Super Healer

Chapter 2548

Xuanyuan family, when Chu Feng arrived, it was noon. We could see that all the Xuanyuan family members were walking back and forth in a hurry. We didn't notice Chu Feng. We only thought that they wanted to go to the temple world through the passage to the secret place of morning light.

Chu Feng looked for a while, and her brow also slowly wrinkled up.

The temple army is expected to arrive at Xuanyuan secret place this evening. Although Xuanyuan family is in a tense situation, Chu Feng doesn't feel their panic and doesn't mean to leave Xuanyuan holy land. What is going on?

Last night, he asked Bai He to come to inform him that at least half of the Xuanyuan family had left. How could he stay here?

For the time being, he didn't go to find anyone in Xuanyuan family. Chu fengmi Yin contacted Bai He, and then he went to sit under a big tree and waited for Baihe to arrive. Baihe would not violate his explanation. But now the Xuanyuan family members have no intention of withdrawing. Chu Feng thinks there must be something wrong.

Before long, white lotus fell from the sky, did not attract other people's attention, went to the front of Chu Feng, slightly bowed over a deep white: "master!"

Chu Feng looked around and there was no one else. His eyes fell on Bai He's body: "what's going on? Didn't you look for the emperor? "

"Yes, but the emperor is not in Xuanyuan secret place." Bai He kept a respectful look and said, "so I went to find Princess duckweed, who is the leader of the Xuanyuan family. However, she did not listen to me, and asked you to tell her something in person. Otherwise, don't want to withdraw from Xuanyuan family."

Xuanyuan duckweed Chu Feng naturally remembers that there was a little misunderstanding between them, but later it did not exist.

But now the demon domain army will come to the Xuanyuan family at any time. Xuanyuan duckweed doesn't hurry to let the Xuanyuan family evacuate. What do you want him to do? What's going on?

Emperor and Xuanyuan frown

Xuanyuan duckweed is only the third generation figure of Xuanyuan family. There are her father Xuanyuan 3000 and her grandfather Xuanyuan emperor. According to the reason, the two people can decide when Xuanyuan duckweed has such great power?

White lotus came one night, obviously already made clear, and replied: "the God Emperor elder is said to have left Xuanyuan secret place not long ago. As for 3000 elders, they are not interested in these things. In addition, the reason why Xuanyuan Yifu fell down all the affairs of Xuanyuan family are temporarily replaced by Princess duckweed before xuanyuanlang grows up."

"Her meaning is very clear, what you say."

Listen to the meaning of Bai He, Xuanyuan duckweed seems to have a little opinion on him, but Chu Feng feels that he and Xuanyuan duckweed have no grudges. Moreover, Xuanyuan jiaorui was arrested in the temple world at first, or he saved it. Xuanyuan duckweed is not grateful, so what is this?

Stand up, Chu Feng did not waste time to ask Bai He, because Bai He may not know what Xuanyuan duckweed is thinking. Now she can only find her to get some useful information.

Directly soared into the air and arrived at Xuanyuan duckweed's bedroom in the direction of memory. At a glance, she saw Xuanyuan duckweed sitting in the back garden without any one.

With the white lotus direct landing down, sitting there Xuanyuan duckweed lightly looked at Chu Feng, and then moved away from her eyes, as if she had never seen Chu Feng, and regarded him as a transparent person.

Seeing Xuanyuan duckweed like this, Chu Feng is more sure that Xuanyuan duckweed must have some opinions on him. After thinking about it, he thinks about it. Two people appear in the garden, Xuanyuan Huining and Xuanyuan jiaorui.

Xuanyuan duckweed, who was still sitting, stood up at once: "Huining, jiaorui?"

She just saw Chu Feng and Bai He. She was very surprised that Chu Feng and Xuanyuan duckweed in the demon world came from. Where did Xuanyuan Huining and Xuanyuan jiaorui come from.

Xuanyuan jiaorui and Xuanyuan jiaorui are still practicing in the demon world. Suddenly, they are called out by Chu Feng. They are also curious. Xuanyuan jiaorui goes to Xuanyuan duckweed and looks back at Chu Feng. They don't understand: "little wind. What happened? Aren't you going to take Xuanyuan family away?"

Chu Feng spread his hands and looked like I didn't know anything: "I'm going to take part of Xuanyuan family, but your mother doesn't seem to like it very much."

"What's the matter, mother?" What does chufeng want Xuanyuan family to do? Xuanyuan jiaorui knows, so when hearing Chu Feng's words, she looks curiously at Xuanyuan duckweed: "the million demon domain army will soon arrive at Xuanyuan secret place. The leader is still Chu Feng's wolf like cousin and the evil demon Zun. What else do you want to do if you don't leave?"

Xuanyuan duckweed frowned and loosened the hand held by Xuanyuan jiaorui, and frowned deeply: "jiaorui, when did you learn to speak for Chu Feng?" Then a startle pointed to Chu Feng: "said, did he do anything to you?"

I still want to let Xuanyuan jiaorui talk to her mother. I don't want Xuanyuan duckweed to say such a sentence. Chu Feng is full of black lines. This is the extreme contempt for this little character!

