Super Healer

Chapter 2545

When night falls, Chu Feng and Bai he come out of the small world of the secret place of morning light. The secret place of morning light at night is very quiet. Most people will not choose to go on the road at night. Therefore, no one is aware of the appearance of Chu Feng and Bai He at this moment.

"Master, where are we going now?"

White lotus looked around the black paint smeared, a woman's instinctive nature let her close to Chu Feng's side a little, asked softly.

Chufeng touches his chin and looks at the East and the West. To the west is the entrance and exit of the temple world, and the East is the entrance and exit of Xuanyuan family. Now it takes two days for the demon emperor to ask the Shangguan Jinghong to go to Xuanyuan family. In these two days, Chu Feng can do a lot of things.

As for the temple world, Chu Feng didn't worry much. It can be seen that the demon emperor has accepted the advice of butterfly Zun and will not carry out bloody killing in the temple world. The most difficult demon Zun also follows Shangguan Jinghong into the secret land of dawn, so Chu Feng has no intention of worrying.

The corner of the mouth raised a smile and said: "you go to Xuanyuan family, find the emperor, tell him what happened, let him gather the main members of the Xuanyuan family, the rest of them are to be dismissed, and I will catch up after I meet the demon Zun."

"What?" White lotus smell speech look a surprised: "are you crazy?"

Chu Feng originally planned to do well. He looked at Bai He with astonishment and almost doubted whether he had heard him wrong: "that, what did you say? I didn't hear you clearly. "

"Nothing!" Bai He's face turned red, and she was a little nervous. She said those words just now when she heard Chu Feng say that she would go to meet the demon Zun. But Chu Feng asked her to say it again. Bai He still didn't have the courage.

However, she didn't say those words casually, because she already knew the origin of the demon Zun. It used to be suppressed by three saints of heaven, and it was still the taboo of Lu Wan and twins. Now Chu Feng is only one person. Of course, no matter how powerful he is, she has no chance of winning?

Chu Feng looks at Bai He's cramped appearance and squints his eyes. He just can't say what's wrong with him for a while.

Also did not go to investigate Bai He said, Chu Feng unquestionably said: "go, demon Zun recovery has been several days, I know he is very strong, but want to see how strong he is, or to make the next plan."

"Master White lotus did not immediately rush to Xuanyuan secret place, puzzled of the mouth: "you for the taboo demon God, in the universe is a killing God like figure, now you are deterred a lot of people, but I believe in their hearts to you or there is vigilance, after all, few people know, all this is a vain conspiracy."

Chu Feng took a look at Bai He with great interest. He didn't expect that Bai He would suddenly ask such a question.

However, she is right. The demons' extermination is a conspiracy of nothingness, and it has been a legend that is hard to change after so many eras. It is impossible to let the universe know the truth. After all, nothingness does not exist. It is not a person. Even if it is said, no one will believe it.

Chu Feng also understood the meaning of Bai He, that is why he wasted his spirit to protect the heaven and the world, protecting a group of people who complained and were vigilant against him, even those who wanted him to die.

When Bai He was staring at him subconsciously, Chu Feng said, "Bai He, you have been with me for some time. Sometimes you don't need any reason to do some things. As long as you can live up to your conscience, I'd rather bear the responsibility of the people in the world than the people in the world. It won't happen to me."

White lotus raised his head, see Chu wind did not look at himself, also asked: "that master, what will happen to you?"

"If the people in the world are negative to me, I will not be negative to the people in the world!" Chu Feng is silent for a while, extremely calm return a way.

Pat Bai He on the shoulder: "so go ahead, and there are your father and your people in Zhongzhou. If you allow the demon emperor to develop, all the heaven and earth will fall into disaster. At that time, no one wants to be alone, and there are some things you don't understand. When you understand, you will know why I did that."

As for the inconvenience and Bai He said, the nothingness may not have been sealed by Lu Wan, and the wormholes in the starry sky are countless times more harmful than the demon emperor.

Because the development of the demon emperor is at most a loss of life, and the development of nothingness and wormholes will lead to the collapse of the world. Therefore, Chu Feng is going to do something. Others can not love him, but he loves those people and doesn't want them to disappear in this world in this era.

After a simple instruction, Chu Feng didn't waste time. The magic light wings spread out and went to the West in an instant. Shangguan Jinghong and the demon domain army had already stepped into the morning light secret place, but the morning light secret place was too vast. Even if they kept working day and night with the help of demon Zun, they needed the fastest two days. At this time, Chu Feng wanted to prove something.

Then decide whether to go to Chang'e and Lu Wan!

"If the people in the world are negative to me, I will not be negative to the people in the world?"

Bai He still stays in place, looking at the night sky where Chu Feng has disappeared. She repeats what Chu Feng said just now. Bai He doesn't understand what kind of spiritual state it is, but she overthrows her conjecture about Chu Feng all the time.Taboo demons not only did not disappear, but also maintain the stability of the universe. Who is the God of killing and who is the devil?

