard to believe it anyway.

Clenched his fist and stood there waiting, waiting for butterfly Zun and snake Zun to bring him good news.

Not long after, snake Zun and butterfly Zun came back, and snake Zun said first: "the demon domain army searched the temple area and found that all the people in the temple area were there except Chu Feng and the people around him. Even the Shangguan family was still there. Chu Feng seemed to have given up on them."

Hearing this, the demon emperor tightened his body, which was the natural reaction of his anger to the extreme and wanted to kill people."My results are similar to those of snake Zun."

Butterfly Zun also said faintly: "there is no trace of Chu Feng and his five saints in the temple area. They all left and gave up the foundation of the original temple!"

"Demon Zun!" The demon emperor was very angry and laughed, pointing to the Shangguan family territory under the temple: "go, go with the snake Zun and invite all the core members of Shangguan family to see me. I want to see if Chu Feng really gave up everyone, even his mother's family members."

Butterfly Zun looks stiff. When he wants to speak, snake Zun has already left directly, and demon Zun also follows him. His face changes and recovers nature. He is also thinking about how to complete the things that Chu Feng explained.

Otherwise, if the demon emperor blood washed the temple area, if Chu Feng won the final victory in the future, she would certainly not forgive her inaction.

With the demon Zun following the snake Zun, all the dozens of people in the core of Shangguan's family were brought to the demon emperor. Shangguan Mingheng stood at the top of the list. Even in the face of the demon emperor, he did not mean to lower his head, but still held up his head.

"Tell me, where is Chu Feng?"

The demon emperor passed them one by one, and asked coldly, "you'd better think it over before you tell me, because I don't have any patience. Tell me that I can't kill you or tell me, I'll take you Shangguan's family first!"

Shangguan Mingheng replied: "I don't know!"

"I don't know?" The demon emperor was stunned at the speech, and then laughed and said, "you are the master of Shangguan Mingheng and Shangguan family? Do you think I will believe what you say? You are all human beings whose blood is thicker than water. You are chufeng's maternal grandfather. Your Shangguan family is Chu Feng's mother's family. Do you know where he went

"I won't believe it. Tell me, or you'll all die!"

With the death word export, the spirit of the demon emperor's holy land was like a mountain on the people of Shangguan family, which meant that everyone in Shangguan family would be wiped out if there was a disagreement.

"Demon emperor!" Diezun knew it was time to speak. He organized his words and said, "I don't think it's necessary to kill them. Chu Feng wants to escape us. Obviously, he has enough time to prepare, but he just took his people, not all the people in the temple."

"I guess Chu Feng doesn't care about their life and death at all. Otherwise, he will never let them stay in the temple world. Now, if you kill them, you'd better leave them."

The demon emperor narrowed his eyes, and his eyes passed the butterfly Zun with evil eyes.

Diezun did not dare to betray the truth and said: "because Chu Feng abandoned them, and we heard many people in the temple world scold Chu Feng for his incompetence. Obviously, he hated chufeng and left by himself. A group of people who hate Chu Feng will not necessarily bring us benefits, but they will definitely not bring us any harm."

The demon emperor scattered some seeping momentum and asked indifferently, "be specific."

"Let them hate Chu Feng even more!" Butterfly Zun raised her delicate face and whispered back: "human beings are selfish creatures. They can only see the damage they have suffered, and they absolutely do not know that others may also be in danger. Now people in the temple world are basically like this. They only see that they are controlled by the demon domain Army, and they can't see why Chu Feng abandoned them."

"So I think you shouldn't kill people at this time. You can completely control the temple world and even the hidden world with bloodless weapons. At that time, it's better to use their hatred of Chu Feng to control them. Isn't it better for you to rule over the heaven and the world?"

After catching the opportunity of killing the demon emperor, diezun added: "after all, the hidden world is the first of the five forbidden areas. If you take it without causing blood loss, others will praise the demon emperor for your benevolence and righteousness, and despise Chu Feng's shameless abandonment of the hidden world."

At that moment, the demon emperor really wanted to kill all the people of Shangguan family to vent his annoyance that he couldn't find Chu Feng. However, after listening to diezun's words, he thought it was very reasonable to kill a group of people who hate Chu Feng now. It was better to leave them to show their benevolence and magnanimity, which is good for ruling all the heaven and earth in the future.

Then a thought of the demon emperor's heart gradually scattered, can be regarded as accepted the butterfly Zun's explanation.

"Diezun was right. I didn't mean to kill you at all. Those who were abandoned by Chu Feng might be the ones he wanted to kill. So I kept you, and I also wanted to disgust Chu Feng."

"Who wants to be my spokesman in the hidden world? I can make him the king of martial arts in the temple with only one condition. I can help me discredit Chu Feng, so that I can completely control the hidden world

Diezun's face changed slightly, and she knew the evil mind of the demon emperor. But as long as the demon Emperor didn't kill people, she would finish what Chu Feng had told her. As for the demon emperor's choice of people to take charge of the temple, diezun didn't want to pay attention to it, and she thought that no one would agree?

But just when she was just thinking like this, Shangguan Jinghong, standing behind Shangguan's pursuit of the sun, suddenly came out and raised a hand: "noble demon emperor, I am willing to serve you!"

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