She coughed and said, "Princess duckweed, I haven't even held your daughter's hand. It's meaningless for you to say this. Now the demon domain army is coming. I came to Xuanyuan family for the sake of emperor shenhuang and Huining. I didn't come here to despise me. It made me feel as if I had done something to your daughter."Just finish saying Chu Feng felt the whole body has a little cold, subconsciously look, just and Xuanyuan jiaorui's eyes touch together, that look in the eyes has the color of shame and contempt.

Chu Feng is shocked, why do you want to look at me like this? It seems to forget that when Xuanyuan jiaorui was close to him, he ate people thoroughly, so he had to whip his horse.


Xuanyuan jiaorui saw Chu Feng's look and knew that this son of a bitch must have forgotten his shameless deeds. He cut him hard and didn't have the mind to investigate for the time being. He took Xuanyuan duckweed's hand: "you'd better inform all the family members to prepare to leave, otherwise the demon domain army will come, Xuanyuan family will suffer a lot, and you will be the family sinner."

Xuanyuan duckweed eyebrows slightly frown, but no longer doubt what Chu Feng has done to Xuanyuan jiaorui. She just wants her to leave Xuanyuan family, or even leave with others. Xuanyuan duckweed is hesitant.

This is the place where the Xuanyuan family has lived for endless years. Now she has just taken over the place. How can she give up so easily? Demon domain army is coming, but Xuanyuan's children are not built, right?

Furthermore, Xuanyuan duckweed glared at Chu Feng and said, "aren't you the Lord of the hidden world? Now the demon domain army is going to attack the hidden world. As the leader of the hidden world, shouldn't you do something, just take us to escape? What's the matter? You're a coward. Do you know that your escape will make many people die

This is also the most irritating point in Xuanyuan duckweed's heart. They can directly leave or even escape, but what about other people?

As the leader of the hidden world, Chu Feng didn't want to fight the enemy when the demon domain army arrived, but wanted to hide first. What about the safety of the endless hidden creatures? Xuanyuan duckweed thinks Chu Feng is an irresponsible son of a bitch. She doesn't pay attention to other people's lives at all, so she starts to let Bai He have something to let Chu Feng tell her.

Seeing the meaning of Xuanyuan duckweed, Chu Feng probably understood her mind: "duckweed princess, do you think I want to escape?"

"Isn't it?" Xuanyuan duckweed asked.

"No!" Chu Feng firmly nodded and said, "if I have the assurance of winning, even half of the hope I will try my best, but last night I went to find the demon Zun to have a simple test. Do you know what the result is?"

Hearing Chu Feng have made efforts, Xuanyuan duckweed looks relaxed a little: "what result?"

"I was abused as a dog!" Chu Feng didn't mean to be embarrassed. He said something about last night: "if it wasn't for the mysterious man who saved me, maybe I'm dead now. The demon Zun is strong enough to hold the three saints. This is not an empty word. I have already experienced it last night."

"Do you want me to resist or do you want me to die? Now there is no certainty that I will win. Is it wrong for me to choose a temporary strength to reduce losses? "

When Xuanyuan duckweed was surprised that Chu Feng, as a saint, would be defeated, Chu Feng continued: "you may say that there are 100000 gods in the demon Kingdom army, but I am very responsible to tell you that one finger of a saint is enough to stab a hundred thousand troops. This is a confrontation of peak strength, not a number of people can dominate! So if you can't go, you can do it yourself! "

After all, Chu Feng doesn't want to say anything more. Xuanyuan duckweed believes his words, so there is no need to explain it.

Last night, only Bai He knew about Chu Feng's visit to demon Zun, but what she and Xuanyuan Huining didn't know was that Chu Feng was almost killed by demon Zun, and Chu Feng, a saint of heaven, was almost killed by demon Zun. How powerful is that demon Zun?

Even Xuanyuan duckweed, who was angry with Chu Feng's behavior, calmed down and did not suspect that Chu Feng was cheating him, because Chu Feng did not step down on himself to deceive her.

And if all this is true, and the demon Zun is really so evil, what will happen to Xuanyuan family when it comes to Xuanyuan family, plus the abnormal psychopath of Shangguan Jinghong?

Don't think about it. Xuanyuan duckweed knows that it is definitely a tragic result. She looks a little nervous: "how long will they be here? I'll tell my grandfather and father about this. After all, without my grandfather's instruction, I may not be able to mobilize all the members of Xuanyuan family!"

"Within ten hours, it will be there!" Chu Feng's appearance in Xuanyuan's secret place is a kind of risk, which may be detected by the demon emperor at any time. Therefore, he also said in a short way: "in addition, I will not take away all the Xuanyuan family members. You just need to select the most important person. As for the others, dissolve temporarily and let them hide!"

"You should do it as soon as possible. I will come back in a few hours. If you still choose not to leave, I won't force it!"

Xuanyuan duckweed heard only ten hours, in the heart slightly surprised, and heard Chu Feng want to leave first, surprised way: "where are you going, you are not waiting here?"

"I can't be in one place for a long time." In addition to the demon world, Chu Feng is likely to be found no matter where he is. However, he did not explain too much: "so you can do it yourself. As for me to go to the hidden world judgment office first, it is not you who are important.""Baihe, stay and wait. I'll come when I go."

Finish saying that Chu Feng did not waste any more time, directly disappeared between the flash body, invisible!

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