There was a door of dazzling light in front of her. If Chu Feng was here at the moment, his jaw would fall down, because the door of dazzling light was the channel of all worlds, and only the existence above the sage of heaven could open it.

Bai He, who walked into it, only left a very calm speech in the night sky: "Chu Feng, I really want to know what kind of person you are. Can you really change your destiny and not kill the world?"

At the moment, Chu Feng has gone out thousands of miles away, but stopped in the night sky and looked back at the road he had just come to. He felt something wrong just now, but what could be wrong?

Bai He is now promoted and firmly cultivated in the realm of upper God. There are only a few people who can hurt her in the world of heaven and earth. I don't think there will be any problem.

After dispelling the idea of something wrong in his heart, Chu Feng continued to go to the West. The speed was so fast that the naked eye could not detect it, and even the powerful people could not detect it.

It was not long before I came to a vast and endless forest. Standing on the top of the sky and hiding in the thick clouds, because below was the place where the army of demon domain rested temporarily, you could feel the rolling and moving evil spirit all the time. Besides, there was no human flavor in the surrounding area except for the smell of the strong in the demon domain.

While shielding all the breath, Chu Feng's left eye twinkled to observe the situation below. Soon, he saw Shangguan Jinghong and demon Zun in a cave deep in the forest.

Without any accident, the demon Zun is galloping on the demon domain women at the moment, and there are already two dried up corpses of demon domain women beside them. Shangguan Jinghong stands there and looks at it. There is no excitement in his face when he is used by the demon emperor, but only fear.

Because he had not arrived at Xuanyuan secret place, Shangguan Jinghong went to find three demon domain women for the demon Zun. Those demon domain women heard that they were going to serve the demon Zun. All of them came running. But after the first woman was trampled to death, the other two wanted to escape, but how could they still run away?

With a hard time swallowing and salivating, Shangguan startled Hong to know that there was absolutely something wrong with the demon Zun. He did not say a word, but just acted like a beast. Moreover, the women he had trampled died and could not die again, just like mummies.

At this moment, he finally understood that he was played by the demon emperor, but it was too late to know.

With a roar, the demon Zun finally stopped on the woman in the third demon domain. He stood up calmly and put on his clothes. His eyes were cold and gloomy. There was no human color, just like a beast, a beast without human nature.

Shangguan Jinghong excites the spirit. Although the demon emperor said not to worry, don't be afraid, but demon Zun is a saint. How can Shangguan Jinghong's heart not be afraid?

The tone can hear the shaking: "demon lord, are you satisfied?"

The demon Zun looked at Shangguan Jinghong slowly. It was just a look that made Shangguan Jinghong step back subconsciously. Even a cold sweat appeared on his forehead. He was afraid that demon Zun would stab him to death with one finger.

In Shangguan's frightened mood, demon Zun opened his mouth: "not satisfied!"

The Shangguan startled Hong's expression coagulates, looks at the three corpses on the ground, raises his hand to let them turn into dust, has already died three people, the demon Zun is still not satisfied, how much will it be satisfied?

Are you looking or not?

Shangguan Jinghong was thinking about it in his heart, but he soon made a decision. If he didn't look for it, what would he do if the demon Zun killed him? What's more, what's more, the dead are not their own people, or the women in the demon realm. What's more, they don't need too much consideration. After going to Xuanyuan secret place, they will find Xuanyuan family women for demon Zun.

"Wait a moment, Demon Lord. I'll find ten for you this time!"

Immediately, a decision was made. The Shangguan Jinghong was about to go to find a woman for the demon Zun. But just after two steps, a gust of wind swept by. The Shangguan Jinghong thought that it was the demon Zun who wanted to attack himself. Subconsciously, he held his head in his hands: "Lord demon, although you are a demon, we are all male!"

But the next moment, Shangguan Jinghong found that the demon Zun didn't want to attack himself, but went outside the cave and looked up to the sky at night.

There was a slight difference in his heart. Shangguan Jinghong also went out to see what was special in the night sky: "demon lord, what's the matter?"

"Familiar taste!" The demon Zun opened his mouth indifferently, and the huge wings spread behind him. The power generated in that moment made a big tree not far away directly broken, and the demon Zun also rose up in the air directly. The speed was so fast that the Shangguan Jinghong couldn't react at all.

When the Shangguan startled Hong's reaction, where was the demon Zun's figure? What direction did he go? He looked more flustered and quickly passed the news to the demon emperor.

And the demon emperor who knew the news not only did not blame Shangguan Jinghong, but also let him rest assured, and soon the demon Zun would come back.

In this regard, Shangguan startled Hong Yuejia's confusion, demon Zun, what did you do?

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